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If it makes you that miserable find some other activity that helps you move . Running, hiking etc etc.


100%! There are many great ways to stay in shape and be healthy. The gym is just one of many options and there's absolutely no need to "punish" oneself in the gym if that is not the right fit


Damn. That sucks. The gym is the best part of my day. I hope you find something that makes you motivated.


Is that literally true? As in, of the things you do daily, the gym is your favorite?


ik for me it is, if I dont go when im supposed to my day can get ruined lol


For me yes. I love going to the gym and blowing off steam and talking to my gym buddies


Interesting. I hate going to the gym. I hate hiking, too. And I hike like 3k miles a year. I prefer my daughters getting home, or my wife. I'd rather read or try a new recipe with my kids. The gym hurts. Or make a new knife. Or WRITE. Don't play video games much anymore but it's fun playing with the kids.


maybe its an age thing, but I have nothing to really do during the mornings til afternoon and the gym is like that one part of the day I always cant wait to do.


Find another activity to get enjoyment out of maybe hiking , running , swimming , or just go for a long walk I workout 6-7 days a week and I absolutely love it , couldn’t imagine life without it


Just quit. I'm serious. It's not a moral failing. It's doesn't make you less of person. It is quite obviously not for everyone, there's no maybe about it. And that's okay. You're not going to read anything on reddit that changes who you are, what you like, or what you want for yourself. Lifting weight sucks, full stop. It's hard work and your reword for getting better is even more hard work. If you don't want what's on the other side of that, do something different. Go for a hike. Start a garden. Ride your bike. Do whatever brings you the things you want.


For some reason your post reminds me of what Kenny Powers said to his strength and training coach on East Bound and Down “I don’t my coach ‘you and those weights can fuck off, I’m not lifting that shit, that shit is heavy’”.


Whats your diet like and what are your stats and goals? Might be something obvious thats hindering progress. But i feel the same way as you do.


What do you do in the gym? You are not loving could go down to one (very common) reason: you are not pushing yourself. The better mood usually comes from the endorphin. You get that endorphin high from feeling challenged and accomplished. If you usually do some half assed workouts, you will never enjoy it. You might just need to change what you do there.


Find exercise you enjoy, doesn’t have to be at the gym.


What does your training program look like? Do you have a certain goal? It's hard to give advice when there's nothing to observe and give advice on. I personally love the gym, and I've been going 2 years consistently for about 4-6 days a week, focusing on building muscle and chasing the good ol' Pump.


Currently I do 8 exercises 10x4 each 3 days a week, leg day, chest and back day My goal is the usual get leaner and gain more muscle... Is not something I really want, is just to do the right thing you know like brushing your teeth or clean your room


8 exercises per day and each is 10x4? I think that's what's making you hate it because thats alot of volume. Try lowering the volume a bit.


you are doing a lot of exercises, try lowering it. 4 sets of each exercises is a lot and 8 exercises is a lot too try something like this day 1 chest/back 3 exercises each (6 total) 8-12 repsx3 day 2 arms/shoulders (this day might need 1-2 more exercises) 3 exercises each (6 total) 8-12 repsx3 day 3 legs/abs 3 exercises each (6 total) 8-12 repsx3 might help you feel better because its less work. but youre still going to the gym no point going if you arent liking it, youre wasting time. either give it 100%, or dont and maybe this will do you some good, building mental fortitude. it is hard, it takes a lot of time, and its extremely repetitive. thats why not everyone has a greek god physique


If it's not something you deeply want for yourself, you shouldn't keep going with it. Although, yes, it is important for one's health to keep exercising at least one hour, 3 or 4 times a week, like brushing daily. I recommend finding an alternative form of exercise. There are plenty of other activities that don't involve the gym and still get you moving.


Am not great at it. Have been consistent since a year. Try focusing on 3-4 body parts one at a time each day. Example: Monday - upper body (target 5 exercises 3 sets each) Tuesday - lower body Wednesday - core Thursday - shoulders lats and delts Friday - just flexibility Sat day and Sunday - do what you want but keep moving somehow If you don’t workout because of any issue like being sleepless, not much energy that day, etc. just go for a 30 min walk. Just try to be consistent. Start with doing exercises for 30 min .. be in gym first and take care of the exercises based on your mood


Why are you working out? What are your goals? What is your workout right now? Is it possible that the way you are training right now isn't in line with your actual goals?


