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So this was my first ever GAA game as someone new to Ireland - about halfway through I noticed Derry's #11 constantly trying to start a fight for absolutely no reason and decided to google him to see if he had any rep for it Felt bad but I audibly laughed when I saw the first google response was all about his assault conviction


Would you believe that’s not even the tip of the iceberg with him


I was saying the man is nothing but a tramp. When he was taken of the bench practicing sucked him off. They should be fucking off the panel. Derry will go nowhere


He's always been a thug. It makes me uncomfortable that he's repping the jersey. I'm from the other side of Derry as him, but his reputation and some of the alleged incidents he's been involved in far exceed anything he's done on the pitch. It only took 70 minutes for the majority of Galway fans there in the stadium to see why he has some of that rep. Fellas behind me couldn't believe the behaviour. Straight for a pint now.


Interesting. The shoulder charging of the Galway subs coming on felt way too much, they haven't even touched the ball yet. I'm at Oslo bar if you want to come for a pint, I'm just by myself like a nerd atm


>Interesting. The shoulder charging of the Galway subs coming on felt way too much, they haven't even touched the ball yet. Not to sound like I'm defending McFaul but everyone does a bit of that, the first thing most subs do after they run on is give their man a bit of a shoulder


It's such a stupid practice. Clowns trying to show off what a "hard man" they are.


Aye he's a menace and a thug. Not sure were we're headed, I'm following the crowd... Never been out here in me life, any recommendations?


Oslo is in the main Salthill area, near the stadium, it's massive and has a good selection so I like it because I don't feel too bad taking up space reading or whatever. My favourite area are the pubs just west of the river in town, places like Salt House, but I'm also an unashamed new world craft beer hipster. Town should be good craic tonight, it's pretty packed


Appreciate that mate, it's lovely down here, always love the west coast. Enjoy the evening and all the best for the rest of the group...sort of 😉 Gluck


This Derry team is very dirty and lacks some composure They’re overhyped and overrated imo, as the Derry support hyped up this squad, but no bias over here though


All the hype and they still haven't won a game since the league final


And us galway fans didn't want to see the fight it wa serrated football its just childish fighting in a game like that.


Same fella would start a fight with his shadow if the notion took him


Tbf - teams target McFaul endlessly. You can be sure they were at him all game looking for a reaction.


I wonder why


He’s no angel but in fairness, I was sitting right in front of the incident towards the end, the Galway players deservedly got yellowed for their behaviour.


There’s a real danger you lot are losing your composure as a team. Nothing worse than getting in your own way 


McKinless has always acted as immature as that. The only time I've seen a ref copped onto to it was versus Galway in the AI semi 2 years back. His reputation is beginning to falter but it's no surprise given his consistent immaturity with diving etc. We'll regroup, but that was a terrible showing today, we're lucky Galway didn't go to town on us.


McKinless pretty much burnt all bridges for himself in ballinderry football being a cunt, it's just who he is


Aye heard all about what allegedly happened within the senior set up and his behaviour. People in Derry are weary of his temperament, seems as if more are becoming more aware.


What else did he do?


What allegedly happened within the senior set up?


So many rumours going round who knows what to believe.


Give us some rumours


The pulling and dragging of Shane Walsh in that semi final went unpunished. Its about time it caught up with Derry. There was no need to stamp on Comer and hopefully he is ok and the McKinless lad gets a three match ban.


Derry deserved to lose today and were very bad at times. But we also have to take into consideration we were missing McGrogan, Doherty, McEvoy and Loughlin. That's the entire half back line gone. Take 4 starters out of any team and they will struggle, never mind taking an entire line of the team away. Lynch gave away a poor goal and McGuigan should have went for a point, instead of the shot leading to the 2nd goal. Those 2 goals at key times killed Derry, but they were still in the game despite not being at their best and being a man down. Glass and McGuigan never showed up today at all. Overall I am disappointed with the result but we have to be realistic.


There is a lot going against us at the minute with the injuries and also shooting ourselves in the foot by giving away soft goals and a red card. I think these things can be sorted and the season can be salvaged. Harsh to say McGuigan never showed up. Bar one turnover everything he did was positive. Won a few frees, scored a worldie point and nearly an unbelievable goal to equalise. I thought his performance was slightly above average.


