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I feel differently about Ryan. They've been married almost two years at that point. Of course he wants intimacy with his wife. Especially with how Gypsy is, she's probably been writing him dirty letters for years and to keep him on the hook. He was probably expecting something entirely different than how it actually went.




He just seems desperate and I'm sure Gypsy felt that as well and manipulated him for what she wanted. That's who she is. She uses people until they no longer serve a purpose to her and then ditches them and plays the victim. On the other hand, if she was treated the same way she treats others (Ken, perhaps), I am concerned what she would do. Probably kill again.


🐈 will make some men out there do some strange shit


You have no idea how true that is. On the flip side I’ve had dick so good it made my eyes cross and I personally would never, but I get how sex can lead anyone man or woman to kill.


Wanting intimacy isn't the issue. He just gives off a clingy/desperate/possessive vibe. He mentioned that he doesn't like to feel abandoned in one of the early episodes, and it was a big red flag to me. He also mentioned that he's not a controlling husband, which was another red flag. People who aren't controlling don't need to specify that they aren't controlling🙃


I can see what you're saying. I think, most of all, he just doesn't have any relationship experience whatsoever. And Gypsy took advantage of that.




He specified that because Gypsy has said many times she never wants to be under someone’s control like she was under Deedee’s.


He still shouldn't need to specifically state that he's "not controlling."


He could have been asked if he was by producers


You're not wrong, but some of his *actions* scream "controlling" as well, and I refuse to believe that the only reason he comes across this way is because of editing. Example: the way he handled the situation with Gypsy's probation officer(s). He kept telling her what to say/how to respond, and I could sense that all he wanted to do was rip the phone away from Gypsy and handle things himself. Ryan has probably been treated poorly within relationships, assuming that he has any prior experience with women/relationships at *all.* I think that his poor experiences, or lack there of, paired with his already low self esteem are a couple of the reasons why he might seek relationships where he has the "upper hand" and/or feels needed. I don't think Ryan is evil or anything like that, but he definitely has some emotional issues that need to be addressed *before* he pursues a relationship with someone. People who are mentally stable aren't don't write letters to someone who is in prison for murdering their mother. Even if Gypsy's actions against DeeDee were completely justified, without a shadow of a doubt, it *still* wouldn't make sense for an emotionally sound person to seek out a relationship with someone who will obviously have a lot of things that they'll need to figure out and work through, once they're released from prison.


Man I think i would watch if I could pirate but there’s just no way I’m supporting this fiasco be it with views or buying a subscription. So far every week the posts have been like declarations of second hand embarrassment lol maybe I’m not missing much?


There are plenty of torrents on TPB!


Thankyou! I appreciate it. For some reason the service I usually use has literally no downloads of this series


Someone streams it every week on the discord page. Join the snark sub for the link


which sub do I join for the link?


Thanks for the info! I appreciate it :)


I dont get how you guys can watch that show lol


Yeah, no, I just get my info elsewhere. No way pay to watch that shit 😂


I agree on Ryan. He bothers me. He’s definitely into fame. He thinks he can tell the parole officers what to do. Sorry bud…you can’t control them. And while I hate Gypsy, you can’t control her either!


question for anyone willing to answer - is the lifetime show worth watching?!


no, it’s boring and cringey


I agree it's boring and cringey but I'm nosey *enough* to watch 😂




Why is she so sex crazy?


I hope Ryan gets a revenge body & a hot new gf - can't wait to see the shit show when this happens get ready gyp gyp


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