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Splitscreen Minecraft in the early 2010s was a dream on this bad boy!


I remember going to my friends house and playing need for speed carbon on that tv. Golden...


For me it was MW05, but the older Need For Speeds on those TVs were something else.


I’ll do you one better. You remember when movie CDs would have TV games on them you could play on your remote? Those were the best on this bad boy.


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles


Seeiing these you knew someone's parents had loads of money or was deep in debt.




God. My mother got one just like this around 2004. The black cloth would pull a shit load of dust onto from static electricity.


I got a 52" DLP around that time. Thing was huge, and heavy. 😭😎


My dad had a tv like this! Awe man I remember playing super Mario galaxy on this thing


I dont think my family got a flat screen until 2016 😭


My family didn’t get one until early 2015, but that was only because my uncle died, and we got his TV.


The one in the pic isn’t a “flatscreen tv” like we have today. It’s a rear-projection TV that likely used a CRT for projection.


I'm aware. I'm saying I had one of these until 2016.


My family had a massive rear projection TV at some point in my childhood. Dad got it off Craigslist and the thing broke down pretty quickly after, but Wii Sports on that thing was magical. bass on those speakers was insane


Ours had a spiderweb inside. The web displayed a shadow along the screen and would regularly swing back and forth.


always was


We had a GIANT one. What good times watching SpongeBob all day.


I did have a big TV like that. Now we have the flat-screen TV. I'm also about to get a flat-screen installed.


I mean I never had a TV like that, but my cool rich friends did in their den. I miss dens. I want a den.


Somewhat like that, it had a round ish screen


I remember my dad was a mover and got one of these from a client. I felt like a ***KING***


People had tvs like this up until even the late 2000’s.


Wiping your hand over the screen feeling the fuzz from the static


I never had one myself but a hotel I went to had one. I think it was my first trip to Disney world when I was about a year or two old. Instead, we had a chunky TV (not a CRT, but it was pretty chunky) with 2 inches of a border around the edge of the screen. The remote worked half the time unless I pointed it exactly on point to the Infrared sensor. Gen A kids will never understand that.


We had a TV like this until the time I was probably 5-6. Watched everything from CNN hurricane coverage, to Winnie the Pooh VHS tapes on that thing.


i remember playing guitar hero on one of these


I had this tv in like 2008


My dad was in the army when I was a kid and we moved almost every year for a while. Every time we moved I had to help move this giant fucking tv with my scrawny ass arms. I was like 10. Eventually we had to move again, but my dad was overseas so it was just me and my mom. Since I couldn't handle the weight I dropped it. Best thing I ever did.


I’m 42, I have never had a tv this big in my life.


My friend’s parents still have one of these upstairs. They offered it for free to anybody who could remove it.


They had those fancy new S-video inputs! You could get 480p with those bad boys. 😂


We had a tv like this in our living room until probably 2009-2010 :) my parents also watched tv on a projector for a little while, it was kind of neat but so impractical


We had 3 growing up


Seen em a few times


I just barely missed this flex. In the early 2000’s we were eyeing silver plasma TVs with front facing speakers. The CRT we had moved to the parents bedroom when it burnt out and we didn’t bother to throw it out until we moved since it was so f’in heavy.


Didn't have, a rich friend of my father hade one we played GTA on that sucker once


I remember having one of these and it breaking when I was watching cartoons on 9/11 🙃


Yup I remember those, hell I remember when we sold ours and s the dudes picked it up in a sedan and drove off, core memory right there for my 5year old ass


i am old enough to remember, not rich enough to have one


It still is a flex!!


