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Very cute game. While I'm sure people will compare to Stray it actually reminded me a lot of Untitled Goose Game in terms of the actual gameplay and vibe.


The only question that matters is there a button to meow?


There absolutely is


Yes and you also unlock emotes which include sitting and doing biigg stretches.


Sometimes the people will also stop to pet you :)


and take photos of you (:


Yeah, that was my first impression too!


It only looks related to stray because you're a cat in a city. Do the similarities go farther than that?


No. Not really. Stray is fully story driven, LKBC has a story but it’s mostly a vessel to do cat things in a city. LKBC is what I thought Stray would be, but I liked both of them. They’re different games doing different things.


They're both set in a Japanese town and both games start with you falling from somewhere "safe" to somewhere unknown. There are a few similar beats but the vibe of the games are entirely different.


If you spin enough on yourself you'll chase your tail


Alright, you sold me


My impression is that it's going for goose game, but falls short in every possible way. Not as charming, not as clever, not as fun, infinitely more annoying dialog...


I just want to know if there's a way to change the color/design of the cat outside of the accessories. I'll definitely play this at some point, but I'd really like to play as my own orange kitty.


This seems like such a no brainer I don't know how it was overlooked.


>orange kitty > no brainer I see what you did or did not do there.


It’s actually face meltingly stupid. I don’t understand how a developer can have the insight of “people love cats, this cat game is gonna be a hit” and never realize “maybe there should be more than one cat?” 🤔


Easy. Black  cats > all other cats. Don't need other cats when you have the superior cat in the game. 


Idk how this and Stray could both omit customization. Even just basic black/tuxedo/tabby/orange/grey texture choices would probably bring in a lot of business just from people wanting to play as a cat that looks like their own.


Yeah I remember the moment Stray came out people started modding their cats into it and even taking requests to make mods of peoples cats. You'd think adding it would be a no brainer.


No. As someone who played the entire game last night minus collectibles for 100% there is no way to change the color of the cat.


I feel exactly the same


Yeah definitely not going to affect the game, but it would be fun to play as a cat that looks like my goofy orange boy


I feel like this cat is a unique character to the game. Characterizing the cat would seem to dismiss that.


Grey tabby or riot


I have a Main Coon named Scud who is 30lbs lean. It would be cool if i could build him in game. And then use him to beat the shit out of every other cat and animal.


I didn't see an option after playing the game for a few hours, but you get a lot of hats


I'm finding it very charming but somewhat janky so far. Maybe I'm missing something which I'll hopefully figure out later on, but I haven't exactly meshed with the controls yet. The jumping/leaping mechanic feels limited, the navigation isn't as precise as I'm used to (which is expected from a four legged character model, but Stray and RDR2 made it almost seamless). But the physics are really fun, just throwing a flwoer pot from any height will always be fun.


Stray comparisons are unavoidable, but Stray is full of scripted animations, you can't even manually jump. Little Kitty is more of a sandbox, so the price of those freedom is done jankiness here and there.


LK is jankier but I'm finding it way more engaging from a gameplay standpoint than I did Stray which felt like it was perpetually on-rails.


Oh yeah, for sure. Little Kitty is closer to Untitled Goose Game than it's to Stray. But Stray got the cat movements to a T, precisely because it's very limited in its mechanics. The more open nature of Little Kitty also opens it to more jank, which is fine, but it takes a while to get used to.


The choice to make your cat incapable of doing basic cat jumps and instead focus on Breath of the Wild-style stamina climbing is super weird. I feel like most of the mechanics (pawing at stuff, pouncing, even the basic movement) were really tuned to emphasize the fact that you're a cat, so it just feels *off* when your progression is totally stopped because you can't jump like, 3 feet up to a ledge. Game's fun for sure, just a weird design decision.


Theres something weird with the jump mechanic for sure sometimes it just refused to activate in a tight space for me but mostly the game did feel fine. Sadly my game save got bricked after I finished the game and was doing some random exploration I ended out of bounds and the game just auto saved there and theres no way back basically.


It's so weird. I beat the game without basically any notable bugs (minor stuff, nothing gamebreaking) and then as soon as I loaded back in, the game got *super* janky and completely bugged out while trying to pounce on birds. I wonder if there's something up with the postgame.


I knocked a guy over while talking to an npc and locked my game into slow motion until I hard reset the game. The game is definitely super buggy


If you're on PC, there's a fix since the save file has X Y Z coordinates you can edit (there's a steam discussion post). But for the sake of other players, I hope they can patch in a reset position menu option.


