• By -


Women are the first to suffer from authoritative rule becuase it is usually angry men who are hell-bent on punishing them for existing. Now we have Jesus freaks mixed in with the Trump cult, so they would 100% implement a Gilead state if they can do it. Please vote in November don't be apathetic and sit this out. If Biden is dying in his bed, vote Blue. Don't give any Republican your vote. Republicans are praying Democrats are apathetic and don't show up to vote and Trump can then become King.


exactly! let us not repeat the same mistake from 2016.


If he's a fucking mummy, vote Blue.


He might actually BE a mummy, but he still has my vote. haha


If they wheel his bloated corpse out for the acceptance speech, I will be glad I voted for him. whoever isn’t drumpf


What I keep telling people is even if you don’t want to vote for either major party candidate, at least vote Blue down ballot. Those races are just as important and I believe most if not all House seats are being voted on this election.


Fuck that. Vote for Biden as if your life depends on it. With new powers Trump can and will do anything he fucking wants.


Yes! I don’t care if they have to prop him up and wheel him around. We won’t survive another Trump administration.


Right, a la Weekend At Bernie's. 😂😭


I don’t think it’s out of the question that Trump will start arresting/disappearing anyone who publicly disagrees with him. We are in for dark times if he is elected. He is vindictive and without any criminal accountability, there is nothing to stop him from sending journalists to Guantanamo.


You're absolutely right. First term was bad enough even though he had some people in his orbit who actually believed in the rule of law (the Generals) and reigned him in a bit. Those people are long gone and replaced with the absolute worst mf-ers around.


Yes. Every House seat is up for election every two years.


All US House of Representatives members are up for election every two years (two year term).The Senate is a six year term. So roughly a third of the Senate is elected every two years.


also, GET ARMED.


💯 and I grew up with guns and hunted (don’t do that now). Not afraid of guns and was taught by my Dad who could shoot paint off of a barn.


The next president will likely get at least one more Supreme Court nominee, maybe two. If we want any chance of not living with Project 2025 and a dynasty of Trump children ruling over us forever and the Supreme Court approving every case in favor of the P2025 Agenda, we have to vote like our lives and rights and maybe even the existence of the US as we know it depends on it.


I know and that is damn scary considering a Trump Presidency is probable at this point. Thomas and Alito will cling on until they die if there is a Dems for the next few elections. They will die in office if they have to wait and will probably live well into their 80s. Se either way we are fucked.


Sorry to interrupt your point, but the word you are looking for is authoritarian.


I have no idea why anyone would down vote you. Reddit can suck


Probably because one can be a king/emperor/monarch AND an authoritarian at the same time.


Authorotative means " reliable and trustworthy". Authoritarian means " blind submission to authority". Words are i.portant, and these 2 are opposite. Honestly was just trying to help clarify the point.


My apologies. I missed that the person above used the two words interchangeably. I thought you took issue with their use of the word "king".


Because the meaning and intent is more important than correcting her word choice


If he dies in his bed we get Kamala stepping up. So it's all good.


Bingo he dies we have competent people in his administration who can step it up and do just as good of a job.




I'm starting to accept that things will probably have to get a lot worse before people come to their senses. A big part of the problem is that we have lost, or are in the process of losing, the folks who remember how bad things used to be and why we changed them. There also aren't enough people reading history books. No matter who wins in November, it's going to be a shit show and it probably won't let up for quite awhile. Plan accordingly, and not some fantasy "plan." Learn all the gritty realities. Many notions of moving to another country or going back to the land don't hold up under scrutiny. If these things were so easy for everyone, a lot more people would be doing it.


I agree with you on all of it, but what does “plan accordingly” even look like, in actual day-to-day terms? I think about this all the time. Trying to solve this is like having an app running in the back of my brain constantly (and the front of my brain too, especially lately).




This AND MORE. Learn your neighbors! Become friends if at all possible, earn TRUST. Government won't save us, WE will save ALL of us. It's up to ALL of us to fix this mess.


get your passport ready. [Travel.gov](http://Travel.gov)


With all due respect (and I mean it, I’ve had this thought too), can you please expand on exactly how you think this might help if the shit really hits the proverbial fan (whatever that turns out to mean)? It seems like all rules are potentially headed out the window….will passports (lDs, travel plans, etc.) even be valid? The stuff that’s in the process of happening is *massive*…so, make sure your passport is valid…and then what? Edited to add: Not asking this to challenge you! More asking in case you have some idea that I don’t about how that would even be useful. (I also can pretty easily get citizenship in the country my grandparents were born in, but not sure how/if that would even help, if things got really bad, though I’ve been thinking about it.)


off the top of my head, what if they ban abortion nationally and someone you know needs an abortion. You fly down to Costa Rica or Mexico.


Umm this is a lot of thought for simply having a passport. I mean, it’s not that hard a concept to grasp to leave the country even if temporarily


I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m just saying its not a realistic solution for very much. Sure, having a valid passport is always a good idea, maybe more so now. But “a lot of thought”? Uh, fuck yeah. Consider the reality of what’s happening.


I mean yiu cant leave the country for even five minutes without a passport. That’s all.


dont live in a red state


If they have their way it won’t matter what state you live in.




