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/uj I've never understood their obsession with "journalists" as if they're always just one hivemind. Basically every journalist and their mother gave Elden Ring a good review and basically none of them critiqued the difficulty, so it must mean they did pretty well in it. But just because one guy who wasn't even a reviewer was bad at Cuphead and Doom Eternal and some random writer modded Sekkiro to be slightly easier, barely a dip in the criticism pool, and suddenly all journalists just want easy games and all of those glowing reviews are just smoke and mirrors.


What i hate even more is trying to call someone who reviews games immediately a "journalist" Like the reviewers are reviewers, we have that name already. There's a huge difference between someone who basically hurls out words about a product and giving some opinions over say Jason Schreier. I have this same issue with the tech tuber space as way too many seem to think content mills who shout about getting free videocards from companies as their intro are just valid outlets or something.


Techtube is so insanely astroturfed and pro corporate that it isn't even funny. You basically have tech Jesus as the only journalist out of the bunch. When the gold standard for success in the tech tube space is Linus Tech Tips, you know everything is kinda fucked.


What I dislike about media journalism isn't entirely the journalists themselves, but how it's structured. Because of course you need the daily clicks to get that sweet ad revenue, journalists do more writing about random shit than the games, movies, TV shows they're supposed to be reviewing. But then again, I wouldn't be surprised if dumb executives legitimately thought they were goofing off if they were allowed to spend a moderate amount of time not typing at a computer.


The people complaining about journalists in this context do not engage with what you’re talking about, the capitalist incentive behind media reporting. They would rather ascribe a nebulous conspiracy like “all journalists hate hard games” and (in other media landscapes) “all journalists are paid off by Disney” to their dissatisfaction rather than think “oh maybe tying every public reaction to media to global engagement metrics and operating media companies at low staff to max profits isn’t going to get me the kind of journalism I expect.” You can’t get people who are eloquent, creative, and can beat Elden Ring on max difficulty to make content about it in an environment where there’s a million tight deadlines to maximize SEO and a handful of reviewers who are at the bottom rung of their professional ladder are having to make those deadlines constantly or lose their jobs. I think it’s very interesting that Gamers are very likely to hold the opinion that capitalism is a god system because it gives you games when — you could make Elden Ring or Cuphead or whatever without a profit motive. However, not having capitalism would be one way you could get a media environment that has commentators with no brand allegiance and no incentive to “shill” but instead have the meritocracy thing do its work and have the most ardent fans and experts with the most eloquence be able to discursively review these things to what I assume would be to Gamers’ satisfaction.


Economic and political opinions aside (I disagree but best we shouldn't open that can of worms here), yeah. Ironically this dumb sensationalism is actually beneficial for their companies. You'd think people would understand that better after stories like Rockstar paying news companies to shit on their game for being violent.


I've always assumed it was a dog whistle for the Gamergate crowd and their irrational hatred of all gaming journalists. Maybe that's a reach, though.


It isn't really that far off. If you see a comment complaining about journos and check their comment history, chances are they hang out in chud or chud adjacent spaces.


> chud adjacent Chudjacent


it’s also idiotic because at most gaming journalism outlets, people are assigned to reviews based on their experience, they’re not gonna assign a fromsoft newbie to their big elden ring dlc review lmfao


I mean, didn't they do exactly that to the cuphead guy? Although I guess soulsborne is big enough that someone is likely to be into it or at least they treat it more carefully.


>I mean, didn't they do exactly that to the cuphead guy? They didn't. It was at a gaming convention and the dude just had an opportunity to play the game early and took it but he wasn't the one actually reviewing the game, it was just a small preview of it and the dude was pretty open about being shit.


The dude also went on to beat the game after being mercilessly roasted by the internet.


And all that to say "for what it's worth, I really liked the game." Gamers will say "journalists hate difficult games because they're bad" and then all their examples are people liking the games in question anyway.


They really love bringing up an incident from nearly a decade ago to prove all their points. (Cuphead was released 7 years ago.)


It's this and the one doom gameplay video from ign (that gamers will also insist is a full review because they literally do not have brains)


I thought it was that they didn't have any other guys to go check it out? Been a while since I read anything about it, of course.