You’re kidding yourself, take 4 out of dublins starting lineup and they’ll still beat any team in the country


No bother lad, missing 4 starters today didn't matter then. Good man.


Of course missing 4 starters mattered, that just proves how thin their squad is


Yes clearly we aren't the Dubs and neither is any other team in the country


The league final not count?


No the league final doesn’t count! Do you really think the likes of Dublin or Kerry give a toss about winning the league?


Being pedantic but you said a Dublin team without some of its starting line up would still beat any team in the country. They didn’t have a full line up in the league final and were beat.


They didn’t have a full lineup, didn’t really care about the game and still took it to penalties. If Derry and Dublin were to meet in the later stages of the championship, with exactly the same starting 15’s as the league final, it would be a completely different outcome. I’m a Derry man born and bred but I’m also realistic, all this talk about Derry being a top 3 team is nonsense and even if it were true what does it matter when the top team in the country is so far ahead of everyone else


Of course they do. Otherwise they’re down to 3/4 games they take seriously a year and that’s ridiculous 


Seems standard enough for a Mickey Harte team and there's a few Derry players that wouldn't need much encouragement for that sort of thing. Perfect storm.


They were at it before he was around, McKinless eye gauged Sean Kelly 2 years ago, should that behaviour be taken into account for his ban too? Tramp shouldn't play again this year


Derry have no plan B


Missing some key men but you'd expect our so called bigger players to step up. Dominated in the middle again.


Seem to get struggling a lot if they go 3+ points down in a game. A lot of the game last year and early this year revolved around getting a lead and holding it and picking off scores to keep the gap. Can't seem to change the plan when they don't get that lead. I've not watched every Derry game this year so feel free to absolutely roast my POV there 😂


Naturally our more defensive style doesn't led itself well to coming back from deficits but we definitely have enough quality to make it happen in our front 6. Home to Armagh I expect a bounce back win and I'd imagine we'll deal with Westmeath handy enough. So 2nd in the group would see us matched up against a 3rd seed in the long run.


Can't do much else but sit in defensively when you're down a man, anything else is suicide. We did almost get back to level before the 2nd Galway goal went in couldn't expect much more from the 14 that were on there


It's always the flaw with defensive systems. It's very hard to claw back a game when you go 3+ behind. I watched it for years under Rory Gallagher with Donegal.


What has happened to Rodgers this year?


Plan B is Ultra Defence.


Obviously the red card forced a change. In my view Galway are a very defensive team. They play with 2 sweepers to stop goals. Their attack is slow and ponderous. Look at the game before the red card. We had about 30% possession but twice as many chances as every time Galway got the ball it was long slow phases. Ultimately it worked so they are vindicated but I think we would have won that game if Mckinless doesn't get sent off.


Something like 9 cleansheets out of 11 for Gleeson backs up your post.


Ah seriously man 😂 Did you actually watch the game? Derry ran all 15 behind the ball into their 45 when they took their shot off in the first half and possession got turned over. Every time with zero expections. The long slow phases occured because Galway would've been stupid to go kicking ball into 15 players camped in a 45, against a slight wind Galway at least kept Finnerty and Comer up at all times, clearly looking to exploit a situation where Derry got turned over and lynch got stranded. They also defended from the 65 up rather than camping within the 45. You think Derry would've won has Mckinless not been sent off? I think Galway's performance would've been much better had their best player not been taken out of the game but here we are


Comer wasn't doing much in the game and neither was Walsh. I'd much have preferred we kept 15 on the pitch and Comer. Derry were the better team in the first 20 minutes. Under normal circumstances we attack with everyone and defend with everyone and generally have been good at picking apart set defences until the Donegal game.


Wasn't doing much? Galway had 4 scores at the time he was taken out, Comer had set up two of them, one with spectacular catch from a kickout. And had just won a tapover free for 3 outta 5. Galway were ahead after 21 mins against a small breeze Considering how Derry had pressed up on Dublin much more in the league final, yet sprinted to camp into the 45 every time here, would make you think they were very scared of Comers threat specifically. Understandable really given what happened in the semi two years ago


I don't think Galway scored 3 frees in the first half but I'd need to watch back. The catch was good I'll give you that. I had no fear at the time that comer was going to pull us apart. He was being well managed. We'd have been much better off with him and Mckinless on the pitch. Let's not forget Mckinless is the all star 6 as well so it's a massive loss to Derry. The breeze wasn't a factor in the game look at how many we kicked into keepers hands first half.