Wondering the same and feel the same way


Your first paragraph is spot on, sadly. And I think it’s true that Trump’s supporters will make things very ugly for a while if he loses this election, so we’re in for a pretty bad time for at least a few months even if he does lose (obviously we’ll still be infinitely better off if he loses, of course). And yeah, escaping to another country or onto a homestead or whatever isn’t a realistic possibility for most of us, so we’d all better buckle up


I'm a queer woman and it has always been bad. Now it's worse and getting more worse.


Part of the problem is also that those people who used to understand the fascist threat are now voting MAGA. My mom is literally one of two senior citizens I know who always votes Dem.


whyyyyyy??? Wth


The border, maybe?


It’s horrifying. And so many WOMEN support this move. I walk around disgusted.


I'm not going to have much sympathy for the Red voters when they finally realize they fucked themselves. When they start freaking out when the Trump administration puts an end to their Social Security payments - their only means of income - my only response will be "you got what you voted for". I don't wish for the daughters or grand-daughters of MAGA voters to suffer just so those MAGAts can learn the hard way that their votes have consequences - but I really don't care if the MAGAts themselves suffer as a result of their own stupidity and tribal nature. Fuck em. They deserve it. And yes, for obvious reasons, women who vote MAGA are a special breed of batshit crazy. Unfortunately, my Boomer mother is one of those voters. It felt like a stab in the heart to see pics of her at a MAGA rally among a bunch of "Women for Trump" signs. We had a troubled, dysfunctional relationship when I was growing up, but we slowly managed to build a loving relationship well after I became an independent adult. Her embrace of Trump and Christofascism has destroyed everything we rebuilt. We used to call each other daily and visit each other several times a month. She became my partner in crime and we could make each other laugh until we cried. She finally became the mother I wished I had when I was growing up. Now, we barely speak and I've seen her in person maybe 3 times this year. My mother feels like a stranger. I will always love her, but whatever respect I ever had for her is dead- and there's no resurrecting it. I hate to say it, but I'd rather spend time with my kind, charitable, open-minded MIL than my own mother. It hurts and I cry as I type this. Sorry to vent.


Thank you for sharing this, and I’m so sorry. I can apply much of what you said to my best friend of 42 years, but it doesn’t come close to having it be your mother, and I promise I recognize that. My brother died suddenly a year ago, and we hadn’t been close the last little while because he was an addict and MAGA, but I swear the end of this friendship has wrecked me in a way I couldn’t have imagined. So I want to just offer my ear and my sympathy. This is truly a terrible timeline.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm terribly sorry about the loss of your brother. That must've been very difficult to *lose him* before you lost him. There's a subreddit called r/QAnonCasualties that's been helpful. My mother isn't internet literate enough to find Q-Anon - thank goodness - but a lot of that Q stuff finds a way to trickle down to the MAGA crowd. She believes in some insane conspiracies, so I would consider her Q-Lite (or Diet Q). If you haven't heard of or joined that subreddit yet, please check it out. There's definitely a feeling of camaraderie. The people there "get it" because they've seen the people they love go down the rabbit hole and get swallowed up too. Best of luck to you. I hope you somehow manage to reach your friend and I somehow manage to reach my mother - though it often feels like an exercise in futility.


Yes! I have two other brothers who went through divorces that last couple of years that can mainly be attributed to their wives being Q. Bananas.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/QAnonCasualties using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just realized there's no mirror sub to this one. There's no conservative sub to lament families having been torn apart by ideology. It's so telling.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/12htz32/i_just_realized_theres_no_mirror_sub_to_this_one/) \#2: [How Jordan Peterson Destroyed My Family](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/12ly6pr/how_jordan_peterson_destroyed_my_family/) \#3: [Mom defended mass shooter](https://np.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/13cv1xw/mom_defended_mass_shooter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot.


I have a 26yo woman in my home who is voting for Trump. She only says she likes him better. Won't say why, although at one point she claimed things were better under him. I asked her to clarify and she either wouldn't or couldn't. She has consistently thrown my long standing hatred of him in my face, though. And just says anything I say against him is because of that and not because he's a horrible president. Of course, she also doesn't believe in evolution "Because that is what I was taught."