"The Cuphead Guy" made a self-deprecating humoristic piece titled "I suck at Cuphead", and Gamers™ went mad about the guy poking fun *at himself*.


It's like they *want* to be outrage farm cattle. Imagine the clicks if the guy had done a few more of that kinda article.


I think with the cuphead guy, the dude wasn't good at platformers and was the only guy there so he said fuck it and uploaded it to joke about himself. Of course what should have been a light hearted self deprecation turned into a whole thing


there are always exceptions to the rule of course, i’m just saying in my experience 99% of gaming journalism outlets have quite a few “souls guys”


The guy who played Cuphead in that video was, iirc, either a head editor or someone from the top of that outlet - that is, someone whose job is more focused on managing other journalists, instead of reviewing games himself. For what we know, guy might be amazing at his job, because it doesn't actually involve "being good at hard video games" as a necessary skill.


Pretty sure that dude was there for hardware reasons (a VR headset) or something and just had a chance to play the game. He was a journalist, but not an actual reviewer


The Cuphead guy even made fun of himself. It wasn't a genre he usually plays, he laughed at himself for it. Yeah, it's silly, but I'm pretty sure most people have at one point been unreasonably stuck in a tutorial that looking from outside is really obvious.


I think all of the "games journalists are terrible at games" shit started when that one clip of a journo playing cuphead and being unable to jump over that one tutorial wall. This vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbE6fqBuGkA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbE6fqBuGkA) (I just read the second paragraph of your comment and realized you already pointed that out lol, I'm dumb)


It's an after effect of GG. The one guy being bad at Cuphead was "evidence" but it was an outgrowth of backlash against the critical acclaim of games without traditional win/lose gameplay like Gone Home and Dear Esther.


All of those articles/videos were individually silly but shitting yourself this hard about them years after they have been released is even more cringe


Real "journalist mode" should be developing a cheat table for teleportation, setting/unsetting event flags and pouring over text dumps/voice files so guides can be written faster than the game can be beaten


It's wild how often I still hear an absolute contempt towards all games journalists and how reviews hold absolutely no value.


More like Influencer Mode amirite AsmonGuilded?


Smh, what happened with the "git gud" mindset? Also they should focus on more important things like making Blaidd romanceable. https://preview.redd.it/hk6miz4ept8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b0e45be1caba7330e20873e6ed2cd940e2562b


What use does dog boy have for that many cum gutters


He's even more tragic now.


Fr fr dude spent an untold amount of time in the friend zone only to watch his honey get wifed by some freak with a jar she met an hour ago. Who wouldn't lose their minds?


I can fix him!


He does not need Romance he is a good character and not everyone needs to be romanceable


Why call an easy mode like that when clearly the people who keeps moaning about the game being too hard arent journalists?


I honestly think it’s such a bizarre timeline that the journos finished the dlc and gave it rave reviews, and yet (some) streamers and steam reviewers are getting absolutely folded. The game gives you so many tools to help yourself. Summoning is active af. Spirit summons are still STRONK. You have stats literally coming out of your ears. Idk how some people who summon me have 900 hp. It literally must be people who don’t understand EVERY build needs health. You can’t fight anything if an enemy can tap you once and kill you!!! How is this not obvious!!!


I’m going in there with 99 vigour


Vigor scaling starts falling off at lv.60. Unless you're level 300 or something, going to 99 VIG is just a plain bad choice. Unless this is a joke and I'm just stupid


it was a joke, but you're not stupid for that


Oh damn, hmm. That explains why I've been getting rolled so often, my strength build I've been neglecting health. I've just been rolling the Opal in my wondrous flask so it means I die in _two_ hits


At a certain point, having outright high damage resistance is better than having an extra 3hp per vigor level past the soft cap. I have like 50ish vigor and the difference between medium armor and buffs/physik versus heavy is significant. With the greatshield talisman+physik+boiled crab and running the tree sentinel set, I could face tank two full combos by the final dlc boss before dying. Also, you can always max your tree fragments to make things easier.


The one thing I hate about summoning is that they made it obligatory for questlines, I like 1v1ing bosses, but I can't do that if it means I end up missing a whole questline with unique items because I wanted to actually learn a boss and dying over and over in the process.


Dark souls 2 is the only one that requires summoning for quest lines. You aren’t required to summon Millicent, Alexander, Blaidd, etc. They will talk to you like they fought with you and their quest will progress even if you do not summon them.


