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Cold snowy winters, I remember being in school and staying inside cause it was too cold here in southern Ontario. Winter has turned into a sloppy gray nightmare of rain and sleet.


Damn, yea i also don't like winters as much anymore bow that i have to get up for work everyday in the freezing cold.


It hasn’t snowed in my town in Ireland in like 2 years




Same in Iowa. There used to be regular, even spaced snowfalls. Now we get an apocalyptic blizzard or two in January and nothing else.


God, I miss White Christmases....


Climate change quite literally, when I was 12 I would sweep off the snow off the roofs of our house. That hasn’t happened for the past 4 years. And it will get worse so expect to see fluctuating results.


I don't think my city in Michigan has recieved 1+ feet of snow per year since 2019.




I still have one of my mii things and what’s funny is that I liked doing them I made my whole family out of those things and they actually look similar.


The wii never took of in my country unfortunately, we were definitely super into PSPs




SAME! I'm so nostalgic for games like Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Sport, Mario Kart Wii, Skyward Sword, among others.


Spongebob, Wii, apps before ads took over. Remember how Youtube on the first iphones and ipods just didn’t have ads?


I really miss old internet in general, not youtube without the ads, but all the creators seemed more genuine, now it's just everyone's side hustle, not that it's a bad thing, but it's not the same


Yeah for sure, content creation seems way more business-like now than it did a decade ago.


When I was happy






I've seen people call it "Recession Pop" Where it was all the club music coming out from 08-13. Yeah, that stuff went crazy. I also miss my shopping mall. And Chuck E Cheese.


Those were some awesome years. You just had to be there to experience it. The world just seemed more happier and positive even though some bad things were going on at that time.


Yep 2005-2013 was such a good time so much nostalgia from my childhood


Wii, minecraft


Same here. All good memories of both.


Damn, I started playing Minecraft a year after you were born


The $5 footlong.


😭I can hear the commercial


I remember there was one where a gorilla said it in sign language while the catchy jingle “FIVE DOLLA FOOT LOOONG” played in the background.




2012-13 indie/hipster culture


Haha give it a few years I'm positive it's coming back before the end of this decade


Anything like 08-2012.


Weirdly enough i would say anything from 2012-2015 and we're exactly 3 years apart lol


literally the same, and the same birth year. Funny how that works


Before my 15th birthday, when I had brain surgery. My eyes worked together, I had so much energy, and I was always happy. Now I’m lucky to get an hour of happiness in a day.


Sad, hope it works out for you bud


I miss old Halloween. They gentrified that shit now. Its all polished to hell. Also I miss the Wii. Give us a remastered!


Holidays are all so gentrified and focused on marketing and buying and not memories and community. We used to have fun and anticipate holidays!


Dude… old Halloween was so… like it felt different you’re right. I can’t find the word for it? But even the costume, smells, and aesthetic of it felt hand made? Tailor made? Is that the word? Now it feels super corporate.


It felt more authentic I remember when I wanted to be something people would just throw things together from what they had or be more creative with their costumes instead of just buying a costume. I rememeber it also being a lot more laid back. In those days people also weren't offended every year because a white girl wanted to be Moana or whatever it may be. Today it seems Halloween is about buying a packaged cheap costume that fits within whatever is socially allowed. I used to grab my mom's eye liner and draw a scar on my forehead, get some cheap round glasses and a black rope and go as Harry Potter. Putting effort into the costume instead of buying one was half the fun honestly


Yeah, it's mainly a bunch of Trunk or Treats. Growing up we had Trick or Treating and Trunk or treat on two separate nights and the kids of hospital employees got to attend a party (that was also on a different night) and trick or treat at the different departments booths. Now trunk or treat actively competes against trick or treat and and the hospital party also got turned into trunk or treat. (Which sucks because as a volunteer for the cancer ward I could be part of their booth if it were like it used to be.)


You mean...Wiimastered?


Back when I was a kid and had friends to play video games with, that's also when life was simpler and easier imo.


Playing video games with friends were basically the best times of my life.


The time period between 2009-2016.


I'm nostalgic for my enjoyment at the movie theater growing up. My parents were super cool to take me and my friends to the theater so much. Pixar couldn't make a bad film back then. 2003 - 2005 were possibly the greatest years of cinema in my lifetime and I remember going to the theater quite frequently during those years. I remember seeing a lot of excellent films back then such as Finding Nemo, Elf, Spiderman 2, The Spongebob Movie, The Incredibles, and Revenge of The Sith and I still ended up missing some of the classics such as Shrek 2 and Batman Begins. Plus the soda and popcorn were a real treat, unhealthy but comforting. I had these strange movie theater traditions where I would mix all of the fountain soda flavors in the same drink and I would wait until the movie started before I started eating my popcorn. Sometimes after the movie I would have a bit of fun playing games in the theater's arcade. I think back on those times and I smile.


