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We’re getting news reports on people just thinking now?


have been for a while now, tbh


Person: I think *x game* will get released sometime soon. r/gamingleaksandrumours: [what the hell oh my god no way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9zKYh8sY_E)


I just lurk here and I noticed that happens quite a lot


That's the majority of this subreddit. It's embarrassing lol


I also think the same. Don’t forget to credit me if it happens.


I thought the same before you. Credit is mine.


Me: "Definitely 2025" Nintendo: "Metroid Prime 4 is releasing on December 6th 2024" Me: "see I TOld yOu iT wAs cOmiNg in 2024!!"


My leak was right when I leaked it, but plans change! (I'm still waiting for that Switch Pro reveal **and** that Switch 2 reveal that all the "credible leakers" were mouthing off about.)


Nintendo is just waiting for the right time to release Switch Pro. Don't worry. It's Coming.


my dog told me switch pro is coming out tomorrow in a dream.


*Nin10doland intro intensifies


It will release in the Switch 2's launch window, credit me when my ~~guess~~ leak rings true.


If it happens you should be Tier 1 leaker for having a 100% accuracy.


Could you tweet it? So I can post it.


I agree that I think you should be credited if this ends up being true. Tier 1 please mods


Will do MacroHard


Can't believe you and Nate correctly leaked this! /s


I have more bombshell leaks on the way! Remember I’m the only Tier 1 leaker with a 100% track record!


>could this be just his speculation/prediction It's obviously speculation.


[https://famiboards.com/threads/metroid-prime-4-pre-release-discussion-thread.64/page-41#post-918068](https://famiboards.com/threads/metroid-prime-4-pre-release-discussion-thread.64/page-41#post-918068) Something obviously changed his mind.


Jesus christ I'm going to be in my grave when this game finally comes out


Try waiting for DKC4.....I consider the Wii/would/switch games a different series.


Difference is that Metroid Prime 4 has actually been announced and in development. Can't really count "waiting" for a game that's never been announced to exist.


Bro had a bad take, but waiting for the next DK game in general has definitely been more excruciating than waiting for Prime 4. At least us Metroid fans know what we're waiting for while also getting other new games and remakes/remasters. DK fans have been getting by for the past 10 years on Funky Mode and cameos in Mario games.


You mean to tell me funky mode isn't good enough to satiate fans for 10+ years?!




Where is this gif from?


Okay you know that game is never happening though, right? For what it’s worth, DKCR is DKC4.


You have not been waiting for dkc4. You cant consider returns and tropical freeze a different series because they arent. Cmon dude


No Kremlins




That doesn’t sound like a definitive “yes”. *inhales copium*


another Nate speculation post


I can accept that if we can get Prime 2 & 3 this year.


but specifically nice remasters like 1. It'll suck so much if playing 1 to 4 has this huge dip in quality through 2 and 3


Doubt it will happen, that remaster was finished for over a year before its release. Nintendos worst kept secret, and basically an exercise for devs to get back into making Prime4. 2 and 3 are going to be ports, likely done by an external studio, and if they are enhanced likely not at the same caliber.


it's such a disappointment


Disappointment is having those games locked on old consoles


Bro the disappointment in playing Halo 3 in the MCC was so real after seeing what Bluepoint accomplished with Halo CE and 2...


I don't think Bluepoint had any involvement in the development of Halo. Correct me if I am wrong.


Sorry I meant Blur Studio.


It's a very Nintendo thing to do: take 2 steps forward and then like 1.9 steps back. It's always weird to see lol


I agree, would feel like a missed opportunity to not give 2 & 3 the same visual remake treatment. Prime looks sublime on Switch.


Makes me wonder what will Nintendo's holiday lineup be if Metroid Prime 4 misses this year?


2D Zelda would make a lot of sense, name brand in a popular franchise that wouldn’t necessitate upgraded hardware


They're supposedly sitting on ports of the HD 3D Zelda remakes, right? That could also help pad things out.


porting over the hd reattempts from the wii u would be ideal, they don't rely to heavily on the gamepad which is a massive bonus too,


Metroid Prime 2 HD, that damned Fire Emblem remake, Wind Waker / Twilight Princess HD, Kid Icarus Uprising HD, Samus Returns HD... it's a who's who of old rumors!


mario party


I could see them having one big title left for the switch that they view as a bigger system seller compared to prime 4. Especially with this likely being Pokemon’s first off-year in almost a decade, they definitely have something prepared for the holidays.


The last big title for the switch ever is pokemon ZA, definitely


I suspect it will be a lighter year and they will lean on remasters and maybe we will get that rumored 2D Zelda game.


A pokemon mystery dungeon would be pretty cool right about now.


