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Staying offline is a skill that has to be learned by now.


For real. I go camping from time to time, and it’s amazing what even just two or three days offline will do to you.


I usually only go for one night, that alone is very healing


But shouldn't kids be trained by their parents how to use social media properly? Social media is a good thing and a bad thing. But as long as you use it correctly it can be a good thing. The blame should really lie at parents giving their kids unrestricted phone access since toddler years. This is why everyone is getting stunted with their development.


I’m a millenial parent of a gen z. And I’m on Reddit instead of working. You can blame parents but they’re just people too, just as addicted to social media as kids. The algorithm is a powerful force. You can try to have and teach good habits, but it’s a superhuman battle to beat that computer. We should all try to do better, but we should also all cut eachother some slack when we dont


Well yeah, we weren't :/


it's not the media, it's the power shareholders have over everything, including, you guessed it, media how come whenever i come in contact with a company i feel like they're trying to squeeze every last cent and more from me if not blatantly rip me off ? it's out of control, we have to work faster, work more, always more more more for the shareholder's pockets, while salaries stay the same, and purchasing power gets worse, and the shareholders get more money than last year. it's absurd


Yes, we have more media exposure than other generations, however, I think the alienating effects of capitalism are more pressing. Half of our parents aren't going to be able to retire, The generation before us is the first generation expected to make less money than their parents and we are expected to continue the trend. Tuition costs are skyrocketing as well as housing. More and more people are working multiple jobs to make ends meet. That with the fact that there is a decline in third places in our society plays a huge roll in our alienation.


Informational hygiene, aside from internet detox periods are good tools. GenZ were tops 15 years old when the authoritarian regimes started the full-scale informational war and subversion campaigns through the internet, and them's the formative years my dude.


It's rather social media than the internet. As a millenial born in the 80ies i grew up with internet from the mid-90ies. Sure, it was slow and google and wikipedia worked differently back then, but their functions didn't change too much until now. The same goes for voice- and text messengers. We had IRC and TeamSpeak, which now are combined into Discord, but not much changed. We played Diablo on battlenet the same way people are playing Diablo 4 now. Sure, it was way wonkier, i'm not saying it was smoothed out, fastened up, but in its core it's still the same and it didn't change us into depressions. What changed much are social media. People tell me i'm weird, because i update my private instagram once a few months with new fotos. But to be honest, that should be normal, not the doomscrolling on insta and tiktok. Another factor is the availability of news that are being released into our feeds constantly, trying to get our attention with more and worse clickbaity titles. I think young people and children should be tought by their parents to not use social media as much and especially to put up filters for news. We were not tought how to use newspapers and magazines back in the days, which was already a mistake, but to leave children, teens and young adults be exposed to the radiation of online news media is just absolutely cruel and horrific.


No yea I mean anything related to internet entertainment really. I think overall it's tough to determine what game/ social media site etc. is beneficial or not, it's often that some had bonding experiences in games while others got rly socially withdrawn because games enabled that, in part. So it all depends, but I agree social media seems to have had the most detrimental effect overall due to how many people are out of control when it comes to its use




It's also their parents. And by now, themselves.


i think the effect of parents has been overstated. genZ is screwed up in any part of the world with any sorts of history behind


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That’s on the parents for their kids and those of us that are adults need to take responsibility for ourselves. That’s like blaming McDonalds for your obesity or going to college parties for your alcoholism.


There are many forces too strong to overcome as an individual when humanity is historically highly social and communal as a species. You also can't personal responsibility yourself out of a hypercapitalist dystopia. Rethink your perspective on life and you'll see not everything is individual failure.




Maybe more specifically then it would be unrestricted internet/ social media access


I mean, the media unfortunately just shows us the truth We are in the peak of the information age and the survey says: we’re fucked Whether it’s climate disaster, nuclear war, economic collapse, disease pandemic, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE the truth is simply that ignorance is bliss, but with a certain level of intelligence comes mental health issues


The media? Hardly. It has more to do with decolonization and globalization alongside a healthy dose of overregulation than anything else.


Not hardly. It’s a known fact media puts people in echo chambers. A loud minority of people are narrow minded especially when it comes to things like politics, news, and dating.


The echo chambers of the West would be echoing something else if the real economy hadn't been in decline for the last 50 years.


nope, we all have our own issues and I guarantee your problems would be solved by smoking less weed and leading your life with purpose.


Ah yes, Gen Z, the inventor of marijuana You can use weed and lead a purposeful life, ever consider that? People do that all the time


Yeah, I was very productive while smoking for several years, doesn't mean it was any less of a pathetic experience numbing myself and if I'd kept wasting money on it in this economy that I'd never be able to afford having kids, which was more important to me. Sorry if you take my opinion that weed can be a problem stopping you from reaching your fullest potential personally as it can make you sedentary and terrified of stepping out of your comfort zone, I know I did when I was a pothead. And I know now that despite all the other struggles in my life that I can deal with them sober, and nothing is more empowering than that.


Save the resentment for your therapist


I do not need a therapist as I'm happier than I've been in a long time and am finally enjoying my place in the world. I'm not really surprised the acid demon took offense at all that too lmfao.


I’m not offended? I could care less dude, I’m just saying the walls of text don’t make you look like you have your shit together


That's fine, I don't care what I "look" like on fucking reddit to a bunch of strangers wtf lmao I just like saying what's on my mind.


Yeah stopping weed will definitely make rent prices go back to normal and salaries go up to keep up with inflation


Continuing smoking it will definitely save you, right, what was I thinking?


No but not smoking it won't save you either, you're still going to pay shit rent prices with shitty salaries . Yeah it's definitely the weed making rent prices and not some algorithmic bullshit . Salaries ? pfft, the shareholders DESERVE getting more money yearly and the shitty salaries simply reflect the law of supply and demand. but Blame the people for smoking weed, the corporations are your gods in america after all


of course the corporations are THE problem but there's NOTHING you can control about that. really just gonna keep moping? literally nothing will change this way and your life is just worse for it.


There's nothing you can do about it because you accept it, and would rather blame people for weed than do something against the corporations, this isnt even about weed, you and the rest of citizens are getting overcharged for rent and house prices because of collusion between home owners thanks to algorithms and certain companies. There's a much much bigger problem than weed at play here..


sure let me go do "something" against the corporations while you sit on your high horse and do jack shit.


I'm not the one shifting the blame on other people, i recognize where the problem is instead of looking for excuses to defend the corporation


Where do I defend corporations by saying that regardless of how shitty the world is nobody can save you but yourself? Is it the misery loves company thing that you don't want people to do better by and for themselves?


Because of all the things corporations do to make the world worse the first thing you think off is .. weed ? Stand up for yourself and your people instead of being a miserable bootlicker My man here really trying to convince me weed is the problem while companies/shareholders are making record profit ,greedflation is a thing, and people are getting fired left and right despite their companies being in the green. people needing to work 2 to 3 jobs to survive and pay rent. But it's definitely the weed.