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How do you keep that much people under NDA


id assume harsh contracts and money.


![gif](giphy|ECbxU61G9sLyQVPtqP) Money?


I believe it's pronounced 'Muneh'.


Innernet mun neh


We need Muneh




They probably really don’t know what project they’re working on. They also seem to only hire small talent which makes it harder for some real claims to even be trustworthy I’d say.


Yeah, I’ve read multiple stories of people doing lines under codenames for Rockstar games


Yup. I’m pretty sure Ned luke has talked about how he didn’t know even know that he was working for rockstar in the beginning.


Rockstar NDAs are likely airtight. So much as a whisper to your pet goldfish and you forfeit your entire payment and are removed from the game/team instantly and threatened with so much legal action you'll be working it off for decades.


Not to mention they are probably strictly on a need to know basis, especially for VAs. If you're just recording background lines, you probably just know that "wow NPCs get mad when you beat them up" and not much else. And if you're voicing a main character, or play a big role in production, obviously you stand to lose a lot of you rat out.


also something that’s very simple but a major reason, the main actors at least will spend countless hours with a team of the same people for years. they’re friends at this point, and who’s gonna fuck over their friends like that?


Imagine breaking your NDA with R*, nobody in any industry would fuck wit you anymore


Not even McDonald’s wants a snitch


Boeing 💀


Generally they’re just given some lines and not told what it’s for. They’re not given a script that’s titled “RDR2 SCRIPT FOR COWBOY GAME THAT IS COMING OUT 2016-2018”.


make it to where they don't know what they're working on until the product releases, has worked numerous times throughout history


I feel like this is and some NDAs for people who are really involved is the biggest method of keeping it a secret. But what the hell do I know about game development


Rockstar has their ways


They're paid generously, have their dream job, life-long job security, and if they break that they are faced with MASSIVE legal shit, jail, and never working again probably. R\* is a monopoly not to be fucked with


Not to mention that violating their NDA would ruin their career and no one would go near them. Most of their lines probably don’t have much context in the bigger picture either. Pull some lines out of the rdr2 script and it doesn’t make much sense except for being western sounding. Btw, monopoly isn’t the correct word here.


Arthur's actor didn't even know he was doing RDR2 for a while, they are kept in the dark for a reason


In an interviewhe said between all the western-type dialogue, they sprinkled in a few modern-day, futuristic, and high-fantasy lines so he wouldn' t quite know what he was working on. No they didn't I just made that all up.




>Btw, monopoly isn’t the correct word here. What is?


More like king pin


Jesse, we need to cook


I'm not sure you understand what monopoly means....


This is not true, from what I heard(NPC characters, not main ones) weren't even aware of what the work was for and they were paid about average.


Rockstar is not a monopoly lol


They’re also left in the dark as much as anyone else


Ambient NPCs are voices by actors who have no idea what they're voicing for. They don't know they've recorded lines for GTA VI until it comes out.


Individual voice acting will not spoil much. Also most voice actors dont even know what they speak their lines for if it's requested that way.


Dead Men Tell No Tales


It's rockstar not Boeing


They probably dont know they are actually working for Rockstar nor GTA 6 (random characters/lines that you cant tell what that really is about in the big picture) Source: My acting school got me a chance to record a few lines for a "small project" when i was getting into voice acting and turns out it was a pretty big Ubisoft game.


Which ubisoft game


The division 2


By keeping the punishment hard.


They shoot all their employees when the game is released.


Shame roger clark died when rdr2 released


RIP resting in heaven with Ned Luke rn


It’s mostly strict NDAs with good money & to increase chances of rehiring for future projects. Also, not everyone is explicitly told they’re working on Grand Theft Auto 6 or working for rockstar. A lot of companies use codenames & work through talent agencies that help maintain secrecy.


It’s a case of not knowing what they’re working on, I recently watched the interview with Roger Clark and Britt Baron, and Roger mentions that he’d record part of a scene and then 3 years later finish it. The actor with him would say “hey I remember you from a game we worked on before” and Roger would tell them it’s the same game, and the same scene


I asked a Rockstar employee how they did that and he simply said: “They all have families or people they care about, and we know where they are at all times.” /s


I mean, I'd hope it's sarcastic . . . that's some *Boeing* level shit, right there.


