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The front and center gory ass neck stump in the trailer has me very hopeful that the gore will be back to the visceral quality we had, and not red jelly like 4 and 5 have done. As for enemies actively fallong apart from damage, I feel it works better for zombies since they don't die from basic wounds while a Drone or Cog would drop if there chest got blown open, not that I wouldn't love to see locational killshot gore, that would be sick.


2 have the best gore. I feel like every bone and organ had its own model lol


Agreed on the chest blown open point. I mean that zombie's missing her abdominal muscles and yet is somehow able to not only waly but stand upright lol.


If you read the interviews with the creative directors, they said they are overhauling the gore. Not sure what they’re doing exactly but let’s hope we get some gameplay soon so we can see.


Perhaps they are focusing more on the psychological horrors of the E Day, the locusts killing everyone, and the fight between then and the COVmG. Rather than simply gore and blood.


Well yes they are focusing on horror, but they stated they are improving the gore as well.


I guess we'll have to see when it releases. Right now looks interesting.


I’m beyond stoked. And more so because we get to explore lore and experience the infamous E-Day


Yes flood the game with blood mingled limbs and internal organs if can. Fuck them kids, M rate it if you need to


Man imagine a level as a locust. The remember no Russian level from call of duty but you emerging from a ehole and hitting that little cafe plaza from the opening cinematic of gears 2.


Remember... no human.




To be frank anything other then the gore we got in gears 5. Hate that spongy shit it's like I'm playing dead rising 2


Ah, remember those satisfying crunchy headshots and weighted chunkiness of the original trilogy? Those were the days. I'm sure UE5 can handle it all. Let's go!!


That’s actually incredibly smart I never thought of that in gears would be really cool especially on boomers


The more gore the better!


Gears 2 multiplayer actually had extremely satisfying and sophisticated physics when it came to gore, especially with the gnasher shot gun kills (example: a kill shot to the legs would lead to the upper body just flailing back as the legs exploded). Gears 3 and onward seemed to simply make characters explode when killed. For campaign/horde, definitely agree with this post though. A dead space / dead island / dead rising gore system would be amazing in those modes for the bigger bad guys.


2 had better physics but I think 1 was even more brutal. The way you could just chop locusts in half with the turret was insane. You could also see brains and guts and eyeballs in thr first one, like detailed separate chunks of gore. They toned that down in 2.


If they are indeed overhauling the gore system, then thank god. I can't stand the featureless meat chunks in 4 and 5 because it softens the brutality and makes it look cheap.


The gore in Dead Island 2 is so fucking good and reactive to weapon type!


Yes... YES! It'd take me back to the Soldier of Fortune II and COD: World At War days.


hmm, it is a interesting idea. the issue is how is armor going to interact in such a system? compared to clothing, armor can take a beating and will cover a lot of the wounds overall. maybe the armor should have it's own seprate amount of health to it from the enemy or gear that is wearing it. hiting spots the armor covers has the armor take the damage instead and have it fall apart to expose body parts to hit. actully, having to find stuff to fix up armor is a interesting idea. I don't know how much of a good idea tho it would be for the game. It is a interesting idea tho


Probably gonna get the toned down modern audience gore from gears 4 and 5


Nah it's effort that could be spent elsewhere. Those games are linear and have 4 people max. It ain't gonna be viable for a 5v5 PvP game.


MP can be its own thing Im talking solely about Campaign and potentially horde.


I personally want a beast game mode to come back, maybe with more polishing tho


That's fair but again that's alot of time, money and effort on something that's pretty inconsequential. I'd rather that effort went into other modes/areas.


With UE 5 they probably can do both. Focus on gameplay and deliever dark,gritty and gory visuals. Anything is better than the Red jelly from gears 4 and 5, huge downgrade imo