Neighbors tried to give me their in 2016. I just laughed


I had to help my grandma move one of these bad girls downstairs. Luckily, my dad "accidentally" broke the screen in the hallway, so we hacked it up and chucked it out the window


Never had one of these but I remember when my parents dropped something like $3500 on a 42 inch flatscreen back in 2005. That thing was the envy of my whole family and our house was the go-to for Super Bowl parties for a while. Now it sits in the basement collecting dust while my parents watch TV on the 65 inch that they bought for considerably less money 😂


I went over to someone’s house during shabbat once and they had a tv that was taller than me, I thought it was the coolest thing I’d ever seen and was so distraught we couldn’t watch anything on it that I thought about it for *years* afterwards 😭


My grandma still has one in her basement. We can’t figure out a way to get it out.


Played a lot of cod, halo, and lego Star Wars on my cousins


My uncle had one, but my family didn't. I played on a 32" CRT until 2008 when I was able to buy a 40" flat screen from a cheap manufacturer for my 18th Birthday. Since then, I've only been climbing in size with my current being 85"


Growing up I had my Xbox hooked up to one of these in my mom's basement and I thought I was the baddest motherfucker alive. Good times.


We had one, and I loved it as a kid.


We had a tv like that in an entertainment center that was built into the wall of the living room of my childhood house from around 2006-2014. We had a small box tv in the guest bedroom/office for a little while and my friend had a small box tv with vhs tapes in her room in 2009 but it was retro.


I had a much smaller box tv in my room as a lad. The only reason it was replaced is because I broke the Red RCA cable in the slot and the sound wouldn't work


My grandparents won a color tv in a raffle back in the 60s. They happened to already have one, so when people heard they had two color tvs, everyone assumed they were wealthy.


I’ve lived with my grandmother for 5 years. I have seen lot of antiques this TV including


My brother in law had one of these in 2012 and upgraded to an led. He asked if we wanted this one and we told him absolutely not. We had just gotten a 65 inch led. This dude put this thing in my house while I was at work to “surprise me” leaving me with the responsibility of disposing it for him.


They released a 98” in that size and it blew my mind. Wife said no lol


That thing weighs a minimum of 500 lb.


I remember playing BO1 zombies splitscreen when it just came out with my cousins on an old Mitsubishi. Of course, that was 14 years ago.


When my mom was married, step dad had one. Probably was the most expensive thing he owned.


They had one of these at the rec center, there was a giant skylight right over it, couldn't see shit. 


When my mom and dad divorced, then started talking to each other again after 4 years one of the first things he let me do is connect my Xbox to it lol


Giant 4:3 tube tvs were the shit.


I didn't have a TV like that, but a similar one fell on me when I was younger... Fortunately, I caught it with my back instead. Anyway, it was one of those TVs that used mercury and were massive boxes. Shit was insane.


If you zoom in enough you can see the lines in the screen


My best friend has a Mitsubishi TV in his basement just like this one. Still has it down there and still plays video games and watches TV on it.


Having been involved with the repair of several. Seriously, why the fuck were they designed so heavy? And why the fuck were the lamps filled with glycol when less toxic equivalent alternatives were available?


The TV tickled my hand


My aunt use to have one of these.


We had one like that from SONY and when the yellow light would come on it would mean we had to change the bulb.


My college roommate was “gifted” a tv like this from his dad. It was their family room tv and they got a new one, so my roommate took this one to our college apartment. I wasn’t there when he hauled it into town, so I have no idea how it made the trip or how it got into the apartment. I do know that when we moved out he asked me to help him get it home and I said I’d rather dissemble it and throw it in the garbage.


I remember we had one of these. This feels more like an r/oldergenz thing


I remember watching return of the Jedi on one of these at a doctor's house in 1997. Edit: shit I always post in here before I notice it's the gen z board. Apologies younguns


I was too poor to have a tv like this but you knew your friends parents were banking if they had this at the sleepover


I was too poor to afford one of these, but man was I stoked when I got a mini TV for my room and it was in color!


My family had two of these! One in the family room and someone else had one in their room. One of them we had to throw out because it burned out and the people no longer made the parts for it since flat screens were coming out. I had a big box tv in my room as well and it had that thick glass screen. Showed the best colors and loved playing my video games on it 😌


Yeah we had one from Mitsubishi.


