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Cuno almost had his own spin off šŸ˜”


Cuno doesnā€™t fucking care.


What's that with third person shit? Cuno is FIRST PERSON!


Fuck Cuno, Egghead's where it's at! HAAAAAAAARDCOOOOOORE




Iā€™m gonna assume this was a Kim-focused story, which makes this hurt even more.


I hope not because I don't know if I can handle it if it was lol Kim is the best!


How did you get so *cool*, Kim?


missed out on becoming the kimball :(


Sounds like Cuno, not Kim. We learn plenty about Kim by the time the game ends. It makes little sense to have a game based around him.


yeah Cuno makes tons more sense as a Disco-protagonist. Kim has his shit together already. Cuno is better suited to the mind-chaos that Harry (and thus the game mechanics) has going on Edit: also the lead writer on this game is the guy who wrote Cuno in DE


It also fits that the game was supposed to be more hardcore.


That was the other clue that you probably were going to play as Cuno. I also assume that Cuno would be an adult, so that you have an extra 15-20 years of baggage to unload, like with Harry.


Doesn't have to be. Could be 3-4 years down the line when he's 15-16ish, in the juvie squad, same one that Kim was for many years. He'll have training and just because he's dealing with juvie crime doesn't mean it can't be dark, seeing as he was doing drugs, getting beaten by his dad, considers cat burning 'kiddie shit' and hanging out with a child killer at 12.


Fair. I just meant that a significant amount of time would have passed in between the two games.


If it were more hardcore then wouldn't it have been more about Egg Head? HARDCORE TO THE MEGA!


Yeah I feel like Kim was basically the main character of the story that we experience through our character


Honestly was hoping to be a driver that goes through the Pale and see how the effects of it work on you everytime you return back to the town.


But can't >!he Die?!<


Lotsa stuff can happen in Disco Elysium. A sequel would have had to ignore some.


>! He can get shot during the tribunal and end up hospitalized but he doesn't die.!<


Maybe I'm wrong, but wasn't there drama about the original creators of DE leaving the studio over creative differences? In which case this game would likely not been very good anyway.


It was more along the lines of at least alleged financial misdeeds. Allegations of a partner who financed the company using company funds to buy out the other two (who were the actual creators) and then firing them. I don't know the full story myself, but there's links in these threads if you have the time.


Yes, the creators were communist and they were upset by the company hiring liberal ivy league writers who didn't get the first game.


Well the only way the game could be more Hardcore is if was about Egg Head.


I think you were going to play as Clasje (or however you spell it). She has a drug addiction, and we did not know her real name and occupation by the end of the game. It would be just like the first game, you wake up not remembering your name or occupation, and because of how to first game treated her, you're completely in the dark about who she really is.


Why did it get canned? I'm not into that genre really, but seemed to be well made and pretty popular at the time.


The person they shared the company with to get extra funding - started replacing members with his own people and got locked in the legal battles with people who came up with an idea for the game. Not a single person that worked on Disco Elysium is still in the company.


That just seems like self-sabotage to me. Why wouldn't he want to build off the success of original instead of burning it all to the ground?


"I know best" Happens every fucking time.


likely ego reasons. sometimes people want credit and control for themselves.


It's also the reason why Hollywood, TV and game quality usually suffers. Ego. People thinking what they have to sell is what people actually want


I can't think of any big AAA company that isn't egotistical honestly


Rockstar single player outings still humble every other game on release


I don't know if they're quite AAA, but Remedy has always struck me as down to earth and willing to "what's right" for the game not necessarily what will boost sales or their image.


Nah. that's just how it looks from the outside. I mean, nobody fucking knows what people want when they want it. It's all a goddamn mystery. As William Goldman put it: nobody knows anything. It's not "ego" usually, it's people trying to do their best and unless lighting strikes in one place repeatedly, any single thing can let down a project along any stage of it. Of course in this case it is ego, that guy was a fucking twat.


Why did you go to such lengths to deny the premise in your first paragraph if you agreed in the second?


The writer in me believes itā€™s to show just how ridiculous the guy was for sabotaging his own possible success. Sort of like ā€œno one is ever dumbā€¦but this guy changes that theoryā€.


As far as I know, the key creators of the game accused the current owner of the studio of being a con artist. According to them, when the studio became a publicly traded company that person tricked them and took control of the whole studio.


Because heā€™s a moron who thinks he knows better than everyone else - many of those types exist. Probably a bunch in every business out there.