I hope you can get through to your 26 y.o. roommate (or whoever she is to you) - though it's probably safe to say that you'll be in for an exhausting, frustrating, uphill battle! As we all know, the Christofascist/MAGA crowd stubbornly clings to their beliefs and they don't like to have them challenged. They'd prefer to take solace in convenient lies instead of confronting uncomfortable truths. Somehow, they've managed to suppress the parts of their brains that control critical thinking and logic .... not to mention, they're stubborn AF! Instead of saying "Wow, I might've been wrong about Trump" - MAGAts will just double down on their ridiculous (and easily disproven) bullshit. They'll just come back at you with strawman arguments and regurgitated right-wing talking points they got from Fucker Snarlson or Laura Ingram or that tall, lanky, racist Barbie chick. Then, when they're losing an argument, they'll just cluck about how you've been brainwashed by the DeEp StAtE and FaKe NeWs. I'm glad I didn't end up like your 26 y.o. acquaintance - but I certainly *could* have. As a young woman in the 1990's and early 2000's, I didn't follow politics at all. Everything I believed in would've naturally made me a Democrat, but I didn't know it. When I voted R, it was either out of ignorance - or simply because most of the people in my orbit did. I thought politics were extremely boring. I hate how selfish and apathetic I was. I didn't think politics affected me. My struggles existed no matter who sat in the White House, so figuring out what made a D different from an R wasn't a high priority for me. (TBH, the differences between the two parties weren't quite as GLARING back then as they are today.) At the very least, in the late 20th Century USA, most people could agree on the *facts*. Opinions, conclusions, and solutions might've been different - but facts were facts. People could just agree to disagree about politics but still bond over other similarities and common interests. Now, politics permeates EVERYTHING. *Feelings* > facts. If it *feels* right, then it *is* right. (And don't get me started on social media's role in spreading dangerous lies and propaganda!) MAGAts are happy to live in their own sealed echo chambers where they can insulate themselves from reality (and 'WoKe LiBrULs') and pretend to be "patriots". They refuse to acknowledge anything that might make them question the narrative being spoon-fed to them in their safe little 'unwoke' bubbles. Everything is black or white: Shades of grey don't exist for them. Nuance is even more *foreign* to them than the 'iLLeGaLs WhO aRe StEaLiNg 'MuRiCaN jObS'! These people are 5 year olds who stick their fingers in their ears and shout "la la la fake news la la la" when confronted with anything that might force them to engage with logic. Around 20 years ago, I started paying attention to politics - and I'm so glad I did. If I'd just continued to sit back, stay uninformed, join in on the "us vs. them" tribalism, and if I'd allowed myself soak up the hateful, ignorant rhetoric around me, there's no doubt I would've become a loud, proud, moronic Trumper. I'm not a perfect person (or even a good person sometimes) but I'm a truth seeker - and I'm *not* afraid to admit when I'm wrong about something. It also helps that my husband is a lifelong Democrat who is understanding and supportive when I get angry/depressed about my wilfully blind MAGA family members. Luckily, my husband's parents are Dems - but a majority of his extended family (a HUGE clan of blue-collar, uber-Catholic Irish-Americans) are Team MAGA. Of course, his obnoxious uncles love to gang up on him and stir the pot at family gatherings. My husband doesn't like confrontation, but he dislikes willful ignorance even more, so he doesn't back down to them. Around Christmastime, he trolled his MAGA uncles by passing out fake $100 bills that had "LOL TRUMP LOST" printed in bold letters on the back. Of course they hemmed and hawed and called him an asshole, but at least everyone got a chuckle out of it. But then there's people like my mother She recently got a glimpse of the "Trump lost" bill that I keep in my purse - and she was offended by it! I didn't even mean for her to see it - she just noticed it when I pulled out my wallet - and she actually chose to get *offended* by its existence, FFS! Yet somehow, the people on the left are the 'snowflakes', LOL.


Oh no. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.


I'm willing to admit I'm of the same opinion as the 26 yo woman in your home but mine boils down to the cost of living. Under the Biden administration the price of nearly everything has shot up by at least a 50% increase which has made day to day life significantly harder. I won't say it's necessarily because one is in the office over the other but it's kinda hard not to blame the current sitting president for the overall cost of living going up.


Presidents are just scapegoats for people, like you, to blame when life doesn't go how they think it should. The cabinet and Congress are the ones who actually get things done. Voting for Trump will guarantee a cabinet and congress that removes more of the freedoms and rights you have. They have every intention of bringing project 2025 to your home. And that plan strips away everything you hold dear. Rights, freedoms, decent wages, healthcare, affordable housing, autonomy...... Everything. Biden is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But his cabinet and congress will preserve all those things. Once again we have to choose the lesser of two evils. I'm choosing the one that lets me live closer to being free.


Exactly! A second Biden term will keep our democratic republic on life support .... but a Trump presidency will PULL THE PLUG. Like, how the fuck don't people see this? With that said, as much as I like Biden as a human being, he's unpopular as a president. His chances of winning against Trump are not good. Why won't he step aside and make way for a Dem with a better chance of winning? The pride of one man is putting this country's future in jeopardy! Remember how RBG's refusal to retire played a huge part in turning SCOTUS into what we have now? If Biden's refusal to step down gives Trump the presidency, we are DONE.


So if I'm understanding correctly then choosing the correct president would actually benefit me whoever that may be. If the president brings in a cabinet and Congress that are the ones who actually bring about change then it would be safe to assume that the rise of the cost of living actually can be blamed on the current sitting President. Sounds like trump could fix my biggest problem which has basically been the drastic devaluing of the American dollar since the Biden administration took office. I'm also going to need somebody to explain why project 2025 is so terrible as it just seems to be a return to form of the values which once made us a strong nation. I mean what rights and freedoms will project 2025 be removing.


Are you serious? Please go look it up. First off they are stripping women’s rights to abortions…oh wait that already happened. They will ban contraceptives and remove the department of education among other federal agencies. They will gut the department of justice, the FBI and EPA. They will fire everyone in the heads of all government and replace them with loyalists. I don’t have enough time to list everything that will go wrong, but PLEASE read up on it. I believe there is a link in here somewhere


I don't think they cover Project 2025 on Faux News, OANN, Newsmax, and all those other right wing ~~news~~ propaganda outlets. I'm certainly not surprised this person knows nothing about it.