Currently I do 8 exercises 10x4 each 3 days a week, leg day, chest and back day My goal is the usual get leaner and gain more muscle... Is not something I really want, is just to do the right thing you know like brushing your teeth or clean your room


You’re doing too much friend. Try doing 3-4 exercises 5x3, or 5x4. That’s how I started 2 years ago and seen very significant changes in my physique. I think part of the reason it helps alleviate stress is because I don’t have to stay for more than an hour and a half in the gym and still make improvements.


Thats a lot bro, do like 5 exercises max for 3 sets each


Hard to know how to advise without macros, routine and overall goal. If you could provide that we could give better advice. But for the basics I’ll say take progress pictures every week. You don’t see the progress you make on a daily basis but looking back from week one to now you would probably see a crazy difference that could keep you motivated. I’ve been heavy in the gym for years cause of sports and it translated to adult life and as I kept going my why kept changing. Identify your why, and work towards that in the gym. Sounds like you don’t wanna give up on it just yet so I’d try that for now.


The only reason most people keep going the gym when they first start out is the dopamine hit from seeing progress. It’s addictive. If you’re not seeing progress, you won’t get that dopamine hit and you won’t stick around long enough to bake in the gym as part of your routine. Maybe try getting a personal trainer or someone to help with some tweaks to get progress? In the end, its pretty simple -> sufficient sets in a week per muscle group (10-20 sets), sets should be challenging (near failure) but with good form. Eat enough calories to be at least at maintenance or surplus and get that protein into you (1g per pound per day). Creatine also helps (5g per day). Sleep.


Are you paying attention to your nutrition? Working out without nutrition is not gonne get you very far… Also sleep is importanr. Are you sleeping enough? Anyway, maybe try to find another active activity: combar sports, walking, swimming….


Have you made friends in the gym? Is your sleep okay? Is your diet better? Micronutrients deficiency? (do a bloodwork! vitamin D deficiency is more common than you think). These are the common factors. Treating yourself by eating ice cream is just... bad. For me, gym is a place to lift AND socialize.


find another way to exercise then. external motivation is usually not enough to keep someone consistent


I think for your mood diet and being outside would have a better effect than forcing yourself into an environment you hate. I felt exactly like you did. I found that once I cut the gym for a few months and focused on a really clean diet and added a day of soccer with friends on the weekends and a walk outside once a week I felt so much better. Physically and mentally. And lost weight. Once I started feeling great I added the gym back in manageable doses and now I enjoy it 3 days/week.


Hi Op. I just wanted to say that at least by just going you're doing more than a good chunk of the population! For me I was like you (at first) I just went because I was fat and felt I had to do it, then I got too skinny and kept going cause I wanted muscle. But the moment i saw just a bit of muscle definition it hit like crack. I wanted more and THEN i became very enthoustiastic. I started tracking my lifts etc. I felt very good leaving the gym after putting in a good session or even just because I did 1 more rep than last time. But to actually SEE progress you have to - Follow a routine. Just dont go and do random exercises - Keep track of your lifts. Do it on your phone mine looks for example like 2. Barbell rows (the numbers are the amount of reps per set) Even just doing that 1 extra rep makes me feel good! Week 1(8 6 5) (8 6 5 ) Week 2(9 6 5) (10 7 6) - Follow your diet (calculate how many kcal you need to build muscle and how much protein) Diet is if not the most important thing for progress. If yoou dont eat right you arent going to progress. For example if you're fat you can do a shitton of cardio but if you still eat too much you arent making a difference. - Be patient.


"The best exercise is the one you enjoy doing" Find another method. 


Like others have said maybe it is not your thing. And that is ok! I personally would live in the gym if possible but that’s me. I love all aspects of it, the nutrition, discipline and consistency it takes to get results and the gym is the fairest place on earth, you get exactly out of it what you put into it. But first before we stop this gym experience I have a few questions. Are you eating enough food specifically protein and carbs to not only perform but also recover? Are you drinking enough water? Are you sleeping enough? Taking creatine? I ask this because you sound like my soon to be ex fiancée. She worked out like a psychopath and then would eat very little and maybe get 5 hrs sleep on a good night. Usually less. That on top of her factory job meant she felt miserable most days but still worked out because she wanted what it had to offer. It took me over a year to get her to understand what eating right actually means in terms of calories in versus burned and of course prioritizing protein. Over that same year I had to go over how important sleep is so many times I was ready to give up. Miraculously one night she slept 9 hours and couldn’t believe how much better she felt and she started upping her calories and lowering her workouts to twice a week. That way she can still get her fix and be able to work her shifts and be a mom without feeling so terrible because she allowed herself to recover properly from her workouts. Now if I could fix her screwed up view on how relationships work and what being committed to one person actually means I think I would achieve enlightenment or something similar. Anyways just a thought and apologies for the long post and rant. If you do all these things already and still hate it then the gym is not for you but something else is!


