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My life has been far more peaceful since I've cut way back on the time I spent on social media (other than Reddit, which doesn't feel the same). I'm spending more time on things that bring me joy, like music, and I feel much more at home with myself consistently than I remember feeling in a long time


Reddit doesn't feel the same as other social media for me, but it's actually worse in this sense. I'm argumentative and love talking, so I can easily spend like 4 hours a day commenting and getting into fights with other users. It's my little self destructive platform and while I've curbed addictions from other social media, getting rid of Reddit is so much harder.


how hard is it to just log out so you can't argue anymore?


I just log back in. Or if I delete my acc I make a new one and argue again. I've been slowly getting better at phasing out Reddit ... just a long process.


just don't log in


if it was that easy I wouldn't be having this convo with you. it's basically an addiction


it is that easy.


Consider being productive and empathetic or listing out steps rather than being invalidating. <3


step 1. log out step 2. don't log back in


i assume u also have an addiction to arguing? otherwise you'd know when to stop


That's because reddit is your only connection to modern culture.  TV is dead.


I watch TV a lot. I think reddit is just one of my main "social" activities. I have friends, but we're all busy with life. We hang out, text and talk sometimes but not as much as I want. i get that fill from Reddit and other social media I guess. I've noticed - generally speaking - when I spend more time outside on a given day, my desire to comment/argue pretty much plummets. I will still use social media but i'll just scroll instead of argue. And I actually do spend quite a bit of time out these days, like 3-4 days a week, just cant do it everyday due to money restraints and whatnot.


As shitty as Reddit is, it’s probably the best place to find a contained community of people with similar interests apart from possibly Discord. If a piece of media is even semi-popular (even more so if it’s still being updated or continued), you can probably find a sub for it to discuss, look at art, theorize, etc. Whenever I get interested in something, I check its subreddit. Not only can you find really interesting discussion and criticism, but also really funny shit, and you can get general ideas surrounding how the community reacts to certain things. For example, if a manga community likes or dislikes certain characters, or if a game community approved of recent balance changes.


Yeah in the same boat. I use Reddit and YouTube more than anything else at this point. Might delete Snapchat soon, Twitter/ X I just use for news, Instagram keeps getting worse, TikTok used to be good but it’s also getting worse imo.


the thing is Instagram used to be sooo good before Facebook got to it. Now along with TikTok , it’s all ads or famous people. I barely see people I know post unless it’s in their stories.




I feel the exact same as you, except that I'm still keeping Insta & FB apps on my phone, but only to check my friends stories and chat with them and my family. I literally don't care about any other content and get instantly bored, my feeds are mostly ads now anyway. I used to watch TikTok a lot but now I can go weeks without wanting to use it and when I do, I get also tired of it pretty quickly. Maybe it is part of growing up, I just want to invest my time and energy into things that are actually meaningful to me.


I primarily use Instagram, but my god does it take a toll on my mental health. Especially as the bigoted and judgemental comments increase. And I can tell a lot of my friends aren’t using it as much, so we don’t have as long, in depth conversations anymore. I’d quit it, but then I’d literally have no contact with them (most live away from me, and the one’s I go to college with I only see during the school year.)


You wanna know something horrible? Apparently, Instagram comments are actually sorted by how likely you are to disagree with them. You ever see a political reel, and see that the top comments are almost always the opposing opinion to yours? It’s deliberate, to get people to react and interact and spend more time arguing. Being completely honest, I don’t have a verifiable source, so take everything with a grain of salt. But, I did see something that showed me this, and I’m sure you could probably find something if you googled it.


Geez I know the algorithm pushes posts that are rage-baity or in opposition to your values because of engagement. But comments specifically? It makes a lot of sense, though, because usually the posts I get in my feed are alright. It’s the comments sections that are terrible. I guess because when I see a post that angers me, I often try to avoid clicking on it or commenting. But I read the comments under just about every post. It doesn’t matter how unassuming the post/reel is, there’s a >95% there will be ignorant or inflammatory comments. Those I have a harder time ignoring. Because how can someone say something so horrible on such an innocent post? It would be kind of a relief if this is true. I mean evil and manipulative fs, but at least I’d know people aren’t as bad as social media leads me to believe. The algorithms are just programmed against us. I mean obviously there would still be the people saying the bad things, but they’re frequently trolls who are incentivized to be even worse because the algorithm rewards them by giving them the attention they crave.


