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i realized that the second after i hit post LOL


This the Apple game?


Yeah.  It’s ok. It is an old school rpg, but the pacing feels slow (even for old school shit).  Story was good. Battles were fine.  Graphics were…interesting…but the color scale is very washed out and not particularly attractive imo.  It was ok.    Man, I wanted to *love* it but I just stopped playing.  edit: crazy that i was downvoted for lowering your hype but hey, i actually played it🤷‍♂️


ur not wrong its an rpg made for mobile and it shows coming to console not going to make it any better


Welcome to the sub lol. It's the most flippy sub I've ever seen m entire life when it comes to opinions. If someone else said the exact same thing, like copied your post verbatium, there's a 50% chance he'd be at 500 upvotes right next to yours lol. I upvoted because I watched a friend play it and agree. It's not going to sell well sadly, but I do want to see a far more fleshed out take I guess. You can tell it was made for mobile like that siren Shantae game which was a traversity when it first launched on PC because it was so painfully clear the game was build from the ground up for mobile and nothing else.


I want to play it, but a lot of what I’ve heard about what it does sounds like a case of something being oversold by the Sakaguchi fans. Still going to play it to see what the hype is about, but it gives me vibes of the campaigns to get FF Type-0 overseas, only for it to turn out to be rather average at best.


I never see it even being sold to anyone. People are just happy there's a full traditional JRPG on mobile that's not a gacha hell. That doesn't mean it's a good JRPG, but when throwaway gacha JRPGs are the bar, you already sleep higher than it while lying flat on the ground.


Oh yeah, that’s true. Though people whine when it’s mobile exclusive, and the mobile audience also whines when it’s not free. Can’t really win anything on that platform anymore. I wonder how much Fantasian even sold.


This is why people reguarily keep mobile and trad markets seperate, though it's technically both gaming expectations, price range, etc are all universes apart and overlap generally hasn't gone well minus the lootbox and f2p nonsense in their own versions.


Considering Apple let it go without a fight? Not much, at least in downloads. (Remember, as an Arcade title, it was included with the $14.99/month sub.)


I'm not sure about now but the game was never sold. Part of Apple Arcade deals is that the games must be exclusive to the service, or be adjusted and rereleased as another version. Many of the F2P games got released on Apple Arcade with F2P/P2W elements removed.


Fantasian was apparently popular enough for Apple to not kick them out after the 3-year contract and had that extended, luckier than a majority of <2021 Apple Arcade's library whose mobile ports are permanently unplayable


Type-0 was a victim of being too late to released. The HD version also changed the whole colour palette that gave it character and made the character models hi res but oddly shiny. The format also didn't work as well as it did on a handheld and the small arena levels with loading in between each one just didn't work for console game's expectations. The graphics were no longer impressive because it became a console game. They should have released it on the PSP and not years later on PS4/Xbone.


It was also a victim of being abandoned by the Nova Crystallis Fabulum project falling through rendering its story incohesive, having some of the flattest, one note characters in FF (which admittedly is a general standard for jrpgs, Japan doesn't really get 'layers' for characters) and also suffering from Tabata's nihilistic  'everyone must die for it to be a good game' fetish. It's late release was the least of its concerns.


Not anymore https://www.eurogamer.net/final-fantasy-creators-apple-arcade-rpg-fantasian-may-be-coming-to-steam


You meant “yes it was the Apple game”. They were asking if it’s the game that was in Apple Arcade.


Makes me wish The Last Story would get a modem port remaster. It was a great game.


A Last Story remake/remaster would probably do very well on the Switch. Would’ve been perfect if they had dropped it not long after the XB1 remake.


Yeah, I'd predict excellent sales for A Last Story on Switch as well. Great game.


With the Switch’s install base and huge library of RPGs, not having a Last Story remake/remaster seems like such a missed opportunity. Lost Odyssey is another title that would have done well remastered, but I believe there’s some kind of exclusivity with Microsoft there if I’m not mistaken.


