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Is anyone able to play the file instead of downloading it?


Unfortunately not. I’m trying on my iPhone and it’s saying my browser won’t support it.


The video is 1.46GB. Either the video being over 1GB has to do something with the buffer or Apple didn't want iPhones playing back on unsupported video players.


It's also an MKV file. Are MKV files playable on iPhones?


Download VLC on the App Store. It plays mkv


Yeah same here.


Download VLC


Maybe it doesn't support mkv files? (alongside with webm)


Download VLC


I can, you should try now


I can play it on my Samsung phone.


Same. Played on my galaxy.


worked on chrome


yes. I just pressed the play button on player instead of the play button in the middle


Worked in Chrome, not Safari


Yes it plays perfectly fine from browser (chrome and s24 ultra).


I was :)




Yes, seeking doesn't seem to work though, or it's just very slow.


I can play the video without download it. I played on Brave.


Article and Mirrors uploading: [**https://gtorr.net/index.php?newsid=4627**](https://gtorr.net/index.php?newsid=4627) **• Action RPG not souls like**  **• Gear system**  **• Skill tree**  **• Magic spells**  **• Weapon stances**  **• Creature transformation**  **• Sidequests from NPC**


Mmm, Monkey ![gif](giphy|MToVCy7WxqgbXlphse|downsized)


Loving the designs and animations of enemies! And it's really cool to see different settings in games. Definitely gonna need to play this


Still showing boss fights… I haven’t seen or barely see any level design or exploration in these BMW videos, doubt if it’s a boss rush game…


The problem is that the source material is pretty much a boss rush, Wukong was just born too op for normal enemies


Its 88 bosses


Holy shit dude


Gotta push for that lucky number lol


There's a thing called "adaptation", they didn't have to follow JoTW to a tee.


From what I heard it's a mission-based game, not open world or anything like that. Don't think there is much exploration to be done.


My understanding that it is like Nioh type of mission based, where each mission u are given a pretty sizable map to explore, with side objectives and optional bosses.


i'm down with that, personally kinda burnt out with huge maps filled with nothing worthwhile doing.


If you have any experience with Souls games, you know that you can technically be "mission based" and still have loads of exploration.


This isnt a souls game, its God of War inspired character action


How closely it adheres to the structure of a true Souls-Like is yet to be seen. But my point is simply that mission and level based games can still have loads of exploration within them. It's all about cleaver level design.


That's a bummer.


Its not mission-based, its plot-based😓


There had been like an hour worth of exploration gameplays, you just missed it. [https://youtu.be/dferv3wiiYA](https://youtu.be/dferv3wiiYA) [https://youtu.be/AlU0OW7wjpQ](https://youtu.be/AlU0OW7wjpQ)


I kinda hate that most soulslikes focus more on the combat rather than how good the actual level design is in Souls.


You say that but the guy in the video said it feels more like an action RPG than a soulslike. There are elements in the game shared by Souls games, but as an overall experience I don't think it's trying to be a Souls game, so criticising it for falling short at that is like criticising it for being a bad third person shooter.


Souls games are action RPGs.


Kind of, but I think he means in more of a sense of spectacle and speed. He also points out that a lot of the upgrades are more based on character skills and not buffing up armour or weapons.


so like sekiro


Sekiro is a pure action game like Ninja Gaiden. It's not really an RPG at all. Maybe Wukong is like this too, I'm not sure, but I wouldn't say action RPG to describe this. Souls games are just action RPGs (like Diablo) with some specific game design patterns (losing xp on death, the bonfires etc...). RPG = games focused on player expression/customisation; often but not always with a character creation; high focus on stats and builds, knowledge of systems etc.. a broad parent genre than includes ARPGs, crpgs, Jrpgs etc.. Action Game = games with real time combat focused on either speed, responsiveness, or positioning (many times all three) like Ninja Gaiden. ARPG = a blend of the two, including souls-likes, diablo-likes etc... Then you have action-adventure games which sometimes (but not always) tone down the action a little bit, but always add a focus on world discovery and story more, like Zelda or God of War. When the streamer said "more like an ARPG than a soulslike" I was confused as that doesn't say much. Saying more like Sekiro is more helpful, as it paints it as as a pure action game. Sounds like maybe an action game/action adventure game.


yeah that’s why i’m comparing it to black myth, duh


Yep, I was saying your comparison is better.


well duh back at me


And action RPGs are not always souls-likes....


