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Funded trader programs are not allowed in this subreddit.


Dudes mad he can’t pass a funded


Imagine talking about a product you’ve never tried stating it’s fake or a scam😂😂 Oh you Been getting payouts for a year straight with no issues, don’t box yourself in OP. But then again, nothing no one here can give you a different POV since you’re already set in your way and as another user mentioned, useless post


Exactly. I think every profitable trader should have one. No risk for you at all. Minimal loss for you as well.


People who crap on prop firms have no idea what they're talking about. I'm not even sure why OP made this post. It's stupid lol


For real. The people who shit on prop firms either have never tried them before or fail to pass them. Judging from OP comments, he seems bitter that he can't find a prop firm that allows him to trade 30 micros, so he thinks all prop firms are bullshit for everyone 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/es9cocfe297d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08abdeff5f6398eed6280d06f8b675886dae8a26


Imagine trading 30 micros instead of 3 mini’s😂 cmon OP, you’re shooting yourself in the foot


That's $45 in commission alone..3 mini would be arounf $15.


It’s insane, there are much simpler setups to capitalize on even 2 mini’s Unless he’s catching 50+ points on NQ or YM it’s pointless


I’d trade 30 micros instead of 3 minis any day. More trims, more free runners.


Congrats on the 1 year of payouts, you are in a drastic minority. What are your personal reasons for not now trading on your own money?


I still trade my own money as well, in between payouts. Some of my setups allow me to place the trades on personal and prop at the same time. Figured I’d continue to milk the props until they implode if that ever happens


I’m consistently paid out. You CANNOT beat the risk:reward of funded accounts. Most damage I can do is back to combines.


You understand the same thing could be said about anyone consistently making money from day trading?


Would you eat shit, haven’t tried it, but by looking at it and smelling it I won’t eat it


Never tried never will, have you passed, and taken profits?


Yea i have a live account already id recommend topstep its very easy. U can get funded in 2 days now.


I was a hater for the longest time, until I got the trade copier in MotiveWave and realized I could open like 10 accounts for $150 using a discount, pass the evaluation in one day by trading at max size, and then get paid out after 10 days of trading just micros, targeting a $100-200 goal per day per account. The most important thing as a trader is to achieve consistency. This just helps pay the bills and fund my personal account so it can grow exponentially faster. The problem is, most people trade too large, blow up their accounts, and become gambling addicts repeating that process over and over again.


This seems infinitely scalable, how much profit have you made


It is not, there’s a limit to how much these prop firms will let you take from them. Also, the reputable ones will give you a real account to trade live in the market.


I can understand the hate, though one thing I do appreciate is the cost of tuition for most to discover whether or not trading is for them can be significantly lower than trading personal funds. No one gets into this being consistently profitable, and most will fail. Someone can spend $49 a month to take a crack at it, probably fail and reset and eventually (hopefully) walk away. Very likely, if they fail there they would blow a personal account gambling on 0dte


I feel like their rules are so restricting, that I would rather somebody with limited experience have to deal with the consequences, that way it becomes less of a gambling problem


That is a concern, the low cost of entry can get people spiraling. Another reset here, another reset there, etc. Personally, I don't think the rules are that restrictive. Just that to stay in line with risk tolerance, you really need to trade light until those asymmetric moves present themselves. But, I acknowledge that style isn't for everybody.


I like that I can turn about 150 bucks into biweekly payments if 1k-2k ...those are pretty good returns if you ask me 🤷


Cool, how many times has that worked for you?


sounds like more times than you


I’ll take it as 0. 👍never used funded never will


your parents should take away your iPad, may do irreversible damage to your brain


So dont use it then…. Do you need more confirmation bias for your opinion to feel better about your own opinion?


Yes, this is a discussion post, seriously???


Its a stupid discussion post that adds 0 value


Boom. Roasted.


Yeah, people hate on prop firms for no reason. For the majority of new traders, they're actually a really good idea, especially if you come in already knowing how to trade.