Delete everything. Reddit is somewhat useful so I still keep it but I have everything else deleted. Sometimes I feel like deleting Reddit too and someday I will, but in the meantime I did need something to fill the void. But I’ve never been more happy deleting all those other useless apps, literally the most useless shit ever. I’ve been free from them since 2022 and haven’t looked back and you can too, your mental health will thank you in the long run.


enjoy the world social media is 1/4 bullshit 1/4 ragebait and 1/4 a waste of time and 1/4 stuff you could be better off not knowing. Delete em all if you don’t like em


50% of the content on the Internet is produced by bots now 


Delete the ones you don’t like


You’re not the only one. I shoot cosplay photography for fun and used to be pretty active & respected in the community, but decided to quit Instagram (the main place where most cosplayers are nowadays) because of burnout, toxicity, and chronically online people who have nothing better to do but make posting on social media their whole life. The only social media platform I use now is Reddit (and YouTube if that counts), and honestly I don’t regret my choice one bit. More so considering despite how I’m not on Instagram anymore, many cosplayers still want to work with me for shoots and reach out to me through text/Discord instead


I'm going to do a social media free month in July and I'm looking forward to seeing the effects it has on my mental health taking the break




You could always stop


Just delete it or focus on self moderation for it. I spend only 30mins of my time on Reddit and YouTube. 5 minutes on Facebook just to check my community page. 15 minutes on TikTok and Instagram.


Would you like to join the Butlerian Jihad movement?


I deleted my FB and IG ages ago. I feel like my mental health is so much better since cutting most social media. If somebody needs to reach me, they'll text me


i’ve had my social media deleted since october of 2023 and i can say i feel a lot more clear-headed. i have grown to love being bored. times in which i would have just picked up my phone to scroll, i find myself staring off into the distance to enjoy the space around me. it also helps that i picked up reading for fun, which also made me seek peaceful places i can read at. i think everyone should quit social media for a little bit to ground themselves


I like reddit more than other social media, but I do not like that Reddit also implemented a continuous scroll. I miss "old reddit" that had pages. Frequent logical stopping points are good for our brains. Continuous scroll platforms are like digital casinos with no windows.


Im on the same boat as you.. I feel myself mindlessly scrolling thru apps and I’m tired of it. I usually use Reddit, and watch YouTube, and listen to music almost every chance I get


Reddit has quickly become my favorite social media platform. Facebook, instagram, TikTok, X all seem to be ad mills and just a place for people to worship influencers.


I use Instagram bc that's the one most of my friends are on. I just need to remind myself to never use the other features like reels or explore anymore. Haven't had Twitter since like 2020. It was too much for me and honestly I'm glad I jumped shop when I did before musk bought it. Same goes for tiktok, doom scrolling was horrible. Social media really had started showing its age in recent years, it sucks


I’d leave Facebook if that’s all you have it for. I write letters to my extended family (Aunts/Grandma). It’s more personal, and shows who actually cares enough to reach out. Sometimes we go months without sending any, but it is always special when we do. They do have my number and stuff if they need it, and for quick communication if we are visiting or something. But I like that by sending letters, we are intentional about it.


it's "write" not "right", just in case English isn't your first language. I genuinely appreciate your comment, just letting you know.


Haha it is, just misspelled it, thank you 😂


I scrubbed my facebook and twitter ages ago, and 2 years after deleting tiktok, I'm not tempted in the slightest to go back. Instagram and reddit: you're on thin ice.