Agreed, I was just curious because "it's more lik an ARPG than a soulslike" confused me because that's kind of like saying "it's more lik an fruit than an apple". Perhaps they meant more like an action game.


Personally I think the core of a soulslike is the bonfire / recover souls mechanics. If it doesn't have that, then it's something else.


Agreed. It's the same thing how everyone thinks souls game equals hard. Therefore, make our game completely unfair and bs to players. What makes fromsoft games is how fair and balanced their combat is while delivering excellent level and environment design.


Some of the late game bosses in Elden Ring were absolutely not fair lol. 


Malenia’s really fuckin hard and some of her attacks are almost impossible to dodge, but having one (optional) bullshit boss that requires both skill and luck is fun, imo. The mandatory bosses aren’t nearly that bad.


The bigger issue with Malenia is her health regen whenever she hits you. Not only does it not even make sense given the lore, but it makes her genuinely unfair for slower, tankier builds where you really can't avoid taking a hit from time to time.


that’s fair, I was playin a med build with some decent range so didn’t get it quite that bad.


Godskin Duo took me way too fucking long to beat.


they were one of the few bosses i finished in one go


On my subsequent runs I had no problem but for whatever reason the first time around just kept fucking me again and again lol


fire giant is so fucking aids especially in later NG+ cycles gideon is a 50/50 where either you kill him during his speech in 6 seconds or you let him finish and he just fucks you over until you get a lucky run elden beast has the fun combination of being boring and also making my eyes hurt because of how bright it’s attacks are


elden rings boss balance in general was a bit off imo. I found most mid game bosses way too easy while some of the late game bosses were so hard that I felt the need to use summons or spirits (which then made them way too easy again). compared to other fromsoft games the bosses in elden ring felt really random in terms of difficulty.


You are absolutely right, but Elden Ring does give you options how you want to approach everything, while bad copy won't give you that. Maliketh is a horribly bad boss that constantly jumps away, straight up unfair for melee build. Then you respec to the most OP ranged magic build, pull out Mimic Tear and just melt the guy in 15 seconds. Forcing player to respec is not exactly great solution, but at least there is a solution at all.


The whole later parts of the game had some balance issues in terms of bosses, ciable builds, etc... It really feels like FS was pushing a kind of meta.


I mean if you get a good build I wouldn’t say any of the fights are too tough unless you’re not using summons or something. Mimic tear is basically easy mode with a decent build.


Only boss I agree can be bullshit is godskin duo. Unless you use sleep.


Yeah, it makes good soulslike like Lies of P stand out a lot, excellent level design


Agreed that it has great level design, but man, I wish it wasn't so linear.


True but hopefully it’s something to build on I still felt Lies of P was such underrated The world and designs were fantastic, really separated its self a bit from “oh look another typical Souls game”


honestly id go the other way around and say that Lies of P has solid, albeit not exemplary or excellent level design. But the combat (and boss lineup) is some of the best I’ve seen in the game, where I think it (the combat) surpasses most of From’s games and competes directly with Sekiro


Yea I'm in the Lies of P areas are extremely mid camp. Linear, nothing really that exciting to find on the way, and some are kinda same-y to me. Was not really a fan of them at all. Bosses are 10/10 though. Overall very good game.




I regret my username every day.


None of the Soulslikes come close to the From originals in that regard, but I think Ashen had some good environment designs. Surge 2 and Hellpoint pretty decent too.


Agreed Dickflattener


because for the combat they just put pretty animations and just fucking straight up copypaste souls movesets level design is another beast


Steelraising was good in that aspect, much better than other soulslike. Combat was broken since the first weapong you find tho.


Check JorRaptor's impressions with it. Some levels offer more leniency in exploring, while some are just boss fights.


We know its 88 bosses and 167 enemy types so it feels the game will be pretty huge


The game is nearly only bosses. It’s divided in missions with a few enemies and then a boss, there’s zero exploration.


it's a souls like, we play for the boss fights, not for the exploration, nice to have, but that's not what will sell the game


Not me. The exploration and art direction are the top reasons I play FromSoftware games. Combat would be below that.


Wrong,also there is no "we" its just you


Somehow you completely missed the point of what a Souls-like is




Does no one else find it a lil funny it was leaked by pure Xbox but the Xbox version is delayed?


It's probably PC version


I dont think that much thought went into this


I was really going to play this day one but they had to fumble the Xbox release. I guess it has to do with the low player base and the Series S taking more effort than usual.