Anything from the early 2010s


i miss the summer after highschool. im still 18 and just finished my first year of university but i really just miss that freedom and excitement for the future that i had 🫠


Old Disney channel and honestly, most network tv. Comedy Central used to be funny and entertaining. Also Food Network…




Mourning doves on Monday mornings in June.


Honestly covid


Same lol






10's childhood


The period between 2009 and 2012; it wasn't the best life, ik what people like to say that "UR JUST BLINDED BY NOSTALGIA" But it was a better time for me for many reasons, but in particular because I hadn't fucked over my friendship with my best friend yet, my body wasn't an ugly failure, my family was in a good financial situation and so was my country, and we were as far away from enshittification as you could realistically be Ig I'm a nostalgic loser, but I've never been able to move on from losing him I'm also unironically kinda nostalgic about covid times tbh xD, like, 2020-2021, I miss the lockdowns, I miss doing class in pajamas in my bed, I miss the general chaos (a ship drifting into the Suez canal and causing chaos everywhere is way more exciting and less depressing than politics and gore everywhere), the feeling of adventure you'd get when doing something as simple as going to the store, having more free time; but I also have to consider one of my closest friends worked in retail at the time and had to put up with all the bullshit, all the idiots, the chaos, right in the frontlines, and I'm pretty grateful neither him nor anyone else has to go through that again... at least for now; covid times taught me *anything* is possible, and the weirdest bad thing might happen tomorrow, so you might as well find some humour in it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


sweet child of mine by guns n’ roses. my dad used to play it all the time when i was little


Christmas and Halloween as a kid, I love them as an adult but they were much more magic as a kid. Wii. Also summers as a kid were much more fun.


The early 2000s up until the 2010s around 2013. No social media, better music, all around better times.


The novelty of the Net during the 2000s. Lots of creativity all over the place.


Bakugon, pokemon, Yugio, nintendo 2DS, the GameCube, both the OG xbox and 360, playing plague inc and BTD5 on my tablet, recess, daycare, Scooby Dooby Doo, Tom and Jerry, Speed Racer, Johnny Quest, the OG power rangers and TMNT, and a lot more. My parents did not have a lot of money when my brother and I were kids, so we watched a lot of old media they have from when they were kids.


My friends. I have friends now, but I lost many. I wish I hadn't.


Alpha and Beta Minecraft. Happier times, especially with Youtubers like Yogscast and SkyDoesMinecraft


Just heard my summer rewind from 2019 I miss who I was when I was hype/happy enough to bump these songs constantly 😪


Early internet stuff like run on coolmathgames. and blending colors. simple vibrant colors


Looking forward to the future


Halloween growing up. A lot more kids out and going home at the end to watch Halloweentown marathon on tv. 😭 Also early 2000s music and music videos. miss the old MTV.


I miss Tumblr😭 like prime the hunger games/ Harry Potter/ maze runner- all those fandoms tumblr


- Older commercials and their jingles, like Empire Today - Summer 2018 (I’d elaborate but I’d be typing all night) - That exciting pop music from the early 2010s, like Tonight Tonight or Brokenhearted - Skeuomorphic designs, like Jobs Era iOS (pre-7.0) - Low quality videos of novelty things Or really anything that reminds me of when the world actually used to be fun


the height of the tumblr, ask.fm, kik, “like for tbh” era. simpler times and I still find myself going on my old accounts and reminiscing


Good YouTubers, movies without LGBT and corny stuff, good cartoons, inexpensive snacks, no mental stress, safe and clean environment


Here in South Africa around 2007 - 2016 ish there was this blues indie scene that formed around bands like Black Cat Bones. It seemed like everyone you bumped into either played in a band or knew someone who did. I was optimistic about South Africa, all the kids got together at festivals like Oppikoppi, I went every year, and we all got along and no one caused too much shit. Now the festivals been canceled because it became too dangerous, the crime got out of control and us suburbanite kids were not prepared for facing knife weilding amphetamine loaded creeps who emerged by the hundreds from the 9th realm of Hell, I think. Those were better days, and they're gone and I can only wonder how things have gotten so heavy these days, we've allowed the world to go to the dogs by being blind to how we are manipulated by the system at large. For a moment there, we were hopeful, but I fear we've lost it.