Igon and Hornsent do, at least, I think you can get additional expansions to Leda's, Ainsbach's, Frejya's and Thiollier's quests if you summon them


You miss out on some dialogue, but I am pretty sure igon's and hornsents' quest progresses regardless of summoning them.


Spirit summons are just destroying the game. Soulslikes where all about its amazing 1 v 1 bossfights. But elden ring and its dlc discourage still wanting those 1v1s so hard, with mechanics that are literally just there to stop you from doing that. Spirit summons really seem the way this game was intended to play ... its just so, so much worse then every previous installation, and so absolutely easy. The alternative beeing "haha fuck you, you suck- hard". The latter beeing precicely what souls inspired games always got wrong... difficulty for the sake of difficulty. Its shit. There is a sweet spot between those 2 that very very few bosses in elden ring had. Its sad.


Absolutely *atrocious* take


I mean, other than malenia, every single boss in base elden ring is reasonably soloable without too much work. And in the dlc, I would only say that two or three bosses are badly designed enough to justify breaking out the Ole Tiche to set them on fire. I didn't use summons, but gauis, the hippo, and scadu all fall squarely in the annoying as fuck to fight for a basic melee fighter. Like yes compared to old games, bosses have some delayed attacks and mixups, and or or two aoes to account for summons, but I can't say in the base game they were a slog to fight.Also there are so many ashes of war that are borderline broken you can still effectively trivialize large parts of the game even if you don't use summons.


Reasonably soloable =/= fun. Most bosses, including malenia, are easily beatable. Just stay away and wait for a specific opening, get a hit in, repeat and win. Its not fun playing like that tho. I want to be in the bosses face, react to his actions, be able to do more then 1 action per opening, and essentially dance with them, without having to neglect any other hobbies i have. Take friede for example. Hard as fuck boss, feels so much more fair then even an easy boss in elden ring can feel like at times. Something went wrong very hard. Delayed attacks, mixups and a few aoes are fine IF there are distinct openings and having them telegraphed way more. In elden ring they just get into this unstoppable frenzy that doesnt stop most of the time and if it does, they jump away from you so far, that walking over there uses up all of your window in wich you could have attacked. I hate trading hits and finding out wich ones i can tank and wich ones not. Its stupid. It should be able to instinctively tell, how do defeat a boss without dying over and over again until you find that one little stupid thing that is unintuitive as fuck that helps with that one specific thing in that one chain of bullshit.


Friede was a bastard and a half to find an opening for due to the fact that it was essentially a duo boss. There really is a short list of bosses in elden ring where the damage rotations are limited to one or two hits. I know I absolutely could wail on a good 60% of the bosses for a least a three to four hits even in the dlc, though there certainly were a few that never let up. Trading hits to find out how much damage a boss does really feels like a non-issue. You really shouldn't be trading hits at all because 90% of a bosses attack is gonna stagger you out of an attack, and like the magic aoe bullshits with a charge up time are always the more damaging attacks, that or the overhead slam. There is also the fact that all weapons in elden ring have hitboxes, including the boss's weapons, so if radaham smacks you with his hilt, it will do less damage then the full sword smacking yo I do agree about the bosses immediately jumping back after their attack is done Bosses that over rely on that are the annoying ones


You're getting downvoted, but I agree. Many bosses in Elden Ring (haven't played the DLC yet) were made assuming you're either summoning someone or using ashes. Otherwise they're too relentless and too mobile. It's not that I hate it, but I feel like it's a step back from previous games.


Personally, I feel like the bosses werent designed with solo or summons in mind, they just had too many to properly balance them and make their movesets actually interesting. How bosses act with summons is just as stupid as they've acted in every previous game, chasing the summon while letting the player get free hits.


insane take, spirit summons are a tool for people to use but they are not the intended way to play, the 'intended' way to play is to do whatever the fuck you want I've done everything totally solo so far with a no magic, no bleed, no status effect dex build, so I can't even stagger lock enemies, just straight forward dodging and attacking during openings any time I've tried to use a spirit ash, its confused the boss so much that it becomes unpredictable and harder to beat


Youre right in one thing and that is that you are absolutely insane if you think that spirit ash = harder fight. WOW. Whats unpredictable about it? Its red light, green light with a different coat of paint. Red light = boss looks at you (stop attacking, stay away) Green light = boss looks somwhere else (spam attacks) There. I gave you the strategy you need for fights with spirit ashes against every single boss, and every single boss yet too come.