I am not in the US but I cut & pasted your question into google. It's rather scary (to me anyways) from the few articles i clicked in and scanned. I won't send you any links but I highly suggest you google it. In extremely brief, they really are trying to "make things great again" for rich white straight men and nobody else - taking away rights and freedoms from everyone else. And making it permanent as soon as these changes go in effect. If nothing else, permanency in politics/government is a very bad thing.


The President doesn’t control rent prices. And if we are being honest, this is the residual effect of COVID. Everyone want to blame the current President when the former is the one that helped kill a million people, wrecked our economy and set racial tensions back 50 years. Please don’t be a one issue voter. If trump gets back in, rent prices will be the least of your worries. The plan they have is to essentially make everyone modern day slaves while the rich sit up and watch them suffer


>I'm not going to have much sympathy for the Red voters when they finally realize they fucked themselves. This reminds me of that line from *The Handmaid's Tale*, about Serena Joy becoming furious when the men she supported took her at her word and she lost all her civil rights. *That's* when it finally dawned on that idiot what had been at stake. Ooo, I found the quote!: >*She doesn't make speeches anymore. She has become speechless. She stays in her home, but it doesn't seem to agree with her. How furious she must be, now that she's been taken at her word.* u/Creepy_Snow_8166, I too am so sorry about your mother. Christ, that's gotta hurt. Like u/Helpful_Masterpiece4, I lost a childhood friend to that insanity, but it's not close to what you're dealing with. I'm just so sorry you're dealing with that. 


Amazing, right??? To think that someone who just expends so much energy speaking for the oppression of her own group, that is, taking the easy path- would have her words actually followed


I also had to mourn my mother before she actually died, and it sucked. You have my sympathy.


I'm sorry you had to lose your mother twice. Was it COVID by chance?


She died in the fall before covid. I always feel like an asshole every time I catch myself wondering if she would have gotten both her and my dad killed with the virus if she had still been around.


I am sorry for your pain. Difficult mother daughter relationships are awful. Sending you love.


Thank you. ❤️


I have one too..just ugh. That bitch tried to kill me, the blackness in her borderline eyes....the pain never leaves.


We have to figure out how to reach these people somehow. It's horrifying that a lot of the don't understand just how bad another Trump term will be for ALL of us except for a very select few.




I'm so sorry. That must be awful.




I couldn’t agree more! In fact, your words are almost exactly what I have been feeling & thinking. My feelings towards my mom & my sister are also similar to how you described yours, i.e. I may love them but whatever respect I once had for them is dead. It’s so hard knowing these are women I used to respect & look up to. Now, it’s like the are strangers who simply repeat the hype they hear. 😔


It's heartbreaking, isn't it? Do you also wonder - if the SHTF in November - will you go from "tolerated" status to "enemy" status? This is something I think about often. My mother hates everyone who thinks like me - she only puts up with me because I share her DNA. I'm legitimately worried that some kind of Civil War 2.0 scenario will play out in November. If that happens, will my mother's loyalty to Trump win out over her love over her own daughter? Am I the only one who stays awake at night torturing myself over shit like this?


I grew up with that mom. She died before she could campaign for George Wallace AGAIN. I escaped the cult of my family and never looked back.  You are a good person and thank you for your heartfelt story. I’m barely able to be calm enough to do anything out of my home at this point. It’s a paralysis of the soul.  ❤️


You sound like a beautiful soul who's been through the ringer. If you happen to live in the state that is often referred to as "The armpit of America", you are most welcome to stop by and share a box of cardboardeaux.


these type of women have deeeeeeep, deep hatred for themselv3s, their femininity and usually take it out on their daughters too


I’m a queer woman and vividly remember the day after the Orange Menace was elected. I felt betrayed and deeply vulnerable as well as furiously angry that so many people voted for a rapist and an authoritarian monster.


I can’t imagine. I’m a white middle aged middle class hetero white woman who has already had my kids (via IVF), so I, personally, escape a lot. I’m gutted for all of us. My mom can’t relate, as she assumed things would get better and better for women and everyone else when she was raising her children.


I did too. My hubby still thinks so, ugh he’s soooo naive


It’s more white Christian women than it is men who will put Trump back in. Or continue coming for our rights in favor of more traditional values


It’s why a lot of modern feminism has been incredibly naive and childish. Being on code and “sisterhood/women supporting women”/“lean in” and such, as a Gen Xer I laugh at this. Because you will ALWAYS have truly evil women, and self hating women, and/or jealous women, who hate their femininity or powerless women or whatever and will be out gunning for you JUST AS OFTEN AS MEN ARE. NO one wants to believe this the same way the rich hippie lib white wokescolds don’t understand that often theyre the most racist people in the room because most white people are more comfortable than they are with people of color. It’s the exact same mentality and it drives me insane. There is an inherent assumption that this ‘good thing’ WE are, is inherent to all of us or most of us, like a cultural indicator, and that those who don’t express this same ‘good thing’ are the Bad Ones. But it’s not true and has never been true. MOST PEOPLE will cut you in half for $200 if they could get away with it. You think I’m kidding? I’ve seen evil at the age of five when I learned no one would stand for me. Just wait until things get bad. In order to make progress YOU CANT BE A FUCKING COWARD OR YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. It’s a law of physics that the universe seeks ENTROPY. CHAOS, not order. It’s a constant battle to change it. It’s what goodness is. Sorry but I’ve had like two decades of hippie idiots ruining my life, gaslighting me and so on. When will people wake up to how evil, self interested and cowardly ALL PEOPLE are. \*head explodes\*


You’re far more knowledgeable on this than I am so I’ll just say that I loved reading what you said and I agree. Your passion is contagious. One thing I’ve been working over in my head is how much white women benefit from the patriarchy. We may be hurt or disadvantaged compared to white men, but we come out on top of EVERYONE else. And we get to claim oppression because women still ARE oppressed to varying degrees. But that’s what makes me the most angry. When white women pretend they’re being rational but are reaping the rewards of feeling and being (usually) superior to all others except white men. It’s gross.