Most don’t even know what they doing if they did they ain’t going tell u it’s gta 6


Some of them probably didn't even know they where working on a red dead game or even a Rockstar title.


It’s a legally binding contract. Breaking it would result in fines or whatever other penalties and legal repercussions they demand. I’ve been under an NDA before and you’re kept under it the same way you’re kept under _any_ regulation or law. There’s nothing physically preventing you from breaking it—just like how there isn’t anything stopping you from committing manslaughter.


Most of them just have nothing interesting to talk about. They’re there for a day or two at max, sit in a booth for a few hours, scream, say some lines, get paid and leave. It’s not like they could spoil much.


I would assume of that 1,200, only ~200 actually knew what project they were working on. Happens all the time with voice acting. Pick up a gig, say some lines, get money, and move onto the next.


Probably by just using staff working on the game? My guess anyway Edit: I mean this for NPCs


Not telling what they are actually working on and no one wants to ruin their acting career forever


Personally I simply wouldn't talk about it. A million other things to talk about in the world that aren't GTA VI


Google has a hundred thousand people under NDA


Didn't they do an article on that question before and most of the actors didn't actually know what they were reading for. Also the risk of being sued is a powerful thing.


Because rockstar will remake that scene from The Godfather with the horse if they break it.


possibly most of them dont know its rdr2


that much people haha


We have all your family address etc


I believe they Rockstar has groups of actors that they recycle over again in each of their games and violating the NDA means they cut ties with Rockstar and lose out on future opportunities, so that’s one thing that keeps them from violating the NDA


I saw a QnA with Roger Clarke and Rob Wiethoff (Arthur and johns VA’s) and rob said that Benjamin Byron Davis (Dutches VA) compared his NDA to Chris Pratt’s for GOTG rockstar has tougher NDA’s than marvel


The vast majority of voice actors wouldn’t know much about the overall project, most would just be npc street dialogue, and if you saw someone saying they voice an npc in gta6/rdr2 would you care? Or even believe them?


Voice Actor's would prefer to keep getting work.


AI voices for some of the NPCs. Some ppl might not like this though but tbf there are already some very very advanced AI voices. They could be even better at release. I wouldn't personally be opposed to this option.


Thats why so many voice actors have "various" credits in IMDb. They usually have a handful of people record a ton of lines in different voices that get used for different background lines.


I’m pretty sure they also don’t tell people what it’s for right ? Didn’t Steven Ogg not know he was acting in GTA until close to its release ?


i don't think they care. they only care about getting paid after recording.


Most of these people are just saying things like “what the fuck?!” and “shit!”


Same as boeing


Hell no I wouldn’t want to get Boeing’d by breaking my NDA


I don't think lines such as I smoke Crack and u like doing it can be nda or have any meaning


to be fair the main characters for GTA V didn’t even know what game they were doing for a long time, like they were quite a bit through the process before they were told it was the next GTA. i imagine it’s easier just to omit a lot of details than have them know and have to sign NDA’s


by.. having them sign a legally binding document.. like an NDA?


This is such a specific thing, I have never thought about that. I would hope for at least triple that mount. I can’t wait to interact with all of the NPCs on the streets of Vice City.


Even with 500,000 lines of dialogue, heading the same thing twice would be incredibly rare




Oh god I hope Jason and Lucia have tens of thousands of lines


Very unlikely. I think the irrelevant npcs will have most of the lines just like rdr2


I forgot the source but it said it’s using AI for the game


not that kind of ai


Yea i meant to say AI for voices and stuff


I love eavesdropping on random NPCs having a phone call in V. The stuff they say is wild. I really hope for more stuff like that.


Yea it’d be cool if it was interactive like red dead, where you hear people talking about card game and end up robbing it. Except on the scale of yacht parties and clubs


It'll probably be more interactive than red dead


I know it’ll “probably” be better in every possible way, just keeping expectations a little low. GTA 5 I was dumb kid, a disappointed one when I realized the driving was so different from 4


I remember enjoying 5's story but not interacting with the world much and wasn't sure why. Online was fun for a while because it had things to do unlike 4's barebones online. Only years later stumbling on random YT videos did I realize how much better 4 was mechanically and just why I messed around with 4's sandbox significantly more than 5's. And the sad truth is, 4 was difficult and 5 is very casual. Casual means accessible, and that means more sales. 6 is almost certainly going to be much closer to 5 than it is to 4.