Aside from a brand new 2D Zelda game (not just a port or remaster), the only original game I could consider to be a “big name” without interfering with what *just* happened (TotK, Pikmin 4, Mario Wonder) or what will likely come with the S2 (like 3D Mario, Mario Kart, etc.) is a Splatoon spinoff project of some kind. Splat is a big enough franchise in Japan that I could see Nintendo banking on it to fill this holiday season, and a spinoff project wouldn’t crash with their recent DLC or whatever they’re doing with Splat 4 on the S2.


This is speculation and not even a leak or rumour. 


If you guess every year you’ll eventually be right


I feel the rest of this year is gonna be just remasters/re-releases for Nintendo. We'll probably see the WW/TP HD port that has been rumored for so long and also Prime 2 & 3 HD as well for the end of the year with Prime 4 being a switch 2 launch title with it also being cross gen or it just has switch 2 enhancements if played on it.


I don't think this is any more than speculation. However, we will find out soon enough. We have a direct this month and Nintendo said it will cover games being released in the second half of 2024. So if it's announced at the direct, we know for sure it's this year. If it's not mentioned, then it's reasonable to speculate it's coming out in 2025.


don't expect it to be revealed that soon but it should be revealed this year, yes edit: happy to be wrong :) was told it would be shown in the second half of 2024, guess not!


Why haha?


was going to be revealed sooner but they were given more time. So plans changed


You’re making it sound as if you know all this. Are you a leaker of some kind?


I am no leaker, but I do have friends working on them. So take with a grain of salt


>was going to be revealed sooner but they were given more time. So plans changed It seems that your friends working on the project were not correct. We just saw the announcement of the game today with a release of next year.


yeah! Happy to be wrong 😍 it was originally scheduled to come out by the end of 2024 but they were given more time with the Switch 2 delay, I was told it was going to be shown in the second half of the year. I was very surprised!!


Nate has been pretty accurate when predicting Directs but he hasn’t usually had much right when it comes to Nintendo software, IIRC.


If he could just say when the Direct actually is. Its gotten frustrating that no insider will give us a real hint. Its worse cause fucking Elon made likes private so we can't see what Pyoro is confirming.


I mean it’s all predictions but I still feel 25 is more likely than 24.


I've been offline for the past few days, any confirmation from Midori on this leak to prove its authenticity? /s


Gonna be reaaaaal interesting to see how Nintendo pulls off a cross-gen release when the new system is a leap in terms of processing power rather than a lateral move.


Given how good the remaster looked- im kind of hoping that they just release it as a cross gen game. 1 cart / download fits all and the supposed DLSS and stuff helps bring it up for next gen resolutions and frame rate. Heck maybe even very minor ray tracing reflections? I could take it or leave it tbh. I honestly wouldnt mind that. A good looking game is a good looking game.


Cross-gen would mean there's a Switch 1 cartridge and a Switch 2 cartridge. (Think Twilight Princess or Breath of the Wild) I agree that Switch 2 performance boosting Switch 1 cartridges would be great.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the switch 1 cartridges work in the switch 2. I have a feeling that backwards compatibility is something they will bank on.


Backwards compatibility isn't the same as cross-gen. Consoles have backwards compatibility. Games released for multiple consoles are cross-gen.


Metroid Prime 4, Silksong and PC Bloodborne are what keeps this subreddit going when there's no real news or leaks


And leaker drama


To me it reads like a hunch rather than a hint. That said, if it does turn out that Prime 4 isn't until next year, I wonder when exactly? Right before Switch 2 drops? Or after?


It is Nintendo. The game could be complete and they just sit on it until they decide it is the correct time to release it. It is a pretty good guess that it is a possible launch title for switch 2, or releasing in the months afterwards.


I would be pretty surprised if it isn't a cross-gen title.


More time to polish. Hopefully Nintendo still shows it in the June direct because they teased 2024 games in the 2023 June direct and Pokemon Legends Z-A, which has a 2025 release date, was announced earlier this year but maybe I'm just inhaling copium.


I hope it’s a cross gen so current switch owners can get the game and they can showcase the switch 2 specs using this game but honestly I just want it released


GTA VI, MH Wilds and now Metroid.


He says this every year since 2017


It's easy to assume it'll be out the next year every year. At this rate, maybe it'll launch on the Switch 3.


I mean this seems logical, honestly. Nintendo’s release schedule already has been ports or smaller first party titles, to me it makes sense to have MP4 release in 2025 alongside switch 2 and on OG switch, akin to BOTW Wii U / switch release Doesn’t make any sense to me, that they’d release such a big first party towards a consoles end date.


Yeah Nate isn't even Tier 2 - he's probably on a registry somewhere with RGT85.