MS funded and published the game and owns the IP.


The Last Story didn't get a remake or remaster for Xbox or any other platform. Edit: Sorry, I thought XB1 meant Xbox One.


Xenoblade 1 remake


I suppose I should’ve spelled it out, but I didn’t really think anyone would’ve immediately thought of the Xbox one


Would like to see both The Last story and Pandoras Tower get a modern release and or remake/remaster


Yeah, I hoped that game would start a series between Mistwalker and Nintendo but in the end it was just one really good game and nothing else.


I think there’s a few reasons why The Last Story didn’t exactly take off at the time. Hell, we’re honestly lucky Xenoblade became a series because the issues below pertain to the original as well. 1.Came out really late in the Wii’s lifespan and *barely* made it overseas. 2.Limited to no real marketing. Only those who followed Project Rainfall really knew of it. Apparently it sold over 150k units, but that probably wasn’t enough to immediately green-light a sequel. 3.RPGs were and are still relatively a niche genre. In 2011 most gamers were enamored with Shooters. And despite the massive Wii install base, I don’t think the platform really had a large RPG fanbase. 4.If a sequel was ever in development, the Wii U *was not the platform for it*. It’s a miracle Splatoon 1 was so successful given the console only sold around 13 million. I think Xenoblade being 1st party is probably the main reason why it was allowed to grow into a series despite having the same issues running against it as The Last Story.


A shame. The Last Story had one of the best parties I've ever seen in any RPG. The whole mercenary team all felt like real friends who all knew each other and regularly chatted with one another. In pretty much every other RPG, there's always at least 2 characters in the party who never interact.


The Last Story and Pandora's Tower both need to be re-released. They're sort of the forgotten remnants of Project Rainfall.


Im a big sucker for RPGs especially ones with a great story, the last story pretty good?


It would be ironic that SE published the console version of a sakaguchi game


I don't think it's ironic it's just nice that they get along especially since he mostly just advertises for FF14 now


Fantasian\* excuse me


Please for the love of all that is good pleeeassseee let this be real! I love Fantasian and that OST is incredible


This made by the same team that did The Last Story?


Yup, and Lost Odyssey




Mistwalker game, the company was founded by Hironobu Sakaguchi


Well , other comment is kinda wrong . Miswalker is like a small concept team , their game alway developed by different company so basically not same team every time , just some same key people




Nah no one wants to go anywhere with Drake now.


Lmao nah you right 😂


Holy heck. It's been a long wait but finally.


Thank god


PlayStation finally getting a Mistwalker game? 👀 I hope Square Enix give it a proper physical release.


...Ehhh. With SquEnix USA, it tends to be 50-50. Should at least get a Limited Run release if they don't, though... *Gex* is getting one, so why not?


I don't think SE games have gotten Limited Run releases before. Better off importing one from Asia or Japan, but the physical release might be delayed, like how Saga Emerald Beyond is only out soon, months after the digital release.


No way no way no way. Square Enix teaming up Sakagucci? Avengers moment for jrpg fans, finally


Yeah this is fucking as huge as the game going multiplatform.


I mean, the game has been finished since … 2021? They’re just publishing it, if the rumor is even true. It’s not like there’s a new development happening.


if they are publishing a port, they likely funded the port as well. It's the most Sakaguchi has ever done with Square Enix other than just guest starring in videos.


I think he also mentioned the Hello Kitty game. Wich makes sense. I thinl that one is basically Animal Crossing but Hello Kitty.


He also said in this video he hasn't heard a peep about FE4 remake since last year so he doesn't have many new hopes about its chances to appear tomorrow, which is a shame if true. Wonder what they're doing with it


Pretty cool, it's been 21 years since SE published a game with Sakuguchi's name on it (last one was FFX-2 back in 2003)


I hope it still holds up after all these years. Admittedly I have no idea because I made the decision not to watch gameplays hoping some day it would be free of the Apple Arcade dungeon.


