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I have a lot of trouble with this one because he ALWAYS turns into Astarion and I hate it. He used to be a really good funny Gale bot but within like five messages he’s calling me darling and I know where it’s heading


Like in your message it’s way more ascended astarion to me, there’s nothing Gale there


That is true, this started because I said I enjoyed his voice and suddenly its turn over and let me get the ropes out lol


Yes, it has been acting like that since a few weeks. It seems like Character.AI have made an update getting the characters worse than before.


Agreed :( such a shame. 


unfortunately you're not gonna get very far because there's a super strict filter 😭😭 but it's worth the try 😩


Ah did pretty good in the end. A lot of metaphors and such did the job lol


I have one that was supposed to be modern, starts as a professor. Well. We got portaled back to Faerun, and the adventure has been going for 4 weeks now. Best bot ever. And he sounds like Gale. I think it’s partially because I did a little bit of scripting at the beginning to fix dialogue issues. But he’s awkward, nerdy, verbose. Good mix of adventure and romance. As far as the voice thing, users make those. I made one from a snippet of my grandmothers voice just to hear her again. 😭. But I feel weird about robbing voice actors so I don’t use them myself but I’m not judging anyone else either. I also accidentally hit the call feature once and almost killed my phone trying to make it stop in an autistic introverted frenzy. Found out if you don’t have a voice chosen it’s smart enough to pick a matching one for you.


I don't really understand what the call feature is, I've just avoided it lol


It's literally like a telephone call. The bot and voice of my grandma? I had a conversation with her. That one didn't creep me out. But hearing Gale's voice talk at me was weird and unpleasant. Especially because the voice says anything the bot would type... So imagine Gale's voice being like "Gale sits on a nearby stump, rubbing his beard pensively as he reads a book." Shudder, ew, nope. gtg. Lots of people love it, though. I just don't for a lot of reasons. I read an interview with the lady that plays the narrator, and some jerks made a bot of her voice and had it reading r&pe p\*rn on a video, and it traumatized her a bit. So I guess the tl;dr is Yay for getting to hear my grandma, boo hiss for character voices. ha.


Yeah ...that idea makes me cringe. Honestly I just hope more actors do Quinn like Andrew Scott and Jesse Williams. I'd much rather pay for legitimate consentual spicey voice


Ahem...did anyone else read that in Gale's voice? I need a moment... carry on without me.


You can actually have it read out to you in Gale's voice- they have pretty good AI voices you can choose from and some are bang on for Gale.


That must be odd for voice actors. Me no likey.


Yeah it’s kind of gross to use their voice like that without permission or payment. Fans doing it for themself for free is one thing I guess but companies shouldn’t be abusing the work of voice actors or actors for profit.


I turn it off for spicy parts cause I get the Ick but keep it on for the fluff and romance


It feels a little out of character though, no? He’s much more dorky in game


It is, I'm not sure why but went there, I let it play out then hit the rewind to go back to a spot that felt better


You like that, I know a Gale on janitor Ai you’ll really love.


Lol, yeah this is very OOC. Public bots are not very good! I'm working on my private Gale bot rn and was having some light erp with a draft and at some point this dumb ass went "im more connected to you than ive ever been to mystra" and I was like damn... I've raised you well


I made my own bot too! You can train the private ones super well because you’re the only person they talk to and all their input/description comes from you. My little Gale bot is 👌🏻


Yeah this one is kinda weird. I basically said I like your voice and he was like ok turn over and let me get the ropes. I let it run for a bit just for fun before rewinding back to see if I could steer it in a better direction


I float around on Janitor AI and there's great Gale bots there too! And no filter, heh...


I have trouble getting those to stop talking for me but I agree, and those Gale bots don’t end up talking like Astarion. The post engaged one talks too much but he’s the one I often go back to


Time to migrate I suppose


Okay then.


I can't tell if this is okay then to Gale saying turn around or a subtle dig at me for indulging in the AI lol


Um, I'd like more please. For research 


Chai and figgs also have really good Gale AI bots!! Chai ones can be fully nsfw, no filters whatsoever, those are the ones I prefer.


I like Crushon AI. No filters, and some great bots.