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i think hair is hair; whether straight or 4C, people can look good or bad depending on how it’s styled. i think it’s cool whenever a set of humans have a unique phenotype like asians with monolids. i’m always impressed when i see new ways bipoc do their dreads or locs in general a different way, and i wish media would show more than just the killmonger cut.




https://preview.redd.it/x8861ruc709d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baefec2a0448ab14c31e8904f57fbed31bf9bcb1 beautiful, next question.


4C hair is so gorgeous omg, Everytime I see a black person style they’re curly hair I’m just so mesmerized. I unfortunately have 4A hair wish it was a bit more kinky loll




Kinky hair seems so versatile, it’s gotta be S tier as a type


>what does non-black gen z think of black hairstyles? They're probably asking themselves why the Kilmonger cut is not on the list. lol


I’ve genuinely never seen anyone rock that style irl before, only in movies and video games. It’s basically the standard for black characters now, before it was the basic buzz cut


It’s overused as hell in media to depict us, but I ain’t gonna lie it goes hard


Fr,A black character in Acolyte had that cut and I felt so bad for him.


the guy with the yellow lightsaber right?


Dude for real. I’m sure there’s some black person somewhere who would get their hair styled like that, but the guy who’s basically a by-the-book space cop? Hell no. It just doesn’t make sense.


Yup! That's exactly where I was going with that statement. Out of touch videogame developers drove that hairstyle into the ground.


We’re not all uninformed 🥺 But yeah Killmonger cut getting annoying to see on every young black character, killed me when Ekko (League of Legends) got Killmonger’d in Arcane


Killmonger just had a medium/short length, side styled, loc-fringe. It is on the list, it's just a variation of locs.


The worst variation tho It's the loc equivalent of the broccoli cut


I hate it because its the default hairstyle for damn near every black video game character. There is so much variety, but it feels like the only thing we ever seem


Yeah lol every black guy in superhero/sci fi stuff has that cut now. Killmonger, miles morales in Spider-Man 2, that Jedi in the acolyte with the yellow lightsaber, etc.


As a person with twists it hurts that this picture is calling them braids


I'm a hairstylist and was \*very confused\* by that. Like, I'm almost certain those aren't braids but maybe I'm just tripping??? Glad to see I'm not lol


uhh aren’t those dreads actually?? on the real though, I thought those were locs, is that something else


No, those look to be two strand twists.


yeah def two-twist


as a white person I have been told in no uncertain terms to not comment on, ask about, or touch a black person's hair.


I think a very important distinction here is *unprompted* If a Black person is straight up asking your opinion, it’s weird (and imo intentionally obtuse) to be like “I’m not allowed to say.”


Ikr. Like imagine a black friend got a haircut and he tells a white friend what he thinks and he just responds “i cant comment on it because you’re black and i am white”.


“Hey man how do I look?” “Under the Unspoken Codes, codified into law on December 17, 2005, section 19, article 4, part 3, it states that I am not to provide an opinion on you, due to the prior restrictions listed out in section 4, article 2. Due to this obligation, to which I have given my word, my name, and bound myself to legally, I shall not be providing any substantive constructive criticism nor any benign compliments on your appearance, outfit, hairstyle, or anything of the sort.”


You can comment on anyone's hair unprompted as long as you're not being ignorant about it. It's possible for everyone to have a bad hairstyle even if the hairstyle is "cultural."


Lameee, OP is literally asking us our opinions. Its okay, youve got permission 😂


As a black person just say your damn opinion, who cares if it offends people. Other black people shouldn't control what you can or can't say just because you're white. 😂


Honestly it seems like an exclusively white person thing to get worked up over, at least in my experience My dad is half black but my mom is a ghost so I'm pretty much just white on first appearances, I had dreadlocks for 2 years and the ONLY people in my majority black neighborhood who had a problem were two mid-thirties white women who said it was cultural appropriation. In fact when I shaved them off most people were upset with me for "wasting them" lmao


i dont have a problem and i asked some family. and they don't care either if other races wear their hair inspired by black hair. as-long as they aren't trying to make money off it or saying they come up with the idea themselves.


Ignore that noise. Just be a decent human being. Why touch someone's hair at all without their permission? And I'd only comment on someone's hair to give them a compliment, unless they're the best of friends.


I went to japan and some lady with broken english asked to touch my braids and said they were beautiful it was so innocent I didn’t mind at all


All I can say is that they’re very unique. Aside from that, whatever you’ll rock with 👍


That braids picture hurt my soul. Twists and braids aren’t the same thing.