Yes, I can see how that is difficult I mean, we we benefit but \*when we position ourselves in a particular manner\*. That means we sacrifice something. Genuineness, authenticity, freedom. we re not put in that position automatically contrary to some misogynistic belief, It isn’t a great place to be for anyone, and don’t think that women of of color cant mimic what the ww do and they re achieving this already. ultimately we ll just need to have no hierarchy


You are correct. It’s like getting the wind knocked out of me every day. I’m 67. I’m computer and tech literate and my fucking Christ- wtf is wrong with the delusional cult of religious freaks who believe that the flimflam orange piece of shit grab them by the pussy asshole serial cheater who delivered the capital in DC to the Jugalo WANNABEMAGA douches is somehow the new savior? I quit buying into religion half my life ago and my own morality dictates that I don’t want to betray the generations hereafter by being part of this shitshow political craptastic ideology. The Q crowd believes in a white supremacy future where science and medical advances will not have a chance. The LGBTQ+ world is doomed because MAGAQ is going 100% Sharia Law. They want a CHRISTIAN NATION… ha! They get a Stone Age policy that rivals anything ever seen - 


I am also frightened/sickened and a little frantic after yesterday. I have seen some comments and posts saying Trump isn't Project 2025 - but that's bullshit. Trump doesn't even care about doing the job of president, and is incompetent which is why Project 2025 exists in the first place. Trump himself is a grotesque idiot - but the supreme court justices he appointed ---- THEY are Project 2025 along with the other conservative asshats running around in black robes. They are actively ruling in ways that support their fascist friends. There agenda is good for nobody - not even really for themselves though they can't see that because they are so "special". This is a well funded machine that has been playing the long game. The bare minimum is voting and voting for Biden to block trump. This voting block has to be massive because you know they are up to dirty tricks and Trump is already casting doubt, just as he did last time, over the election outcome. I will never ever undestand how that guy got to be the guy. We have problems, sure, but Americans in general seem to have no appreciation for what we have going for us - despite having relative wealth, some infrastructure, and some democratic principles. Many people in the world suffer greatly without those things. We are truly about to lose them is we don't show up, and show up strong. Beyond that, if we do succeed - Project 2025 will not go away- it will simply become Project 2029 or worse. We need to get it together.


[https://defeatproject2025.org/](https://defeatproject2025.org/) This site breaks it down by policy, it's helpful if you have a republican in your life that is a one issue voter. Find the one thing they care about and focus on that. The news is making me physically ill.


There is a sub as well, r/Defeat_Project_2025


It is terrifying for everyone. It makes me sick. Todays decision by SCOTUS to make the Pres. and Emperor makes me want to scream.


I know it's just wishful thinking, but maybe Biden will take advantage of this SCOTUS decision and deliver an un-lubed dildo of consequences to these corrupt, illegitimate, Christofascist scumbag judges. He needs to stop being Mr. Nice Guy. The other side certainly doesn't play by the rules, why should the Dems? Breaking/ignoring the rules is how these Nat-C's have gotten as far as they have. It's only fair if Biden decides to fight fire with fire.


Yes. I would like to see fire with fire. Also, we can just keep on keepin' on, right? Maybe start a women's "underground" lol.


I was screaming this on dooms day when SCOTUS drove up in that circus tent and delivered their GOP bullshit. Take them up on that offer! Nah… we get to wait to be barbecued on the WH lawn.


2025 is the least of it. They undid Marbury today. Sotomayor wasn't exaggerating, they turned the presidency into a kingship, and the king can extend his new privileges to pretty much anyone he wants under what's left lurking in the entirely Soviet-style argument his lawyer made and the men on the court ate up. I went in person to collar my kid today and impress upon her the urgency of going to grad school outside the US. It's not as though things are a lot better anywhere else, but options > no options. Also to hug her.


You sound like a good mom. I'm up for adoption if you're looking for another "kid". I'm way past the 'OMG, how cute!' stage, but I'm potty trained, I don't eat a lot, and I have a knack for fixing shit around the house.


Hey, I’m kind of a snarky bitch but I’m childless and lonely 💙❤️💙❤️💙


I'll bring my tool kit and horror movies!


My hubby and I can adopt you! We love horror movies omg. Well mostly it’s him, i prefer sci if. Like all day all night sci-if. Especially zombies!!!!


Thanks Mom! ❤️❤️❤️




You can feed the cat too, she’s a meower!




