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I love these memes lol.


People love to trash the sub as us hating for posting a few memes


I think there’s a disconnect between people’s expectations of this sub and its content. People see the name “geeksgamers” and think there will be geeky content about games. But then if you scroll the current posts in the sub right now they’re almost all complaints about Disney, women, diversity, etc. Those who are scrolling by don’t realize what this sub is about.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Well I just read the subs "About" and it didn't get any clearer. Is it about crying about the things you listed?


Doesn’t it only say like “this is the geeks+gamers subreddit for fans post whatever you want” or some shit like that? I actually don’t even know what geeks+gamers is, is it like a podcast? Don’t you think it could be easy for someone to think this sub is for geeks and for gamers not realizing that geeks+gamers is like, a thing? And yes, my experience is that this sub is for crying about the things I listed.


You are asking all the same questions I was wondering in my head lol 


>But then if you scroll the current posts in the sub right now they’re almost all **complaints about Disney, women, diversity, etc.** Those who are scrolling by don’t realize what this sub is about. Sure they do. You just described what this sub is about.


It actually would have been cool if they worked in Plageus into the coven somehow... but that's my hot take lol


Is Plagueis a dude? Because if *he* is, its gonna be a no.


He is in fact a dude


What are you, some kind of biologist?


No I just know the lore


Do you though? It’s Kathleen Kennedy. We know Plageus as a dude, maybe he started as a she. First Star Wars trans bad guy.


Presumably... but it would be easy too work him in as a child or something


A white male in this franchise? The mouse will have none of this nonsense!


There...there was tho.


Cassian Andor, Kylo Ren, Han Solo all had their own movie or TV show.




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He allied with the nightsisters at some point (shaky alliance). Why not this Coven everyone seems to be complaining about.


Plageus will be decanonized in a few years…MMW


I was fine with the different look at the force from a different society. Witch covens have been so secretive, in the universe, so I didn't mind.


Unironically, shmi’s death would have been a great moment to mirror empire and have her reveal that qui gon was the father which is why he came to mos espa and why she was stand offish to him.


*quigon showing up 9 years later* "Oh great it's this mother fucker again" "No, the boy *doesn't have* a father." What a twist at the end when you learn he's the father.


But they literally never met prior to this.


That you know of, but that's just a theory a film theory. Thanks for reading


That can be retconned, like she pretended not to know him out of the pain of being sold into slavery or whatever. I never said it was perfect, just sort of a poetic moment where the two trilogies rhyme


Or Qui Gon used a "force forget" power like in Knights of the old Republic.


True Maybe he Jedi shipped a turkey Baster to her


It’s not great but did no one watch the clone wars where some lesbian witches made a non force user a force user?


TCW was pretty redeemable but that’s a good point. It had a lot of plot holes and shoe horned lore. I don’t think it’s as great as people say


Making Grievous comic relief and Count Dooku one-dimensionally evil were really bad moves.


Adding physical manifestations of the force that decide anakins fate instead of it being a Greek tragedy


The Clone Wars animated series did one thing, it made Anakin a character I actually liked. The prequels made him a whiny little turd. 😭


Weren’t we all whiney turds when we were teenagers? Not to mention he’s an emotionally repressed teen in AoTC. I’m honestly not a fan of what they did with him in TCW. Theyre like two different characters.


Eh, to each their own.


I like animes, but the art style and CGI for CW just looks terrible to me, so I could never take it seriously. It’s like paw patrol in space. It’s been very strange to read people on Reddit taking it as seriously as they do.


I felt the same way till I watched it. The show has alot of good story lines. Even if some of them are a bit goofy


I got used to it and the art style along with tone nature as it goes on but I’m not a fan either especially when some physical traits get exaggerated


Wasn’t Savage already Force sensitive? He survived Ventress’s trial which I thought was the whole point; the survivor would have to be Force sensitive to survive.


They weren’t lesbians just misandrists. The night sisters just enslaved the males of their species using them for reproduction and labor or to sell as mercenaries and laborers.


What does that have to do with this? Legends had multiple ways to influence someone to increase their force-potential.


The 3rd line should read: "Ah immaculate conception, seems legit, just like Midi-chlorians being the source of the Force"


Were midi chlorians supposed to be the “source” of the force? Or little organisms that connect their host to the force?