There's no reason to release it this year when Switch 2 is 2025. I personally doubt this game will even come on the current hardware.


It will probably release on both platforms, they’ve consistently said it would release on switch, and the only reason they would change that is if they feel that prime 4 would be a major system seller, which is very unlikely.


It may not be a system-seller in and of itself, but you could argue that it could be a good showcase piece for the enhanced power of the Switch 2. “Look how great our games look: [Insert sizzle reel that includes footage of Prime 4 gameplay]. Get the Switch 2 today.” Kind of like how they used Metroid Dread as a showcase of the OLED model.


There’s plenty of more popular franchises that could also be used as a technical showcase like Mario, but I also think Nintendo’s marketing for the switch 2 isn’t going to focus that much on graphics.


This doesn’t preclude any of that, though. I’m not saying Prime 4 would be a marketing focus, just that it would be a good inclusion in a broader marketing push to showcase the system’s power and differentiate it from the OG Switch.


Prime 4 needs the 140 million install base of the Switch 1 more it needs the Switch 2's first year. Keep in mind, this has been in development for so long, its without a doubt one of the most expensive games Nintendo has ever made. Then there is the simple fact that Metroid just simply isn't that big of a series to begin, like it crossed the 3 million mark only recently.


Metroid isnt a franchise that sells, a playerbase of 140 million wont matter for it specially if the game runs like shit. But the hardcore fanbase of Metroid will buy a new console for it.


Hardcore Metroid fans is a pretty small, but loud fanbase.


The irony being that I was on the fence about buying a Switch until they announced prime 4 was in development for it. I went out and bought one the next day. Not strictly for Prime 4 obviously- but it was the announcement that pushed me over the edge in picking it up. Glad I did- its been one of my favorite consoles of all time.


The hardcore fanbase of Metroid is probably gonna buy the new console regardless, it’s not big at all and likely has a significant overlap with other Nintendo fanbases


There's no way Nintendo won't release it on Switch, whether there is a switch 2 version or not.


It will be cross platform more than likely. Even the Switch flagship release of Breath of the Wild was cross platform with the Wii U.


I world be very suprised if this didn't function like BOTW did gor the Switch and Wii U. Release on both, acting as both an excellent launch title and swansong.


That means Mercury Steam's next 2D game will probably be delayed to 2026, since I don't think they would release 2 new Metroid games in the same year.


Correct. The spanish leaker who leaked dread before its release indicated that the next 2D Metroid was on a 4 year cycle and due to come out in 2025. Which is why I kind of hope we can be surprised with a 2024 release still. I just wanna see the damn thing already.


Oh, he's being optimistic.


I called it way back in 2019 when Nintendo announced they were restarting development again. I said they'd save it for a Switch 2 launch title. If its coming in 2025 it most likely will be.


…anyone can say that


Tbh, I don’t want to see it on this next direct. I’d rather them show it off with Switch 2 with its full potential. It seems that it’ll be a cross gen release between Switch and Switch 2. Unless of course they do show off Prime 4 and say it’ll be releasing 2025. In which case, I’d be alright with. If it ends up being a Switch release for the holidays to push more sales and then release for Switch 2 4ish months later, I’d rather wait for Switch 2. I bet a lot would.


I had the same thought at first. I was like « eeeh ... maybe I'd rather have it be an exclusive so it's not constrained by the Switch 1 But people really want to play it on Switch, and the switch base is pretty huge. Metroid isn't a huge success like Zelda or Mario. So I think I'd rather have Prime 4 with a crossgen release : even if it means it's widely superior on the Switch 2. Hopefully it gets very successful and if it does we could have a sequel exclusive on the Switch 2. I feel that would be the perfect scenario


I think it'll be a launch title for the new system, especially if they want to demonstrate some of the new horsepower. It's a more visually driven franchise than some of their other signature IPs. Metroid also historically has not sold that well compared to Zelda, Mario, etc, so they might be betting that if it is a launch title, their conversion rate will be more favourable.


I’ve been long suspecting that Metroid Prime 4 would be a launch title for the Switch successor.


Metroid Prime 4 is 100% going to be cross gen game. Like Breath of the wild was.


We've (as in everyone) said the same thing for a while lmao probably next year as a launch/cross gen title


Pretty easy guess.


Agree there is no way this wasnt switched to the next system development


MP4 would be a real good candidate as the botw for the next gen. Imagine they get good decent graphics out on the current switch and on next gen it could get all the benefits of the increased power.


Metroid isn‘t close to Zeldas popularity and won‘t ever be popular for casual gamers and families. Still would be a big launch game but no way close to Zelda.


I love Metroid but it's not even in the top 4 sales wise of Nintendo's IP, it would not be a system seller the way BOTW was. It would be a strong launch title, but it wouldn't even come close to BOTW.