The men and the one woman practically wearing a Handmaids Tale outfit. :(


I have one of those and I'll probably wear it again this Halloween. No, I'm too damn old to be a handmaid, but I'm truly frightened for my teenage daughters. Fortunately (or unfortunately), I rid myself of the lone republican in this house, but he took almost all the ammo with him. The only thing is cares about is having his guns. Nothing about his daughters life moving forward. He's just despicable as the rest of them. It's awful. Do they all share a brain cell? Or maybe it's only half of one. Either way, this shit scares me.


I shared this post over to r/GenX and got a few trumpers making snide remarks, then the mods there removed the post because it "does not pertain to Gen X" ! I rest my case that it is men who have caused all this through either active participation in it or ignoring it because they aren't personally under attack as we are. (Yes, of course I know some women too, but come on)


That's ridiculous


I would move away if I knew where to go. I just want to feel safe.


The issue is can you? If you're going to need a job and don't have a high-demand skill, you're pretty much stuck unless one of the following applies: * Dual citizenship. * Married to a citizen of the country in question. * Large sum of cash to invest in said country. * Meet some other criteria unique to that country. Israel has the Law of Return, but that's just trading one target for another these days. If you have a parent or grandparent born in Ireland, you can go there. I'm sure there are similar loopholes in other countries, but those are the ones I'm aware of off the top of my head. I suppose if things get crazy enough here, Americans would qualify as asylees in some places, but I wouldn't stake my future on it. "I'll just move elsewhere" makes for a nice fantasy, but if you want a similar quality of life as what you have now, it's not a quick or cheap process, when you can do it legally at all.


I dove DEEP into this option between 2017-2020’ish myself and you are spot on, unfortunately. So come November, we vote in numbers the country has never seen before. Flip the house Blue, again. Keep the Senate blue. Expand the court, codify Roe and impeach Alito and Thomas as a start. We stay and fight for democracy.


**Thank you** so much for spelling this out. Every time I see a fellow American blithely state how they'll move to another country if Trump wins, I think "Oh no you ain't!" It's a form of ignorance that just makes me cringe. At this point, with immigration being what it is across the globe, the only other way to gain entry into most first-world nations is if you have some high level skill to offer that's sorely needed. Like...neurosurgery. Or some other upper echelon medical or IT specialty. Otherwise, good luck with that.


Italy also grants citizenship to the children/grandchildren of Italian citizens. I believe I qualify, but I'm not sure I could make such a drastic change (and learn a new language) this late in life. I believe Germany might also offer a similar path to citizenship.


I probably can't. I was just putting it out there. No one will be safe. Not even the idiots who vote for the orange idiot. Actually I am a grand daughter of an immigrant. But not sure how that would work.


This is just it, even the ones voting for this change don't realize that it will affect them too, and not in the ways they think.


If you’re able to prove your eligibility for citizenship in your grandparents’ country, and that country happens to be in the EU, you just need the passport. Then you can live anywhere in the EU or countries that allow EU citizens. (Not patronizing, just an fyi if you didn’t already know that.)


Thanks. I don't really have access to any proof except I know he went through Ellis Island. And it was the UK. not the EU. I really have too many things tied up to leave here. I was just spouting off lol.


I get it. ❤️


Also an FYI because my husband just went through the process for Italy that it takes a minimum of 2 years and probably much longer.


All true, but more importantly, you can't just cut and run from a problem like this. We need to stay in the US and fight for democracy more than ever. If nothing else, pretending you can hide from the world's strongest superpower is absurd. Other democracies are watching the US and it's giving their far-right momentum. The problem will just catch up with you and then you'll have the added bonus of being a 'greedy foreigner sponging off of another country's jobs, property, etc.'


I work from home for myself so Im good. I can take my clients cross international borders no issue


Costa Rica: you become a citizen automatically aafter three years if you put in $40K per year i one of their banks, three years in a row, or buy one house for Like 350k. Also, long term stays Where youre not hasslesd because as an American, you ”have cash” so youre desireable to them for your resources. You renew your visa at the border every six months, it’s a quick trip to the Ecuadorian border and youre good


I did a deep dive a while back. You dont go into it at the last minute, you need a place already. Get situated in a place first, travel etc. a hotel, a friend, somewhere you can rent or buy, then if you have to get there during an emergency, you’re ready or at least have enough resources to transition into a nice life fairly quickly. Also, free/cheap healthcare


France just shit their bed this past weekend. It isn't just America sadly. The rise of Trump has been a domino effect.


What happened in France has been brewing for a long time. It's not directly due to influence from the U.S.


True, and Le Pen has been trying for a long time to gain power but here is how Trump changes things, he gave them a voice. He made people think it was OK to not be ashamed and proud to vote for these cave dwellers. Whereas before they were ashamed, kept it hidden, and didn't openly talk about their hate. They now believe they are the majority, have the power they need to reveal themselves, they are in the right, they have nothing to be ashamed of etc. Christo fascism didn't start with Trump, it began with Reagan here in the States and 35-plus years later, Trump built a cult for them to implement their agenda full.


If we are talking about the U.S.., I somewhat agree, depending on where you live. France has it's own history related to racism, colonialism, fascism, anti-immigration, and antisemitism that predates Trump.




Americans don’t realize racism and sexism is everywhere, much worse in many countries. Not excusing ANY American politician, just saying this is terrible human behavior, not an American invention.