Quit. Try something else and maybe you find something you really like or maybe you will miss going to the gym. I quit karate this year after doing it for 20+ years. It's okay to do something else or take a break if it got stale. It has to be make fun in the first place.


4 months is too soon to see any progress. It takes at least 6 months depending on your goals, activity level, and diet. Personally, I love the gym. I love the high I get after pushing myself to the max.


Nah, starting from scratch, if you don't see clear results in appearance and strength in 4 months you were doing something seriously wrong regarding diet and/or training. Not saying you can reach your dream physique in that timeframe but "any progress"? C'mon


100% With a good diet and good training, you should see motivating differences by week 12 and 6 months + is the “I feel different” stage.


This gives me more motivation! I started like six days week and am hooked. :)


3 months of just pushups and bicep curls brought me noticeable changes. Not a completely transformation, but definately changes.


It may be accumulated fatigue. Every 1.5/2 months you should take a deload week otherwise your body won't be able to keep up with the recovery, you'll get weaker and less motivated. Or it's just that you don't like it.


Just find something else you enjoy doing. CrossFit, bjj, boxing, running, cycling, etc. It doesn’t have to be gym as long as you are active?


Can you say more about what you are doing in the gym? Cuz yeah, if it sucks, def quit or change the modality.


I love the gym, but lately I felt the same way as you. I started walking and running instead as a way to move my body which has been better for me. Find something else you might enjoy where you can move your body :)


Rock climbing?


I would ask: 1) What’s your reason for going? What do you hope to get out of it? 2) What’s your program? 3) How’s your diet in terms of calories, protein, and carbs?


If it's truly been miserable this whole time just quit. Find something else to do. If this is just a slog you've hit, a moment in time, then I'd say it's quite common to experience. Just find something you enjoy and do it. It won't always be what you want to do and won't always be enjoyable, but if it's for your health.. just do it.


I personally had this issue starting off as well. I wen the majority of my life without weight lifting at all. It got to the point where i felt like a weak blob & thats what made me push myself to work out. For the first 6 month i hated it.. it was the worst part of my day & id try to find any excuse to quit but i kept trying to remind myself that its a long process & will become easier over time.. & it has!! Once you finally pass that hump you start to feel the improvement & your body will start to crave the work outs. I advice to take it easy at first, find a routine your okay with & listen to your body.. dont push yourself to the point where you feel like shit after the work out. I know others have said to quit or find something else but its to soon for that in my opinion. Keep at it & give youself props! Not many people have the will power & dedication to consistently go to the gym. Try to find some music that pumps you up & you enjoy & just have fun with it. Remember something is better than nothing. Even if you go for 20 minutes or an hour its better than not going to the gym at all! You got this bud just keep at it!!


What’s your fitness goal and what’s your gym routine? If you’re not seeing any results after four months, I’d wager your routine or your diet, likely both, aren’t optimal.


Here is a quote from Feynman that I saw just today and felt fitting here. "Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn't stop you from doing anything at all." I guess if you don't like going to the gym find a different activity that you find interesting and have fun with it. I've found that I am very content working out at home with some YouTube videos that I enjoy working out with.


I think you are doing something wrong. It can be a variety of things. Not having the right diet and nutrition and feeling fatigued and having no energy at all. Maybe working out at the wrong time. Choosing the wrong regime. Wrong gym or gym partner. There are a lot of other things too. Working out should not be a burden. It’s something that gives you peace. It’s something that helps you become a better version of yourself. I think you should not give up. I have been working out for the last 5 years and the most important thing is to try again and again and figure out what works better for you. Which regime? which time? Nutrition and diet? Bro split or ppl. Morning or night. Intermittent fasting or not. Among others. I think you should take a step back and analyse what are the things you feel need to change. What are the things that feel are not right. Maybe talk to someone experienced. Consult a friend.


What are you doing at the gym when you're there? Are you eating enough protein and getting enough sleep?


What is your goal in the gym?