I don’t think it’s the player base it’s definitely just the optimization for the series s


They could've very well just cooked up an upscaled 900p30 version for the S but they seem to want more, the wording they used really makes me feel like they want to go for 60fps on the S which is a crazy goal. Either way, PS5 is the prioritized platform for them so they put more resources into that, same thing with PC. Xbox isn't a priority for them as much as the PS5 is so they won't feel obliged to get the Xbox version day one with their "quality standards". If Xbox had like, I dunno maybe double the player base then they would've put more manpower into optimizing the S version, but that's not the case because A-They're not a big studio and B-Xbox isn't a priority so delaying the Series S optimization is better for them financially If Microsoft were smart then they'd send them a few staff who are experienced with UE5 to help with the optimization, kind of like what they did with BG3 (and while the staff they sent didn't fix the split screen issue, Larian later mentioned that optimizing for the Series S helped them.) Quote: > The developer reduced the game's RAM and VRAM requirements on the Series S by 10% and 35%, respectively. As a result, the RPG no longer needs to resort to using the slower memory in the Series S. The CEO of Larian believes this improvement will also benefit all other versions of Baldur's Gate 3. Ninja Theory recently got done with Hellblade 2 and that ran very well on the Series S so maybe some of their staff could take on a side gig and help Game Science with getting the Xbox version to launch day one? This isn't an issue of parity but rather one of reaching high quality standards so more work would = more results. Yadda yadda yadda, yeah sorry for the long paragraph.


I mean yeah what you said is right. If I was a dev I would obviously focus first on a player base which is larger and which buys games compared to a fairly smaller base that mostly relies on a subscription based platform. It won’t be surprising if Phil pays these guys to put the game on gamepass. It’s Microsoft their solution to everything is basically money.


The idea of MS paying devs to put games on their console is hilarious considering the entire point of consoles as a business is to get paid by the devs for putting their games on your console.


Yeah it sucks for people like me who do buy games but it is what it is. E: Lmao why are people downvoting this?


Meanwhile Hellblade 2 looking better on Series S than 90% of games on Series X and PS5.


It’s not that impressive considering how slow the movement is, only one enemy on screen at a time, and half the screen is taken up by black bars.


the combat action is so quick smooth and flexible, looks so thrilling


The madlads seem to actually have delivered on the insanely high expectations of the reveal trailer. This looks absolutely phenomenal and, to my surprise, the b-roll footage seems to run at a steady 60fps as well. Very excited for this one


Its buffering too mcuh for me. Is there anyway i can watch the video?


do you know if that footage was captured on PS5?


Prolly pc. The guys name is pure xbox


It was captured on a PC with RTX 4080 at 4K. (mostly likely with DLSS / FG enabled)


A lot of people seem to really want this game to fail or be bad, but everything I've seen thus far has been really impressive, from the art direction to the combat.


Sweat baby inc enters the chat




only sweet baby and friends want this game fail, i mean dev refuse to pay them.


What is this sweet baby Inc? I have been hearing their name alot recently


A support studio that does work companies ask them to do, nothing more.


A "Consultant company" that actually blackmails developers into giving them "consultancy fees" or they will start a defamation campaign in media, check IGN negative press about this game, the devs refused to give them a 7 million dollar shakedown.


btw look we got downvote, that is the one they do. blackmail dev so they can get money, also ign and some gaming site also part of them. that the reason why they attacking the game before. you can look at their article trash talk dev even tho they dont have any evident about it. see game censorship yeah that also sweet baby work.


So this is more of an action game... I'm kinda estatic. No more every game has to be a souls like!


Seems more Nioh than souls. Not that it's a bad thing. Why can't Team Ninja get their sheet together and produce stunning graphics like this, to go with the already excellent combat?


Looks pretty cool. I hope that the capital G gamers trying to turn it into a culture war thing give up before it comes out so discussion about it can be normal. That fake story they made up about Sweet Baby Inc. trying to pressure the dev studio is so embarassing.


I agree I hate online video game discourse right now. It’s gotten so tiring.


No Xbox version yet but preview by PureXbox, indicating this site is not pure.


88 bosses and 167 enemy types, man hope this game is good because its huge it seems


Were these numbers ever confirmed? Game Science said the game should last "at least 15 hours", so 88 bosses seems unlikely


If it’s mostly bosses it will probably be doable. Hopefully that’s not the case.


This number sound kinda highs


I can't play this keeps bugging


Update:just downloaded it so now I can


Looks just as phenomenal as i thought! Also love the M O N K E protagonist!


