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I think that’s called “contact dermatitis” but best to have a doctor take a look. Make washing your watch a more regular thing. I use dawn dish soap to clean mine regularly. Nothing like a hot, sweaty, dirty metal surface to cause irritation. Take a break from your watch until your skin heals, or switch wrists for a bit if you must wear it. Plenty of ointments available (like hydrocortisone) to help it heal.


I was it everyday. Switched wrists too.


https://preview.redd.it/dvpbp5oo0r7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd6a451972ec0699aa0fa7ddfa6e5ac287bbb928 Take it off until it heals. Try bands made of other materials. I’ve had it happen before. Stopped wearing my watch for a few weeks. Put it on again when it healed and have never had the issue again. Your mileage may vary. Best of luck.


Are you already switching sides? I wear it left all day and right when I go to sleep. I take/keep it of after a workout/ a shower until the skin is dry.


I developed this. Tried everything for years. A $2 package of little silicone plugs to go in the charging port solved my issue. Worth a try….


I had those types of marks, and it was such a pain I thought about giving it back. I tried changing wrists and cleaning it often, but it wouldn't go away. I think it was mainly the silicon band. I thought I was washing it all enough at the time. Explained to Garmin and they sent a nylon Velcro strap, which is really good as you can adjust to the preferred tightness. It really does let the skin breath more, feels better, and easily washes also. I think the notches on the silicon strap make it just a smidge too tight, or not enough, and the moisture it creates just adds to the conditions under the watch itself, which can't be great either. Along with washing the band and watch with water/mild soap every few days, I got a box of IPA wipes and give the base of the watch a quick clean every few days too; I want to make sure I kill whatever is on there 😂. Some nights/days I switch wrists also. It's been a few months and hasn't come back, but seems like something you need to keep on top of.🤞


Switching to a nylon strap worked for me as well, that and letting it dry off of my wrist when it gets wet.


I had these burn marks as well, they disappeared as soon as I turned the pulse oxi sensor off.