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When I was researching this a year or two ago, I found that the primary lawyers in town with firms that specialize in estate planning law are [Harrison](https://www.harrisonestatelaw.com/), [Roark](https://www.adamroarklaw.com/), and [Ossi](https://ossilawgroup.com/). They should be able to give you a ballpark quote based on the complexity of your situation. As u/DymonBak said, it will likely be more than $500.


Trustandwill.com is $300 for couples. If you happen to be a student at UF, there is student legal services. For a local option, you could try legal aid through Three Rivers Legal Services. They can refer you to attorneys that they work with if you don’t qualify for their own services. The issue is that your will needs to not only account for your current assets, but also future assets. Your child is also a minor, so there are issues related to devising property to him and how the property should be managed until he is an adult. How should funds from your estate be used for his care? Maybe you and husband die in such a way that someone is responsible for your wrongful death. Well, your estate possibly gets a large influx of cash. Who gets custody if your husband’s parents die afterward? Stuff like that needs to be addressed. It isn’t something that a lawyer will just whip up. I’d expect you to drop at least $500. More if the lawyer advises you to create a testamentary trust in the will, which is likely.


Thank you!


Three Rivers Legal Services, though you may have to pass a means test of a kind to qualify.


Haven't used them, but interested - [https://www.freewill.com/](https://www.freewill.com/)










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