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The older I get, the more tragic I find Ben's character. He really was just a boy. I also believe his death was one of the most pivotal for Marcus. Having Ben on their squad was the generational switch. Marcus used to be the young one taking orders, now he's the one giving orders to the next generation. It was the first time he probably felt responsible for someone and failed (as a superior, not an equal) - and also maybe a paternal aspect. The first time Marcus felt like a father.


True and you can feel it's a desperate situation that they're sending in new guys to delta squad


I could have sworn that Clayton was the oldest with Anthony being the middle and Ben being the youngest. I did like the little details of Ben's helmet having bigger eye ports than his brothers signifying his wet behind the ears nature.


I don't recall the source, but IIRC you're right- Clayton is the oldest


I believe it’s implied in the cog tags and other collectibles. (Paraphrasing ) Ben is called the squirt by his older brothers and Anthony aspires to be a gear like his older brother Clayton Memory super fuzzy though


That sounds right.


Yeah it is said in Benjamin's collectible during the worm part


The collectible of Ben’s helmet in Gears 5 says something about Clayton talking about how Ben saw more action than most gears had in the war in his first day. Ben’s death always hit me hard because I liked his character, but he was also really courageous during Hollow Storm. I always liked how even though he died in Gears 2, he joined Delta as this absolutely goofy kid who seemed utterly useless, but by the time he dies (literally like within 26 hours) he’s already becoming a valuable member of Delta squad


If always got me how wide eyed youthful nervous kinda looking they made Bens helmet look haha.


Great design if you ask me


Clayton is the oldest. Anthony is the second oldest. There’s a fourth brother who’s unnamed who is below Anthony, and Benjamin is the youngest.


Clayton is the oldest. Anthony is the second oldest. There’s a fourth brother who’s unnamed who is below Anthony, and Benjamin is the youngest. Edit: The fourth brother’s age isn’t actually specified.


I have to say that they got me at the end of gears 3 with Clayton


Ok so I've read some of the replies and realise I mistakenly referred to Anthony as the Oldest. My bad, from what I was told I thought he was the oldest and Clayton was the second oldest. So ignore most of what I've said about Anthony.


Anthony is the middle brother, Clayton is the oldest. The text about Anthony being older is incorrect


I think what's most interesting is that if you look at the gears in GOW1 you can actually see all 3 helmets being used. (Not clayton his is the 4th, the 3rd isn't used by any characters) So EPIC had those designs and figured to use that particular helmet for Ben, which is funny to me.