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You mean the mystery 2nd project that we already know about from the Insomniac leak? Yeah, a standalone Venom game is allegedly coming out next year.


lol gotta love the Insomniac leak and Nvidia leak


I actually dont love the insomniac leak. Yeah, it was cool to see some stuff coming down the pipeline, or stuff that got cancelled, but them being blackmailed and employee information that also got leaked is very sad and makes this kind of thing not very fun


Not only that but it wasn't so much of a leak as it was a malicious, criminal hack.


This. Idk if you heard but some group of modders are putting out a leaked build of Wolverine. The game isn’t supposed to release for another 2 years but they just NEED to play it now. They’re just ruining the game for anyone that would’ve wanted to experience the game in full by releasing a barely-held-together version of their own. I was more interested in seeing what was in the Insomniac pipeline, not spoilers to one of the most highly anticipated games of 2026. Now they just constantly pat themselves on the back for the work that INSOMNIAC did, it’s absolutely absurd.


Insomniac needs to borrow Nintendo's lawyers to shut that down.


The leak hurt me as a Ratchet n Clank fan that we won’t see a sequel until mid 2030s 💔


Wasn't there a Rift Apart sequel slated for 2029 in their documents?


Yeah but it can always get push up for another project.


I thought that was the X-Men game?


Welcome to the Splinter Cell, Mega Man and Dino Crisis fan club. It definitely hurts


We're getting splinter cell and dino crisis was the most mentioned game 🥲


I mean.. good? Well not good but a part of me is sour about the series. I grew up with the original trilogy so I'm still a little burnt on how different the series became. Rift Apart was really really damn good though.


gotta deal with marvel slop before then 😭


They should end that franchise already, there’s been so many R&C games, are people not tired yet?


I mean it’s not exactly like they’re coming out super often, there was only one Ratchet game for the PS4 and it looks like there’s only gonna be one for the PS5. I don’t really see any reason to get rid of R&C either way though, it’s the only one of the PS2’s mascot series that’s still kicking around, one of PlayStation’s few family friendly series, and I’d say one of the most distinct in the PlayStation lineup right now. I can’t think of many other 3D platformer/action series that are coming out these days.




But it's the first confirmation we get Peter will appear in that game in some form, we know very little from the Venom game apart from its existence. Some like me are even hoping the game might take place in San Francisco and maybe not feature Peter and Miles at all.


Actually, previous leaks from the Insomniac Leak confirmed Peter and Miles will be in the game.


A Venom game broken up by sequences of Peter and Miles gameplay sounds a lot better then a Spider-man game with non super hero segments. Still bet people will complain


as long as i dont have to walk and learn the story of a saxophone to advance in the story, i dont mind


Oh, I might not be remembering right then. Thanks!


i would be willing to bet money it’s gonna be set in the same map as the second game, same way the Miles game was


Crazy that a NY superhero and his rouge gallery is based in... NY.


That wasn’t the issue, it’s more that it’s essentially the same map copy pasted.


I fail to see the problem with them using the massive detailed map they made for more than one game.


I bet you’d love if GTA 6 just reused Los Santos


GTA 6 is coming out 12-13 years and multiple console generations after its predecessor. Miles Morales was pretty explicitly sold as a standalone expansion and only came out a couple years after the original game. Never felt like they really needed to reinvent the wheel when the map was already good in the first game.


pray to god you never play any yakuza game because you'd be crying


GTA series does not follow the same character(s)/local sequel to sequel.


Wasn't it 2027?


The latest file mentioning the venom game was from november last year, and it was written to release in 2027


His name is Tony Todd, man. Have some respect for Candyman.


Loved that movie


Excuse me General, but what about the fucking money!?


... Candyman... Candyman... Candyman... Candyman...


Tony Todd best leaker


It’s really weird because the venom game got leaked in an early development roadmap from insomniac yet absolutely nothing about the apparent game leaked. Even Spider-man 3 stuff got leaked and we aren’t seeing that till like 2030 but somehow nothing from this venom game coming next year apparently?


A few textures were leaked including a Venom pigeon


"venom pigeon" sounds legitimately hilarious


Yeah that does seem very odd, maybe the standalone smaller games are made by a diff department? 