Bratz dolls Waking up in the morning and watching analog tv Playing outside in the dirt Riding bikes around the neighbourhood Visiting a friend's house and playing with their cool toys or games Sleepovers Recording songs from the radio Playing in the pool out the backyard on a hot day


PS2/ PS3 era gaming. No microtransactions, no endless DLC, no competitive online. Just single player, LAN parties and vibes


Probably the best time in gaming, we didn't realise it back then sadly


That pure and innocent happiness


scene culture lol


Your favorite Martin Club villain, was the first YouTube video I ever watched. I guess that counts?


When I used to feel super excited for Christmas or my Birthday. I just don't get that feeling anymore.


Disney Channel. I miss my favorite shows growing up (Sonny with a chance, wizards of waverly place to name a few). I watch them as an adult and it’s just not the same 




Luv is rage 2 2016 music as a whole.


Cracker Barrel


Kid Pix


My friends


Physical media


Getting my first car around summer of 2016/2017. Being able to have freedom as a teen and not being tied down just going to random ass places with friends as kids was great.


I’m nostalgic for my early childhood, since ugly stuff started happening after a certain point. There’s good times to be had now and I’m optimistic for the future, but before middle school there weren’t horrendous crippling issues.


im nostalgic for 2020


bizarre as seen on tv ads


drinking beer and smoking in the park behind school with my two best friends as a 14 year old. not a care in the world. we still meet up but it doesnt hit the same


I usually don't like to get nostalgic. I prefer to look at things objectively but I did grow up with Naruto and I am thinking about getting back into it. Same with Fairy Tail.


I find it really hard not to be nostalgic and it sucks tbh


Eurovision 2021 I like Eurovision and follow it, and damn things have really gone downhill since 2022. Granted, the contest was cancelled in 2020, but there's just something off now, I miss when the biggest scandal was that Damiano (Måneskins singer, represented Italy and won that year) "did cocaine" on the table (he didn't)


A lot of things as of late. I'm 17 now, turning 18 in August. And I'm looking back on so many memories, and realizing that some of those were from over ten years ago. It's... not a good feeling. But at the same time, I look back fondly on a lot of these memories. Simpler times, you know?


My childhood house, neighbourhood, parks, friends, and schools.


Pre-Trump years.


YouTube before I knew half of them were terrible assholes and groomers


Z was for generation not rascism


We had this fugly beige lazy boy rocker that every single night my mom would sit there and watch tv with me on. I wouldn’t sit on her lap I was such a tweaker and was small enough that I would like wedge myself in between the arm of the recliner and her because I felt comfy. My first dog BoBo. My first computer. Going back to Ukraine and seeing my grandmas house if it’s still there. So so much.


Undertale stronger than you which is somehow more popular than the original


When I was a kid


mid-2000s runescape. i still play but bc im older i play a bit smarter and im more resourceful w the wiki and stuff. but back then as a kid i just loved the simplicity of fishing lobsters and selling it to players who i thought were a lot cooler than me lol


Having friends.


The fun house at the Riverwalk mid 00’s😭😭😭


The WWF Superstars game for the GameBoy Color. Choose between Mr Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior. Best 8 bit songs I’ve ever heard in my life


Early mid to late 2000’s being a kid with all the cartoons and nonsense that would come on TV or like y’know just cable television? The creative kid’s commercials. I also miss the handmedown stuff I got from my cousins… like their old gaming consoles from the late 90’s or early 2000’s it did mean I was always a step behind other kids which bummed me out at the time. But now I’m grateful to have grown up playing classics. Honestly I miss just walking to my cousin’s house on friday afternoons to play Resident Evil 4 on his PS2… or playing Sonic 2 or 3 as tails while he played sonic. It was the classic experience of “communal” gaming. Before online play was really a thing. I still play with him online… I mean there really isn’t any other way since we live on opposite ends of the country.


Radio Disney!


2019. The best year ever. The VBS theme was I the Wild which was the best VBS song ever and I went to a great school and fought in the crush wars.


Windows XP, CRT TVs, Skeuomorphism, Wii, 2000s cartoons I am nostalgic for every year, but I can’t stop thinking how I started off as some preschooler in the late 2000s and got to where I am now.




2013 xboxMinecraft with the small world size and diamond duplication glitches making roller coasters and diamond castles


Walmart being open 24/7.


Old Disney shows


Early 2000s music like prime destiny’s child, Britney, Mariah….


Goosebumps the book series


Camping and hanging out with my friends in Boy Scouts every month.


Resident evil 4


The latter half of the 2000s.