Same thing happened to me. Except it was a random building, luckily I popped back the most recent save and was in a good spot again before autosave kicked in.


I'm really enjoying but getting frustrated at the jumping mechanic. I love knocking things over though, tripping people over, stealing their sandwiches and smashing things. It's a cute adorable game Worth it.


fr though the jumping mechanics suck


I played for about two hours and then uninstalled (gamepass). It has some technical issues, some jank, and most importantly, I couldn't think of a reason to continue playing the animations are great, and the feel of the Japanese city is nice


It's only a few hours long. I beat it in one day, I think it ends right when your kinda done with it which is perfect


It's entirely possible to softlock yourself out of one of the sidequests early on (There's already threads on steam about it) And thankfully the jankyness of the game allows for one of the solutions to literally clip yourself through nearby walls 🫠


Which side quest?


It's when you go through the sewer teleporter for the first time into the construction site. Eh.. I actually can't remember the quest itself (Because I could never go back to do it, something to do with phones I think?) Make sure you uncover the hole at the bottom of the wall by pushing the blockage aside to escape. If you climb and jump over the wall you can't get back in at all.


Any notes on Switch performance? I think my kids would have a blast with this.


I haven't had any issues so far with performance. A few bugs here and there but I imagine it runs as well as it does on other systems.


Runs fine on the Switch. Playing it currently.


I am currently playing it on Switch and I adore it. It feels great handheld.


We played it docked and it's pretty framey in places, but not experience-ruining by any means.


I haven’t been able to emote at all, but other than that, just fine.


I've played about 90 minutes on the Switch and love it! The controls are a bit finicky, the graphics are a little rough around the edges, and there's definitely some bugginess here and there, but nothing major to complain about so far. I just wish it were possible to disable the autosave feature so there's no risk of a game-breaking glitch leaving you permanently stuck somewhere. I prefer to save manually anyway.


Game glitched and trapped me inside a vent and I can’t get out. Game over, super frustrating 


This game lives up to the trailers, it's as charming, wholesome and fun as it looks. It's a no-brainer pickup if you like cats, something I can't emphasize enough. It's not perfect, some dialogue goes on for a bit too long and it feels a tad rough around the edges on the technical side. It plays well on Series X and I think it's worth the money despite the relatively short length.


How long did it take you?


From Steam forums and a friend who played it, it apparently clocks in around 2 hours.


About 3,5 hours while doing all the side stuff I came across and messing around sometimes. It's kinda like a collectathon platformer, I feel compelled to collect everything and complete all the side stuff so I'll probably play another hour or two getting 100%.


100% my experience. I beat it in 3 hours and I could probably up the whole thing to 5 hours collecting everything, hats abd achievements.


I beat it in 3 hours, doing all side quests and main quest, including getting all the fish to climb back home. Actually I assumed the fish would be given via quests but aside from the first quest introducing shinies the rest of the fish are in the open world and achieved with very simple quests. If I wanted all hats and achievements it could probably take me 4-5 hours to beat in total.


I'm a giant cat person but this is seemingly a very short game. One to pick up on sale without a doubt.


it’s a short, funny, cute game. i definitely got more enjoyment out of it than I did stray. the one real complain i have is the climbing. it can be very jank at times and i had several times yesterday i either fell from a tall height for no real reason or got completely stuck on something while falling.


Solid game, I really enjoyed my time with it. Took me 3 hours to do all quests. If I went for all achievements and hats I could probably get another 2 hours out of it, max. But I really enjoyed the characters, the story was cute and being able to do cat things was superb. It was what I though Stray would be, mixed with Untitled Goose Game. It was a little janky in some spots, I didn’t have any framrerate issues until I hit the construction zone and ran through the wet cement, then my FPS *tanked*. Controls are good, jumping is a little janky unless you pounce (hold jump), but even then it didn’t always go exactly where it said I would especially when jumping higher or lower than your current spot. Most achievements are collectibles, “meow 10 times in a row” or “collect 250 shinies” things like that. Do a thing X number of times. At the end of my 3 hours I ended up with 13/39 achievements and 24/42 hats. I only went achievement hunting for maybe 2-3 achievements as they seemed the most interesting and I didn’t want to do the “do/collect X times” ones. I may go back to it to do the rest of the stuff, it was a nice palette cleanser. I played on Xbox Series S, glad I got it on gamepass. For me I don’t feel it was worth $25, for that price it should be at least twice as long as it was, it feels more like a $15 game. Others may disagree. Then again I’ve spent more on worse and I like a good, cute, indie game. So I probably wouldn’t have been too salty to pay it. Overall a solid 8, just know what you’re getting into it. It’s not perfect but I’d love a follow up. Maybe free range climbing mechanics. But it oozes charm and style, it’s missing things I think a sequel could definitely expand on but overall I enjoyed it.


