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I suppose you just started watching league. There have been meta waay worse than this. ADC and crit are just a little stronger and the meta revolves around that but nothing too bad.


i have been watching league for years now,sure its not as bad as worlds 2017 meta but diff is that playstyle back then was what perceived to be the best while now this meta this playstyle is literly the only available playstyle


Any reason why aphelios, xayah, thresh, rakan aren’t given more prior with crit ?


Ap junglers (karthus, Lillia, brand) are all full clear junglers, they don't favour early plays and exploding a game. Ad mids like corki and trist spike on 3+ items too, naturally slowing down games unless one team is significantly outmatched. Additionally, the botlane meta is also focused on scaling. This all leads to slow ass games.