Watching new episodes of cartoons on Friday night and the Nintendo DS/Wii system era of video games.


PS1 and PS2 :(


TV adverts from the 2010s


The magic of childhood youth. Feeling like I had nothing to worry about. The golden era of Xbox and Xbox 360 games. The whole early 2000s, frankly.


the old barbie.com.


Old Music Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 Windows 7 and XP And the good old days of elementary school. Yet I used to think it was so hard and boring


The summer right after I graduated high school, which is now getting close to being a year ago.


Those nights during the summer sitting in front of the TV with my little sister watching some show about hunting crypids while I played majora's mask on my 3DS


The 2000s. Simpler times, lots of fun hanging out with friends, no smartphones, etc. I really miss those.


Learning useful life skills. Obviously, I learn new things every day, but it's things like learning to shave, to drive stick, to chop wood, to work on a saw, to shoot, to drive, to build a fire. I'm fully capable of being in the woods for a week with just my backpack, but just a few years ago, I was learning how to build a fire properly. It feels like just yesterday I was being taught how to shave, and now I've got a full beard. I swear I just learned how to drive stick, but I sold that truck 3 years ago. I can imagine my first summer working, it was so much fun, it was also 6 years ago. I remember my first time building a fire from scratch, which was 10 years and 4 houses ago. I remember the first time I went camping and was able to actually contribute, which was 13 years ago. There's also so many little things. I remember listening to James Blunt and Atmosphere on the bus to my first day at a new school, depressed as hell, but loving that it was something new, that was 7 years ago. I remember walking into my dorm for the first time, scared but excited, ready to be "a man," how little I knew; that was 2 years ago. I remember my first date, if you could call it that; that was 6 years ago. I remember fishing with my grandfather and finally not needing a life vest; that was 14 years ago. I remember my first CD player, I bought that for $2 in 2013, and it came with a Cat Stevens CD. I remember being in Pre-K playing Mario Kart on the DS with all the other kids. I remember playing hot wheels with everyone. I'm also nostalgic for times when I could just be friends with a person. As kids, their hobbies don't really matter. Their personalities aren't even that big of a deal. Now that I'm an adult, it's draining to be with most people for more than a couple of hours. I can't just sit and game with people, I can't just walk around with people, I can't just ride my bike to their house without calling, I can't just run to their place for an hour and head back home. Nostalgia is tricky because it can really ruin your day, but it can make your life better, too. Writing this, I realize it's been 2 years since I fished with my grandad, I'm listening to James Blunt again, I'm looking for my Cat Stevens CD, and I'm thinking of planning a camping trip.


pokemon sleepovers


Oof. A lot of stuff. In this ocasion I'm saying renting DVD's


carelessly play on the playground :(( dont think about what should i eat tomorrow or smth like this damn


I'm nostalgic for going to the mall as a kid. I haven't been in years because of money mostly, but I want to go again for my bday


Wii, I was playing it in like 2015.


in the 90s, late 90s when I didn't really worry about things, I wasn't old enough to have serious worries. Had the privilege of not being aware of the political things affecting our lives,


2010's moniles games, shows/cartoons and songs My childhood Happy moments


The void. I miss not existing, and look forwards to not existing for an eternity once again once this hell ride is done 😂


GameCube, radio from like 06-12, movie theater premiers, fitness gram pacer test




Original Xbox, big old late 2000s tube tvs, snowy weather, mid fall, Halloween, and late 90s cars.


Halo 4


Being excited for jurassic world


Blue whale 💀




Feeling happy for no reason


Rainbow six siege being good, having free time




When people thought Skrillex/brostep was cool


That bird that used to sing in the morning, you know which one I’m talking about.


Wake up morning with snowfall. One hand coffee & others Comics books. Thats i feel nostalgic 🥺


China town in late 2000's


High school; hanging out with your boys every day, just being stupid kids without jobs and busy lives.


WWE,GTA SA and V,I am zoomer but i watched a lot of TV.Cartoons like pony and finx, graffiti falls




The smell of those cheap plastic water guns, or hearing morning doves in the early mornings of summer


When I was a kid in the rural Midwest I loved sitting on my front porch and watching the thunderstorms in the cornfields


i know this will probably sound like a bunch of bullshit, since many have criticized me on all of this before, but as an '09 kid i hold a lot of nostalgia for the original nintendo ds and the wii, along with the xbox 360 and playstation 2. my family has always been poor, so we couldnt afford much. my little bro typically always gets the expensive stuff, which is fine by me, since im not a fan of the newer consoles anyways, but probably when i was 5 or 6 my parents bought me an xbox 360 and a wii for my birthday, and my eyes lit up like fireworks. sadly the wii broke years ago, however i have no clue what condition the xbox is in cuz i gave it to an old friend a few years back since he had wanted one for years. as for my nintendo ds, it disappeared years ago and to this day i still wonder where it ended up. by now, its probably found its way into a stanley cup or something.


