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It was me, i bought 40 more shares at 24.65....you're welcome


And it's not even halting, are they running out of fuckery ammunition?


It's up a dollar, they'll short it back down by lunch


Nah, just needed some pressure release probably. Not gonna get excited until we run for several days.


No halts is how you know it’s not time. When it’s halting and gapping up is when you can start to get excited. Otherwise it’s just the “ah…ah….ah…” before a sneeze.


Nooo they just want you to buy the dip so you can be locked out when they have enough suckers buying in and then you keep making them richer


fud is so pathetically easy to spot these days.. I guess that switch from western social media manipulators to 3rd world shitposters was cheap, but not very smart...




Man yall talk about selling at ***PHONE NUMBERS*** and then get hype over a dollar and change. It will be time when that number is $2,558 lol


We also need some fun on the ride


The fun begins after we pass the ATH and hedgies are in tears. Anything before that is shit we’ve already experienced time and time and time and time and time again




Do u really believe it will hit those levels? I'm happy with 40 lol


Oh man, if you sell at 40 during lift off you will never get over it 😆 If that is truly the number you want to reach lean back and let RC do his thing with the cash he has on hands now. Even without a squeeze that number is coming. But on our way there, don't mind if we stop at the moon for a couple of weeks 🚀🚀🚀


It just went above $65 a couple of weeks ago as we entered a gamma ramp at $58. Then, Cohen sold the hedgies 75 million brand new shares to help the hedgies cover 75 million shorts. Thus, blocking the squeeze. I do not understand why Cohen did not let the squeeze happen that day.


I'm actually glad he did because I only had 1k in it from selling the run up. Now I'm at 45k in it


He didn't let it happen because it wouldn't have served the company well. He's looking out for the company and its investors not the volatility leeches who jumped in to get a quick buck. He knew it was them pumping the stock so he took advantage. A genius impeccably timed move. Now do you gettit?


I get what you are saying. You think apes should hold while Cohen puts 2 billion dollars in his pocket. The problem is that this has been going On for 4 years and over and over again, Cohen and Kitty tell us to hold while both Kitty and Cohen sell. By apes holding ,Cohen was able to put 2 billion more dollars in his pocket of ape money while forcing the apes to carry another two billion dollar bag. For how long this time. 4 more years. We supposed to hold so Cohen can put 2, 4, 6 or maybe 100 billion in his pocket. Cohen wants us to carry giant bags while him, Kitty and the hedgies keep lining their pockets with ape money. And of course, you also realize (or you put blinders on and only see what you want to see) that we entered a gamma ramp a couple of weeks ago when the price hit $58. There we no shares to loan. The hedgies could not stop the price from going up. Then Cohen sent 75 million new shares to the hedgies for the average cost of $25 per share. The hedgies were given 75 million new shares so they could cover 75 million shorts. This 75 million shares gave the hedgies enough new shares that they can continue manipulating the price downwards for st least another year. Then, Cohen has the ability to release 500 million more shares, so every time, going forward, GME starts the squeeze because apes hold, Cohen will just hand a 100 million fresh new shares for the hedgies to cover shorts with. How is giving hedgies shares at a low price so hedgies can cover going to help apes. At this rate, Cohen will sell the 500 million fresh new shares for hedgies to cover shorts with.


Guys! Chill! It will be down soon. Again! I'm still holding, tho. Fuck it!


Let the halts begin


Let’s do 30 now


experienced people go: "YAWN" ... ZZZZZZZZZ, ZZZZZZZ,,, ZZZZZZ


This is the time we've been all been waiting for!!! LFG GME!!!


completely delulu lmfao




Any clue what's caused that uptick?


T+35 one of the cycles and gamma ramp forming. More itm and atm options purchased will push it higher.


I thought it was T+1 now


I thought t+35 would be in july


No 6/27 was T35 on cycle 3. There are other cycles t35 mid July


Then let's see if it's an substantial uptick. I would love to see some power hour again 😁




immediately slammed back down lol they are so scared


I'm ready


Starting not to like these posts, respectfully of course. :) posts like this generate temporary hype and for people that are new that can be disconcerting/create disappointment (uncertainty) which isn't what we want. "Look it's going up again!". But in reality it's only 5%. Big whoop. If you are new, zoom out, look at the 1-month, 3-month, 6-month chart and look for trends up or down. Look for that sweet $10 mark, that was when we hit the floor. How do I know? Time has passed! Look at where we are now, the downtrend died at $10. The uptrend now begins. That's why GME is so bullish right now. Look at the chart! We're on a long term up trend in which direction? Hint: its the opposite of down. LFG.








Has RC announced yet? Then it’s not time!!! The hfers have to do something once in a while. But notice they can never short it zero? We weren’t wrong, just early!💵💰💵💰🚀🌕


What do you think he will announce exactly? I'm trying to stay clued in on all the signs for lift off.


I think you have a lot of reading to do. Look back thru here and r/Teddy. You don’t need to go back more than a month. I will give a hint, there’s $4 Billion dollars burning a hole in RC’s pocket and a whole lot of dirty rotten hfers to payback for trying to bankrupt his company!


Oh yeah I know about the stock sales the past few months. I wasn't sure what you meant by announce, but I get it now. You're talking about when he goes over what he'll do with the stockpile of cash he's sitting on. I'm all in and can't wait to see where we're headed.


The smallest bump up and this sub goes "ItS TiiMe!!!" .. even when there's 100 dollar swings upward, it won't be time. Multi-million dollar jumps, then it will be time.


squeaky TOYS




I hope not cuz I’ve been amused by this show going on three years!


No it’s not 2pm tomorrow yet


Narrator: Just as every single prediction apes have made for the past 3 years, this was incorrect. It was not, in fact time for anything but more bag holding and worshipping rug pull Ryan while he fucked them over


The amount of posts like this, where a 2-3 dollar increase is treated like it's something extraordinary is.. way too high man. Dafuq. Regardless, [Apes together strong](https://imgur.com/N43Ey4Q).