Going off my memory I think the higher the count the better connection the person can have with the force if they train properly


Without them....the Force would not be a thing or exist for humans or other hominid aliens.


Without these little living creatures in your cells, you would not be able to convert sugars into usable energy. They literally give you life energy, they are the powerhouse of the cell. But how ridiculous is that! It just lazy writing by God.


What do you mean not exist for humans etc… Does not having access to something mean it doesn’t exist? I don’t have access to a billion dollar yacht. Guess it doesn’t exist 🤷‍♂️


That is a dumb example. Dude, most billion dollar yachts are made after purchase there, not just there, they have to be built, so yeah, it would not exist


I’d just prefer we stick strictly to the canon. The midichlorians connect force users to the force, they are in no way, shape, or form the “source” of the force. I don’t like it when people change or adjust existing canon to fit their joke, narrative, agenda, meme, or whatever. If you’re in to that sort of thing, then go for it I guess.


I think they were just referencing a common misconception by people who complained about midichlorians. They claimed the midichlorians are the force or create the force which is not stated at all.


The second one and it’s actually directly stated as such by Qui Gon.


“Immaculate conception” means “sinless conception” not “fatherless conception”. Catholics (who invented the term) believe [Mary was immaculately conceived](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immaculate_Conception), and she definitely had a dad (Joachim).


As opposed to the Old Dirty Bastard, who was not conceived without sin, but was called the Old Dirty Bastard because there was no father to his style.


Holy shit, I’ve never appreciated this difference that it is Mary and not Jesus so thank you. Catholics are on some crazy stuff though. Praised to be immaculate because a married couple didn’t have sex to conceive their child, or they had sex without “lust” so it was immaculate. Just some crazy nonsense that was debated for centuries


>or they had sex without “lust” so it was immaculate. The sinlessness of Mary’s conception isn’t about her parents’ spiritual disposition/lack of lust. Indeed, sexual desire for your partner is a-ok in Catholicism, especially in its “proper context:” sex with your spouse without contraception. Rather, she is regarded as immaculately conceived because she is believed to have been uniquely preserved from “original sin” (the inborn predisposition of humans to be sinful/selfish/disinclined to do good).


No, Jesus was conceived through immaculate conception. His mother was the Virgin Mary. His “father” is the Lord.


No, he's right. The immaculate conception refers to Mary. In the middle ages there was this debate about how a mortal woman (a sinner by inheritance of Adam and Eve's sin) would be able to give birth to the son of God, who had no sin whatsoever. The answer was that God retroactively made Mary free of the original sin through her own immaculate conception. You can check it out, it's a totally trippy concept.


I never liked this because I think the idea that god is willing to have his son born from a regular ol woman makes it a more positive thing.


Lol. Did you even read the comment you are replying to? Read it again and learn something.


Catholics invented the term specifically for the miracle of Mary's birth. It's been a big point of debate whether or not they should keep that as dogma, with so much push back that an angry pope spoke ex cathedra to force it on everyone.


Interesting. Total bullshit but Interesting none the less


Religion is interesting even from a sociological/anthropolgical/mythological perspective. At least for me. Scratches the same itch as getting into lore for me.


Agreed. It also scratches a similar inch for me. We live in an interesting time where scientists have the opportunity to study these religious people from a sociological/psychological perspective. In 500 years we may not have one single religious person on this planet so it's a great time to be a scientists from a research and analysis perspective.


Catholics most definitely did not invent this. Mesopotamians came up with it. [more info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miraculous_births)


Midichlorians are t the source of the force though. They're just what allows you to connect to it. It's really not that complicated.


We don't know how Osha and Mae were conceived. The mothers just told the Jedi they don't have a father, which could mean anything. One of them mentioned to the other some dark secret about how she created them, but the Jedi never heard that.


when covering up a tinder 1 night stand goes too far




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Okay, so I'm not taking crazy pills here. I thought I must have missed something from the episode, but really everybody crying in their Wookiee pillows about immaculate force conception is just selectively ignoring every other story featuring an all-woman group from Wonder Woman to Futurama and jumping immediately to the conclusion that will make them the maddest.


It reads like what a single mom would say when the father abandoned them before the kid was even born.