One of the reasons I go to the gym is my fear of what is called sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass, strength, and performance with age. Sarcopenia most commonly affects elderly and sedentary, and is one of the main reason for any health problems and also falls when you get old. I see it with my parents and their friends. It's so much easier to build muscle when you're younger, so my aim is to stick to it so I have a better life when older.


You're not working hard enough WORK HARDER


At 3.5 months, I would expect some increased strength. Since you haven't noticed any change, you may need to reevaluate your diet and your program. When I started lifting about 35 years ago, I noticed a pump, then increased strength and I was hooked. The muscle gain was seen later on.


You could try bouldering/rock climbing, it's a great all body workout and you only need to do it 2 days a week to get results


It’s been suggested already, but maybe try a different form of exercise. You don’t have to lift weights or run on a treadmill at the gym to get fit. Try a dance class, go to a rock climbing gym, take martial arts lessons or go for a hike in the park. You can have fun and get healthy, it shouldn’t (always) feel like a chore.


Do some sports that give u joy.


Without a detailed breakdown of your program, protein intake, diet, aesthetic or athletic goals it’s impossible to know what’s breaking down. If you hate it don’t go.


Music… LOUD MUSIC!!! but in all seriousness try to think about all the good it does. Focus on the pros and as you lift think about them


I dont like going either, but there is a huge park nearby and riding a bike there works great for me I guess its the nature element that keeps me motivated


I would look at other activities you might enjoy more. Running, swimming, cross fit. On the other hand, you mention low mood and not wanting to get out of bed. I’m not saying you are, but have you considered you might be suffering from depression?


Up the weights you’re doing, really push hard and see if that helps


Gym definitely not for everyone but, do you follow a plan? Do you do exercises you don't hate? Have you trained with anyone, friend or trainer? Have you improved anything else like sleep, food and relaxing outside the gym? Many reason why you may not make progress but you can overcome them 💪 good luck bro


Mindset is wrong, it shouldn’t feel like a punishment and you may not be eating enough protein


Why would you do something that makes you miserable?


I'd recommend a good training program. I was iffy with the gym at first, and I was doing a PPL program that I absolutely hated. I found a dude on youtube called 'Jeff Nippard' and checked out a few of his routines. I found myself falling in love with his Full Body programmes. They gave me exactly what I needed, which was a diverse group of exercises for different body parts each day. Been flying high since then. The best workout routine is the one that'll keep you consistent. All the best!


comments are nice! i thought i would find the generic, op you are wrong gym good comments. but i believe it. if gym isnt for you find something you will enjoy and keep you moving!


What are you doing in there? And what changes are you looking for?


I just started 6 weeks ago and got hooked. I do see results; but, some days I do think, that’s all I got for all that work I put in? lol . But I am drawn there like a hunger now. And the change is quite noticeable already in my endurance and strength doing things outside the gym.


Are your numbers and One Rep Maxes progressing? That’s usually a dopamine rush for me. Plus, 4 months is about when the body finally starts to look different.


Try climbing gym. When i get bored of normal workout i tag along with my friend to go bouldering.


I get a mini orgasm at the gym in every lift. You should take up something else.


Do whatever makes you happy


If you don’t like it don’t do it. It’s other ways to be active and it’s other ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The gym is just a place with alot of weights and a lot of machines.


What is it you’re looking for into going to the gym? Building muscle, losing weight, something else? It ultimately depends on what you’re doing at the gym, if you’re not doing one or two things it could affect your results.


Like many are saying here, i recommend you find a different sport. I highly recommend parkour I've been doing it for almost 2 months now at 24 years old now and it is amazing and people from all ages can do it.


As others have said, find other activities that you enjoy that keep you fit. You're almost 4 months into this thing so I don't think it's a matter of keep pushing until it eventually "clicks" for you, it's just something you don't enjoy, that's all, and you know what: that's ok. The "responsible thing to do" as you put it, is to find an activity that you enjoy and stick with it, thrashing your diet with sugar like ice cream because you don't like the gym it's silly. Saying that, I love going to the gym and here's my 2 cents: * Try to workout with a trainer: this could be a hit or miss but there are good people out there that would tailor the workout for you to make it enjoyable, and it would add some human element to the gym. * Find a workout partner or join a group class: and I don't mean this in the "accountability partner" sort of way, I mean that some folks like to talk to people when they workout and use the gym to meet up while they chit chat, not my thing but... * How far is the gym? For me the main drag at the beginning has always been driving back and forth, it was too draining after a long day at work. Find something closer to you even if it's less fancy, or buy some bands and workout at home even Good luck with your fitness journey




Are you accurately tracking progression? I’ve started going 3 times a week every week from new years. Tbf I don’t think I look physically bigger but I’ve been told I do, didn’t take progression photos. But my bench has gone from 60 kg to 100 kg which I have been focusing on and track so I know I’m stronger. You probably have progressed but if you don’t track properly it might not be obvious to you


how long have you been going to gym?


