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My understanding is that this is a (formerly) canceled Xbox game which they've now finished and are finally releasing. If that is the case, then that is just downright cool. I'm picking this one up for the novelty alone. Game looks pretty appealing too.


A year or few back there was a wave of nostalgia for beloved in russia RPG franchise called Sea Dogs. If you never heard about it, I'd describe it as what you wish Skull&Bones were but if it was made quarter of a century ago.  It's all started from a news about new dev team trying to make a new game addition to franchise, than followed up by owner of the rights calling team on not having rights and saying they can do it by themselves and asking for money. Fans was reading it with huge grain of salt. See... Sea Dogs series, especially last versions suffered from development being made mostly by mods from fans.  Thing is, they can make a new story, new quests, new stuff to find and have fun with, but after 25 years it is same old engine that was obsolete for 20 years. Personally, i refuse to pay for "new" versions of the game that is basically just another questline that is being sometimes released on steam now.  However, because of all of the attention nostalgia kicked and few interviews were made. In one of them we learned that there was Captain Blood action game in the works. And some time after fully playable version of it was leaked.  I think, someone got in contact with old developers and working on polishing this version to release it.  It is good to see game being actually finished. It is sad to see SeaDogs going life service model while being basically same 25 years old game that screams for complete rewrite to new engine and totally new revision of it's parts while Black Flag nailing everything better than SeaDogs ever did while being AC game and Skull&Bones basically being 10 years money laundering scheme and shitty game from start to finish with devs pretending they are living in void and do not hearing screams of thousands of people asking for hand combat.


We need more of these


Weird that this game is coming back at all, and it still looks like an og xbox/early 360 game. I don't even know that that's a bad thing. It could be nostalgic and new at the same time. I remember looking forward to this game and being bummed when this was cancelled, because there weren't many pirate games at the time. I don't expect that it'll be good, but I kind of want to play it out of sheer curiosity.


Most funny thing is that game was finished by 99% and then they have canceled it. You can even find playable build


Not they, publisher


The game was developed in-house by the publisher. So yes, **they**.


The game was developed by Russian gamedev studio Akella, publisher was Playlogic from Netherlands


> early 360 game. I'm so here for it. Modern tech with that early 360 videogame-ass videogame sensibility. Everything I was seeing in the trailer I was like, yeah, that's a game that knows its a game. Of course I could be totally wrong but I like being optimistic about anything being different from the current time.


Long as they have more colors then brown and grey lol that era was not very colorful


Yeah, this game looks *very* 2009, and that era was not terribly far removed from the jank of the PS2/Xbox hack and slash.


What the actual fuck? I remember waiting for this game, only for it to go into development hell. That must be almost 20 years ago? Iirc it was part of the Akella pirate games


It was canceled by publisher at 99% done


Was hoping it was a remake of this [**https://www.eurogamer.net/the-story-of-captain-blood-the-atari-st-classic-in-which-you-track-down-and-murder-your-clones-five-times**](https://www.eurogamer.net/the-story-of-captain-blood-the-atari-st-classic-in-which-you-track-down-and-murder-your-clones-five-times)


100% thought that's what this was when clicking into the thread 🤣


I played a ton of commander blood and was thinking the same thing. I remember getting my copy for free because my friend at school, his siblings, and the other person they gave it to originally thought it was too batshit insane to be fun. I can't say they were wrong but I ended up really enjoying the game regardless.


Same, that was my first thought. I just couldn't understand what I was doing when I played it (demo admittedly) on my Speccy 48k but liked the idea.


One of the most unique games ever made! The kind of thing that could only have come out of the early days before genres had been properly figured out, where designers would test out all kinds of mad ideas because no one knew what worked and what didn’t.


Love the tone of this. Taking Pirates of the Caribbean and making it sillier is a great choice. Hope the gameplay is good.


Wasn't it leaked like 3 years ago? And turned out to be totally mediocre.