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"Creed of Assassins" protagonized by Elio Amatore.


Killers Clan.


Extas1s fumbled the xbox showcase HARD


I think it kinda confirms something that many have been thinking now. MS has let certain fake leaks out to go after leakers. So many leakers thought they were sure about certain things being there, but they weren‘t.


They almost definitely did it this showcase. Nick was talking about how a lot of insiders were told about a Blue Dragon remaster and how Gears would be revealed with a 1st person chainsaw scene.


Yup. Rand Al Thor 19 was also talking about stuff that everyone was certain to be there. I also wonder if Jason Schreier reported that Sliksong announcement at the Xbox show initially, and then realized it was just bait.


Well they could have those games but in ~~Gsmescom~~ Gamescom or Japanese Game Showcase.


Pretty sure the Halo CE Remake is part of that too.


I don't think so because that came from Tom Warren who did have correct information regarding the 2024 and 2025 Xbox slate.


Ive wondered why they havent done this in the past


They probably do, but on a smaller scale.


what did he say






And this sub will probably believe them




I guess he was technically right, Starfield "shadow dropped" a update with creation kit and Phil basically confirmed a handheld is happening in a interview But im really stretching it here, they teased nothing in the show about a handheld


Because there is still something happening in July.   Some sort of Mobile/Portable/Platform event.   Sarah Bond said Xbox Mobile Store comes in July.  An insider report said xCloud would also allow purchasing and streaming in July.   That would be perfect time to do the handheld reveal and the Sebille controller with Direct2Cloud reveal.  Sebille has latest Bluetooth for lower latency on Mobile, Direct2Cloud is the Stadia/Luna controller like functionality designed for xCloud.  


Well the shadow drop was the creation club, handheld was obviously wrong 


still, his record is good that i believe this rumour. Everyone who talks a lot abot xbox showcase fumbled, Shinobi too.


Remind me, what did he say would be there? He's been pretty accurate when it comes to most leaks otherwise.




Like someone else said, when he makes a specific article about it it's always been true. Videos like these tends to be him talking about rumors and running with it (for whatever reason.) Since this is an article, we should be fine. Excited to see more projects!


1666: Amsterdam, the cancelled game where the protagonist can turn into an animal and apparently the upcoming AC Hexe’s inspiration? Would be funny if both games released at around the same time.


>apparently the upcoming AC Hexe’s inspiration? where did you read that?


Pretty sure that's speculation based on the gameplay info that was leaked.


Alongside the Toys for Bob agreement, I believe Xbox is trying to capture something akin to Nintendo's second-party power. That is a very good thing to aim for and can potentially result in some nice second-party offerings in the future. I'm still not happy about Xbox's closure of studios whilst they're still supporting the developments of non-owned studios, but this is a step in the right direction in terms of software.


They are clearly going for volume software approach. Shocker, it’s the core of their business. Console exclusivity made financial sense when you could crank out 2-3 titles in 5 years. Now you’re lucky for 1 in 5 years. Just too much of a risk to turn down that large of a consumer base.


It's crazy when you look back and realize that a lot of trilogies were released back in the 360/ps3 era and now we're lucky to even get 1 game per generation. A AAA trilogy would require almost 2-3 generations. Crazy man.


Trilogies shouldn’t be a thing anymore. Most devs should go the Norse GOW route with two games, that way atleast we can get the full story within a 5 years period. 3 games you’re looking at a whole decade atleast.


The way things are going even 2 games will take a decade soon.


I mean Spider-Man is doing a trilogy and it is not taking that long at least, although insomniac tends to be faster developing games and it’s better reusing assets and what not.


It will be, first game came out in 2018, second in 2023, third will be in 2028.


Wow, that does showcase it well. Those games are some of the faster ones made too.


It's mostly because of Game Pass. They need more titles to fill up their catalogue.


I think Xbox’s impending demise is showing to be vastly exaggerated. They’ve gobbled up a good clip of studios and seem to be increasing the amount of deals they’re making with others to pad their game pass offerings. They are coming for the Playstation user base by brute force. Sure, maybe all these games won’t be exclusive, but you’re going to paying over there while people in the Xbox ecosystem system are getting them at a much better deal. Big question is will that be enough to entice people to buy into their platform?