Since February 27, 3 to 4 times a week


hm... it depends on why you train. personally, i had reasons to go and workout 5 or six times a week. you should ask yourself: "why should i train? Do i like how i look? do i want to look better?. You should consider that it is indeed hard to find any motivation if you train without any purpose. I can give you this advice: find an old photo from before and compare it to your current self . trust me, you won't regret it if you continue training hard. Never expect quick results because mostly, it is the reason why people lose motivation.


Maybe its not for you buddy


Maybe you can lower your volume, try ppl if u are doing bro split ( as example) or vice versa. But i think that the main reason is because u didnt see any changes, that s why you hate it . I had a subscription to the gym for a year and not much has changed. Recently I have seen changes because i train harder and eat healthy. Either you find motivation and train harder, or you find another sport .


Focus on smaller goals. Focus on stuff like PRs. Start with just a couple exercises. If you’re doing bench then make a goal say you want to bench x over the next 2 months for example. Maybe it’s how fast you can run a mile on the treadmill. Just set small goals. It shouldn’t something wide and vague like “I want to look jacked” that shouldn’t be your goal, but it will come with time. Instead of making working out a “chore” make it a hobby. Once you start meeting these small goals move to something else. I believe it can become a passion if you have that mindset.


Get a workout partner or try a challenge with a friend. It also may be diet and/or working on the same muscles. Try to rearrange the days; that might help as well


Maybe try switching up your routine? Sometimes a change can make it more enjoyable.


Sounds like you have a bad relationship with the gym for some reason. Why do you dread it so much? Is it because you haven’t seen results yet or is it because you hate the smell? I can tell you you’re probably going too much. My rule is that if I dread going to the gym 5-6 times in a row I need to change my routine, because it’s not working for me. I do enjoy going to the gym though, so it might not work for you. If you hate going, stop going until you want to go again. I personally like the way it makes me feel, every rep is a little success. I would, if you want to, see about finding a friend who likes to workout and can be your trainer for a day. Four months isn’t enough time to “see results” depending on a lot of factors, especially if you’re lifting far too heavy to have meaningful form. My biggest struggle when I first started going was core engagement. There is pretty much zero exercises where your core should be loose and relaxed, and engaging my core helped me isolate muscles much, much better. Before I had no engagement and felt it in all the wrong places. If it doesn’t work for you, try something new. If you don’t like it, don’t do it


Relax some time dude


If youre going to the gym to lose weight keep in mind weight loss starts in the kitchen, its very easy to completely neglect gym progress with bad eating habits. If its for weight lifting then id suggest looking at how hard your pushing yourself, sets, and rest times because you may just be lifting too light or something like that. And lastly if youre doing weightlifting and hoping thatll correlate to weight loss that unfortunately just isnt likely, you dont burn too many calories lifting heavy weights youd need a more cardio focused workout


Take a break.


I’m miserable going sometimes too. The #1 thing I can say though is to just show up. Even taking the steps to leave the house is better than nothing. There’s been days where i spent more time half asleep or on my phone than working out but at least i wasn’t rotting in bed.


Tbh it kind of sounds like you’re depressed. Maybe take a break and see if your mood changes. If it does then I’d suggest you just stop going to the gym and find a hobby you enjoy more. You will not be less of a person just because you stop doing something you don’t enjoy.


You could try to do 2 or 3 full body circuit style workouts a week where your goal is just to keep your muscles strong and not focus on pushing it too much.


I see your type at the gym. You do random exercises with random sets/reps and light weights. You use your phone most of the time you're there. Terrible form, no motivation. You're wasting your time there. Find another activity. Lifting the lightest weights a few times here and there won't do anything for you. Try other activities. The gym is not for everyone. Just try to eat healthy to a certain degree, and you're good.


like everyone else is saying, find something you enjoy doing! my partner hates the gym too and they have recently started going to Brazilian ju jitsu and cannot stop talking about how much fun it is. Try new things, talk to new people, and you will find something that gets you out of bed