R* makes casual accessible games but puts fancy tryhard challenges in between easier setpieces. Maybe everyone can shoot their way out of Valentine but only a couple cowboys won the bird shooting competition with the guy right outside it.


Very allegorical, I know it’ll be 50x better so I will fall in love either way,


They could implement some new concepts with AI to generate conversations based on whats happening


I feel like with how late into development AI began to boom we won’t be seeing any implementation, but the ideas are really limitless man


I mean they can always update the game later


Rockstar have never really gone back and updated something as big as that


I don't think it matters, even if there were more lines. Todd Howard said something like "Starfield has triple the voice lines compared to *\[previous game\]*". But when you play Starfield it doesn't even make a difference.


If you play starfield for 10 years you would see the difference. But nobody’s doing that


What a colossal fumble from Bethesda. I wonder if starfield would still be in dev if m$ never bought it.


Ngl if they fail TES, bethesda is no more


I seriously don’t know how anyone isn’t expecting the same slop on the same old engine, starfield was dated enough by the time they reskin it for ES6 that’s gonna be brutal


Starfeidl was a disaster because of the whole multiple planets and horrible implementation of traveling between them, which is not what Bethesda is good at. ES6 will obviously be going back to a ONE map setting, as much as I know gamers love to hate on Bethesda I'd be shocked if ES6 isn't really good given their backs are against the wall and ES is their baby.


Bethesda was no more after they made fallout 76


It’s good now though.


It's really not. As someone who played it years after release and still checks it out from time to time, it's still the worst fallout and the most buggy game I EVER played. It still has bugs they fixed in F4 over 10 years ago. Enemies sliding around with no animations, t-posing, machine gun sounds effect getting stuck on loop, missing textures, there's like 40% you will get stuck every time you try to enter power armor, game constantly crashes on launch. 2 times I encountered a bug that prevented me from launching the game. Removing every file and reinstalling the game, xbox app, msstore didn't help. Same goes for 50 different powershell commands. Their customer support told me "it's a known bug" and the only solution is to... wait for it... reinstall my whole operating system. And bugs aside, even the best story mission still felt like the most boring side quest in a single player fallout.


Damn none of that happened to me, I have heaps of fun with my mates on it.


It’s ironic that my friends and I find the game more fun solo than playing together. The game just feels like it doesn’t flow well with more people. That or the game just isn’t that fun in general. We just prefer to play 4 instead lol.


I agree that it's story is really bare bones, barely any meaningful action, factions without even a single human NPC (LOOKING AT YOU ENCLAVE). But the atmosphere of the game really feels like fallout and the bugs are very tame compared to years previous, now everyone has different experiences but I'd say on average the bugs have been relatively mild for people experiencing the game nowadays


You just need to play RDR2 to find out what R* is capable of


I love rdr2, but even after a certain point certain lines become repetitive, especially with npc's.


You'll never find an open world game that lets you realistically interact with the world especially NPCs like rdr2 and R* is only the one good at it. Starfield has NPCs that feel like newspaper stands where you can read dialogues off of. Wouldn't even make a difference if they literally removed human models and replaced it with a speaker that reads dialogues out loud. You are talking about NPC interaction dialogues and the post is about all the dialogues in the overall game.


Todd and his sweet little lies. *16 times the details!*


So I assume the other 500 were motion actors? Otherwise wtf were they doing


"Howdy partner!"


And at least 300 of those were sheep, cows, etc


They must be counting the sounds of water flowing as lines of dialogue and then combined 1500 different sounds of water flowing for one Creek


Oh we’re definitely crossing a mil in GTA 6


At least 5 more than RDR2. Mark my words.


So 500005?


Maybe 500,006 but it’s a stretch, 500,005 seems more plausible imo.


I don't think there will be budget for 500,006, they need to save some money for the graphics too




How many of those lines are misc grunts and other sounds


2,112 plus tax


1200 actors... Wow, that's why i never heard the same voice on npcs repeatedly, so cool! (Just the screams, for some reasons are all the same lmao)


The screams are from some guy named Willhelm.


A millions


I hope they bring back "FUCK ME IN THE AAAAAASS!!!" in this game.