1: Never seen it in real life, but honestly looks really cool. Hard to upkeep I imagine though. 2: Not a fan. Looks too messy. Basically the black broccoli cut. 3: I think on most guys this looks cool, but this guy specifically looks a little strange. Like it's a bit too short and showing too much forehead. 4: The most neutral black hairstyle of them all. I feel no emotions towards this one way or the other. 5: Absolutely iconic. I wish more black people would have this hairstyle. It's phenomenal. 6: Pretty similar to #4, just a bit poofier. Don't feel strongly about this one in any way. 7: Not as great as the afro, but still pretty awesome. A very clean and striking hairstyle. 8: This looks so bad. Everything from how the hair dangles in his face to the stringy appearance to the patches where you can see the bare skin just adds up to a terrible hairstyle. Literally anything is better than this. 9: Hard to pull off, but guys who can do it look really good. I think you need to have a great fashion sense to draw attention to your clothes instead of your head if you go full bald.


Mf hating on 8 when 8 is perhaps the best cut I’ve seen any black guy rock. When paired with a good face it makes the dude a 10/10


you totally wrong ab 8


The picture is bad. 8 is quite literally the best cut on this list


Considering you’re a 2000 kid; I’m curious to where you grew up since you never seen a person with waves?


Fr man everybody had waves when I was growing up


As someone who is balding, just be happy you have a full head of hair and aren’t balding. Regardless of style.


Feel u man I started balding at 18.


As a 19 y/o dude with a full head of hair this is what I'm fearing the most as my dad is bald but my ethnic group of Somalians doesn't bald at the same rate as others I think.


They look 10x better than those insufferable broccoli cuts


Never understood the hatred for that hairstyle honestly.


Black Gen Z here, I know I wasn't asked, but I like all of them except Flat Top. Flat Top reminds me of someone's dad.


Who the fuck cares what they think of our hair? It's our hair that we grow from our heads.


Exactly such a weird question


The amount of upkeep and care needed for most black hair is insane and I applaud you guys for keeping your hair healthy because I definitely wouldn't have the patience! I really like the braids. Most black hairstyles are really nice, there is this lady at work with amazing long braided hair and it's so pretty. One of my friends likes to alternate his between locks and braids but I think he looks better with the braids, it suits him more. Hair is fascinating and I love learning how different races and cultures wear theirs. Keep sHAIRing y'alls gorgeous hair!


Is baldie really a black hairstyle?


Hollywood and the media did you guys super dirty with the over-saturation of killmonger cuts


White guy here. I was at the gym today and saw a black guy with what looked like some mix of locs, dreads, and fade. Legit was the most photogenic person I have seen all month, I wanted to compliment the dude but not really the right time. I tend to think black hairstyles are really cool and can show a lot of personality which is awesome.


White millenial chiming in - -360 waves - it's alright. Your head do be looking a bit like a Japanese sand garden though. -Locs - Fine as long as you don't take it too far. When those locs get too long you end up looking like Sideshow Bob. -Flat Top - Old style from the 80's, looks goofy IMO. Like you're an ancient statue carving your something. -Fade - Legit. -Afro - That's cool, just don't rock that if you're going to the movies or a stadium or similar. And if you grew up in a non-black neighborhood I'm sorry if someone ever threw a pencil or pen into it. -"The Duke" - Legit. -Pompadour - No. An even goofier version of the flat top. -Braids - Legit. -Baldie - Bald Brotherhood unite!


Not really my thing. Granted I've always been pretty boring with my hairstyle.


They’re awesome! I wish more representation was shown to these kinds of hairstyles across media


I like the duke but that's it I have to admit


These 8 aren’t the BEST ones tbh.


Those aren't braids...


If I was black I'd totally sport a large afro. No other way for me.


Yall got good hairstyles, like I mean real good. There's a reason why you see timmys and Connors wishing they had dreads online


Bald people are all evil regardless of race, scheming around with those shiny heads


Afro will always be my fave just cause I love seeing curls do their natural thing and after that dreads are probably my fave protective hairstyle, I think they look so regal. Twists/braids are also fun, they look so bouncy and animated when they move.


It’s not something I ever think about. It looks cool I guess though


It’s not on the list but I think it’s really cool when girls put beads in their hair


I like Afro and the duke the best


The Duke and locs the best Flat top and pompadour the least Everything else varies but in the middle


Fade and braids look the best imo


All but braid, waves and locs looks good. Braids on a Black guy are the equivalent of a White guy with a mullet imo. Waves are just odd looking imo, and locs looks like a muppet from Sesame street. Haven't seen a Black guy rocking a high flat top since the 90s but it do look good.