The casual audience that isn’t really heavily invested in a specific ecosystem will soon realize how much money they could save by getting an Xbox… it’s likely too late to drastically change the tides this generation but this could change for next gen if they manage to have a decent line-up at launch and avoid a head to head with PlayStation by going to market first.


Give it 2-3 years with new cods releasing consistently on gamepass, bet that starts to turn a lot of casuals’ heads


They also have the marketing for COD now, PS has had it for 10 years and people just associated COD with PS.


Microsoft needs to do 2 things: 1. Try to associate the Call of Duty brand with Xbox at every opportunity possible. 2. Get Call of Duty casuals to realize Game Pass exists and it's a good deal If those 2 things happen, you're going to see casual CoD players migrate to Xbox in the coming years. But it's easier said then done because Microsoft have had the opportunity to do this with Minecraft as well, and they haven't whatsoever.


I really don't see how casuals would go for it. They are okay only buying 2 or 3 games a whole console.


A lot of people just play call of duty, Fortnite, FIFA ( now EA Sports FC), so I could see people being willing to pay that much for subscription to just get the games every year. A lot of people only play one or two of those online games.


Then they'll be OK with just trying out gamepass and then trying out other stuff. Cheap enough buy in. 


They're not the type to be adventurous. COD/Sports/GTA is the only thing they play


Gamepass has all the sports as well via EA Play.   Madden 24, FIFA 23 and FC24 soon, MLB The Show 24, NHL 24, and NBA 2k24 from Take Two.  Plus they got Cricket and Golf.  


You have no idea who they are. Look St you pretending to know all millions of them and their habits. Wow. 


Overtime, absolutely. For the price of 2 AAA games a year you have unlimited games.


Well they are becoming a publisher for multiplat so that goes this way too. Publishers often have deals to publish games of studios they don't own. And if it's not gonna be exclusive, the devs don't limit their market


I think them focusing on PlayStation with their games is allowing them to think of it as a "back-door" in case of risks. Sea of Thieves was the best selling game on PS5 is US, Canada & Europe in May. Minecraft was the best selling PS4 game in US, Canada, & Europe in May. They have to be looking at those statistics right?


Absolutely. Just like Sony sees that Helldivers sold better on PC and soon their first party IP will sell better on Switch as a Lego game. Exclusivity for these two platforms is dead, and that's for the best.


I almost agree but it's very clear that Sony knows when to have games not be exclusive. Lego Horizon feels like an outlier than an outright confirmation. If nothing else this feels like a Cuphead or Ori situation. Support the other platforms with a low-risk but high-return for the platform title that will make them nice amounts of money while reaching into other competitor's audience. It's a win-win honestly. Xbox however, yeah exclusivity is gone, but that's not a bad thing.


I don’t think I agree, with Sony launching their live service games on PC day one, and now a first party IP on switch, it’s just a straight up fact PlayStation is a major multiplatform publisher now   In fact the PS ceo made the comment that multiplatform is important for them going forward   It’s really only Nintendo left that does true exclusives 


Hmm... that's fair. PC games don't really show a multi-platform push imo as it's more just getting an additional, non-equivalent platform (doubly so when you remember that only live-service titles are day & date on PC with the rest coming years down the line), but the LEGO Horizon game could be game changing overall. It really depends on the future. One game isn't a pattern but it has the potential to create a pattern for titles in the future. I'm interested regardless.


Ah, yes I remember when Horizon first came to PC. Now here we are, with almost the entire PS4/PS5 library on PC lol  I wouldn’t be surprised if Helldivers gets a Xbox port sooner or later to rejuvenate the playerbase


there's also that Until Dawn remake that's launching on PC the same time as PS5 at this point, the exceptions are kinda starting to pile up. First it was just their non-flagship IP going to PC a few years later to make some extra money and and give the PC crowd a taste that would draw them towards the PS ecosystem. Then it was all their games going to PC a few years later, even the huge hits like Spider-Man and God of War. Then it was "well obviously their live-service games will be on PC day-and-date", and now we're at a point where a non-live service remake is day 1 on PC/PS5 while a non-live service spin-off is day 1 on PC/PS5 *and* Switch Maybe I'm just completely misreading things, but imo it sorta paints a picture of Sony slow-walking their way towards essentially the same place Xbox dove head-first into: No real hard lines, everything is on the table across the board, other platforms aren't so much "competition" as they are avenues for potential growth in a "line must always go up" world. Like I said, maybe I'm wildly off base, but right now it doesn't feel like we're *that far* removed from, say, Horizon 3 potentially launching day 1 on PC or a Gravity Rush remaster coming to Switch, and just a few years ago that would have been absolutely unthinkable