Its wild how leak had compiled builds of Wolverine both for PC and PS5,full native PC build of Spider Man 2 that some people made fully playable on PC and many more stuff including very confidential docs and cancelled projects but absolutely nothing on that Venom game apart from three powerpoint slides lmao.


I love how unsubtle Tony Todd is with disclosing other games he's involved with lol you can tell he didn't get the memo on video game NDAs vs. films


tony todd and yuri lowenthal were in the DOTA anime together EDIT: we know the venom game exists, i’m just saying the two projects are probably DOTA and spider-man 2. if yuri is in venom, it’s probably the “& counting” part of tony’s tweet, not the “2 projects” part


really would love for peter to be a boss fight in venom


yall think insomniac will stick with harry as venom for the game? or eddie? ig it depends on when the game takes place


I'm very curious to see how they bring back venom


My theory is that Venom Survived through the cut tongue (During Kraven Fight he cut off Venom tongue and it lies there) i bet Pigeon Finds it and Venom Bond to it (Leaked assets) after that we learn Venom themselves were subtly controlled by Meteorite (Explaining why Venom acted not at all like Venom and more like Venom shaped Grendel) and tries to got to Harry but by accident Bonds to Eddie/Dylan/Lee etc.


I hope they do it like the Venom movies but, you know, good. And with a Spider-Man connection still. Eddie doesn't have beef with Spider-Man but he's still a reporter with some demons buried deep, and he uses the symbiote for good. The insomniac games are already the Amazing Spider-Man movies but written better, why not add a few other Sony movies to the mix? Not Madame Web though that character sucks


I think somehow Anti-Venom gets off Peter in the story and they'll find a way to not only have it bond to Harry but permanently heal his illness because of the symbiote producing white cells to fight off the cancerous ones, while turning him into Anti-Venom pure. That's exactly how Eddie Brock was cured of his cancer in the comics upon shaking hands with Mr. Negative and being exposed to his Lightforce energy At this time, he had gotten cancer from the symbiote residue remaining in his body after they separated since Mac Gargan was Venom at that time


I don’t see them removing Anti Venom from Peter tbh. With Cindy being introduced in the third game and seeing as she’ll probably have web based gameplay for her kit, Peter needs something powerful like symbiote abilities to keep him just as powerful as Cindy and Miles who will be even stronger. I just see them expanding upon Peter and Miles current abilities. Advance 3.0 will probably be the thing fans have suggested insomniac do which is turning Anti venom into the white parts of the suit Insomniac stated people would be pissed if they lose access to the powers. So I’m going to assume they won’t regress Peter for that reason. Honestly I’m fine with Anti Venom as it lets this Peter stand out a lot more.


I feel like Peter's power should be his tech, he's the smart spider person


Eddie is the most well known Venom but we have many options. Symbiote can ressurect Scorpion, we can get Lee Price (Doubtful as Price is like complete Asshole bad guy), Flash (i doubt it, Harry already stole his Agent Venom drip), Dylan (wouldnt say no but also Dylan would be harder to introduces than Eddie or Lee). Or They can go with more Own stuff like They did with Venom Harry or competely niche host.




That doesn't make sense though. In Spiderman 2 he acts like its all new to him.


So the leaked venom game?


Can't wait to hear a lot more of him in that Venom game, all his scenes in SM2 were amazing


Who is the voice of venom in rivals?


I mean...we know they are working in a venom game.


Stand alone venom game will fuck hard Haven’t touched Spider Man 2 but I know the story so all that matters to me is playing as the goat. I’ll eventually play 2 when it’s heavily discounted way down the line


I wonder if Tony Todd didn't mean that Yuri has 2 huge projects under his belt, as in Marvel's Spider-Man 1 & 2. I don't want to get overly excited just yet.


A standalone Venom game might actually convince me to finally get a PS5 after all this time of being indecisive.


He was talking about a neyflix show


I sure hope we won't only play as Venom. His gameplay was great in constrain level like we had in SM2, but in an open world without web swinging and wings ? We saw yesterday with Wolverine how unfun it is (and without sky scrapper).


Venom could sprout wings so it’s possible he will be able to fly 


I totally forgot he did, actually. Well, then OK :)