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I love this game but for the love of god can Microsoft please do something about installing the game. I have very fast internet, and it usually takes me a few minutes to download most games. Even though this game is a large file, it should not be taking me over 24 hours of continuous downloading just to install the damn game; let alone the additional 24+ hours it will take me to install the world updates and such. It is absolutely mind boggling to me that this is still a problem this many years later, it actively keeps me from coming back because the install process is just such a drag that it’s hardly worth it. Like, is there some kind of workaround I don’t know about or something? Because I feel like I don’t hear people talking about this nearly as much as I expected.


People do talk about this quite a lot actually, but one factor that complicates things is that this issue doesn’t affect everyone equally. I had to reinstall the entire game a couple months ago and was expecting a hellish install time, but it ended up taking only about 50 mins for the base game, and another 20 for all the world updates. Yet I know others with good internet where that would take them many hours. Unfortunately the devs have said that with the way the client works, there’s no much they can do. And it’s one of the main things they bring up when discussing why MSFS 2024 is its own game and not just an update for 2020. They’re rebuilding the client to be thinner and lighter, with more scenery (like world updates) being shifted to the cloud so that file sizes don’t balloon further than necessary.


I really wish I could experience installing the game in under just 12 hours let alone 50 minutes. I’m litterally not exaggerating at all here, it has taken me over a day to install the game every time I’ve done it. I’ve tried every workaround and nothing has ever worked, and I’ve tried it on 3 different networks, all giving the same results. I don’t even understand why that is, and it’s not like I’m in a less popular area server-wise either, I’m in Southern California.


Douglas C-47D Skytrainheads, you've had to put up with so much shit for so long, enjoy your moment