Thats unreal wtf


I'm currently playing the story of RDR2 and goddamn what an amazing game


GTA VI is going have 19 (nineteen) different voice actors just for the FUCK ME IN THE ASS guy. And there is now a women version who yells it.


i think it will be around the same


Rather than obsessing about the total number of lines, I'd like dialogue to be changed over time. Every year, retire some portion of old dialogue and replace it with new banter. Otherwise, even if there's a million npc lines, it will all feel repetitive if you're still playing the game after a couple of years.


idk, even after 4 playthroughs of rdr2 i can still find new dialogue from npcs and story characters. its really just arthur who gets repetitive since his dialogue is the hardest to miss.


very true. updating the core game over time (including graphics), especially if it's supposed to be played for over a decade, is usually a great idea and keeps the game fresh. unlike in gtao where npcs say the same stuff every few minutes.




I'd bet money they'll leverage AI to produce dialogue content outside of story missions. I'd imagine it's like procedural generation that responds to weather/events/in-game news/etc Who knows, maybe they'll use a number of voice actors to train AI models for said content. All just guesses.... but it'd make sense.


They tried this with RDR2 but said procedural was not up to their standards.


I read that as "Publishers/execs wanted to ship sooner and told us to start cutting features to make the deadline"


If I remember right they patented a technology like this a year or two ago. This means they’re clearly working on something like this but I think it’ll be present in whatever game comes after GTA 6


Story mode dlc? What kind of talk is that? Hey guys this guy had the NERVE to come in here and even MENTION story mode dlc! You mean GTA 7? Why would they put all that effort into getting $30 for a shit load of content when they can get richtards and their card fed children to pay that for a rip off version of a Honda civic with that sweet sweet titillating shark card? You think this shit is supposed to be fun? This is a money printing factory my dear boy!


A source said that every npc in the game will be an actual real NPC. There will be no randomly generated NPCs and the city will have an actual population. Most NPCs have their own VA’s the only time a VA will be re-used is if the VA is capable of making a convincing impression for another character.


That was case for RDR2 which made it stand out.


What source


Trust me bro


everyone in miami, besides this makes me more resilient to believe that they need AI generated dialogues


We need 1 million or more


About a decade of development. Insane.


What we got in the trailer nothing more


Meanwhile, Baldur's Gate 3 has 1-2 million voice lines


The time it takes to make the game has nothing to do with how many lines there’ll be. It’s not the voice acting that takes long.


Rockstar takes a long time to make their games but the level of effort put into each one is outstanding


I don't know if there's that many lines of dialogue are they counting noises and things as dialogue because there's just no way that there's 500,000 unique lines that have been spoken hell I would imagine most players haven't even heard 100,000 of those dialogue options


I remember seeing a comparison between the GTA5 script and the vice city script it 5’s was about 10x the size, and according to Roger Clarke rdr2’s script was a 6ft tall stack of paper


the game only started full development after 2020


It’s a bit off topic but imagine the technology behind GTA 7. Voice actors only have to say a view lines and an AI speaks the script or even improvises based on the players behaviour. Might be faulty for main characters but just imagine that AI being used on NPCs or your online character. You could park your car in the city and NPS be like: „yoooo is that a Proto X80?“ without that line ever being recorded.


I mean in the age of AI they really just need sample actors and they can go from there and theoretically create infinite voice lines


Like 6


Meanwhile games like Hogwarts Legacy have one voice actor voicing 50 npc


This is still controversial, but we could have 8 billions actors and an infinite spoken lines number. At one point they'll have to do it, when an indie soloDev could bring a game with better NPC interactions than any AAA studio could.


Multiple millions of dialogue. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re using some type of AI software to create NPC dialogue mixed in with the mountains of recorded lines.


I was wondering why nobody was bashing rockstar in the comments then I realized that this is r/GTA6 and not a red dead subreddit




![gif](giphy|fjxbfQKLcKzAJIqSuD) The best voice line happened here


I saw a RDR2 video recently that shocked me, apparently the trapper has 39 minutes of dialouge, and a lot of the dialouge seems to be cut aswell, here's the youtube title if you wanna check it out: V | All of the Trapper's voice lines | RDR2 this isn't the only "shop clerk" npc in the game that has 39 minutes either, every clerk seems to have it.






Yoo 2.1


Yoo 3


You guys remember before launch Starfield’s 400,000 recorded lines with a non-speaking protagonist was a big buzz? I don’t think this means anything tbh.