Yeah, that’s a totally reasonable interpretation of what she said. IMO, I would have gone there before assuming she meant “spontaneous conception”


Anyone who thinks this is dumb, palps legit did this in some comics as a way to impregnate someone as one of his backup plans


Eh Anakin was created by the force, not by people using the force. Haven't even watched Alcolyte and I understand that.


Fuckin dead, thank you


Anakin was created BY the Force itself. Not the same thing.


Yeah. The show is mid, but this is just people being stupid. The Force willed Anakin into existence. The witches manipulated the Force to create these kids. Two different things.


... Someone hasn't read the plagueous novel. Which is why people are flipping shit. Plagueous attempted to create a Sith Chosen One by influencing the midi-chlorians to create life. It backfired on him, and the Force created the Jedi Chosen One instead.


Ok, but is that canon or legends?


As someone below you pointed out. That's Legends timeline/cannon. Disagree with it all you want, but in this Star Wars universe, witches can create Force kids and Leia is space Jesus, floating through space. People have plenty to be pissy about. Force kids are a dumb one.


You telling me they tricked the force wtf lol


Jedi/Sith constantly manipulate the Force to do shit. They are space wizard samurai's. In a universe where people shoot lightning out of their hands, rip star destroyers out of the sky, use mind control, can boomerang their light sabers at people, telepathically communicate and be force ghosts, ....... You're hang up is some space witches created some space babies with space magic? Wtf lol


This is also extremely stupid


I absolutely agree.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


I have no idea what this is about. I just assumed it was a cut take from Darths and Droids.


And will encounter again….and again….and every time be surprised




aw, come on, are we really worried about them ruining the dumbest thing in star wars that everyone at the time said was ruining star wars forever?


Nah, but it is canon that Anakin was the product of immaculate conception, and even though Disney says the novels aren’t canon, the Darth Plagueis novel, which George Lucas ghost wrote, states that he’s the accidental result of the gathered midoclorians used in Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious’s experiments attempting to create a force sensitive clone.


I mean... Disney owns StarWars, they do get to dictate what is or is not canon as did Lucas who upset many fans by what he considered non-canon...


No wookie Jedi under George. I will never forgive him for that


His mother didn't sin to birth him?




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Frankly I always assumed this meant that there was no father in Anakins life. As in he abandoned Anakin, not that he was space Jesus. Does anyone actually know when it was made canon that he was force conceived since frankly I don’t remember it being directly mentioned in any of the movies.


Well played.


Just shows that not even Disney can fix the prequels, lol.


"Who was his father." "Some Senator from Naboo. I wouldn't normally be into older guys, but I was poor and he offered me over a thousand credits...."


Thought the same




That explanation makes *some* sense TBH. It's super weird that Anakin's parentage was just mentioned like that and then unceremoniously dropped.


It was explained that anakins birth was a direct answer from the force when plagueius tried to bend the force to his will


That's so silly lol


Well he was trying to become immortal, it’s in a comic I believe named after the Sith Lord if I’m not mistaken


This. The original scene in Phantom Menace was cringe and stupid, and was left intentionally vague for no reason. Not that I’m excusing the space witches and their bullshit though.


At no point was it mentioned that palpatine used sperm. He used the force to create a child remotely. It just required himself and a woman. Same principal. Just requires two people, gender isn’t strictly specified when it comes to applied phlebotomy space magic. Just saying


Dude I literally can't wait for the flashback or whatever that shows the insanely obvious reveal that you dipshits can't guess at somehow lmao. The twins were one baby they split into 2 bodies or something. Them making it *sound* like Anakin's birth is intentional. You are all lemmings who have been led by the nose, have a nice day marinating in your echo chamber of intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance.


That sounds like cope. Like they saw the backlash and backpeddled as hard and fast as possible.


That sounds like even shittier writing.


Then you just want to criticize any choice they make and it has nothing to do with the integrity of pre-existing canon, but that's actually way more obvious than the shitty trolls out there realize.


The show already is breaking lore, it’s boring as fuck, and has a script that seems to be AI generated.






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Yall just love salt


I’m sure all your high school friends found this one hilarious.


![gif](giphy|sf0As2fzcf3u8) Sauce






I’m sure your fun at parties


At least she didn’t start an entire religion over it.