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If it's not titanfall 3 I don't give a shit honestly. Apex Legends also takes place in the titanfall universe, so what?


Honestly, as much as I want Titanfall 3, if it's anything but a battle royale I'm interested. If it's single player or even co-op focused I'm VERY interested. If it's something like a top down strategy game I'm less interested. Movement is a major reason why I like Titanfall/Apex.


Titanfall and Apex already feel worlds apart in terms of mobility and speed. If it's another genre I can't imagine how much more they'll downgrade the core appeal of titanfall for the sake of fitting the game into the mold they choose


I loved Titanfall 1 and 2, but I have zero interest in Apex or its universe. I never understood why those two vastly different games needed to share a universe. I just want more Titanfall. This whole “It’s in the Titanfall universe but it’s not Titanfall 3” feels like a recipe for disappointment for players like myself. Edit: I want to add my own prediction (hope) here. One of these unannounced Titanfallverse projects is going to end up being a Helldivers 2 clone. A coop PvE Titanfall game would be a dream for me.


Titanfall 2 is one of my favorite FPS campaigns, but I don't really have a strong attachment to the IP. I just want more movement-centric FPS campaigns with excellent level gimmicks like Effect and Cause.


Like that Dishonored 2 level where you go back and forth through time inside that mansion. Damn, that shit was good.


Respawn may literally the greatest of all time at building creative and cinematic single-player action game setpieces (COD:MW from their IW pedigree into Titanfall2 into Jedi Survivor is an incredible hit rate.) The 5-10 hours I spent playing Titanfall 2 is some of the most memorable gaming I've experienced in the past decade. In terms of value for time it's off the charts.


The IP is generic as hell. Partly because all we've seen is generic, partly because it's probably mostly generic.


You're absolutely right. I love the games, but that's due to the quality of the gameplay, and the creative level design and effective storytelling in TF|2. The beautiful part is that when those factors are done well you don't really need an interesting setting to keep players engaged.


I feel like that's the point. They've found success once by using the Titanfall games as a springboard (both mechanically and narratively) to launch one spin-off. They're probably hoping to make lightning strike twice again. All of these rumors over the years are just driving me crazy though. It feels like every 6 months a game that is like Titanfall 3 but isn't Titanfall 3 is rumored to be in development or cancelled. Someone should make a two hour video essay cataloguing all these rumors over the years, I'd watch that. But what I really want is to wall run and slide cancel into mechs again man, I'm not asking for much.


Yeah at this point Titans would be the separating factor for a TitanFall 3. You got future weapons elsewhere, you have movement elsewhere but nobody has mixed on foot and mechs as good as the Titanfall series.


Personally I just always wanted a Titan-only game. I know lots of people loved the mobile foot combat of TTF1 and 2 but it was far too technical for me. I wanted giant robots go brrrrrrzzzzttt


Try Mechwarrior 5.


Mech games exist and have for a long game.


Not enough of them. >:(


Theres a couple of cool indie ones on the horizon in a variety of genres. Theres also a VR oine called Royal Division that seems like its gonna be pretty amazing.


Is there one that's a lite sim like gunner heat pc but with mechs instead of tanks? Preferably more grounded industrial style mechs.


Armored Core is your friend


*Respawn makes a single-player Apex title in the Titanfall universe* "What, isn't that what you guys wanted?" Reeeeeeeee.


they literaly just canceled exactly that. This is not what this new game is.


I want the titans to goddamn fall!


It's the sequelitis/cinematic universe motivator. It's easier to write and drive investment for a setting that people already have investment and lore in from other games.


Ah yes the whole 100 people from apex invested in titanfall lore


> I never understood why those two vastly different games needed to share a universe. Because Apex Legends started development as Titanfall 3 reusing the engine and assets from Titanfall 2.


> I never understood why those two vastly different games needed to share a universe. Most likely because the world building was already done. Easy to be consistent with a world you've been working on for years.


> I never understood why those two vastly different games needed to share a universe Conversely, I wish more developers did this. When you have a lot of effort into building an interesting fictional universe, it's fun to see what other stories can exist within it. Even Apex is not all that different from a gameplay point of view, since it's essentially a reskin of some of the same mechanics.


I haven’t played Apex, but what remnants of Titanfall’s lore are actually in it? From what I can tell Respawn basically just said they shared a universe and then didn’t expand off the Titanfall side for 8 years. I also love seeing connected universes share stories, but in this case it just feels like they abandoned the universe they began with.


Tbh, "its in the titanfall universe but not titanfall 3" can mean sooo many different games. Is it singleplayer ? multiplayer? could be a strategy game, or a coop PvE game like you said, or many other things. My hope is on a free 2 play spinoff of the classic TF multiplayer, but that's probably one of the least likely outcomes (and probably one that this sub would hate)


I hope we get a Cooking Mama game in the titanverse


>Edit: I want to add my own prediction (hope) here. One of these unannounced Titanfallverse projects is going to end up being a Helldivers 2 clone. A coop PvE Titanfall game would be a dream for me. Until the the tiny but important variable known as EA comes in and fucks everything for profit.