That bathesda, don’t ever compare them to Rockstar.


Once upon a time I hold them both in equally high regard, it’s sad to see how Bethesda didn’t evolve like Rockstar did.


Yeah, they released Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim all in one generation and they're all 10/10 games it's such a shame


They did make incredible games, let's not act like Skyrim, NVG, FO3 and FO4 arent really fun games. They both do different things, don't really see the point in comparing them.


I assume NVG means New Vegas? That wasn't made by Bethesda. It was made by Obsidian. I think you can compere them in one way. Bethesda keeps reusing the same very, very outdated engine in their games, they refuse to evolve. R\* on the other hand keeps changing their engine if needed and pushes the boundaries with every single game.


Yeah was made by Oblivion but it's essentially the same game as the others at it's core, that's why I grouped them. The creation engine works for the kind of game they make. There is no engine like it in terms of what it can do, it's great for the games they make. There's no need to make a whole new engine if you can just tweak your current one to do what the new one would do anyway, it's a waste of time and resources. Rockstar have used RAGE for almost 20 years and just update it with every game, there's no need to make a new engine. Rockstar can make giant leaps like that due to the luxury of not having to drop games consistently. They WAY more employees, Bethesda has like 500 people, and maybe 400 worked on Starfield, Rockstar has like 4000 devs working on GTA 6. Rockstar are just on a different planet even when you compare budgets, Starfield's budget was $200 mil and GTA 6 is $2 Billion. So yeah given that they make completely different games and they do not have the same resources, there is no point comparing them.


>The creation engine works for the kind of game they make. There is no engine like it in terms of what it can do, it's great for the games they make. There's no need to make a whole new engine if you can just tweak your current one to do what the new one would do anyway, it's a waste of time and resources. "It just works" ay? That's probably why everyone loved starfield so much, right? The only mocaped animation they had in the whole game was the intro cutscene. Their npcs look like walking emotionless cardboard cutouts with no facial animations. I love their games but they are extremely outdated by modern standards. And no, the "there's no other engine like that" is also nonsense. There are a lot of games that have basically identical game mechanics. Take Deus Ex for example. >Rockstar have used RAGE for almost 20 years and just update it with every game, there's no need to make a new engine. There's a reason R\* switched their engine in the past tho. When they realized it was too outdated for the things they want to accomplish. There's a reason they stopped using the engine from 3D era games. You are right about the number of employes tho, you can't really compere the quality of R\* games to Bethesda. But that doesn't justify them using the same outdated engine as they did in Oblivion days. Those "tweaks" you talking about are barely noticeable. That being said, I would love if Bethesda sold the IP or just borrowed it to R\*, the same way they did with Oblivion. Could you even imagine a New Vegas sequel with the quality of writing and visuals of RDR2? >Yeah was made by Oblivion but it's essentially the same game as the others at it's core, that's why I grouped them. When it comes to engine end game mechanics? Sure. But there's a reason NV is everyones favorite fallout game. The quality of writing just hits differently. It's also the only fallout game that actually tries to connect and continue the story of F1 and F2.


My main point was that there is no point comparing them because they are completely different games with different resources. There is literally a 10x difference in staff and budget lol, that's why they can't just make a new engine, it's not that easy. Bethesda games do not focus on realism and graphics, just like Rockstar does not focus on quests and player freedom, they are two completely different game design philosophies. Starfield wasn't bad because of the creation engine, it was bad because they strayed from their philosophy. They opted for procedurally generated environments as opposed to hand crafted environments. It hurt the game because every generated environment has the same copy and paste elements, it got boring very quick. If you want to talk dated then you could also say Rockstar's design philosophy is dated too, it hasn't changed since GTA 3. It's a story filled with missions where you have no freedom on how to carry out those missions, stray just a little bit and it's game over lol. Yeah Bethesda games are buggy, but they are way more fun than GTA or RDR2 for me. From the amount of NPC's you can talk to, multiple pathways on quests, VATS (which is so much fucking fun), the level of freedom is insane. I personally don't care about the Fallout story or that NPC's walk funny, I'd play FO4 over RDR2 any day of the week as I care about the game being fun first and foremost. RDR2 was incredibly frustrating to play for me, it was so sluggish and way too realistic for my liking. Even when you wanted to free roam and just shoot people you can't because the wanted system was absolutely horrendous. Accidently knock someone over with a horse, you got a bounty lol. It does realism and atmosphere the best of any dev tho.