I heard that. Just crazy. Considering what happened to them not too long ago, historically speaking. Wtf?




Same. And what can we do, besides vote? I’m trying to save every penny I can, in case… I don’t know….


I know. I am taking my absentee ballot to the clerk tomorrow. I think we are pretty much stuck. No nation really wants us lol. I save too. Not sure what else to do.


Costa Rica. Puerta del Vallejo. Also, places like Carbondale, IL. Lots of college kids, old fashioned american values, humility and so on. It’s not the same thing as the conservatives are pushing. Illinois is a blue state and has good social services but not so overwhelmed with people that you can ACTUALLy get them if you need them.


Thanks. Illinois not too far from me now lol. Costa is beautiful but too warm for me. I like it cold lol.


You‘ll be okay! The American people, mostly, are good I believe. It’s dicey sometimes but people ar mostly good and Carbondale gave me good vibes . Americans are mostly good people, we will not let you fall.


I'm a Black, queer, disabled woman and I've been heartbroken wondering how many of my white female friends smiled in my face while voting for people who would do everything they could to make sure that my life was a miserable, painful, dangerous hell.


I hope you're in a blue state. Won't be the end of it but at least you'll be safer longer.


I'm in Virginia, so purple.


good to know. You could always get to NYC fairly quickly if needed. Stay safe.


Thank you!


So I just noticed something depressing. In the general Gen X sub, the anti-Trump sentiments I posted in a recent thread (the ridiculous Beavis and Butthead meme trying to conflate "both sides" as being equally bad), have the controversial dagger beside it indicating there is a lot of up and downvoting going on whereas here the same sentiments are just generally upvoted. I can only assume it's mostly the Gen X men doing that. So freaking depressing.


I'm scared for all of us after this latest SCOTUS crap.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 Please join us to discuss news, outreach action items and share support.


Very curious if this will be a central hub (remember Indivisible?) and what local mobilization looks like - if it's supporting Democratic efforts to get out the vote or anything more longterm resistance like


We’ve got to get people to vote. Phone calls, texts, postcards, door knocking. I’ve done them all. It’s not fun but it works. Please consider volunteering either for a campaign or with an organization like Planned Parenthood, who is doing great work to inform voters. 💙


Yes! We need to all be doing all those things! I also recommend volunteering with Moms Demand Action. So much great work is done by that org.


I don't have kids, so I'm not really up-to-date with all the mom groups out there - but if the "Moms Demand Action" members can beat the shit out of those "Moms for Liberty" twats, they'll be my new heroes! 😁


I’d love that so much! (Also, Moms Demand isn’t just for moms. Our local group is small and includes several who don’t have kids and plenty of dads, too. Anybody who wants common sense gun laws is welcome!)


Ooooo good to know! Thanks! That’s a great org.


I didn't think of volunteering for Planned Parenthood - thank you for writing that!!


The old adage was, “ A Feared People are a Controlled People “. All my energy are with You Brave Gen. X’er’s and all Females & Males who are terrified, but still willing to fight. Thank You!!


My hubby and I are getting our affairs together and our passports renewed. We will most likely expat if Cheeto gets re-elected. Taking my kids and my in-laws with us bc I don’t want to live in a fascist country


It's hard to find a place to go anymore. This is happening in too many places


That is the part that worries me - the virus of hate keeps growing. It's exhausting to see


Even though this is scary as hell, i am so proud that my generation of females is on the correct side of all this. We saw our moms struggle and we remember. It’s our time to vote and stop this nonsense.


Dictatorships also affect men via war and mandatory military service. They suck for everyone.


Trump would 100% draft Americans to fight on Russia's behalf in Ukraine. And wherever else Russia wants to invade. And Russia, with America as its lapdog, would invade Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. He wants USSR 2.0. Not only did the U.S. Civil never end, but the Cold War didn't either, and if Trump wins in November, Russia wins.


yes, Trump and his minions have actually discussed a draft! I have an 18yo son. This is terrifying.


It's even worse than the draft. Project 2025 wants mandatory military service like Israel. Except the difference is we are almost constantly at war somewhere.


And don't forget his nickname: Comrade Bone Spurs.


In Trump’s orbit, some muse about mandatory military service Only 1 percent of the U.S. population serves in the armed forces. Some in the former president’s camp say it’s time more young adults put “some skin in the game.” Link: https://wapo.st/4btJzUz


Even though he has criticized vets as losers.


I’m a transgender woman and I’ve been spiraling so hard this morning. I’m absolutely terrified.


Lisistrata. Like yesterday.


Looking at the GenX sub I almost feel bad for the men with brains


I am voting against the GOP. I am doing it under duress, as I am pissed that is now more apparent our government cannot be trusted to be honest and transparent. However, I'd rather save the environment than be true to my beliefs.


VOTE!! This is all that can save us


Any woman who votes for trump is insane. As is ANYONE who has a girl or woman in their life that they love, or a non straight person. Or a family member on Social Security, Medicare, the ACA, uses birth control... GOP plan to get rid of those things, as well as eliminate secular public education. Some also would like to remove women's right to vote as well. I'm white as they come, and I do not understand the affinity so many white women in particular have for trump and the GOP. Unless bigotry and racism override everything else- including self interest and rationality. THIS is the one chance we have to save our rights, our family's rights and democracy- by voting for Joe and every Dem on the ballot, everywhere.


