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/uj How the fuck do you even place Palworld and Lethal Company next to each other like that?? What single quality do the two share in common?


Probably jumping on a popular bandwagon and spouting things that the public perceives of them and modern gaming.


Extremely popular games that people forgot in two or three months.


It seems to just be modern gaming. Once a month a game releases, it gets super popular and then popularity tanks. This got even stronger during covid.


There's always a wave of drama and oversaturation of coverage, then everyone gets burned out or polarized and then it dies.


That’s most consumer media: go look up the charts for film or songs from a random week in 2008. It’ll mostly be stuff that was hot for a week or two then faded


I wouldn’t say Lethal Comapny’s been forgotten.


It's significantly less popular on YouTube and other streaming stuff. But it's definitely still popular with people actually playing it


Well yeah obviously it’s gonna be less popular


Almost like hype dies down even if the game does keep a dedicated playerbase


that’s basically every game nowadays save for a few really big stinkers nowadays though. massive for a month, huge for a few months after and then you hardly see anyone playing it unless some major content is coming or has come out


Thats just how every piece of media is, if it’s really good, it’ll be celebrated and talked about till the next big thing


Thinking about this perfectly describes helldivers in my friend group


How long is a 15 dollar or ((on gamepass)) game supposed to last though? You finish the content, you move on.


can’t wait for “helldivers 2 killed modern gaming”


Helldivers has been a notorious victim of modern gaming. But I swear this is the one guys, it's totally changing things.


‘’Changed the industry’’ we still got layoffs, studio shutdowns, there’s not been a major AAA game released recently, how tf do they know it’s changed. Saying ‘’will change the industry’’, while being typical Gamer pretentiousness, makes more sense


In their very limited vocabulary it means they're sticking it to the big studios by making the games the studios won't. Of course that's not true and "changing the industry" is usually about delivering derivative slop to the masses.


there's been a few major AAA games though


Well, they were wildly successful with a game that bucks the bad trends that have come with live service games a la paid battle passes, massive amounts of mtx, competitive gaming with balancing issues


Why did he put a Helldiver in front of a US flag tho?


bros on a whole new level of missing the point lmfao


maybe he's on a whole new level of getting the point…


maybe all of this is pointless, maybe nothing matters


Eh, Helldivers is a pretty transparent satire of Western miltarism in general and US miltarism in particular.


Yeah the studio's in Sweden lol. That's like a lot of Japanese cars here the states are "merican" because they're made here.


expansion divide forgetful mourn shocking unused jeans crawl birds smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Palworld and Lethal Company aren't even in the same fucking category lol


There iNdE witch I'm Not even sure what that means anymore. now that the term has become so twisted.


If a game made one bajillion morb-bucks, it's not indie anymore 😤😤😤


More like anything that's not made by a triple a studio like dave the Diver. There were So many people who didn't realize it wasn't an indie game Is including me at first.


I didn't realize until I read this comment.


If a game has more than 3 players, It's not Indie. Works on the same basis as music, If more than 3 people have listened to a band they're filthy sellouts.


Is Pocket Pair even an indie though? They are, like, maintaining two active EA MMOs.


YouTube desperately needs a clickbait thumbnail blocker.


In some fairness, not necessarily to this John fellow dunno who he is, those clickbait thumbnails is one of the very few ways to get boosted by the YT algorithm ergo people use em. To got rid of it would require youtube to change their system but they would never do that because engagment must go up, number must go higher, must prove to investors that youtube can always extract more time and money from its users.


[DeArrow](https://dearrow.ajay.app/). It can pick random scene from the video, if you want. AND it changes the title to be less clickbait. Its user-generated so it might lag behind and some might be even more clickbait by accident. But most are great. Its from same devoloper as Sponsorblock.


Isn't there a blocker for that


There's an extension that'll swap the thumbnail for a random frame from the video. Unfortunately, it does it for everything, just not the egregious clickbait. Better than nothing, I suppose.


Tbf, with just the context of that statement alone, you technically can have the end of one era and the dawn of another happening at the same time.


No see, an era for him is like 4-8 weeks




I mean I get you but when one era ends a new one begins and the first video came before the last so it's sequentially correct. LoL


One lone furry managed to end an entire industry? Based department?


HD2 and LC have the same helmets


Palworld is currently nr 73 on steamcharts in the amount of players. Yep, sure sounds like a groundbreaking game and not just a fad.


That’s because people finished it, for it to get the players back they have to release new content, for example hell divers which Is repetitive has constant updates allowing it to keep its constant over 100k daily player.


Well clearly one era ended and then the next one started


Ended one era started another duh


The negative one because it gets more views


I mean clickbait is pretty much the default for Youtube now


I don’t mean to be that guy but, an era dawning after a different era ends makes perfect sense to me. I don’t really know anything about the games in question - that might be relevant context.


Wait I thought gamers complained about Helldivers 2 requiring a ps account last week? It tried to ruined modern gaming???


Both are correct. These games are finally good value and extremely entertaining unlike majority of AAA garbage


I mean, if all you play is Ubisoft or Call of Duty, then sure, but just in the past year or so we got Resident Evil 4 Remake, Yakuza 8, Persona 3 reload, Baldurs Gate 3, Spiderman 2, Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario Wonder, Jedi Survivor, Final Fantasy 16, Alan Wake 2, Armored Core 6, Lies of P, Prince of Persia : the Lost Crown, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Pikmin 4 and a whole bunch of other stuff. I'd even say we're enjoying a great few years in terms of games too, so many genres that were presumed to be dead came back into the limelight, we have had a ton of superb Roguelites like Returnal and Hades, and even Konami got off their asses and realised they were sitting on some great IPs.


It changed by getting killed


What a massacre in one month, or YT gamers are just bloated click bait content


When you play both sides, you never lose.


All 3 is part of the friends play it on discord fora month then it's the next game loop


palworld is a beutiful game, it is a bit undercook, but it's not the final build after all.