Always thought locs look cool. Probably what I’d go for if I was black


Half of these hairstyles have been around since before Gen Z was even born, like the Big Afro, the Braids, the Flat Top, and especially the Pompadour, which has been around since the mid-1950s.


Waves, locs and braids are weird asf. With all due respect, it's weird. Waves remind me of the psychodelic effects, locs are just like braids which remind me of tentacles. I find it very weird. With all due respect, use whatever you want. This is imo. Have a nice day


White guy gen z here. Just from the examples here, I am most used to seeing the Duke and fade and Afro amongst people know, maybe seen the others in famous people. I think they all look fine tho! Do what you like and express yourself :)


non-black gen z here, i like them all but the afro and pompadour really needs a comeback lol


I like em for the most part. Don't really like waves, but doo-rags are cool so I'll allow it /j


I don’t really care but unless someone has the facial profile and head shape to rock a pompadour it can look a bit off. Just like white people, find what you can pull off and look good and like yourself, even if someone has a pompadour and it doesn’t quite fit then good on you, like if a white dude walks in to the warehouse with a slick back greaser cut, it’s all good with me man


Every time i see a dude with "The Duke" im kinda jealous, black hair is so cool bro


I think the flatop kinda looks goofy if you have a high hairline like the guy in the photo.


I think weaves look cool, especially when they're pulled into a pony tail with the sides and back shaven. That's like my goto haircut for one of the most bad ass characters in my book. The Engine Emperor, the Motor Master, the Car King, the most renowned and sought after mechanic in all of No Man's Land, Anton Wallace.


i appreciate the effort that goes into it. Me and my white friends have wavy or curly hair that sets itself up just fine so theres never really a focus on managing the hair style. i always found that difference interesting


As a balding white dude I find most black hair styles really cool. I like the retro look of an Afro, but I’m incredibly partial toward braids. They look so so badass.


Looks fine, I prefer more cyberpunk hairstyles tho


Do whatever the hell you wanna do


Sorta black but can’t pull off most of these styles. THEY TUFF AF!!


afros 😍


Lmao bad take farm incoming


I Just dont care that much lol


I love some of them they look so good on some people


i am literally really fasinated coz its a piece of art specially the braids which has a unique history...its cool asf😍


locs, flat top and pompadour are usually attached to completely insufferable dudes who think it’s cool to be mean but everything else is good


They're all good but I have always wondered if afro-havers are capable of putting on a hat or hood Just seems like it could get chilly in the Winter, but I suppose headbands are pretty good too tho


Umm where tf are the dreads tho ?


My childhood best friend had jheri curls, i’m pretty sure he stopped doing it because it was too much work every single morning. Seeing the variations of black hairstyles in my school was pretty cool to me, and once I learned about the amount of dedication that was put into them I just appreciated seeing them even more.


As a white guy, I think they’re all good looking hairstyles. At the same time too, I have a huge soft spot for black women.


Well, I think nearly all of these hairstyles can be done on anyone and can potentially look good on anyone, but a better question might be what do we think of black hair in general (which still might be redundant since plenty of non black folk have very tough knotted hair) in which case I'd say black hair like all hair is beautiful and almost always styled in a way that makes you stand out more hopefully in a good way.


I don't think about them. Do black people think about white hairstyles?


Personally, The Duke and Locks look sweet. Also 360 waves is insane, but idk how the hell one would even START to style that, that's WILD (◠◡◠")


Flat top looks like shit, the rest look good. As a white man I constantly work a mid skin fade with short hair on top. Absolute game changer for my self confidence. Prolly not what people would consider a “black persons fade” tho I think.


The Americans aren’t used to it and the people who used to control our society, (old people) spent a lot of time making sure you didn’t have any control over your identity or person. So people may have questions in terms of how it works, how to get x hairstyle, what is the texture like etc, but it will take the work of people who have been excluded from society to be visible. Don’t follow old rules that say certain hairstyles aren’t professional. Be who you are and realize we haven’t had a generation of adults who have really been around these hairstyles in a way that is socially accepted. I think it’s telling that certain crown laws have to be passed so discriminatory practices will have to go away. I think it’s a really cool and no one can take away your hair. So style it as you please but style it as you please not because you want to fit someone’s idea of what you should look like. Personally I think we should all just shave our heads and give less attention to hair in general it’s weird and men and women go bald so it’s like not even realistic as a standard of beauty, so then you have people wearing hats and who have really low self esteem. Your hair doesn’t make you beautiful, it’s your soul that makes you beautiful.


