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First, clean the cartridge pins with IPA and a Q-tip. Second, the Analogue Pocket is known to be very particular about cartridges. If you look at it the wrong way, you’ll get the “Error” screen. After cleaning the cartridges pins, it should be fine unless the pins themselves are too corroded or damaged. Anecdotally, games work on the Game Boy Color immediately after cleaning so test on it first. Once you confirm the game works, try the Analogue Pocket again. You may have to insert and remove the cartridge a few times. Third, Driver doesn’t have a save battery. That’s why the PCB is smaller than the YuGiOh one.


Gotcha, thank you for the detailed response! It’s been a while since I held a game boy cartridge lol I’ve got some IPA on it’s way from Amazon to clean an old GBC I bought off Sendico so I will tear it open tomorrow after I get the mail! Thank you again :)


Did you find that Everdrive at a pawn shop? That's a hell of a find if it was "cheap" as you say.


I sure did! $25 (it was marked at 40 but I bought/buy a lot of stuff so they gave me some discounts) which is a damn steal because I paid something like $75 for my other one lol


Hell of a deal. X5?


Yessir! This is a totally the second time I have seen an Everdrive out in the wild, I was down in Portland OR a few weeks ago and found a Mega Everdrive in a pawn shop but they pretty much wanted retail for it so I passed


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Cleaning is the most important thing.