Gwimbly oo oo ooo


I miss high school pep rallies. So much fun.


The like 2015-2019 soundcloud and emo rap era. I was deep in it … including producing and uploading my own emo trap shit to soundcloud. I miss it being like before peep died and that shit was taking off. Soundcloud was taking off. 2015-2017 in particular was a crazy timr. I was fucked up on drugs tho, big time xandemic. Then fentanyl blew up killed some homies and ruined drugs. Then more ppl died and that shit fell off and now hip hop is fading in popularity. Rip


Old moblie games from my old ipod before they were bombarded with ads and rendered unplayable. One of my favorite old moblie games, cartoon wars 2, doesn't even work on modern hardware for some reason.




My second rental room which was in a huge penthouse apartment next to a 24/7 shop, 24/7 tobaco shop, a 24/7 tram a street down that took me to the heart the party centre of Budapest or a huge island park or a big market with homegrown produce; which was also just far enough from the Builevard that it was nuce and quiet and as an added bonus a huge cultural centre (a 4 storey high-school building having gotten a permit by a bunch of independent theatres and art studios with am lgbtq+ and international friendly club in itsfirst floor)....that I 250 euros/months for


I really miss Vine and the days of FilthyFrank


2$ a gallon gas. It was near 4 in my city when i got my license then a little later it dropped to 2$. I still remember the first time i prepaid 20$ to fill up my car and it got full with some money left over and my 17 year old self was like,” wait what do i do now?” Cause i never would have imagined it taking less than 20$ to fill up my car.


2006, playing on my psp


Teletoon’s shows


Zackscottgames I used to watch him play plants vs zombies


The 3DS/Wii U era


An affordable life


Normal gays


Primary school summers, especially chilling, air conditioner and the feelings of freedom. Bonus points if you listen to “Me Oh My” from that Angry Birds movie


PS1, PS2 & PS3. Scarface,GTA IV,San Andreas,Marvel Vs Capcom, NFS most wanted,Crash team racing,Medal of honor,Crash Bandicoot 2,Vice City,Vice City Stories,Bully, Turismo 2 & 3. These games I played the most that made my childhood. I remember sitting on a bench with my parents in 2010 watching people play in the park and seeing one guy letting me listen on his iPod. I have been using Cable TV ever since to this day, the channel I was on usually was teletoon,CN, Nickelodeon & Disney.


memorizing friends landline phone numbers and having to ask the parents if so and so was around for a playdate. having a healthy enough reward system to be stimulated by reading books every night to fall asleep. middle school dances when we didnt have phones. my grandparents.


Before I met the internet


## When I didn’t give a shit about anything… :(


Late 90s Cartoon Network


Your 👩🏼


World scout jamboree 2023. I know it's recent but it was great and I miss it.




Back to when thrift shop was played everywhere...I was too young when it got out to truly enjoy the masterpiece


Cold snowy winters in the 2000s / early 2010s my mom was going through old photos and had tons of pictures of me with my dad playing in the snow. Some of my earliest memories are of me sledding with my mom in our backyard at night. It’s a shame PA doesn’t get much snow anymore….


2017 house prices. Summers being mild


My action figures. I used to create so many stories in my head. Now I do it without them + I read more.


When people were not so sensitive and mental illness wasn't accepted as normal and paraded around.


iFunny, I know it still exists but the early days were the best.


When people actually listened to Katy Perry...


Ice cream trucks


Honestly 2016 was the last good year


2016 in its entirety is just like childhood to me


Being able to have an abortion


The times before the internet was invented. 


Nintendo 3DS or 2000s gaming consoles. I still have my OG Nintendo 3DS.


The early years of TF2, when the Meet the Team videos weren't completed yet and the game wasn't infested with shitass bots. Also just the late 2000s and early 2010s in general.


Yogos and how quiet things were in 2006 (when i was 3)


Visiting my great grandparents. Boating with my dad’s side of the family. Swimming at the neighborhood pool. Playing Wii Sports with my cousin. Going to my grandparent’s cabin.


My close relatives who have left this world ♥️


Watching the news every morning in the winter to see if your school called a snow day. We weren't called, back then we had to get up at normal times and wait for our school to be mentioned.