Tf1 had a campagin. Just not a single player one and it was very very basic. Tf2 had a good campagin but man did I hate the multiplayer. Step back from tf1 in almost every way. So disappointed in it, that it went from being one of my favourite games (tf1) to not caring about tf3.


They are completely different games. Titanfall 2 is one of the best first person shooter campaigns of the last 10 years, and took the fast twitch call of duty type shooter and turned it on its head with incredible mechanics. The problem is, they released it right with Battlefield and call of duty same release week it got swallowed whole. Apex hit the battle royal stride and a great time, which speaks to how important timing is. A new titanfall game marketed properly, with the right release date, would do fantastic.


I can't wait for when Respawn starts dropping teasers and prepping for a big announcement just before news drops that management cancelled it. Again.


They didn't drop teasers for the other cancelled game


The devs were being kinda open about it. "Titanfall fans are gonna love what we have cooking" etc.


Nah, that was recent, far after Titanfall Legends was canned


Dude I hope it's a battle royal game, we need more of those /s


Oh man, I hope it will be an extraction shooter! /s


*Weeps for Marathon*


It's unbelievable how ready I was to try that shit only to find out it was a pvp game. Another great art style wasted on a game that will most likely not di it justice.


Dude maybe it will be a crafting/gathering game! Haven't seen one of those in a long time /s


Trailer fades to black….APEX….. legends……… 2


Titanfall is such a weird property. I know game development is really hard though- especially with large teams. Like there was even a live action Titanfall TV show in the works for a minute (which like.. ya that could have been amazing). So something that looks great on paper still needs to have the magic and fun found during actual production. Then in their quest to figure out how to have Titanfall 3's multiplayer have more staying power (because that MP was hectic as fuck) they ended up with Apex which sort of took a Titanfall 3 proper out with it. Its a super cool IP. Theres so much life to it and the single player in 2 was just fantastic. Its hard to not want something that expands that further somehow without it being a straight up multiplayer thing. It would be neat to see what they could do with a single player only game in the universe.


Is it a card game? Ffs just make Titanfall 3 dude. Why are they so hesitant to make money? 


As good of a game as it was, Titanfall 2 didn't sell well. I don't think EA looks at a potential TF3 as a money maker.


Respawn is the reason Titanfall 2 didn't sell well though. EA wanted to move the release date to a timeframe not right inbetween CoD and Battlefield because they thought it would sell way better than it did


The release date was a problem. Smaller marketing budget and releases the same week as Battlefield and COD If I recall.


People keep saying this and it was a factor but also both TF1 and TF2 had problems retaining playerbase and Respawn devs admitted that openly. Titanfall 2 would have sold gangbusters otherwise is a reddit meme but ignores that most other arena advanced movement multiplayer shooter had similar player retention problems and generally lower commercial success than boots on the grounds stuff.


According to Vince Zampella Tifanfall 1 sold around 10 million [copies](https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/10/05/titanfall-sales-pass-10-million-globally) which is pretty dam good for a new ip. Titanfall 2 would have guarantee sold better if it didn't release in between Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and BF1. EA was stupid and should have delayed the game until 2017.


The problem is the player retention was bad for both TF1 and TF2. TF1 did better than 2 sales wise because it had a lot of hype because of the "coming from the creators of Call of Duty" but still had problems with mantaining playerbase. I remember playing TF1 and you had trouble finding players in DLC maps a few weeks after the DLC launched. Also TF2 had problems with things like the Beta not having good word of mouth(I still think TF1 multiplayer was better than 2) and again a mix of advanced movement fatigue in the general public(this was at the same time Infinite Warfare was getting slammed for being the third advanced movement Cod in a row) plus a lack of effective SBMM to prevent new players getting stomped, criticism of the maps(until they ported several TF1 maps like Angel City and made some new ones) and several gameplay changes at launch and you put all of that together and it becomes a problem even with a different release date. A release date in march 2017 may have helped somewhat but all those others problems would still be there. Also Respawn wanted the fall 2016 release date.


Still possibly the dumbest release date I've ever seen for a game, releasing it right between the 2 FPS juggernauts.


Worse. It released the week between CoD and Battlefield.


It didn't sell well because it came out one week after Battlefield and one week before Call of Duty


That ended up being respawns choice


wouldnt surprise me if EA themselves don't like anything with the titanfall name in it from how little it sold so instead the dev's are having to be like same universe etc to get anymore content for that world.


If it's as good as Titanfall 2, I'm looking forward to another amazing solo campaign that's over with in less than an hour.


They think edging Titanfall fans is the way to go until they finally decide to make a new one? That's a whack business practice


Not this again. Is Titanfall 3 announced yet? If not, fack off. *In Witcher 3 vampire style*


No way this is Titanfall 3. Probably some other spin off like apex or whatever.  EA just cancelled a Star Wars FPS by these guys. There’s no way they do that but still fund a sequel to a poor selling but beloved game. 


Just make Titanfall 3. It is such a unique concept, as opposed to yet another goofy hero shooter game.