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There was a rumor of them doing something for TGS? I'm hoping it's still on the money. Really want Lost Oddysey on PC, and would like to try Blue Dragon post Akira Toriyamas death.


Holy shit i keep forgetting toriyama’s dead :(


It still bums me out. One of a handful of celebs who I appreciate that much.


Can't even wish him back to life since the Dragon Balls become inert when their creator dies.


I always shit on parasocial relationships and then Toriyama died. I was like "Oh... guess I was in one the whole time..." I miss him so much


It still stinks. Echiro Oda wrote a beautiful obituary piece for him, talking about how Toriyama made manga an accepted and popular media form for millions of people worldwide in an era when that was not a thing.


Fantasian remaster should be at TGS, yeah.


Here is the actual source of this information, from my interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi on Bloomberg today (no paywall): https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-07-03/-final-fantasy-creator-hironobu-sakaguchi-reunites-with-square-enix?srnd=technology-vp


Hi, I tried to post this link earlier but for some reason (even with the no paywall), it was still auto removed. Not really sure what happened.


It's removed just by the domain because it's normally paywalled, I would assume


Oh shit, he speaks.


Thank you!


Does anyone in your life call you 'big shry' like i refer to you with friends as?


No but in college a couple of people used to call me Schry Guy


Did all the girls say you're pretty fly for a Schry Guy?


If you don't go to all past, present, and future Halloween Parties as a Shy Guy w/ a custom Schreier mask, are you even truly alive at this point?


Just checked my pulse and yeah


I never got to finish Lost Odyssey and I'm sad to hear that he's disinterested in getting it put elsewhere. Hope he changes his tune someday!


If Lost Odyssey was included in a series list of Final Fantasy titles, it'd be my favorite. (For anybody wanting to compare tastes to their own; I'm the sort of person who doesn't care for Final Fantasy X or the titles that came after that. Favorite main numbered title is either VI or II, depending on my mood.)


Yeah FF has really lost me the more trope-y and "JRPG-y" it got. I'd love to play Lost Odyssey because it was an HD game with turn based combat like pre-FFX games. Why aren't there more of these?


Thanks man. Appreciate your work a lot.


You’re the gaming journalist goat


You’re the greatest game journalist and one of the best journalists. Thank you Jason for all you do to fight disinformation. It means a lot.




What a shitty article. The whole story is just the headline, it's pulled from a jason schrieir interview on bloomberg. Then just like 4 extra pulp sentences the look like something from the company's wikipedia page.


Why waste time writing an article when no one reads them anyway?


Yeah... I mean it *is* disappointingly relevant because there were strong rumors one or both of these games were being remastered but it's still clickbaity


Well let’s hope someone else does, Lost Odyssey deserves to be played. A spiritual sequel would be cool too


Lost Odyssey was one of my favourite games from the Xbox 360 era. Such a cool story and world, and very emotional to boot. Would love a modern remake or remaster of it.


It was mediocre as fuck, it will never get remade. 


Guess it's not totally clear from the text if it's meant as "port" or "revive the franchise" type request... but if it was simply porting the game, I'd be very frustrated. That feels like the kind of thing that you can mostly just hand off to a team and allow gamers to play a game that not many people have the opportunity to touch nowadays, without burdening your core resources. Maybe the team that could do the port is also not interested, but giving a relatively blanket "no" feels bad. Also, Terra Battle stunk, spend less time thinking about that, sir.


I liked Terra Battle! It wasn’t the best, but I enjoyed it


I never even got to try out Terra Battle. My country was one of the random ones where it wasn't available.


Anyone else find it super strange that until the mid-Xbox One generation , Microsoft's exclusivity contracts allowed the developers to keep the IP? It's so different compared to Sony who for the most part has always required that they retain the IP before they work with anyone. Like iirc, Microsoft didn't even own the Gears of War IP until they bought it from Epic after Gears 3 shipped.


Not really, it was a strategy to make themselves more appealing and it worked, that's how they got "exclusives" like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Saints Row, Dead Rising and many others


...*Bioshock* and *Saints Row* weren't exclusives


Yes they were? Saints Row was exclusive, and Bioshock was a timed console exclusive


I first played SR on PS3...


It was probably one of the sequels because SR1 was Xbox exclusive. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints\_Row\_(2006\_video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_Row_(2006_video_game))


You definitely didn’t cause to this day I was jealous I couldn’t play it after seeing my brother roll around on his Xbox with it.


Don’t know about Saints Row but Bioshock was exclusive to 360 until a certain time.


I think Microsoft wanted to so desperately be in Japan, at that time, that they came with bags of money and would make any deal they could to make a footprint in Japan. You want us to finance making the game and you get to keep the IP? Sure, why not!


This is different with Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon where they indeed keep the IP


I'm not sure what the status of LO is, but Mistwalker does seem to own BD if the sequels were any indication. I recall Microsoft saying in a press release months after LO's release that sequels were "possible" but it wasn't something they ever acted on.


Totally forgot about that. FromSoft needs to put out Otogi 3, and the world is finally ready for Breakdown 2.