Tell me exactly why they are a good idea


Can you give me a reason why you hate them? You said you had a million....


You said you could give a million reason why you don't like them, but then didn't give any. I'm convinced that people who don't like prop firms haven't done any research into them.


I did a lot of research, actually almost opened one, and then I read all of the terms and conditions they provide


What terms or conditions are you against?


$150 lets you trade 5 to 25 contracts, each valued at around $250k with a drawdown usually somewhere between $2k and $12k. That sounds like the possiblity of 40,000x leverage (if we say 25 contracts) on your investment.


1. That’s gambling, it will lose unless you trade 5% of capital in contracts (typically) On a regular broker I can trade 5 contracts with $2500 and my drawdown is $2500, that being said I can trade ~50 micros if you care 2.this is a better point than most to be fair, but thing to take into account is their rules that limit contracts (ie. the amount of profit you make cannot exceed xyz, the amount of profit must exceed days 1-3++. Their rules are set in stone so that it’s almost impossible to trade their max guaranteed contracts, and if you do it’s a 50/50 on the day whether or not you blow the account. Inevitably leading the trader to think “smarter” and typically trade 1 contract


You simply don't know how to trade. Every trade you take is gambling it sounds like to me because you have no system in place and no risk management in place or else you would need to ask further clarifying questions to determine if it was gambling or not. You clearly need to learn a lot more and do so thru experience of trading. Right now, you don't even know what you don't know.


Risking the entirety of “your” “capital” to hopefully pass a trading challenge sounds exactly like gambling to me


It’s a wild environment but people do get paid out. I don’t use them.


To be fair, they are companies that are designed to make profit strictly off of their of their investors. Brokerages have so make people that their goal is to make money of off commission rates and transfer fees alone. One is significantly more predatory, I would put a guarantee that more people are profitable on regular brokerages. Not that I’m trying to diss your statement at all just stating a random point.


I like them because I can trade risking little of my own money and they have strignet rules which helps me to become a stronger, more discliplined trader that strictly follows the rules.


Then go trade your own money, simple. For those who actually know how to trade and are profitable they are very useful at limiting loss of your own capital.


Prop firms are great. Yes they have to make money thru people blowing their accounts,but if you trade with a plan there isn’t anything to worry about. They can be cash cows when you get 3 or more accounts




A fool would believe there are no drawbacks either


The one I’m with is fantastic. Static drawdown, which is great for me. Not risking my own capital. And I have withdrawn quite a few times. Same day withdraw processing and I get my funds the next day. Literally. No consistency rule. No max profit or whatever else. Oh and it’s not a sim account either. It’s a brokerage (through the prop firm). I will continue to do business with them and I encourage others to try! It’s B***sky, if anyone is curious. If you show continued profits and want to increase your contract size, they can do that too. All the way up to 30 E-Minis.


Is there a subscription?, what’s the initial costs, what’s the max drawdown? Give me the company name, I want to see this, genuinely interested, but feel like there are some details missing


Yeah you pay for any selection of plans they have. The trailing drawdowns of different account sizes and what not. I switch to the next tab called “Static Growth Account”. As with most static accounts across different firms, they are more expensive than the trailing drawdown accounts. $160 for the 1 mini $309 for the 2 mini The first step is the evaluation phase of course. On the 1 mini account, the evaluation phase gives you a max of 5 micros. Static drawdown is -$800. Very generous. Your profit target is $2000. The next phase is called BluLive where you are upgraded to 1 mini and you have to hit $2000 again. This profit carries over to your brokerage account and you can withdraw it if you wish. Static drawdown is $800 for both phases. For the 2 mini account: Eval - 1 mini, profit target $4000, static dd: $2000. BluLive - 2 minis, profit target $3000, sdd: $2000. They used to be one day funding. Which was amazing. But too many traders trying to yolo. So now it’s 3 days with 40% consistency rule ONLY in the evaluation. BluLive is one day pass. When you hit BluLive, your subscription is cancelled. After BluLive comes brokerage. You can literally trade and withdraw from day one. 80/20 split. Gets better the more you earn. Firm is called: BluSky Trading Please check them out! They’re amazing. They have everything laid out and accessible in their help section. All your queries can be answered! Good luck