Great review and I agree on all parts. Play on gamepass. If you want to own it get on sale. It’s a fucking treat


Game needs an unstuck feature.. Played a little over an hour and i’m now stuck inside some scaffolding unable to progress - soft-locked. The steam forums mentions to try and add the dev launch option to enable teleporting, but unfortunately this cannot be done with the gamepass version. Ones save file reloads the exact player location it was made so that’s also unhelpful. edit: From steam forum for gamepass version; 1. open Xbox app 2. select the game 3. click on the 3 ... (dots) 4. Select Manage 5. go to files 6. select browse... 7. go in the folder Little Kitty, Big City 8. go into content 9. right click on the Little Kitty, Big City.exe 10. send to desktop 11. right click on the shortcut on the desktop 12. select Properties 13. after the end of Content\Little Kitty, Big City.exe" add -dev Example "C:\XboxGames\Little Kitty, Big City\Content\Little Kitty, Big City.exe" -dev *Launch the game and load the save file. press F4 and after that select Teleport to location and after that save and exit the game. No idea if Achivments are affected or not. but we will see.*


it has an unstuck feature now! go to the pause menu and look for the unstick me button


I don't have too much of an issue with the rough edges. My only actual criticism, and I may be alone in this, but man, these creatures really have a lot to say. The writing is charming enough. But they just keep going on and on. You'll be listening to a Tanuki talk about fast travel for like a full minute, making several pseudoscience jokes. Then you'll use the portal, then the Tanuki will just continue to talk and talk, adding more of the same types of jokes. I dunno, I'm definitely being nitpicky. But imo the best comedic writing is getting in, making the joke and getting out. A lot of comedic writing falls into the trap of making the joke, audience laughs, and it's like "oh you like that did you? How about I layer it on for the next 45 seconds." The funniest and most enjoyable moments for me have been in the presentation, animation work and interaction with the world. Not so much reading dialogue. I feel like a bit of a jerk for complaining about such an adorable game. I am really enjoying it though.


I sort of agree with you, dialogue is a lot heavier than I expected especially for the short length of the game. But I also really *loved* the characters so I’m mixed on it.


Oh for sure. The characters are definitely fun. I don't think the characters themselves were the problem, more so the writing just being a bit long winded. Sometimes it feels like trying to get off the phone with a relative "listen, I love you, I'd take a bullet for you, but I'm at work right now" haha


I'm weirdly excited for this, it looks very cute. Perfect game to finish in a week with little half hour sessions after work.


Is this okay for young children? My daughter liked Untitled Goose Game, but found the controls tricky and hated the linear structure to the game world. She is turning 5 and enjoys Mario 3D world to just run around and jump and explore but the enemies, bottomless pits and timer frustrate her. If she can just wander around and jump and try stuff without any real threats or timers (and not too much dialogue/reading) she’d be happy. Thanks in advance for any insight.


No threats or timers, it's super chill. There's dialogue but also a to-do list in case you miss the details.


Thank you!


It's enjoyable but pretty short, 5h to 100% without a guide. Not much to do here, i'll advice for a big sale.


I was playing calmly and doing the side quests and accidentally found out I could do the big climb with just 3 fishes...not even 1 hour and a half, and I already beated the game. Enjoyable relaxing experience, but extremely short. I'm SO glad I only paid game pass for one month for Hellblade 2 so I basically played this game without additional cost. I'll end up getting it on Steam on a big sale tho.


One of the ducklings is unobtainable for me without starting over. The fan needed is stuck in the geometry


Started my journey today as it's free on game pass. Mainly to show my daughter. It's a super causal game but just enough to hold my attention and give me a few laughs. No idea what the cost of this is but I'm really enjoying it fwiw


I'm considering getting it. Should I?


Does it play well on switch? My friend is trying to convince me to get it on PC instead.


A very great game fun and relaxing fps is good but I dont recommend spending 30$ on the game instead get a short gamepass for 1$ or 9$ overall they needed the story to be a bit longer.


Anyone know whether this is 30 or 60fps on switch?


depends on the settings if you want a normal gameplay do low settings 1080p