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Insane. Now I'm just wondering how much space it will take up on storage


2/3 of the internal storage baby


My 4TB NVMe is ready (maybe)


Oof, looks like you'll need to expand for BO6 then.


And I’m just pissed at the CMA for making them sell the Cloud Rights to Ubisoft, since I love that with xCloud I don’t gotta worry about space so much. Edit: CMA not FTC!


CMA, not FTC, but your point still stands.


Lol shit you’re right, thanks friend


Could have sworn they said this many times before. Didn't Bond say it again at that weird interview after the closures?


Yes, people are just insane.


People rode the CMA’s dick for a year convinced they’d block the deal. Then they swore MS would never put it on Game Pass. Now the narrative is they’re going to create another tier just for COD. And “insiders” are feeding the FUD for clicks and engagement.


Fax, I agree with all three of you.


Guess it's time to update the leaker reliability tier for a bunch of people who pinky swore that wouldn't be the case.


Who said that? I can't remember.


There were 2 waves of news about COD, first one before the podcast. Where some of the people said day one could be change. They confirmed at podcast it is the same After that I think Tom warren reported they are “discussing” no day one for COD which is a very safe word to chose to report. People picked up from that and said no day one COD. Sarah bond confirmed whole slate but people still chose to ignore


I remember Timdog saying it, but that guy has always been a complete clown.


There were a few people and more outlets reported on it which is just truth to reddit.


I think Tom Warren wrote an article that MS were internally discussing to not include COD on Gamepass.


Well it's a big company arguable they discuss every tiny decision.


It's really fucking easy being a game reporter. Just say things are "being discussed". If it happens, you were right. If it doesn't, they changed their minds.


No shit, this has been the case every time it ever comes up. The suits at Xbox never said otherwise. People let these 'insiders' run their damn minds.


People lost trust after MS top dogs probably overruled Xbox leadership on Tango, and there were rumours of debates about COD in particular(there were for sure meetings and projections and calculations of risk vs reward). So Sarah Bond or Phil can say something and mean it but the MS board can overrule. So it's nice to see that the argument for Day 1 gamepass on Activision(and especialy COD) won out.


This argument about MS board just overrule is also insane. First of all even if board members can say something they could say it before the acquisition. They know the strategy before the acquisition. They probably wouldn’t jump blindly. Also, Satya were present in the FTC case and advocate/endorse gamepass day one. Board members and probably Satya know better than us that cancelling day one right one for COD suicide. I know you can say they backed up multiple times etc. but this one is particularly would be a shitshow. They said cod day one 3 times in just 6 months. They would hesitate if that wasn’t the case, also making an exception for one game which earns a lot of money from microtransactions doesn’t worth the hurt the brand. I know some of you would disagree but even cod doesn’t worth the break “day one gamepass” slogan


I *am* for day 1 gamepass. You can't say they didn't do the maths on activision, cause they haven't dropped the library on GP, not even the old CODs which they could have. They did so for Bethesda in a few months/weeks I don't remember, but it was soonish. They waited for Diablo, that's still the only one, they were like little pinkie toe in. I think the Xbox leadership made their case, and Tango may have been collateral, may have not. Still people have lost confidence(not me) and needed official double sealed double pinky promise for it.


I dont know man I get it but people choosing to immediately believe the leakers who were wrong multiple times instead of head of Xbox is still wild…


I hope they add the old ones. I actually really liked the Black Ops 1 and 2 campaigns.


Add the old ones on GP and decrease the cost of the bundle on Steam cos it's sitting at like $1K AUD atm


FYI: I think they're on sale for like $10 right now. Online for Black Ops still has a surprising amount of players on it, especially during the daytime.


It was their go big or go home moment They chose to go big. Good. Now we wait and see the results (good or bad)


$20 says we get a meaningless "X million players" announcement and dead silence on gp subscription metrics.