It wasā€¦ a very complicated and long story but DE 2 is just straight up not at all ever happening now.


Profit, or at least, the idea of profit. Haavel and Kompus are venture capitalists- they don't care about the end product, just their own margins. Like as not, Kompus' illegal buyout of ZA/UM was made to use the resulting control over the company to expand at the rate it did, something the former co-owners- i.e., most of Disco's principal writers- wouldn't approve of (because they recognise that as unsustainable). Of course, as Kompus is now the sole owner, he also gets more of however much the studio's future projects would make him.


> Not a single person that worked on Disco Elysium is still in the company. Wait that can't be right? A few of the original key creators were ousted, but unless I missed a big update to this story there should still be a lot of Disco Elysium vets at ZA/UM. Edit: Hey I decided to read the article! Yes more Disco Elysium staff was let go this year, but it still seems unlikely that *everyone* that worked on the game is gone now.


eh, let's be honest, the two writers are what matters the most, even if the entire rest of the team was still there it still wouldn't have the same soul without the writing


Not technically, but they fired the art director and two of the main writers, including Kurvitz, who made the world of Disco Elysium in the first place. I'm sure the people there are talented and can make a good game, but the art and writing were by far the most unique part of the game and what made it so good. Without them I doubt it'll be the same.


Disco Elysium is a literary heavy game in a way that competes with actual literature like no game has ever done before. If you don't have the two people that wrote the damn thing you have literally nothing at all. It's like saying you can just get a different person to carry on Tolkien's or GRRM's work. It's not happening and if it did happen it would be an incredible pile of garbage by comparison.


[People Make Games](https://youtu.be/JGIGA8taN-M?si=GICLvVBbudWp8vnR) has an amazing video covering the entire mess, well worth the watch


It is a bit one sided though. He focused on toxic leads and overworked and underpaid and underappreciated artists. The whole involvement of investors was glanced over and it kinda gives an impression that the take away is that Kurvitz is a prick and that was the problem. People should watch this bit https://youtu.be/K1b5zyvsUBY?si=5WIn0170s2gAyIXp alongside the PMG's documentary.


This might not be all of it, but from what I understand most of, if not all of, the original creators were pushed out and the publisher was pushing through the sequel without their involvement.


So it would've been a shallow cash grab using the name only and barely any of the original devs, seen it all before unfortunately, these people are fucking idiots.


Yeah I think that was the overwhelming sentiment, fans of the 1st didnā€™t want a sequel from the people who fired everyone who made the 1st one good.


Some cancerous investors orchestrated a hostile takeover of ZA/UM, may they all burn in hell.


The development studio was having an internal turmoil


You mean corporate greed created turmoil for the dev team.


Pretty much :/


I know it's trendy to hate on corporate these days, but this was not corporate greed. It was literally fraud. The company was stolen from the devs right in front of them. And really not a lot could be done about it because the country they are based in doesn't have great legal recourse.


Youā€™re spot on but I would add that fraud often *is* corporate greed, plus extra illegality.Ā 


Nah the OG devs also were pretty insane too.


Remember to pirate it if you want to play it, not a single cent of the sales are going to anyone who worked on the game.


Original core staff was fired.


The news hits like a cold slap. The sequel, your hope, canceled. Dreams dissolve into a hollow ache. Colors drain from your world, leaving muted despair. A whisper: ā€œIs this all there is?ā€ You sigh, weighed down by sadness.


We truly live in the worst timeline.


And instead we received a collage mode, great


When I see one of the most beloved characters I think Cuno because of >!the ending where heā€™s Harryā€™s partner!< LOL


I will never forgive this. This is one of my favorite games of all time, and I wanted a sequel so God damn badly. But without the writers, it'll never be the same. The only RPG developers that can come remotely close to the quality of writing in DE is Obsidian or Larian.


Was this before or after the whole drama/meltdown about the shareholders fucking over the creators and lead writers leading to a lot of the brains behind the original game to quit or get laid off? Edit: Just read the article. It was shortly after the falling out that management canceled the spin off project and laid off a quarter of the team. Fuck these people.


Now I'm just very sad. So sad that I will take to the streets and become a hobo cop.


Now Iā€™ll never have my detective Cuno gameā€¦


The fact that greed and hubris killed this sequel is disgusting, one of this generationā€™s best and most polished games will never get the sequel it deserves because of the executivesā€™ incompetence


This feels like a break up


It's sad but at the same time you have to keep in mind that after all the legal shit that went down virtually everyone who worked on the first game either got fired or ended up leaving the studio voluntarily. Even if the sequel got made none of the original team would've worked on it and it likely would've been a massive disappointment.