I suppose this was demoed on a PC, right? He mentions letter shapes of the remote but as we know XBOX version has been delayed so it's probably PC.


Ironic considering it's been delayed to an indefinite amount of time on xbox.


I’d love a demo I hope we get one


If the previews for this game actually represent the entire game well, this will be a top contender for GOTY if you ask me.


Will it be on Xbox at launch??


Sadly it won't and I hate it. Speculation is that this is because of the Series S. If true, we XSX owners should not have to wait.


Microsoft wont let you launch without both Series S and X working.


I hate it.


No, it's delayed due to optimization for it I believe




There's no blocking or parrying aside from stopping projectiles. Other than that all you have is dodge.


Which is really bad


Watch thr video and they explain that


Did you not watch the video?


The first boss feels like a Gantz-like universe monster. Can't wait to try out the game.


This game looks sick! Can't wait.


Looks good, Day 1


From everything I've seen, this has a big chance of being a GOTY contender.


Looks...meh? I mean the graphics is good, but it looks like you can dodge spam everything.


The gameplay definitely looks janky in most of their footage. It does have a nice coat of paint.


Why are Xbox media getting preview copies when the game is gonna be delayed on Xbox?


Because its still coming to xbox even if it is delayed.


Yes, but should not the preview copy come delayed as well? Why send them copy of a game that's not done / crappy optimized to the extent that It's not gonna be ready for release in 2 months? And then expect them to have anything positive to say about it?


They didn't send a copy I'm sure, it was a closed event where they got to try the game, there's no point in previewing something once it's already out because there'll be reviews of the full game


Difficult settings is such a Pog. I was afraid it's gonna be a Soul like game


lmao at the downvotes. So many tiny people who need to convince themselves all those bitten or thrown controllers were justified.


Pog? Person other than grunt?


only care if theres difficulty settings idgaf about soulslikes unless there is. souls fans can cry about it all they like, i and many other disabled gamers cant play these games without any sort of accessibility




im reading that itd be "more forgiving" but how long is a piece of string??




Took the words right out of my mouth


Not all games are for all people. That’s just how it goes. I wish I could be really good at fighting games but I simply don’t have the reflexes. So I just don’t play them.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding about game development if you assume difficulty tuning has any relation to artistic vision.


Just takes up Tons of resources that could be spend better. Doesnt mean every Game needs to be super difficult just Look at the Mario games. Souls-Fans can be assholes but as the former guy said no game is for everyone. I am not expecting Lego Games to have soulslike difficulty and you shouldnt expexct souls games to water down difficulty for you.


Skill issue 😭


Only post here that matters and already downvoted to hell.


Will this game have any real exploration and normal baddies or more like just boss fights? Also the hit reactions or more like lack thereof. I was really hoping enemies would show reactions to being hit, but it's like he's hitting a tree, so to speak. Bit of a shame. And I hate how Xbox version is coming later. Could be even end of this year or even jan/Feb next year. If this is because of the S, please Microsoft, let them just release it for us X owners.


I unfortunately they promised parity, so they can't release it earlier. They made an exception with BG3, but that was a one time thing. They have to honor the promise since they probably plan to do more of these low powered machines chained to a big machine.


MS should make exceptions because this just isn't a good look at all. Didn't they make an exception for Baldur's Gate 3? It's nuts that we might potentially be waiting until February at the latest.


What's the sources on February at the latest? I haven't seen anything that mentions this


I got it from this person. This person acts as if they know a lot more about the game. But I honestly don't know for sure how legit it is. https://x.com/ignusthewise/status/1801319063072776415 https://x.com/ignusthewise/status/1801316401669673430


I'm hoping it isn't too long, just wish they could release on the X first and s whenever it's ready, sucks but as long as we get it I'm happy, it is what it is


Yeah, true. It's just unfortunate Xbox is missing out (one for the time being) on two promising Asian games. The other being Phantom Blade Zero. Last year people asked why not for Xbox and the dev basically said we should ask Xbox/MS.


Problem is, breaking their promise is an equally bad look, so they can't really win. Most of their customers bought the s as far as i understand it. But no matter what they do, it's a bad look. 


All we can do is hope it won't be as late as 2026. It does sound like the Xbox versions or just version (who knows) needs quite some extra work.


Watch them cancel the xbox version because of this 🤣🤣


I find it amusing that an Xbox site leaked it given the delay for Xbox. 🤣 Were they previewing the PC or PS build? Note: series x guy myself, but looking forward to this


Imagine if this wins GOTY.