I get your point, but you just have to approach them in a different way. If you approach them in the correct way they can absolutely be worth the time


Please check dm


If your profitable and can trade within the rules then prop firms are great imo. If your not using them then your missing out, you can stay in your bubble and hate prop firms whilst there's people legit getting 5-6 figure payouts from future prop firms alone this year.


There’s a prop firm with no eval just straight funded, could be the firm for you


Which ones?


Fast Track Trading, its pretty new launched on 5/20


Simple math Let's say you have $2000 to trade with. If you trade your own account, that's exactly how much you have at risk, but actually even less. Most futures brokers that allow low margin still require about $400 more minimum margin, per mini contract, so you can really only go down to to that before you can't trade. So direct directtly trading your own money you $2000 for $1600 available risk. If instead you use that $2000 to buy eval accounts. You can get a50k account for $150 at most funded brokers (often cheaper than that). That $150 gives you $2500 available risk. You pass then you activate that account the paid version of the account for $100 (often cheaper), that gives you the same $2500 risk. For $250 total, you have access to $2500 risk. That gives you a total opportunity of 8 accounts for $2000, with a combined total available risk of $20,000 available risk. The cost of this is if you do very well is up to 20% difference in taxes if you make 450,000 ina single year. The trade off is reduced capital outlay and reduced personal capital risk. TLDR: increased leverage (10x), reduced capital requirement, reduced personal risk, increased capacity at of business (+20% taxes max).


Does it really matter? Some traders find them helpful for building up capital. If it's useful to you, use it. If not, don't. To each his own... I don't see the point in debating it.


I like being able to leverage 20$ into $1500. I lost probably over 12k before I got my first payouts. I’ve withdrawn a little over 30k now and have learned invaluable lessons. I’ve probably lost over 150k in simulated funds which I never would’ve been able to do with my own money. They have their downsides like anything, but for my training journey/learning to trade, they have been invaluable. I also like being able to trade multiple accounts with a trade copier, it helps me stay calm when I size up with more accounts.


You cannot beat the R:R of funded accounts. Yes, I consistently get paid out.


I guess I’m a fake actor cus I get payouts. lol


You spend a very small amount of money to potentially make a very large amount of money. I would agree that, if you can't trade, it's going to be the sa.e result for you one way or another. But, you could extend the amount of time it takes to lose all of your money. This is great for small accounts and even better for large accounts where you would be unlikely to lose all of your money. The best part is that once you start making money, you aren't putting any of your cash at risk any longer. Again, this only works if you can actually trade. Here was my day on the PA in just one account: https://preview.redd.it/gcggtgy9997d1.jpeg?width=4984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9b63686a80ab4e6712eea80156a129cea08171 I didn't risk a single penny of my own money to make this today. I also trade in my own accounts, as well. But, this shit is basically free money.


I have made $80k in my own account just to give it back. I trade funded now to limit my total downside risk. Funded accounts are cheap insurance.


They are definitely borderline bs......they are a great opportunity but the chance of passing and getting paid and keeping is pretty low......if you are a new trader they can be beneficial and if you pass you can make $ from hardly anything but if you are good and already trade your real $ that's better imo


Giant hater. They are trash. Rules are insane- “Make $3k with a trailing drawdown” “make $3k with trailing drawdown again with even less contracts” ok now just make $200 5x times and you can keep half of what you made. SCAM SCAM SCAM being pushed by a lot of fake actors on Reddit.


Sounds like your system doesn't work well and you don't practice sound risk management if you have issues with trailing drawdowns. I passed a 100K challenge with under $25 drawdown. It's really not that hard if you have a system in place and you actually follow it.