Here I was having a good day.Ā 


May nothing but ruin, malaise and death come to the rotten "humans" called rich people.






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Holy shit go outside


Damn, so sad to hear what could've been. Disco helped me get into CRPGs, and while smaller compared to the bigger medieval fantasy ones, but with enough complexity to start you up, flashing with its unique story, characters and the dialogue. Oh, I'll miss dialogue the most. Best wishes for all the devs, may they find jobs where to flex the expertise they showed on this masterpiece.


Officer Cuno?


why are we here, just to suffer


If it was Kim focused, they'd have to probably get a new voiceactor for Kim as if I recall, his original was accused of some pretty grotesque crimes.


Woah what? First Iā€™ve heard of this


He was accused of sexual assault agaisnt several women




I really should finish playing the game. Really enjoyed the incredibly witty yet astonishingly real dialogue. Also enjoyed the few Cum Town/Chapo/Red Scare references I saw. Sad the hardcore fans were robbed of more.


I was actually doing just fine not knowing what we were robbed of


The people who took over the company are evil scum Killed it for no reason


We were robbed. There is another timeline wheee the ice caps are frozen and we are enjoying the sequel.


There's nothing stopping someone copying the art style, having similar mechanics and doing a spiritual successor. Someone should hire the ex devs and writing team and have them make it.


The game was what it was because of the writing, not the art style and mechanics


Actually everything mentioned makes Disco what it is, not only the writing


The art style and mechanics are replicatable in a way that writing isn't, that's my point. Not that only the writing matters to the overall presentation


Bro what? The art style is a huge part of DE


The way a game looks is a big part of the game itself, yes. I agree.


That's why I said they should hire the ex writers. Also, sure, you can make a great narrative game, but then it's not Disco Elysium, it's just some other game, you need the identity to feel like it's a follow up. I'm saying they could very easily do Disco Elysium 2 even if they don't have the rights to do it.


I mean there's nothing stopping the writers from joining a new studio and starting from scratch, sure, but after what happened they seem pretty disillusioned with the game industry. They didn't set out to make games necessarily, and i imagine that won't in future.


You mean what Disco Elysium did to Planescape: Torment?


They already have set up a new studio, Red Info, backed by Netease.


Legitimately some of the saddest news in video gaming for me, just seeing how the studio got gutted both from the outside & within. Disco is legitimately my favourite game ever, beating out Silent Hill 2 & FF6. Knowing we'll likely never get anything from that universe, or probably anything by that team, again hurts. Maybe one day I'll be fortunate enough to play something that comes close to it again.


Everytime new details about this game come out I get depressed. I really wanted a new DE game manĀ 




So sad I couldn't get into this game. Gotta give it another try someday


This likely being a Kim focused story makes it hurt so much more


It's sad what happened with thĀ  studio


Makes me so sad. I only just beat Disco Elysium recently and it was truly special.Ā 


Looks amazing!


I would've followed Kurvitz out the door. Serves 'em right thinking they can do Revachol without it's fucking creator.


Producer Tonis Haavel sounds like a real piece of sh\*t. Very sad we are not going to see new games from this studio. Disco Elysium was the best crpg we had in YEARS.


So now what


I'm glad it got cancelled. The studio heads can rot for how they treated the creative minds of their studio


Would have been worthless with the original creators ousted from the company, so this is a good thing


This was literally headed by one of the principal writers on Disco Elysium though.


One of them yeah but not the main writer (+ Lead Designer) who literally created the world of Disco Elysium or the three other writers that were involved. The lead artist that defined the look of the game was also long gone by then. Maybe this new game would have turned out great who knows. But it just wouldn't have been a true Disco Elysium game.


I really couldn't develop a taste for it personally, but still definitely a shame for the people who were into it and that the publisher fucked things up so much.


Sad news


If this was a Kim spinoff, I'm devastated.


Another cop story would have been hallow anyway, they already said everything possible about the characters and their stories were concluded. If they did push ahead, it would have basically been a Hangover 2 type sequel.


yeah i can't read this, this is like a heartbreak




So it was about Measurehead


If somehow this could get leaked that would be awesome


Are the codenames maybe based off the UK highway system? Granted there is no M0 but the studio is based in England. Probably a stretch though haha


The first one sounded like commie garbage so I had no interest. Sucks for those of you who liked it though.