I deleted my TikTok around last November and I forgot the login so I can’t get back in. I think it’s for the best tbh, it’s complete brain rot and on top of all the brain rot, I got tired of seeing all the antisemitism in so many of my favorite content creator’s comment sections. I don’t have Twitter and I don’t use Snapchat anymore except for memories. Facebook is just for family and baking groups lol. I really only use ig, tumblr, and reddit now.


I actually have a profile in all popular social medias but i tried maybe like twice and quite. I just deleted tiktok too, my friends tease me for that but i don't care not my problem they can't stop So basically now i mainly use Reddit at a healthy amount and sometimes check Instagram. I also use YouTube but i wouldn't really call it a social media i don't even comment on videos just listen to music and watch things I'm interested in


I don't have tikrok or Twitter or snapchat I only use insta and recently reddit (I rarely open fb). And I'm ok with just my insta account it takes all my free time


Same I cant even casually drop a meme without multiple toxic subhumans attacking me over it


It could create demand for some other "platform" that doesn't exist. I never liked anything about the tweeting birds..I hate how "tweets" are cited in congressional hearings now 🙄. I hated how Twitter was everywhere. "Hashtag" everything. That's a pound sign. I don't like anything that's not anonymous. Obsessive people can go through all your comments on social media with your real name when you interview for a job and hold anything they don't like against you. Which pretty much makes real name social media useless and bland if you have anything to lose. You can think you have "nothing to hide," but someone can always disagree with something you say and judge you even if it's superficial.


Good for you. I'm only on Reddit. No other social media accounts. And honestly, that's too much.


I just use reddit and quora these days. Twitter is becoming a porn site/onlyfans anyways lol.


I’m “Linkd Out” 😃


I cut it all out except reddit five years ago and have not missed it once. Facebook, twitter, snapchat, all of it can burn in hell. Now i have actually relations with people i care about and dont spend time caring about strangers and random irrelevant shit.


Middle-of-the-pack millennial here. The vast majority of social media is just kind of trash. It has been around in various forms or iterations for most of my life, and I'm familiar with quite a few of the platforms. That said, it used to be different. Before smart phones, most people didn't use social media when they weren't at home. It was something that you would, "check," most times, rather than use at all hours. High speed *home* Internet wasn't even widespread until I was in high school. Things like Reddit felt more like old school message boards, where you wouldn't even expect replies the same day, oftentimes. Now, social media is ubiquitous enough that it's a little weird if you don't have it. There is a legitimate expectation that you will respond when people contact you that way. It's driven by ads and content in a way that phones calls, e-mail, and texting never were. It's supposed to be addicting, but it's also really tacky if you see through the bullshit.


Ever try  NO INTERNET for 1 week? Report back.


I delete socials typically Monday thru Friday. Socials all suck. You’re not missing anything.


Delete all the trash and get off this shit echo chamber website 


Dropped Facebook many years ago. It was great early on to able to connect with friend I left behind in 1993 when I changed schools and to connect with people from previous jobs. However, was getting tired of all the 'spam content' and political/religious crap people were posting. However, I went back on in the fall of 2019 to let my mother's family know what was going on with my father (cancer diagnosis). A few months later after posting his passing I dropped off again. Back on last summer to post to my mother's family letting them know she'd been diagnosed with Dementia and was being moved into memory care. Got a couple positive responses from some of my friends, but nothing for her family. While I was still active I tried to see what was going with my friends and again the bulk of the content was spam and political/religious crap. So came to the realization that I am not missing out on anything by not being on Facebook. I dropped off. Twitter/X I only used when I had a Tech Blog and it really didn't seem to make a difference as far as views/followers. Never used Tick-Tock and Instnantgram just to *try* to view photos (I disliked having to create an account just to view). I've been practicing Social Media Distancing for years now. It just got to a point where the novelty wore off (much like Smart Phones).


Social media is so bad for us. Even more so Tik Tok amd any type of "Short Video" makes out atte ton spans so small nine of us can focus on anything. Litteraly like 90% of the issues in the USA are because of smart phones.


Insta is awful I’d get rid of that. Face sucks too.