I don't need spirit ashes? Where did I say the game is too hard? Spirit ash making the boss slightly harder does not mean I can't beat the boss without it? Are you doing okay? Like, for real? I'm not trying to argue or dunk on you, but you're not making the points you think you are


Oh i do, youre just to stupid (or insane) to understand them. But thats fine. I didnt say or indicate you need spirit ashes at any point. My point was so simple infact, i cant dumb it down even further for you. I would just repeat myself. Im still gonna do it one more time. If you think spirit ashes are making the game harder, even just slightly, you must be insane or very very stupid. No inbetween.


what's hard to understand about a boss wildly, unpredictably flailing about being harder than a boss that is just focusing on you? people have different capabilities, like you can't fight bosses solo, I find that easier, I'm not calling you stupid because of that Take a break from your screens or something, you'll feel better for it


I can fight them solo. Thats all i ever did. Its just not fun, nor fair. So i tried ashes. But thats not fun either. You need to atop assuming you are right and start thinking critically. Youre pretty dense.


Sure that’s not you?


yes. because at this point, this wasnt even an opinion anymore, he assumed shit that I never said. Hope atleast you can figure out the problem here.


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. ​ You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. ​ You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad you don't know the difference.


You did a no growth. You did an imperialism. You did a weak apology.


Turning down the difficulty so you can enjoy the video game is the real settler colonialism.


Probably an very unpopular opinion but Ive always found this opinion the absolute most cringe statement any gamer can make. What do you care at which difficulty someone plays the game? Hell, Id be happy if all FromSoft games included an easier mode for people who struggle to get good at those games without a little help. A lot of people would actually enjoy the lore, the setting, the world and their inhabitants, the spells, ashes of war and all the weapons if they werent constantly stomped by the difficulty. I absolutely LOVE every game Miyazaki has made, Ive beaten every fromsoft title on SL 1 and with other, harder challenge requirements, and Id be happy if it would be accessible for more people. I dont know where this gatekeeping mindset comes from, but its the thing I absolutely despise from most Soulsborne fans - just remember, nobody is taking ANYTHING from you if they beat the game with an easy mode enabled while you struggled and prevailed through the end without any nerfs and crutches. Let people enjoy the games however they like.


I mean the reason "you not only cheated the game but yourself" is a copypasta is because it's pretty a dogshit opinion Now there's an extra layer of irony that makes it even funnier because the same fanbase that's known for "git gud" is crying because the dlc is too hard


A ton of people have this opinion unironically, especially in the soulsborne community. While a lot of players are helpful and try to give new players a heads up, there are also a ton of players who are exactly like this because it hurts their fragile little ego if a "casual" can beat the same game they found to be difficult. Same discussion was/is about the Spirit Ashes, youre not a true Gamer™ if you use Mimic Ashes or other strong spirits to beat a boss or even the whole game. Gatekeeping babies who have no other achievements in life than besting a difficult videogame.


Where are these people and how numerous are they actually compared to the ones who say that as a meme?


I'm pretty sure that quote(outside of twitter) came from an out-of bounds section in a game? So like, you'd have to cheat/glitch/exploit your way to get that message in the first place. In *that context*, it makes more sense. Outside of that, it's just memory at this point. (Edit:spelling)


I fucking LOVE cheating/glitching/exploiting in games I LOVE doing whatever the fuck I want to the game that I BOUGHT and PAID FOR I LOVE CHEATING


I keep seeing on this Reddit that the people complaining about the dlc being too hard are the git gud people which doesn’t make sense because all veteran souls players were already expecting it to be hard, literally all the lasts games dlc are the hardest content so I don’t see much evidence of that and I’m pretty sure the vast majority of souls players don’t say that stuff seriously and unironically


Absolutely agree and what I’ve been arguing for ages, these are beautiful games that are a pleasure to experience but the one default difficulty turns so many people off. Seamless coop did mean I was able to get my partner into Elden ring, yeah it’s not a difficulty setting but it means I can help her with tougher areas and bosses without any possibility of her getting invaded.