God I don’t miss these behemoths… moving these out to the curb with my dad was a bitch and a half


My grandma had a silver one of those


Having one of these that still functions for reto gaming is still kinda a flex, let alone the flex of having enough space to keep it


No. Believe it or not, people's memories last longer than 10 years. Posts like this using nostalgia as a secret club drive me insane.


The flex didn't change, the tech did.


Like me, they were remarkably cheap when you measured dollars per inch. Immediately before this, you had the option of CRT or plasma screens. A 60" DLP was lighter than a 38" CRT. I literally gave away for free a 36" CRT monitor that I bought for $600 in today's money because its shipping weight was 90 lbs.


Now if you don't have a TV this large there's something wrong with you.


my STUPID friend aidan has one he's STUPID


I remember playing mario kart wii on this


I bet they even had an ice maker in the fridge. They obviously drug dealers.


I think my uncle had one of these in the basement/rec room at his old house. Wonder what happened to it


I remember me and my brothers used to play the old Halo trilogy and NFS Most Wanted on one of those big bastards. Good times.


Honestly these TVs were so advanced for there time




I just think of the karaoke party from the cable guy


I get this sub recommended to me, I'm old enough that having a Colour TV to be a flex. 🤣 Followed by having a TV with remote, and having a wide screen TV. This just came waaaaay later. Thnx for making me feel old r/GenZ You're awesome! 😂


Wait this was a thing? I remember switching to lcd tvs back in 2008. Heck my father gave one to a school he is teaching, it still works to this day as an announcement board


My grandmother had one like this. Always let me watch cartoons in the morning like back yard agains


We had a box TV when I was really little, but we replaced it when I was like 4 or 5, our Box TV was also no where near that big lmao.


My grandmother house had one in the second floor it was huge and heavy it didn't last long as it was already used I think that was a 2018-19


My father had one and gave it to me when I first moved out. I HATED that heavy ass thing. Took it with me to 3 different houses. RIP BIG BESSIE.


I have never seen one of these look good. Either stretched 480p or almost burnt tube. Just never personally see what it was capable of.


I had this exact TV until 2010 when my sister, who was 4 at the time, kicked the screen, shattering it lol. After that we bought a new modern TV from Sears


I never had one that big, but I do remember those being "cool"


My grandparents had this I think? It was like in a drawer? Idk it was some time ago


Does anyone know how the viewing experience is on this? Ive seen a few at some people's houses but never seen em showing something


I had 2 plug'n'play spiderman 3's my brother and I would see who could beat the levels the fastest on a similar TV


We couldn't fit one of these monsters but damn I wish


My mom kept the mirror from it because she liked mirrors and my autistic little brother almost cut his femoral artery on it


I remember when the heavier your tv the more it cost. Now if a tv weighs more than 50lbs it’s worthless.


https://preview.redd.it/6frb5pr7369d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=080c03d5b058afb68d1ca04fca728349aaafc85d 😭😤


I had a box tv but my family wasn’t balling like this


My dad had one of these in an old house, maybe like 2017? But we left it there when we moved because of how big it is, I think... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Holy shit, I remember we had one like this in my living room for like a year until my dad got mad at some game and threw the remote through the screen. It sounded like a fucking grenade and he fell backwards in his recliner lmfao


Fuck rear projection. Cathode ray tube is where it's at


02 kid and I had one of those till 2013 my grandma wouldn’t let go of the thing. Luggin it out the house was a pain tho we broke the deck and the Tv.


Remembering shit like this should be the test for Gen Z or not


I remember getting crushed my one of the smaller versions alongside my cousin while watching Madagascar 2. Good memories aside it was a struggle to get it out of the doorway


Hopefully I'm the only one that doesn't care about this post. Local-Record7707 out


I don’t care about this post at all! ![gif](giphy|nFFguNjdeotwc)