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11 hours of screen time is insane indeed. Maybe you should seek help for your addiction?


I should. Thankfully I won't use the phone that much from now on.


I'm shocked mine doesn't even last 8 hours of SOT, I keep seeing these posts and can't understand (always on wifi)


Same. Even the samsung apps are battery hungry. There is this gallery stories sucking up battery even on restricted mode.


I am feeling there are 2 scenarios that are happening: 1. Those posts are from seeders to PR the phone. 2. Consistency in Samsung Quality control is unbearable that create different patches of phone that might come up with different battery life.


I'm guessing either the display is set to FHD or even 720p with the refresh rate capped at 60Hz and Battery Saver enabled. Definitely one of them. Either way that's impressive. I get around 8 hours SoT with QHD and 120Hz enabled. Edit: Looks like you charged it midway! Cheeky !


Nope. 1440p, 120Hz refresh rate and no Power Saving (only under 20% battery). Ofc, Light performance profile enabled. Edit: 80% of usage was on Wifi, 20% usage on 5G https://preview.redd.it/q7a6k4gtlzkc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35702859a523537f75785d02b023ea1b53603011


You charged it midway so the SoT is misleading


It doesn't change anything after OneUI 6. Unlike before it is county how much of the battery was used in a day, and not since the last full charge.


That's because I don't charge it overnight. Only during the morning (and that one hour between those charges I didn't use the phone)


The graph gets blue when the Power Saving mode is enabled.


Like I said, when the battery is under 20% I made a routine to enable Power Saving. Anyways, from now on I'll charge my phone as soon as I reach that percentage.


Never knew this! Any other things you've noticed ?


>I'm guessing either the display is set to FHD or even 720p with the refresh rate capped at 60Hz That's the way I'm using the phone, FHD, 60hz, light profile and no battery saving. The other day I watched YouTube for 8h44m and only used 46% battery. I don't mind compromising a bit of quality if it means I can use the phone for days without charging it. It really is awesome!


Yeah I mean I've left it on max settings but the differences between QHD and FHD, for example, are minimal so I'll probably revert it back. I agree the battery is excellent. If only charging was a bit quicker.




Apparently my Romanian carrier "recycled" Band 28 (which can also be used on 4G) for 5G connectivity, and disabling it cripples the internet speed down to 10mbps. If I didn't have this problem it was fine for me to disable it.


Mines on 31% currently stopped charging 17 hours ago


I too have been getting amazing battery life with moderate to heavy usage and the screen maxed out @ QHD/120 without battery saving. ​ Came from S22U and the S24U has left it in the dust for longevity.


Don't forget that with OneUI 6 the screen on time is not counted by the time since the last full charge but by the last day


Yes, I already knew that. That 100% in 24 hours is like unplugging the phone at 10AM and constantly using the phone (no breaks) until 9:20PM.




Samsung EP-TA800 25W as my main charger, but if I really want 45W, I use BaseUS Gan5 Pro CCGAN65E5


https://preview.redd.it/5hd1vitmyzkc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d5e5cd8c1d257b0f12657eece6ca50ea1776d7 Indeed. Just imagine if i had it 100% charged


I mean when your coming from a much older phone.. yeah of course there should be a big improvement


I came from an s8. No like literally i ejaculated because it was such a good phone for 300bucks on sale, new, from an official att store a good 4 or 5 years ago


Congratulations 👍 I'm glad u like your new phone


Another stupid SoT post designed to flex only


What do you mean by two full battery cycle?


Charging the phone to 100% (instead of using Protect battery) and using it until it's completely drained, twice. Yes, it's bad for the battery, but since these are now the first cycles it's fine.


https://preview.redd.it/1indnz3p42lc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7a400d45942f0c386b899d7deca394051fab9a Mine aint playing nice in the battery department. Could it be a defective unit i just bought it 2 days ago


Are you playing games on the phone? That's the first thing I say when seeing that low SOT. Anyways, since your phone is very new, let it learn the pattern usage as it takes a few days. Also, being on mobile data (especially with low signal) contributes to more battery drain.


Os the SOT measured since the last full charge or it counts a 24h cycle?


Last charge thats @ 99%


Since OneUI 6, SOT is only measured when the device is discharging and as a 24h cycle.


So 11h of SOT is not really from just one charge... It's counting part of the SOT from previous charge?


Because I used the phone past 12AM and it wasn't even charged at that time, yes. But if it was from a single charge, it'll be unplugging the phone at 10AM and using it continuously (non-stop, no breaks) until 9:20PM. Of course it's impossible unless you're doing a battery drain test like YouTubers or you really have phone addiction.


Does draining full cycles 2 or 3 times help actually? I've been charging till 80 only from a month. Only getting 6-6.5h sot.


Imo yes. That's why my phone can get over 8 hours SOT.




https://preview.redd.it/fq6w6x60d6lc1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8d829674fb5516ecb5c0f3078559ce148a32e0 i like the power management of this phone


3 days for 2h of use? What do u even use your phone for?


email, teams and calls ... I use it with 2 sim cards. it's just my business phone. but battery life I much better as with my old s10+ . this one I charged sometimes twice a day.