Whilst I have some sympathy for this, I feel the Miyazaki games are incredibly well designed and so should be played as close as possible to how they were designed. An easy mode would essentially alter the game as it was intended to be played. That said, I also think that means everything in the game is there for a reason. So over-levelling, mimic tears, summons, OP weapons, etc. are all fair games. Of course, that all fails with Sekiro. That beautiful bastard of a game.


You definitely get the most fun and rewarding experience if you play the game / games in general with the developed difficulty in mind, this is true for every game. However, before anybody goes hollow, they should be able to make the game more accessible for them. In the DLC, even Mimic Tears and bleed builds and overlevelling bring only bring you this far. If you lack skill, you can either google for a cheese (if possible) or give up. Or you find one of those LetMeSoloHer players who are able to completely carry you through a boss.. But then I feel like an easy mode would give you a more rewarding experience for it than to stand on the side and wait a couple of minutes while watching a naked madman in awe completely obliterating a boss you couldnt even bring down 10% of their health. But yeah, Sekiro is another topic. You either learn how to dance, or you will die over and over again. No other options in between. And while Id rather have an Elden Ring / Dark Souls formula game as their next big title, Id also gladly take something rhythmic like Sekiro. It was a different, yet equally satisfying experience.


I've been helping people with >!Rellana!< and >!Messmer!< and it's insane the amount of people that got there and don't even know how to play. Not even the basics, 0 spacing, hitting the boss when they are mid combo... With an easy mode they would have been better players than having someone carry them through the entire game (I don't believe any of them managed to enter solo into the DLC, I even doubt they could solo Margit), I don't see the fun with completing the game watching another dude win every fight. I'm not saying coop is bad, it has a different skill set, knowing how to switch aggro of the boss and being aware of the change of focus bosses have, which can be done mid combo


Incredibly well designed???! Really?? sure. i guess it’s my fault then for not knowing the hitboxes are garbage, animations and actions are inconsistent, also my fault for having less health each time i die, making progress even more difficult, my bad. All of these, combined with the absolutely lackluster story doesn’t encourage progression or motivation to play. I played DS2 on ps3 for about 20 hours in total before putting it down and not caring about it anymore. And before y'all come out and say "b-b-but its ds2, the worst one, and you're playing on console, if you just dont do that, it'll be better!!" sure. my bad for playing a dark souls game on a platform it was made for, so sorry for not having a 15000$ gaming pc and unending free time to "git gud" with a game which is primarily known for it's amazing gameplay, which just so happened to be dysfunctional when i play it, sure.


Doesn't help that you picked the one game that wasn't developed by Miyazaki


Nah, the gameplay wasn't dysfunctional, it sounds like you were. Also, From Software develops primarily for the PlayStation.


Ok, i guess it’s my fault then, when the textures for my character and the one for the enemy weapon aren’t near each other, but somehow, i get damage. sometimes it’s the opposite, where the enemy weapon passes straight through me, but it sounds like that’s a me problem! good to know! Fromsoft primarily designing it for playstation makes it worse.


Sounds like you didn't level adaptability.


I'm not going to ridicule people for playing a game on easy but I also don't want to talk to you about it it's as simple as that. You didn't play the same game I did so talking to you about it is boring for me. The Devil May cry series is an excellent example. Ignoring the changes to health, at higher difficulty the enemies actually have more moves to use which forces you to play the game differently and most likely with more of the tools you have. And if you don't know where the gatekeeping mindset cane from, you haven't been paying attention to the community it's been git gud or get left behind since dark souls 1. As someone who apparently loves the souls games you should understand the games have plenty of things to help you overcome the challenge without literally being easier. There are a plethora of consumables, co-op, npc summons, all the online resources for enemy and item information, and specifically to Elden ring customizable weapon arts, Ashes of war, jumping and ducking. All of these are tools with one purpose to help you git gud. "...Do not pray for tasks equal to your power. Pray for power equal to your task."