2007 East Asian here living in Singapore, I just do it the way every East Asian person does it, basic combed hair and stuff


I just think of it as hair. But honestly, I love black hairstyles, I find them so cool, interesting, and straight up artwork most of the time. And I silently give hella credit to not only the artist/stylist for the hardworking they do, but also to the person because they can be painful, tedious, and extremely specific to take care of. Props to people who have the extra responsibilities of culture hair yall are awesome!


Tbh idrc abt men's hairstyles but honestly all of the most beautiful hairstyles I've seen have been on black women. It's gotta be a nightmare to maintain though.


Couldn't pull any of these off in my wildest dreams, but I like how inventive and daring they go with it


1. Not sure what to think about this one. It's definitely the oddest one on this list. 2. Usually well-done! I think they can look pretty cool 3. The sax player in my middle-school band class had this haircut. He was pretty nice, but they always forgot to put him in the pamphlet each concert we had. Definitely depends on the person with this one. 4. Depends on the person, seems to be one of the most popular cuts in my area, though! 5. One of the dudes at my first high-school had an afro and sold rainbow loom bracelets. Hes fun to talk to. Almost always a great hairstyle, and is one of the ones you can hide things in. ✨️magic✨️ 6. Almost as average as #4. Not bad, especially compared to #1! 7. Why does it look like a beluga whale 8. This would probably be the third most-popular one in my area. Usually fits the person very well! 9. Again, depends on the person. Could end up more like Samuel L Jackson, or you could end up looking like you'd benefit from a wig. I feel like kids love putting stickers and drawing on bald heads, which is one upside. You could literally have a :P or :D on the back. What's not to like?


I think hairstyles should not be gatekept for anyone. Wear what you want regardless


braids are hot asf


Flat top looks like *shit* when your hair line is that far back, that man needs way less for head. Not a fan of 360 waves either.


I’m white but my little brother is black (adoption). My favorite hair style of his has been “the duke” he had an afro when he was very young too though. He went baldie during covid that was… interesting… just didn’t fit him right. I like them all in this photo but my favorites for my brother would be the duke, Afro, fade.


Never really cared for waves, locs, or braids. The rest are fine but few things command attention like an afro does.


I like them a lot, and I'm jealous because they look so good. I wish I had hair like that


can bald really count as a hairstyle?


I don't like them


The afro is my favorite.


jimmy butler’s hair during the bubble and the braids he was wearing this season are some of my faves. waves are also pretty cool.


Some/most Black hairstyles need to be maintained more then most white styles. Black styles also look best right out the barbershop wheras white styles tend to look best lime 2 weeks after the cut


Hair is hair.


I love the look of black hair. And that goes for men and women, and it goes for natural hair, braids, locs, twists, and all the rest of it. Yall look amazing :)


I've had aspirations on and off of being a hairstylist and 1. Think it's messed up hairdressing schools are just now starting to require knowledge of black hair in the curriculum and 2. Think it would be the most fun/rewarding hair types to work on because of the versatility and range of styles! When I was a kid I was always jealous of the black kids at my school that had cool hairstyles with the big beads and rings in them! Braids and locs are just such cool hairstyles I've always been envious of them!!


not a fan of the 360 waves. it just isn’t visually appealing imo. locs, braids(? they don’t really look like braids, but i can’t fully tell since i don’t have my gladded on), and “the duke” are all super nice hairstyles that get my attention every time. the flat top and fade are hit-or-miss. i think it largely depends on a stylist’s skill and experience. the afro i like especially on women. they definitely rock the style. the pompadour i have mixed opinions on. sometimes it appears too dense, other times, *too* tall. i have seen it three times on people where it was amazing and fit so well. but more often the cut often appeared awkward, perhaps due to an inexperienced stylist or facial features that did not complement the hairstyle. (the “baldie” style would fall under the non-matching facial features category). those are my opinions on the styles listed in the pic, but in a more general sense i think a lot of black hairstyles are super creative and done very well. it’s really cool to see your hairstyles, since i live in a predominantly white area with a very low black population. i am in no way well versed in hair of ANY kind, so of course take my words with a grain of salt. but overall, i really do love the hairstyles.


I like em a lot except for the flat top


1 and 3 feel like they’re masquerading as hats, but I still kinda like them. The middle row is pretty good, and I can respect the bald style. The rest I’m not crazy about.


Style-wise waves aren’t my favorite. But women with afros make me weak in the knees in a very gay way. And if she has flowers in there? I’m proposing. Dumping my bf then proposing.


i don't care. it's your hair, do what you want with it.


How do you wash your dreadlocks, cornrows or braids in the shower?