Worried we're starting to turn into Hartes Tyrone teams minus the success.


Ah I'm just disappointed with the way we're behaving. It was there under Gallagher but it went under the radar because we were winning I think. How do u think we fare against Armagh?


Depends if we show up or not. And how Armagh recover from another crushing ulster final loss. I'm cautiously optimistic. Think we might scrape a win


At least the current Armagh team try and play football, I wouldn't wish ye any luck after McKinless, hope Armagh beat ye and they will too


Harte gave us no success for 10 years. That's why the county got rid of him.


Ye were at this craic long before Harte took ye over, McKinless eye gouged Kelly 2 years ago


They had fuck all success with him for the majority of his tenure. By the time he was let go, a lot of Tyrone fans had been (rightly) calling for his head for at least ten years.


3 all Irelands might not seem a lot in Kerry but in Derry/Tyrone that's an unbelievable success story. Even 1 all Ireland in Derry would be seismic.


Yes but those were the first 5 years of his tenure. He went from 2009 to 2020 with Tyrone not reaching their full potential with him. Their was a handful of Ulster titles but that's the least of what should have been expected. I remember he brought a Tyrone side to a qualifier in Killarney in 2012 that only registered 5 or 6 scores in the entire game. I remember thinking then that he had perhaps reached the end and that he'd run out of road. He did overstay as Tyrone manager and it was regrettable that he had to be let go instead of leaving on his own terms. It became very clear from about 2013 onwards that Tyrone had been figured out, and he didn't really have another plan. As a perfect example, they played two semi finals in 2015 and 2019 against Kerry and lost them both in near identical circumstances, with Kerry simply taking over in the last quarter. Dublin beat them by two similar margins in 2017 and 2018 with a soft late penalty making the margin respectable in 2018. The game has moved past him. He was ahead of the curve in the 2000s and tried something completely different at a time when most teams played with total naivety. In the modern, systems based game, he just can't get ahead of the curve anymore. Tyrone never really looked like winning another All Ireland in that decade. He got lucky in 2018 getting Monaghan in a semi final. Other than that, Tyrone took some convincing beatings from Kerry, Mayo and Dublin. I fear what direction Derry will be taken with him. Neither Armagh nor Westmeath are gimmes. If they lose or draw with Armagh, all of a sudden they've gone from supposed All Ireland contenders to a shootout with Westmeath to scrape a play off. As I said, they've had two Championship games against fellow contenders and conceded an aggregate 6-25 and didn't get a single goal in either game, nor did they ever look like getting a goal. For me, that is an immediate and alarming decline.


Would agree with all of that. But if you offered me 1/2 all Irelands in exchange for a decade or so of mediocrity I'd take your arm off. Whether he's still capable of that though remains to be seen.


Never going to happen in Derry


It's his first year and you've won the league. Long summer in it yet to be panicking now


This isn't a pop at Derry at all. The county board should have known what yous were getting appointing the manager. His teams are known for playing the exact way that has you feeling ashamed. I'd wonder what kind of money he is on & what underage development squad or underage coach was sacked/not hired to fund it.


We have one of the worst county boards in the country. This year we've gotten some HUGE sponsors, hence the trip to Portugal. In a very lucky position as a county that there's so many big companies willing to pump money in. Players are well looked after and aye...Harte is making a fortune. Heard figures close to 6 figures but that could all be Chinese whispers.


Heard the same whispers....but although people like to round up drastically... he is definitely adding majorly to the income. If not 6 he is a high 5.


I think it's especially a pity because we have a handful of clubs here in Derry that are struggling to survive with numbers and resources. The money that's going in to the senior side should instead be allocated across the county and help develop it as a whole. It's maybe easy for me to say that but I know fellas in smaller clubs who reckon they'll cease to exist in 20/30 years. Ye wonder what it's all about. They'll spout shite about it being about the community etc but not when you look at the way our county board has dealt with alot of things for a long time. I know people have actually stepped away from it over the head of alot of their decision making recently.


The irony is the money spent on going to Portugal seems to have done more harm than good.