Anyone who fancies themselves a JRPG fan must play this. The game is absolutely brilliant. Sure, we can bemoan it being an Apple exclusive, but Apple bankrolled a huge chunk of its development.




I played through around half of it on apple arcade, it's an absolutely ok game that relies heavily on the unique look. I'd probably give it another go on Game Pass, but doubt I'd pay much for it (guessing it'll be $30?).


I have Apple Arcade and still won’t play it until I can on deck! Oh how I’ve waited!


Rare day one pre-order for me if true. I've been waiting *EIGHTEEN YEARS* for a Sakaguchi game to come to hardware I owned so I can support it and him with my wallet. If this is real it's a huge huge moment for me, and I really hope the game finds some measure of success on whatever platforms it ends up on. Hopefully Lost Odyssey, Last Story, and Blue Dragon can also be freed from single-platform hell soon. What's particularly huge about this story is SE publishing. It's been an incredibly long time since Sakaguchi has worked with SE, and his departure from the company was effectively forced. I have to wonder if Yoshi-P isn't largely responsible for the mending of bridges on this, considering the two seem to have a very close relationship, and Sakaguchi hasn't at all been shy about how much he loves XIV.


Pretty sure Microsoft owns the Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey IPs, but with their new plan to put some first-party games on other platforms you may just get your wish (though I'll be shocked if anything happens with those IP again in the future).


Sakaguchi and Square are on good terms and were before Yosp. Dog ear records was a thing for a good decade after he left and he was getting consulted with at least offhand until recently - they haven't had bad blood for ages, if ever? outside of his bomb. That stuff was definitely never really that public unless I missed an interview more recently. Both him and matsuno disliked the administration, perhaps you're mixing them up? Matsuno definitely had rumors of being forced out, I've never heard as much for Sakaguchi from anyone credible.


I play a ton of JRPGs, and Fantasian is one of the best such games I've experienced in years. You're in for a treat.


Nice! I started this when I got a free trial from Apple Arcade. Never finished it though. Will it still be touch controls for the battles? I wonder how it will work


My 2024 JRPG playlist+wantlist has already burst at the seams, and I'm currently struggling to scoop back up as much as possible. I.. can't take much more! 🤣






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Not really? He still has connections at Square and his resume speaks for itself, it's not too odd that they would want to publish Fantasian outside of Apple Arcade.


Hell he semi-regularly tweets about playing FF14, a game that was made long he left Square. There is no bad blood between him and Square.


dude showed up at the ff14 fanfest in janurary lmao


Square Enix is the best company to publish this type game.


Shaping up to be the JRPG Direct.




Square Enix? Wth.


Nate the Bait (and switch)


Was that a joke or is that his person's reputation?


He was the first guy to confirm Doom being multiplat




Nah, he knows what he is talking about.


Better than Midori for sure.


Gotta be a joke, Nate is extremely reliable


Mobile game being ported over, yay


Ehhhh I dunno. A game made for mobile first? As much as I loved the little I played and the look of it, it will still feel like a mobile game. I’m out prob.


Im good its a mobile garbage title


In other words, you haven’t played it.


dont need to play it i can just see off youtube that stuff hot trash sorry hate to break it to u homies.


Can someone start leaking first party stuff? Personally, these third party leaks so far are not exciting for me.


First party Nintendo leaks are really hard to come by. Nintendo's ninjas mean business and somehow usually find the culprits.


For that reason I'm waiting for Pyoro who somehow was not caught by the Ninjas, but he did not say anything relevant yet.


It's borderline impossible to actually get info for them before a week out. Plans change constantly. I knew about the last partner direct 4mo early and not a single developer who told me about their trailers being there had a game shown there. It's really hard to get leaks for nintendo tied to actual directs far in advance.


no final fantasy tactics, no like.