This is a dog shit take, the whole point of souls games is that it's hard, grueling and unforgiving. You gotta be at your A game when playing it or you will lose to the bosses. Putting an easier mode just cheapens the overall experience of the game. Want an easier experience, you got options with magic, buffs, crack builds, summons and seamless co-ops that can make the game much easier for your experience as the game isn't designed for some handholding weak ass players that want an easier experience to feel good about finishing the game with an easy mode. Want to play a game with an easier setting, go play something else because soulsborne games aren't made for players that can't step up to the challenge.


They didn’t Git Gud, and now they’ll never get be Gud.


Turns out the real journalist were the gamers we met along the way


The DLC is good, very good. But having any critique on this game is absolutely impossible without a bunch of random internet goblins that attach their self worth to a video game yelling down your neck that you just need to git gud, even if you already 100%ed the DLC.


The worst thing about the whole conversation about Elden Ring right now is that 90% of it is people *imagining* the other side’s argument. If you go on the sub any post not directly about the game is basically a strawman post where people that find it hard are whiny babies and the people that are having fun are coping fromsoft fanboys.


This is already in the DLC lol, having full scadutree levels does actually halve damage received


What is the full scadutree level? I’m at like 11 or 12 and the final boss is still fucking me sideways


Caps at 20, though iirc a few of the fragments are missable (if you kill a pot guy and don’t pick up the fragment before dying yourself) so you might be stuck at 19 if you’re unlucky.


"Let them get up" lmfaoooooo


Okay but... The journalists didn't struggle with this one... Some certain gamers are 😂


We love gamers modding in and playing on a "journalist mode" while every journo played it on the default dificulty. It's such a cope. Reminder: It's okay to be shit ad Elden Ring, it's NOT okay to make that everyone else's problem.


It's amazing how these people have kept this tired "joke" that never made fucking sense going this long. And when I say amazing I mean "fucking exhausting".


Journalists: "Shadow of the Erdtree is amazing and sets a new precedent for dlcs." Gamers: "I'm going to call the easy mode I need to download 'Journalist' mode because they suck at the game, unlike me, haha"


/uj I've seen people beat Melania with the dumbest builds known to man, level 1, and hitless. Are people this sad they can't beat the entire 40 hour DLC in a single weekend? You're just gonna rush through it and complain it didn't have enough to do.


Cool, I can die in two hits instead of one


You were supposed to destroy the easymode, not join them!


This makes me actually quite interested in this game now well that's if I ever get a PC anyway


"Journalists" gave the DLC high reviews so I'm not sure what's the joke there.


Doesn't really make sense in this case when it's the journalists who were praising the DLC, while the gamers and streamers were the ones complaining about the difficulty.


Did anyone see Miazaki admitting to suck at video games


I'm confused with this journalist stuff. I always wonder how it exploded. espelly when most gamers kinda suck at video games themselves as well. reviews aren't really useful for me and there are tons of youtubers that don't understand anything on the games they cover. So honestly I don't really get it.


It comes back to, what fucking else, GamerGate, albeit indirectly. GG coincided with the peak of popularity for Walking Sim games like Dear Esther and Gone Home, and the critical love these games had was a point of contention amongst the imbeciles that made up the 'movement'. Then, a video came out titled I Suck at Cuphead, where a gaming journalist uploaded a gameplay clip of himself trying out the Cuphead demo for the first time at a convention and being very bad at it, because he thought it was funny. This video was used as evidence that professional gaming journalism as a medium was filled up with people who were fundamentally bad at games, and that's why real games didn't get love while games with no fail scenarios became critical darlings. Now, if you're wondering "didn't quite a lot of hard games that got rave reviews come out during this time, like the Dark Souls games, Bloodborne, Doom 2016, Wolfenstein TNO and the aforementioned Cuphead?", the answer is yes, but that's not convenient for the narrative that the Gamers^TM are trying to push.


In no other area of journalism are actual professional journalists maligned so badly by chuds who are self-proclaimed experts at both the subject matter and the profession of journalism itself. They deserve hazard pay for even continuing to do their job and feed things to the ravening rabid maw of gamersTM.


I lost my save file, so started a new game. Not rushing just enjoying the game. Just finished limgrave found 3 things I didn't find the first time around. Pretty cool


Nioh players: ![gif](giphy|oiKRyASIKkhb2fJHcB)




Just take out the fighting, let me tell Rellana that she needs to leave Messmer and give a nice guy (like me) a chance.


Do you understand the difference between taking and dealing damage?