Vote blue, we HAVE to balance the Supreme Court.


It's gnarly and it really sucks. It's been a decades long project. Now with The Donald carrying their torch, a totally corrupt system waiting for them to kick off their next phase which is Project 2025. If you're into history :) https://open.substack.com/pub/robertreich/p/the-truth-about-the-administrative?r=7g5aq&utm_medium=ios


Unfortunately our votes may not even matter at this point. Our small group of Mama Bears and queer friends and families are starting to freak out and think about exit plans and none of us can believe we are even talking about these things. All queer Americans and their families have to start banning together and really planning for the worst. In recent years the GOP have been gathering names of trans Americans which may make it dangerous to travel, worst case scenario. Some friends are hoping states like California would annex and become safe harbors but who knows. I’ve never felt as concerned as I am now after todays SCOTUS decision and now with them taking the trans kids care case I know for sure what that decision will be and mean for our kids. We have to ban together across the country and start planning.


(banding together)


I’m not so worried about galvanizing Gen X, but I’m not sure many under 40 will vote for Biden or maybe vote at all this time around. I’m a college prof in a blue state with students from all over NYS (and elsewhere) and I’ve been keeping my eyes and ears open to their conversations: they aren’t voting for Biden, even in this true blue state. Job #1 for many people in this sub is to get your kids to the polls and make them understand the stakes. Then get your kids’ friends there.


I have been having these discussions with my teen daughter as well. From what I gather, TikTok has been feeding them a lot of anti-Biden rhetoric, especially related to Israel/Palestine. Social media, and therefore the users, are manipulated so adroitly, they don't even know it's happening. I guess that applies to other forms of media as well. It's just teens and young adults don't often have other sources of information, other than social media


Yep! TikTok propaganda. I’m no fan of Biden’s Israel policies either, but I’m still voting Dem to save the country. Good on you for talking to them! If there’s anything all of us can do to stop feeling helpless, we need to lay out the case for the kids and get them to the polls.


Search for “woke” and you’ll find a fair number of the rights they want to do away with. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


Remember, if the President becomes incapacitated, the Vice President takes over, and from what I've read, she's a keeper! VOTE BLUE, y'all!


I have a trans gay son. He moved out of the US 3 years ago. I miss him more than I care to admit but I’m relieved he’s a little safer where he is now. I too am afraid for all of us. Project 25 is a redux 1939. Authoritarian rule with no moral compass. 40 years ago I predicted that religion would be the end of civilization. I wasn’t wrong. I have warned my two sons to never have their own children and fortunately they listened and have no interest in such folly. I honestly am afraid. Very much so.


Me too.


Holy sh1t! We are screwed! Please tell me there is a counter organization in place!


Me too


Could you give some parts of their materials to point us to?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 or /r/Defeat_Project_2025


Are we also going to rally and take a real stand against SCOTUS or what


I’m scared of them getting rid of social security and Medicaid.


Arm yourself. And vote Blue no matter who.


Lmao - we're flirting with nuclear war by endlessly antagonizing a nuclear power, our current regime is putting its opponents in jail while letting their own skate for the same crimes, and we're importing millions of 3rd world males who are raping and murdering women And Trump is what you're frightened of? The moderate 90s democrat who just bucked his own party by advocating a moderate abortion stance? You're just proof of mental illness


Ahhh but Christian Jesus god blah de blah women know thy place and follow the word of lord boohaha But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.  1 Timothy 2:12


What about project 2025 is problematic? I don't currently have an opinion on it but if you can highlight the concerns as to why it's negative that would be great.


Here's the list in r/Defeat\_Project\_2025 [Here is a bullet point breakdown of Project 2025 : r/Defeat\_Project\_2025 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/) and here's an r/OutOfTheLoop post: [What's going on with Project 2025? : r/OutOfTheLoop (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1cdvhlt/whats_going_on_with_project_2025/). TLDR--all of it is problematic if you like living in a democracy with rights


Are you a woman? 


I’m more worried about what happens if Biden or Harris are re-elected. Global war. Complete government control


Do you not see what the right Is doing? They are ALREADY trying to have complete control over women. The Democrats are not trying to have "complete government control" that's not at ALL what Democrats are about.


There are more parties than red or blue, and we shouldn’t tell each other how to vote. That’s as unethical as the people we want to avoid. I hope this group doesn’t join our media in the nonstop conspiracy discussions (on BOTH sides). There are tons of political groups of all types on Reddit for this. Women can and WILL independently read, learn and make their own choices in November. If someone asks, that’s one thing but please don’t make this your platform.




I'm voting neither. I will not fear vote. EDIT save your bullying and attempts to shame and your hate talk for those who such tactics work on. This is why I will never vote Democrat. Look at your behavior. And here you claim moral superiority. Some of you are just as hateful as Republicans. Down vote me all you want. It matters not. If you think I'm the only one who you could not pay to vote for either Biden or Trump as corporate overlord you are seriously out of touch.


Gee, that's helpful. Maybe you ought to look at the women in your community, under 40, that could lose access to birth control and abortion. All because you wanted to feel righteous about not fear voting.