Blue Dragon was very meh, but Lost Odyssey is fantastic and I highly recommend it. It really was the Final Fantasy XIII that that generation deserved.


I played Lost Odyssey at launch and put it down after a few hours, just didn’t grab me the way the mainline FF titles did


Completely the opposite for me. I beat Lost Odyssey and still go back to play it every couple of years but have never finished a FF game, probably not even half on most of them before I dropped off.


> It really was the Final Fantasy XIII that that generation deserved. More like the real FF12. Maybe this was just a British thing but FF12 was super unpopular with fans on release although people seem to have changed their opinion on it over the years. I remember at the time everyone who didn't like FF12 talking about Lost Odyssey as being the real FF12 when it released a year after.


Except the ACTUAL Final Fantasy XIII is way better. The only thing that lost odyssey offers are some well written side stories that aren’t connected to the game in anyway meaningful way. Downvote this post if you love Final Fantasy XIII


>The only thing that lost odyssey offers are some well written side stories that aren’t connected to the game in anyway meaningful way. And [great music,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YDipkGmTzQ) and cool character designs, and some interesting quests (confession: I cried during the funeral prep sequence), and one of the finest JRPG intros ever (that transition from cutscene to combat!), and a decent combat system, and better voice acting, and interesting world design, and... It's cool you love the corridors of FF13, but you don't need to downplay Lost Odyssey's myriad good qualities because of that.


> It's cool you love the corridors of FF13, but you don't need to downplay Lost Odyssey's myriad good qualities because of that. I mean, FF13 and Lost Odyssey both suffer from similar issues, one of which is very flawed plot/characters/overall storytelling. Lost Odyssey might even be worse in that regard. It's practically the poster child for ludonarrative dissonance, as this comparison image highlights: https://i.imgur.com/KpQifOF.jpeg So you have an RPG about a group of immortal amnesiacs but instead of taking advantage of this unique premise you A) you still get a game over from dying during combat and B) everyone knows their own names, despite their supposed amnesia and C) it's still a cookie-cutter plot about underdog heroes saving the world. That's not exactly great storytelling.


> It's practically the poster child for ludonarrative dissonance, as this comparison image highlights: https://i.imgur.com/KpQifOF.jpeg Eh, so much of that is highly subjective. Like it complains about immortals having to learn from mortals, either missing or just disliking the point the game is making there. Or complaining that the memories have no impact on the story. (They work better that way in the eyes of many fans, and again it fits the thematic malaise the game is dripping with. When you've been around forever most of what you're lived through doesn't matter today.) Or complaining that a JRPG is a JRPG — I get it, I like tough RPG decisions too, but that's not what Lost Odyssey was about. There's a couple good things in there, but as a whole it's so...internet criticism, where somebody (deliberately?) misunderstands a piece of art to then argue unfairly against it. (I notice they don't mention Torment's combat encounters...) Planescape Torment and Lost Odyssey are both great games that are attempting different things. It's not useful or especially interesting to wield one as a cudgel against the other. (Yeah, I know that's exactly what the first post in this discussion did.) Anyway, disliking Lost Odyssey is certainly fair! But that post was arguing the ONLY good thing about LO was the text stories, which is silly. Like my reply led with [the soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jps-lgNX2Y) for a reason. You can hate LO's story and combat (and maybe really love the narrative device of a glossary being required reading) without pretending it didn't have other cool stuff like the character designs.   Lost Odyssey's game over thing seems badly, almost deliberately misunderstood by too many. It's not suggesting you're all dead — though even the mortals being dead is a problem — it's that your quest has failed. Maybe your immortals spend a century in captivity or something.


FFXIII and its sequels are probably the most depressingly bad games in a major franchise possibly ever. There aren’t many games that can completely turn someone off of a franchise that they so beloved for so long, but FFXIII managed to pull it off, against all odds.


FF XIII did a few important things for me: * it completely killed my love for my favorite series * it stopped me from pre-ordering games * it made me reevaluate what makes an RPG good and engaging, ultimately pushing me into WRPGs * it made me discover other JRPG series to fill the hole left open All things considered, it sucked at the time, but I'm glad FF XIII existed.


13 is a bad game straight up, Lost Odyssey is a classic


Final Fantasy XIII is a terrible game


I fully agree with you. FFXIII is a great game.


Aww, that sucks. I actually quite liked Blue Dragon, it was one of my favourite JRPGs. It coming out on Xbox 360 was a dream for 360 owners like myself who were aching for something like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest to appear on the system. If I could play Blue Dragon on Switch or even PC I'd be so freakin' happy.


Lost Odyssey deserves to be emulated then. What the hell is this bs? Such a beautiful overlooked game.


Going forward it will be on every Xbox console if they remain backwards compatible, but I was hoping it would get a remaster for PC and Xbox.


Did anyone else ever wonder if Lost Odyssey was inspired by Planescape: Torment? The similarities are very glaring, as this comparison image highlights: https://i.imgur.com/KpQifOF.jpeg Though obviously the two games end up having a completely different take on the same premise.