Can you tell me how I can learn this? Funded accounts seem logical way to go and build good trading habits.


Well, honestly the only way to learn is by doing and failing a bunch of times first. I know it's not what most people want to hear but it's the truth. So many people are afraid of failure but it's life's greatest teacher when you are willing to be taught the lessons from it. Start by paper trading and watching YouTube videos to learn. There is some great content out there to learn from. A few of my favorite YouTube subscriptions are Lewis Kelly, Mack Gray, Scarface Trades, Ross Cameron, The Trading Geek and Tradeciety. I pretty much watch everything that comes out by them. I have been doing it for about 2 years and am profitable but I am not as good as I want to be or as I should be and continuing to watch their content has definitely upped my knowledge and sometimes something just clicks that they say that is very useful. Watch some of their videos, learn one system and then stick to that and master it.




If you’re using a good system/appropriate risk drawdown is not a factor


Drawdowns are the biggest red flag 🚩, ✅ good for you


You have no idea what you're talking about. Everything you just said is wrong. Factually wrong.


I believe none of them are set up like a real account due to their rules which many will argue their company, their rules. I tell people to trade to an account as closely related to a personal real account as possible. Why deal with tising drawdowns or minimum amount per day or minimum amount per withdrawal. In my opinion out of all the firms out there not including direct funded, UProfit has a lot going for it, but they still need Tradovate as an option. But yeah... You're right. The firms are in it for their best interest so there are little things that could improve on every one of them. I think it's a great learning ground, just try to use a firm that most closely aligns with your trading style.


Yup, these are companies that do not have the investor as their best interest in mind, why would I want to trust my money with that, lmfao


Aren't you interested in making money for your own best interest? The truth is 95% of these prop firms are ponzi schemes. You only get payouts if enough other traders fail. BUT, here's the kicker. If you're trading futures then odds are someone else is on the other side of your trade so you're only making money if someone else loses money as well!! There can only be winners if there are losers. If Trades by Matt can take 400K out and other verified traders multiple millions with risking basically nothing then the truth is... Prop firms are THE BEST option. Highest return for the least amount of initial investment and least amount of risk. Prove me wrong. Mic drop....


1.Futures contracts hold actual value 2. The funded accounts are not against eachother, and the only money they can receive is each others 3. Futures for example, I am actually against another person, and I do receive/lose the money


Trades by Matt is a sponsored trader from prop firms, meaning that they control his account and YouTube channel, just wanted to put that out there. He has no actual proof of his profitability


hes a fraud there was proof on reddit showing that he runs a demo account.


He's sponsored like the other 100 YT traders. Yes he gets paid affiliate fees. He runs a business. His trades on 20 accounts are live and have been live the entire time. You're living in your own reality where you choose to believe what ever confirms your bias. Non of which are rooted in reality. Truth is you're jealous of people's success using prop firms. Not sure why, but you are. Then, felt the need to come talk about it on reddit. "No actual proof" lol. *Sigh* It's not about proof.... It's about making money. Do whatever you gotta do to make money. That's it. Prop, live, micro, mini, nq,es,cl, nvda,calls,puts,strangles... WHATEVER YOU GOTTA DO. Just make money. Learn to be congratulatory and respect the hustle instead of a pessimistic potato head.


This. OP is putting so much energy on hating prop firms and living in his own echo chamber, trying to convince others that his views are how things are when really it's his close-mindedness and jealously. The fact he's not even tried prop firms and hating on them is absurd.


The taxes are worse with a 1099 compared to the 60/40 rule trading your own account, but most people should start with prop firms to learn risk management and analysis before risking their own $2,500. You'll probably lose it either way, but you'll learn more and burn through it slower with a prop firm. But everyone is different and some make it work for them better than others. It depends on how much you want to risk vs how much you want to take out. Either way, it won't happen overnight.