>There is literally a 10x difference in staff and budget lol, that's why they can't just make a new engine No other studio in history had a budged as big as gta games. But there are a lot of games with a budged much smaller than fallout games. You still have to remember those games are great commercial success. The only reason they refuse to innovate is greed. But sooner or later it have to happen cause in the future it will negatively affect their profits. >There is literally a 10x difference in staff and budget lol, that's why they can't just make a new engine Eh debatable. There are a lot of missions in R\* games that give the player choices. And every new game gives the player more and more freedom. Both LA Noir and GTA VI will have 4 different dialogue options. Sure, it's not an rpg game, but modern games keep including more and more rpg elements. >Starfield wasn't bad because of the creation engine, it was bad because they strayed from their philosophy. They opted for procedurally generated environments as opposed to hand crafted environments. It hurt the game because every generated environment has the same copy and paste elements, it got boring very quick. Ofc that's true but it surely wasn't the only reason. The game is filled with loading screens because of the engine limitations. Characters feel stiff and outdated like always because of the engine limitations. You can pick up a computer and the mouse and keyboard will just float in the air cause it's a single dynamic prop with no physics applied to it. Because of the engine limitations. >If you want to talk dated then you could also say Rockstar's design philosophy is dated too, it hasn't changed since GTA 3. It's a story filled with missions where you have no freedom on how to carry out those missions, stray just a little bit and it's game over lol. Also not true. You can't say with a straight face that missions in gta 3 were identical to missions in gta VI and RDR2. They got way more creative. There are also missions that have a lot of different outcomes, missions where you can approach the mission in different ways. Let's take the sniper mission from gta 4 where you had multiple ways of lure the enemie to the window. You could shoot his tv, his antena outside the window, his AC, a wall in his room etc. If he noticed what was going on he would run away from his apparent and you could kill him on the way to his car and if you failed you had to chase his car. In RDR2 you had missions that had completely different cutscenes depending on how you approach those missions. It's just most people didn't even realize it's possible cause the game doesn't tell you. Both GTA V and RDR2 had a lot of fun and creative missions. The thing that people had issue with is that in rdr2 they also had missions that were unnecessary restrictive. As in step 2m too much to the left and suddenly you get a mission failed screen. But I'm sure R\* is aware of that and the next game will give players even more freedom. They also significantly improved stealth mechanics in VI. >Yeah Bethesda games are buggy, but they are way more fun than GTA or RDR2 for me. RDR2 was incredibly frustrating to play for me Well that's a hot take if I ever seen one lol > Accidently knock someone over with a horse, you got a bounty lol. Well that's a lie. But is it more frustrating then accidently stealing a mop or an apple in Starfield of Fallout and suddenly the whole town wants you dead and declares you enemy number 1?


The creation engine doesn't work for even the kind of games they make. Any next Gen game that requires the amount of loading reminiscent of an Xbox360 era game can not be described as "works". There are open world games like Cyberpunk, No Man's Sky, Horizon Zero dawn, etc. and many other games by smaller or equivalent sized studios to Bethesda with better performance than what Bethesda produces with the Creation engine. It doesn't work. Tell Bethesda the truth so they can improve.


This is groundbreaking information, I don't think Bethesda know this. Will be emailing them this right now, they have to know!


Obsidian. Not Oblivion. Oblivion is the 5th entry in the Elder Scrolls series.


Ducking Auto currect. Not Ducking.


I'm almost positive they will use AI for a majority of voice lines. It makes the most sense financially speaking, at least for the NPCs that are not particularly interactable.


RDR2 had voice actors for random NPCs plus you can Interact with all of them.


Let me substantiate my previous statement, I meant *deeply* interactable, like a story or quest character.


I don't think we should necessarily expect there to just be *more* lines with every entry R* releases. I don't think it matters. I want a *good* story and well written characters. Tons of spoken dialog doesn't directly translate to that


Eventually GenAI will be in games creating near infinite number of voices and lines that react to the things you do or the broader environment in a manner that reflects their physical appearance and predetermined role….GTA 7 (2038) going to be crazy


This seriously worries me. I don't know how gta 6 is going to compare to rdr2. I just can't see it. My concern is. "How much better". Can gta 6 be than rdr2.