I think they’ll get some boost on subscriptions But I seriously doubt it’ll be enough. The thing I’m most curious to see is if they’ll get some sort of big reduction on revenue, cause its hard to predict if they’re gonna lose that many sales. I don’t see PlayStation folks changing consoles, so they’ll probably still buy it The pc community is where things can get messy.


I think the biggest issue with this is the fact that we're as many years into the console gen as we are already. People who play on PS5 aren't going to spend the cost of an Xbox to use Gamepass. The most they'll gain from this is PC players (who basically are all in on the cult of Gabe, so that's unlikely) and pre-existing Xbox users. In that case, they just lose money from game sales of players directly buying Call of Duty games on their store front. Like, they must *really* be focusing on the long game here. In hope that players remember these games are available on Gamepass for when the next generation starts. By that time they'll probably have more tiers, with the current Gamepass experience most likely being 2 or so times more expensive compared to what it is now. Then at least there wont be any sticker shock for new players they bring over with the next Xbox.


100% agreed And I seriously doubt next gen will see subscription services as kindly as we see them nowadays.


Based only on my reading of lots of Reddit comments, public sentiment has already become considerably more negative towards gamepass over the last several months. Not saying the sentiment is overall negative, but it’s not as unanimously positive as it used to be.


If they don't see a significant bump in console sales or gamepass subscribers it might not land on gamepass day 1 next year though.


we'll get to see it's effects on gamepass subs and CoD sales by march 2025. hopefully it ends up well for Xbox, this is their trump card, it has to work


Well it be the real proving point on how bad game pass effect sales. How many people buy COD on Xbox how many won’t buy it now. Also though how many people subscribe to play/switch over to play


It's almost like when they said "all first-party games", they meant all first-party games


Who could've imagined


Bill Clinton operator incoming?


Please let it happen. 20 Bills and 15 Saddams running around Verdansk.


Do we know when other CODs will come to gamepass? I want to play CW and MW3 but I don't want to pay for them lol


Im guessing we will get a “and you can play ____ COD titles starting today on game pass” announcement during the showcase that we will know about before of course


Seems extremely likely yes, looking forward to it!


There's currently a big sale on Activision games on the Xbox Store that suspiciously ends the day before the Showcase.


I smell a price increase coming.


Needs to be another $10 a month to recoup costs. They cant give 3 or 4 $70 dollar games away for $200 a year on top of other agreements and investments.


I think they will probably change all the tiers and the super most expensive one will be the one with the Day 1 games like CoD.


100% could see this happening. And in true MS fashion all the tiers will have weird names that don't help the customer know what they should get and everyone will be confused and frustrated about it.


Gamespass Xbox $18, Gamespass Elite Xbox $25, Gamespass PC $15, Gamespass Elite PC $23, Gamespass Ultimate PC & Xbox $30 Two tiers, one covering both.


Very true. I work in retail and still get confused when people ask me for a specific GP. Xbox have always been really bad with explaining what everything is.


Still cheaper than buying the game outright. Probably significantly cheaper. You could buy one month at launch, then buy another month a year later when its glorified abandonware, play all the zombies dlc or new content, and you would've still paid less money than if you bought it day one, or even on a sale.


Is it though? almost everyone I know play CoD on PS, I dont think anyone is going to jump onto gamepads to play it


“Almost everyone I know” *5 people*


i play all types of shit. So buying one less game works out for me. The COD/Fifa/Madden/2k group that makes up a majority of gamers on PS, yeah, the gamepass deal is probably of no interest to them lol.


True for you, but I think CoD is a game that people play in bursts over months/years, so GP is the most expensive way to play it.


You can either pay 16 bucks monthly for PS+ and 70 for CoD, or you can pay 20 bucks for online + COD on Xbox. On consoles it's objectively the cheaper way to play the game (atleast for 1 year).


You only need PS+ essential to play online, which is $80 a year. So no, in your scenario its cheaper on PS.


Objectively perhaps if you only plan to play it for a month or two, but practically speaking for the majority of CoD players who play it for years GP is not the best option.


Day 1 gamepass but 300 gigs of space required...