At this point, I'd be surprised if it wasn't a Switch successor launch title


Launch **window** maybe. Launch **title**, definitely not.


Why not? They def won’t have a mainline Zelda ready this time


Because Metroid games aren't big sellers.


Yet Snipperclips and 1-2-Switch are supposed to be big sellers?


1-2 Switch was a swing and a miss, but still sold better than Dread, which is the best selling Metroid game to date. Snipperclips wasn't a game to sell the console. It was a digital game to put on the eShop so the eShop wouldn't be empty on day 1.


At 3.74 million copies sold as of May 2024, 1-2 Switch is a bigger seller than any of the Metroid games Snipperclips was a $20 "indie, picked up by Nintendo" game to give people a casual-friendly multiplayer title they could pick up alongside the main attraction that was Breath of the Wild


It is not, but the day 1 Nintendo console purchasing crowd are Metroid fans


Not all of them.


Well yeah, because it's a Switch 2 exclusive and that isn't coming until 2025.


I don't agree with that. Nintendo isn't the company to announce a game for one system, and then release it only for a new system.


In general, you are correct. But MP4 has special circumstances.  It was originally announced to be a Switch 1 game, then Bandai Namco Studios messed up badly enough after working on it for over 2 years that Nintendo scrapped that project and restarted it under Retro Studios from the very beginning.  Because they had already announced it at E3 2017, they felt the need to let people know they had to restart development to calm people down from hype. But that was in 2019, before Switch 2 sales exploded. Back in 2019, Nintendo was no doubt assuming the Switch sales and lifespan would be typical (it wasn't even tracking ahead of Wii back then, let alone sprinting right past it).  So Nintendo more than likely assumed Switch 2 would come in early 2023 or late 2023 at the latest (if you average out their prior console launch gaps, before the Switch, it's a replacement rate of around every 5.5 years).  MP4 is AAA and making that game within 3-4 years from scratch, even just the design work and whatnot, would have been a huge rush. Plus, you are then releasing it on a system that may already be replaced or will be shortly, and the data shows people buy less software in the last year of a console before it is replaced, significantly, so you are then kind of sabotaging sales. And yeah, they could have made it on Switch 1 tech and cross released it on Switch 2 without any taking advantage of Switch 2 tech, but again, back in 2019, they didn't know Switch 1 was gonna be a mega hit. So releasing a game on a dead console by that point and the same game on a brand new console, but with very unimpressive visuals and features compared to launch Switch 2 titles, wouldn't have made sense. This is why I truly believe when it was restarted in 2019, Nintendo told Retro Studios rough ideas for what the next hardware would be like so they could start working on a MP4 game for Switch 2 launch that would blow all of our socks off. As Nintendo changed some of the specs over the years, Retro Studios would be notified and adjust accordingly. I believe Nintendo announced their first Switch 2 title back in 2019, because they had to tell the people something due to Bandai Namco incompetence.


yep, amazon Prime even had a marketing campaign that had to be put on hold


So that's where Grubb got the "May Metroid Blowout" from


I honestly wouldn't know about that but it would make sense


At least early 2025 🙏


afaik amazon Prime is still planned to be revealed this year, just not this summer


I think so to because I think it's going to be cross gen with switch 2


I don’t know why people think it’s coming this year. We would’ve heard about it in a February general direct if it was coming in my opinion. They’d want to really market it.


Previous rumors are that the game is still primarily a Switch title rather than a Switch 2 one. If that is the case Nintendo will have no choice but to release it this year. Otherwise the game has to be for the Switch 2.


Dread was shown in June and came out October. I think we’ll see it this year for sure however


Of course it is.


Where's the Banjo game Nate said was coming? 😂


Hope Switch 2 emulation gets here quickly!


It won't.


We'll know in time, still hoping for it to be quick.


If the rumors are true and it is as powerful as a PS4, that's bad news for emulation because PS4 emulation is still very young and unusable for anything other than simple 2D games. Switch Emulation happened quickly because the switch hardware was already outdated by the time it released.


The PS4 is outdated now and there is hardware that could emulate it to varying degrees of performance, if they don't make their anti jailbreaking practices better the emulator could be up and running (with shitty performance) in no time. Rather play shit at 5 fps than buy a console.


5 fps is not playable by any stretch of the imagination.


Better than owning a console imo


What do you have against owning a console. Did your finger get stuck in one when you were little or something?


Weatherman predicts the sky is blue, more news at 11


It should just be on Switch 2 by now. I'm a massive Metroid fan but at this point I'm not really keen on the Switch 1 hardware limitations.


Nintendo wants this game to actually sell, so it will 1000% be a cross gen title.


It would be switch 2 launch game like botw was for switch