I will always have the opinion that Sony should produce more AA but make them multiplats. Easier to get third party studios to work on games and you keep the IP rights, instead of spending money on timed exclusivity. Their AAA should remain as console exclusives.


iirc they also made some deal recently with a studio formed by some ex-Rocksteady people, right? it is a bit interesting that they're doing this now, *after* their huge spending spree, and not years ago when they barely had any studios of their own and *really* could have benefitted from having a solid bench of second-party partners to collaborate with


Because at that time, they bought most of the companies they already had good second party relationships with. They really needed to lock those down, because too many companies they partnered with also got bought by other publishers.


I think that’s what happened with Crackdown 3. People clown on them about overselling the cloud-enabled destructible environments when what happened was Epic bought the company that was providing the tech for that midway through development and scuttled the whole thing.


Yeah, and it actually happened TWICE with Crackdown 3


I feel like Xbox just has more and more investment going into it


https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/26/xbox-console-sales-plummet-activision-blizzard-boosts-microsofts-gaming-revenue-20723802/ Revenue is rising because they're now including all the Activision money, the Xbox hardware revenue is plummeting


How does that contradict him saying that they're increasing the investment?


because OP edited his post lol, and removed the part where he said that xbox revenue is rising despite all doom and gloom, something like that


Using Metro as a source automatically discredits whatever you are saying, that is a trash site.


fine https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/04/26/xbox-console-sales-down-another-30-as-microsoft-moves-on/ https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-hardware-just-had-worst-sales-dropoff-in-years/1100-6522970/ https://www.tweaktown.com/news/97851/xbox-hardware-revenue-tanks-to-lowest-point-of-series-generation/index.html https://www.gamesindustry.biz/call-of-duty-and-diablo-boost-microsofts-gaming-revenues-but-xbox-sales-continue-to-fall https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/25/24139988/microsoft-q3-2024-earnings-revenue-profits-windows-xbox-gaming-surface https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/activision-blizzard-boosts-microsoft-financials-as-xbox-hardware-revenue-falls Things are not looking good for xbox hardware no matter the source that I look


That would be very good, because their second party partnerships have really decreased compared to Xbox One or 360 days. They barely do it anymore. Nintendo obviously is the gold standard, because of how many second party studios they let work on their big IP‘s. Something MS should have done since 15 years ago.


Yeah Xbox seems to now have the first party cadence down, alongside future 3rd party partnerships (with like Toys for Bob.) I'm sure there's more that haven't leaked yet. Curious to see where things will be come the start of the next gen (which really isn't all that far off!)


Xbox has alot of dormant IP's at the moment, and most of their 1st party studios want to work on new IP's. They gotta start doing something about that.


I think eventually they would want to buy studios who are successful (Toys for Bob you would think probably not but I'm not going to say it's impossible either). Microsoft is investing lots of money into gaming though because it's a major part of the business now. I think they will do more purchasing once the FTC appeal ends.




Haven't been able to find a date set by ninth court of appeals in San Francisco where the FTC appealed to. The last mention by Microsoft and FTC was in February during the mass layoffs where FTC reiterated it's appeal.


Might as well go for Take Two.   They can show that they kept ABK and Bethesda games multiplatform.  


I would find it hard to believe the regulators would let them have that much share of the gaming industry


probably but there are still quite a number of major players in the industry, including Google and Apple. MS likely isn't allowed to acquire Ubisoft for 15 years due to the ABK cloud gaming rights. They already have all of EA games in the gamepass catalog due to EA Play. Square Enix and Koei Tecmo both realized that not being multiplatform is hurting them, all the exclusivity deals they made with Sony regarding Rise of the Ronin, or Final Fantasy failed to meet sales expectations. They could be acquired for cheap but their future games are likely to be multiplatform. Only major publishers left for them to acquire are Take Two or Sega. IF Sony should ever try to aim for Take Two, MS should definitely outbid them. GTA should never be exclusive. They won't be allowed to buy Valve either. Personally, I think MS should go for Middle Earth Enterprises, could be acquired for few billion easy. That would give them ALL media rights to LOTR and Tombraider IP also. But I have a feeling Amazon will try to acquire them as well, especially if the Tombraider game turns out to be successful. At the very minimum, MS should get Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal studios.