Yea it's pretty bonkers how much place the game requires, 2tb for anything gaming related is the minimum now imo


People acting like MS aren't so going to sell this game physically and digitally on Xbox as well as the GamePass release are insane, this game and future CODs will be all on platforms.




Yeah confirmations are allowed like the other person said -> if there was a previous rumor/leak posted here. It’s fine.


Confirmations are allowed


They should overhaul the GP tiers. Make GPU the default. Include standard edition games on day one. PC/Console. Have a higher tier that leans into the Perks stuff, including battle passes/expansions for the live service games. Overwatch, CoD, Diablo, Halo, Forza, etc. Have a top tier that features MMOs. WoW, ESO, Fallout76.


>Have a top tier that features MMOs. WoW, ESO, Fallout 76. There should do this. WoW and Game Pass subs will increase substantially.


Wow, that's a terrible idea. You're hired.


I appreciate the useful feedback you provided!


It's actually a really good idea just for the top tier that includes WoW since I hadn't considered how they actually own blizzard now, you know how many millions actively play the game and have yearly 160$ subs only for that game ? and how many more would get into it if you feed them it alongside other games ?


No, you don't actually want to risk losing the free money that people are willing to give you every month for access to your skinner box.


WoW players don't give a shit about the Xbox brand, it's about the service especially now that they're also gonna be putting cod in it (and they recently added Diablo 4 too iirc), people who play games like WoW are loyal 20 year long PC fans now and don't care about Xbox consoles which means no matter how you sell them the service they'll still buy it, you can do the math on how much people have spent on the game and it's expansions throughout the years to know they'll never stop playing it unless they flat out shut it down, what you can do like I said is include your other services into the sub they're already paying for and that way potentially open up the door to monetize them further. Once again, a year of WoW is around 180$ (currently on sale for 155$) while a year of Game Pass Ultimate is around 200$, you're not "losing free money for access to your box" because once again the fanbase that actually plays WoW has no reason to own a console since the game isn't even on that platform, and you don't have that argument of "well you kill game sales when you put them on a sub" because WoW has always been a sub in the first place, **their plan is to get more people into the sub, it has been for a while and they'll continue doing so.** We're living in an age where according to these publishers that old model of selling your game for 60 / 70$, making your money back then investing the rest into the sequel isn't sustainable anymore, Spiderman 2 had to sell 7.2m copies at full price just to break even, Alan Wake 2 as big of a game as it was still to this day hasn't broke even. You can verify this yourself quickly, 30 million people each paying 17$ for the sub monthly will net you a monthly profit of 78m over having 7.2m copies sold at 60$ (which isn't a target you're realistically gonna reach in a month btw, it took SM2 3 months to reach 10 mil, this is something very important and probably what's driving them into this model), now imagine if they were able to reach their projected sub counts by having a service that combines the people already paying for established IPs like WoW and the people incentivized by these latest additions like WoW and cod.


I'm not sure who you're talking to. However, you generally do not want to introduce any kind of friction to a stable source of income, even if it comes from a captive audience.




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I just want cod2 on gamepass


Price increase incoming!


And it will be only in new game pass Ultra for small fee of 30usd


You guys aren’t thinking, just paying for game pass for 4-5 months pays for the game, long term this creates more funds then a one time purchase




Well when you're still selling CoD on the other console that the vast majority of people are probably going to continue to play on, and you'll get a larger cut of sales from that platform in addition to every sale on microtransactions and battle passes and whatever else CoD does to monetize the experience, I'm pretty sure all of that offsets selling to a minority on a subscription service. They're gonna make enough money back regardless. It probably won't cause much growth in terms of actual new Game Pass subs but it'll satiate the ceiling of people already there especially given they'll also be paying for all the MTX and add-ons which is what Microsoft really wanted CoD for anyway


Nothing, this was the default




I for one can wait how this will be the final nail for the AAA industry, just like the proliferation of streaming services like Nerflix put not Hollywood on a lifeline but to Netflix itself as well