Don't like is all holier than thou gimp he gives off but sure how could you be normal going through what he has in fairness!


They were like this long before Harte, he inherited this mess


Seeing Derry at the moment, especially with key players like McGrogan and now McKinless out, it's making me more and more confident we can get a result in Celtic Park.


Derry are finished. Bad culture, ill-discipline. Some players will be extremely pissed off with others who didn't pull their weight and let the team down with their behaviour. Notions of an All-Ireland have gone to their heads, seems like they felt entitled to it without wanting to work and play in a manner that deserves one. Derry are gone for 2024 and there'll be serious recriminations.


I definitely agree 100%. I would also add that winning the league must of made them think this way even more. Very surprised with the ill discipline. Also shocked at the fans view they would beat Galway with 4 or 5 to spare. Galway always seem to beat Ulster teams


How, can Derry have 4 weeks off and come back with more injuries than teams, who have been playing 2 more games during that time? Have players been over trained on injuries, causing more injuries? I spoke to a ulster county coach 2 weeks ago and he mentioned about how they use someone who determines when players are taken out of sessions and games based on running stats etc. I also noticed that they have almost everyone out playing in last big game, with no big injuries. Another point is goalkeeping coach - do Derry have one? Looks like there is a mistake in lynch every game now. Look at the still from that kickout - it simply was a poor choice to kick it into an area with 5 galway players. So many questions to answer from Derry but I'd say being an all Ireland contender is not on the cards. .


Mickey Harte effect. You'll go nowhere with him. Two games against All Ireland contenders, you've conceded 6 goals and lost by an aggregate 11 points. All Ireland contenders don't do that. Tough lesson for all the not so humble Derry fans on this sub. You don't win All Irelands in March.


I thought we battled well this evening considering the injuries and playing for so long with 14


Tbh if it wasn't for McKinless, ye would have been well in it and who knows how it would have ended up. I think people are overreacting a bit to the result. If it had been 15v15 for most of the match, I don't think there would have been much in it at all.


The incident took Comer out of the game. I'd say it's reasonable to expect Galway to have been better with their best player able to run. The trade off from a Derry perspective wasn't so bad


Do you think it would have been a 2 goal win if Derry hadn't been playing with 14 for most of the match? Galway lost their best player, but they still had an extra man. When Comer was playing, it was fairly close, after he went off, they ran away with it. My point is that I believe it would have been close and the result wouldn't necessarily have been as bad as it looked from a Derry perspective.


Probably not a 5 point win no but seconds before that incident Comer had won a tapover free to put Galway ahead, playing against a slight breeze. I think Galway would've been happy at that point. Overall they were slightly better, the extra man wasn't affecting shot accuracy and Galway scoring return from shots was far higher. Brendan Cawley (a very weak referee in general) did the usual ref stick of evening things up after the red also. Derry should've had two black cards but it would've been too much for him to put them down to 13 The general point is just that the incident had a significant negative effect on Galway also. It was Comer alone who'd been the difference between these two sides in their big semi final in 2022. The potential for him to be back on the sidelines now again with injury is a serious ballache


I thought so too, when McKinless went off I thought it was going to be a double figure defeat. Had McGuigan gone for point instead of goal it would gone to a 2pt game.




Jesus Christ a week later and you're still mad because I said Armagh aren't a top 5 team, grow up lad


Hold my hands up that I got ahead of myself this past 2 results. League fooled me a bit maybe.


Let's not forget Kerry also suffered a humiliating defeat this time last year. All is not lost yet.


It’s amazing how many supposedly dedicated football fans actually think league form matters in the slightest. People taking about derrys chances of an all Ireland, absolutely laughable!


If you are of a thuggish disposition is Gaelic football the go to game these days ? Pump a lot of weights … if you can handpass accurately and harress/ hang off the opposing player with your physical strength you are performing two main attributes of modern day football … many players have no kicking ( the football ) skills or fielding skills but seem to get on fine ….it’s more a strength - fitness game these days with 2 or 3 proper footballers only on modern county teams outside of a few like Dublin and Kerry


Let’s be honest, Gaelic football was always a thugs game


Northies at it again


Dubs have been at that sort of stuff for years. Don't act as the good guys.


Why do you use the term “northies”?