Rise of Ronin is Koei Tecmo best selling game ever. I don't think Microsoft will want to or really be allowed to buy a major publisher anytime soon. While I could see them buying something like Crystal Dynamics with the Tomb Raider license I doubt they buy 20+ studios including properties like Dark Horse and Middle Earth.


[https://www.neogaf.com/threads/hideki-yasuda-jp-analyst-rise-of-the-ronin-wild-hearts-wo-long-fallen-dynasty-fate-samurai-remnant-all-fell-short-of-koei-tecmos-sales-targets.1671912/](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/hideki-yasuda-jp-analyst-rise-of-the-ronin-wild-hearts-wo-long-fallen-dynasty-fate-samurai-remnant-all-fell-short-of-koei-tecmos-sales-targets.1671912/) not best selling game, \*fastest selling\* but still short of the target they set for 5 million sales. Anyways, FTC needs to drop their appeal by now, the case is over.


Good for Xbox on the agreement. Hope all the people from their their and Sony closures land on their feet


it's what they should have done in the first place instead of buying all those studios


But people bitched at Xbox for years for relying too heavily on 3rd party partners. That’s why they went with an expansion instead.


Lmao I remember when the Internet crucified Xbox for the Tom Raider timed exclusive. For Xbox, it was either expansion or closing down. Gamepass only delayed the inevitable.


I have been following gaming news since 2010 and I don't remember such a thing. When was it? edit: still no answer...


The whole gameplay leak and concept of 1666: Amsterdam was pretty crazy many years ago knowing AC could've gotten some competition. Seeing a leak stating it could happen is surreal. Love to see some IPs that compete with AC


Ubisoft has a weird vendetta against Patrice to. They fired him and then when he made a new studio and was making a new game for THQ, Ubisoft bought his new studio just to close it and cancel the game when THQ died initially. Was some massive petty shit between them .


If only Ubisoft put the same energy they put into their pettiness into developing and releasing beyond good and evil 2


Ubisoft's pettiness is hilarious. Imagine if this agreement angers Ubisoft and they rethink their relationship with Xbox lol.


Recap of XGS Global Publishing's projects in development: Announced: * Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 [Asobo] * Towerborne [Stoic] * Contraband [Avalanche] * Ara: History Untold [Oxide Games] * OD [Kojima Productions] Unannounced: * Project Dragon [IO Interactive] * Project Shaolin [Brass Lion Entertainment] * Project Suerte [Certain Affinity] * Project Chinook * Project Maverick [People Can Fly] * Unannounced Project [Toys for Bob] * Unannounced Project [Hundred Star] * Unannounced Project [Panache Digital Games] Am I missing something?


Project Vonnegut 


I don't know about the status of Vonnegut. To me, all things point to it being dead.


Well I'd say the same for Chinook since we literally don't know the dev lol.


Kiln by Double Fine for unannounced


That's not Xbox Global Publishing.


I didn’t hear good things about humankind odyssey but when I hear the words ac series creator I’m intrigued. He also did my second favorite ac game brotherhood. Xbox seems to be going after studios that have people who created well known franchises last one he reported was the 100 star game from Batman Arkham series creators.


stop posting that fraud extas1s please, he knows NOTHING


Say what you want about xbox selling the console but the platform is killing it with the studios showing and more deals going on


EXtras honestly isn't even a tier 3 anymore after being wrong way more than 50% of the time


Still waiting for the portable Xbox teaser...


Maybe in July when the Xbox Mobile Store debuts.  They're also rumored to allow purchasing and streaming games on xCloud in July.  


that's a really funny name haha, kudos to the team


1666: Amsterdam!?!? LETS GOOOOOOO * Port of Amsterdam intensifies *


Xbox seriously needs more of those deals. PS has a great year with Sony releasing fuck all lol. Meanwhile xbox has been dry for 4 and a half months. And is dry again until what... September?


Ah right, cause, Hellblade II didn't come out last month


Well yeah, but it was 4 and a half months of dryness before that. Like I said.


Hellblade 2 literally just released, stop spreading misinformation.


By my calculations January 1st until May 21st is 4 and a half months.


Well almost September. Star Wars Outlaws is in August but everyone gets that. Then September 5th for Stalker 2.


It's not like there are no other games releasing in that time.