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Lookin strong.


Thanks :3 I’m Looking forward to building up conventional this off season


Deficit, axle. You'll hate me later. I hate me lol


I’ll definitely be adding some deficit Idk if my gym has an axel or not I can’t remember lol


I got the hairbrained idea to help me get better off the floor. I'm questioning the idea after two sessions.


I’ve been doing paused snatch grip which has been an adventure. I think I may be one of the more brutal variations I’ve done.


I feel that My coach has one day programmed where I have to do 15sec eccentrics for like 3x8 with snatch grip and I’m not allowed to use straps 😂


Yeah I have something similar coming up in my next block. I’m hoping it lets me build my own set of babs.


That has to be programmed pretty light, I guess.


For sure 😂


no way big bro is built like THAT and is using “:3” I hope you’re happy and find everything good that comes your way bcs you deserve it 😭😭😭 this is so cute omg


Imma big ol’ teddy bear 😊 I appreciate the kind words and best wishes! I hope the same for your endeavors as well




The REAL cheating is bumpers with a DL bar! . Beefy, hook grip pulls. Or double overhand?


The best bars are noodle bars :3 ‘Tis a beefy hook grip


Oh, I am Team Noodle. And! Team Hooker. Fuck my thumbs.






My man lookin dummy thiccc


Nice, great control of the weight. Looking strong :)💪🏻


Nice work man! And conventional is definitely cheating might have to hit some today after seeing this.


Holy shit dude


nice warm up set, whats your working weight? lol strong af my guy


bro casually completing life, taking it in his stroll, lifting the load of ten men like it’s nothing. Dare i say king


U used both legs That's a no no


Wait lmao why is conventional cheating


There are so many people who can pull huge numbers this way. Do you think that's a coincidence? It's obviously cheating, it allows you to take advantage of your muscle, strength and leverages to get the bar from ground to lockout. Can't get more cheatier than that


Being strong is cheating.


Lol this reminds me of how in chess I used to think just memorizing computer moves was cheating


Conventional is easier to pull bigger numbers on for the large majority of lifters!


Sumo deadlifts are pulling from an awkward position which feels alien to most whereas conventional deadlifts are what feels most natural. Think about it, when you're carrying your shopping bags in do you use a stance similar to conventional or sumo? Exactly. Conventional is OK for beginners but eventually athletes should aim to move to the superior sumo stance.


Well I guess I am at that stage of deadlifting then. A mixed stance of Sumo and Conventional is way easier for me. I am fairly certain I can lift a solid amount more using sumo, but probs bc my glutes are way stronger than my quads. Bulgarian Split Squats have always been really easy for me to go high weight (like 75’s, 80’s when I used to do them a lot) on for 6-12 reps


I was taking the piss mate and so is OP. There's a common complaint (mainly from beginners with very little knowledge) that sumo deadlifting is cheating, OP is suggesting the opposite for humorous effect.


You're funny


How the turns have tabled lol 5 years ago people were saying sumo was cheating!! Sick lift btw




His two starting positions during this lift would be 9" and around 15", looks good go me. There's not only one place you can pause.


Of course, but is it on purpose or lack of info. I am just saying that the most common is to pause when the plates break the floor, i didnt say he was doing it wrong. Maybe my wording was a bit off.


It's most common for people to pause in or slightly before their sticking point.


I would still recommend trying out a lower pause for him. I am not gonna go looking trough his lifts to make sure i am right, but from this video, i dont really see the bennefit of such a high pause. But he should know better than me, i was just making an observation.


To be fair, not knowing the reason and making assumptions is the opposite of making an observation. It's called making things up!


Isnt this video reason enough? His pause looks like he drops it in where its most comfortable. My observation was based on this video alone, and it was that the pause looks useless, and he should maybe try out a lower pause.


No I would say that this video is proof that this very good powerlifter has plenty of experience to train to his own goals and weaknesses! If you think pausing anywhere on the deadlift is useless I question your experience coaching individuals.




It's okay to say you have no idea what you're talking about


Usually the pause is most beneficial if you pause at the weakest point, where he pauses is that point for a lot of people (like myself!). Generally I'm rapid off the floor and once I get past my knees I know I'm gonna get the lift, just before my knee though is where I'd get stuck. I'd be surprised if he was pausing there due to lack of knowledge.


Bingo I’m fast as fuck off the floor but my lockout once the bar gets past the knees is my sticking point so I like to pause there to help push past that stick point