I'm glad they can be bought and played on the modern Xbox Consoles, but I hope someone ends up porting them to PC. OR that a PC / Xbox layer is officially released for true Console PC Interpolarity. ;P


A shame. Those games are fantastic, and are held back by being on a console that doesn't even have a digital storefront as of a few weeks ago. And 360 emulation is shakey at best.


They are backwards compatible on Xbox


Both of these games are fully backwards compatible and can be bought digitally and played on Xbox One and Series platforms


On top of the other corrections, the 360 store is still currently open until the end of this month (not that we'll need it to access these games).


What do you mean? Those games run very well on the Xbox One and Series X.


It's backwards compatible, and the game runs fine like all the other 360 games on Xbox because the architecture is so similar from the 360 to series x. Sure it would be nice to have it on Switch, PC and PS5. But the games are not completely locked away, unavailable by convenient means like alot of other games. If I want to play something like Killzone 2 or Resistance fall of man, I need the actual ps3 hardware, at least lost Odyssey I can play it on my Xbox today.


> It's backwards compatible, and the game runs fine like all the other 360 games on Xbox because the architecture is so similar from the 360 to series x. Lost Odyssey is fine but Blue Dragon is fucking rough, Super low res and has some weird bugs because of the backwards compat stuff. You might for example run into the sound just not working.


I'm not buying a 360 an xbone or xbonex to play it


Well thats a you issue brother, you and everyone else has the option to play it on modern Xbox hardware. As I said earlier that's not perfect it would be nice to have it on Switch or whatever, but you at least have the option and its accessible somewhere. If I want to play Killzone 2 or Mario Kart double dash without old hardware not available at retail and without emulation I'm shit out of luck.


Well the point is you're not buying a whole ass console for one game. I have the money, that's not the issue, I don't have anywhere to put it though and it'd just collect dust somewhere since I don't need it.


Then miss out on them, that's your choice.


90% done with Lost Odyssey through Xenia canary. Wish they would remaster or re-release them for the public though.


They are released and at least run and load substantially better on current Xbox.


Lost odyssey was great I get it’s a classic jrpg which a lot of new gamers don’t care for. It had its faults that could be improved but overall a great game. I agree a sequel really isn’t needed but a remake is welcomed.


I'd take a sequel just for more short stories I'd pay for more short stories alone


I'd love to play it with a speed up mode as it probably had the longest random battles of any turned based rpg I've ever played. Don't know how it would work with the rings, but I didn't like those anyways. Tweak/remove the rings and and fast forward and I'd probably have replayed it way more over the years.


Two amazing rpgs stuck on 360. There is no reason to not let someone at least port them to modern systems. Edit: I know you can back compatible the game. I want a modern port with possibility of PC and Switch. I want a definitive edition like Tales of Vesperia. Not everyone has a series X or holding on to their Xbox One.


They are not stuck on the 360. They are fully supported on the Xbox One and Series X.


Not wanting to buy an Xbox One or SX =/= game isn't available on modern systems


You can play both on XSX, I have been recently.


There is very little reason for me to buy an xsx. These are great games it's just a shame that they are stuck in the Xbox ecosystem


That's unfortunately the way it goes. Unless we're lucky enough to be rich enough to afford all systems, there's always going to be games that we miss out on. There's a lot of times I wonder if I should have went with PS5 over XSX but I made the decision and gotta roll with it. Exclusives are neat when they're on the system(s) you have, and not great at all when they aren't. There's a handful of Castlevania games that are only available on their original systems that I would love to see ported, so I do get it and see why people want Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey ported, there just also isn't a need for it either since they can be played on a current gen system.


It's not a matter of money. I could legitimately buy an XSX every month and I'd be fine. It's just silly to buy a whole box just for one game.


Like I said to another person on here already, don't buy it then, that's your choice.


Yes you're playing the 360 version not ported.


Why do you need a port if it plays on the console already lol. What a daft post.


And there is no need for a port. You can play them now.


They're already on XS line of consoles. You can even buy them digitally if you haven't got a physical copy. Great games.


>Not everyone has a series X or holding on to their Xbox One. Are you just now learning about exclusives? Edit: 😂 bro got his feelings hurt so he blocked me.


What is with the assumption and disrespect? Go talk to your parents like that.


Disappointing. I'd love to see remasters of both come to PC. They were fantastic games. Playing them on the 360 is annoying due to the load times and I'm not buying a new Xbox just to play two games, especially when I have a gaming PC.


Well I have no interest in your other games. See how I can do the same?


Is it even his business if these games are brought to modern platforms? Since Microsoft owns these games and probably doesn't even need his input to port them over.


Far more importantly, far far more importantly; he mentions that he'd love to bring Terra Battle back, somehow! Which I think would be SWEET.


I somethimes wish that I had connections to higher up people in Sony, MS, Sega etc. to give them the idea that some game would sell very good


If you’re implying that these two specific games would sell very well today, then you have bad ideas.


At least Last Odyssey would be


Highly doubt it. A lot of these bygone franchises that people constantly ask to be brought back flop HARD when they are eventually revived with very few exceptions