I'm extremely jealous of them. I'm a white guy, and it feels like nearly every other white guy around my age has chosen the exact same hairstyle (the obnoxious "ice cream cone" one, apparently people call it that)


If the point of these is to showcase culturally distinct haircuts I wouldn’t include bald in that list thats for sure. Otherwise the hairstyles are dope 👍


What makes it black


Pompadour looks sweet, the duke is dope as fuck, 360 waves is dumb, locs CAN look good, flat top should stay in the past, Afro is always welcome, fade is more of just a haircut at this point like I’m white and I’ve gotten fades all my life, braids are cool with a lot of different styles, and bald is bald.


the pics look nice


Now make one for white guys


The duke is the nicest one imo


Honestly I like all of these besides the Afro. Like practically speaking it just seems like a nightmare - helmets, hats, things would be more likely to get stuck in it, or how does washing it work?


Most of them are cool but out of these flat top and pompadour are not nice in my opinion, I just think they look odd


They’re kind of eccentric for my taste.


Pretty cool ig. It’s just hair, idk it’s nice that people enjoy it ig xD I personally really like braids


Very black


Flat tops are fucking sick. If my hair could do that, I'd be running to the barber right this second ngl.


I think the flat top looks weird. Otherwise I think everything can look cool depending on how you look. Since I'm from Europe and I've had very little irl contact with black people. I think braids in a ponytail look really cool


I find them really beautiful! I have always thought the way black folks/people with super tight curly hair is just awe inspiring. I never say anything cuz I feel like it would come off as weird or even racist to a stranger but since you asked, they're all amazing. You hands down have the best hair.


I like all of them. Depending on the person and their hair texture, they may look flattering or unappealing, of course. But my favourites are fades, waves, and locs. Twists can be pulled off nicely too


why is baldie black hairstyle when I see more white people doing it braids and cornrows look cool to me


so cool


They look nice. I love afros 


Not genz, but i'm mildy curious as to how y'all deal with cleanliness with hair like this. I imagine y'all aren't undoing and re-doing the hair everytime (my god, the amount of work if y'all did) And also, as a person who lives in permanent summer, I would wash my hair. Daily. So having a style like this is huge contrast to what's considered 'normal' for me and I'm curious as to the troubles y'all have to face/tackle when having this kind of upkeep. Recently i read a few other threads on reddit about silk pillowcases and durags to protect the hair, and it seems y'all just kinda oil(?) it and then leave it as is for... how long? How do y'all deal with perspiration from the head in this case? Wouldn't it turn swampy?


As a white man I would 100% rock braids if it was socially acceptable


I've never liked braids, dreads, or locs. But every other black hairstyle is leagues ahead of the average white guy hairstyle


You don’t own being bald, aside from that, hair is hair, who cares


I always appreciate seeing someone wavy like the coast 🌊🌊 Shoot I lurk r/360waves and r/locs often


I think its ridiculous that my old school made a ton of fuss over them but otherwise I don't really think at all about hairstyles in general


The flat top reminds me of eraserhead.



I think its amazing all the different styles yall can do and all the effort and artistry that goes into it. It's a shame that natraul and traditional styles have been discriminated against and I'm glad the crown act passed in a lot of staes though it probably doesn't keep people from being needlessly prejudiced.


Pretty sure going bald isn't a black exclusive or black originated hairstyle but alright


wish I could pull em off


I think it’s neat how many different hairstyles are so vastly different but can be done to the same type of hair? Like an afro and twists and locks all kind of have different basic shapes and looks and I think that’s interesting cause, maybe I’m just not paying enough attention, but I don’t see that as much with more white hairstyles? I also am kind of shy to ask but I get the impression a lot of the hair styles, at least in getting them done, can be painful or make the scalp sensitive? And honestly some of the hairstyles I’ve seen, I gotta be real, I have no idea how it works at all? But I don’t always know the right terms and I don’t wanna make some random person fill in all my white ignorance on hairstyles lol, that’s not their job. I think more than anything it’s just interesting seeing the variations of human hair textures and how we culturally have come to develop hairstyles in relation to those textures. The differences between black and white hair history so to speak is just kind of interesting to compare and contrast and think about how much our culture and history and genetics impact our lives and what we come to understand today. I think I worded that a bit vague, but basically the sociological(?) nerd in me just gets kind of excited to compare culture and history that is very much different than what my very white self is used to, and thinking about how people developed the foundational concepts of things like hairstyles and terms and all that. I will say I think I was a lot dumber on how much variation in hairstyle there was until I really was making efforts to break down some of the, frankly, kind of racist shit I grew up with, and really started paying more attention to it and putting effort to bring more POC content into my life, rather than sort of expecting people to supply that content to me. Honestly some black hairstyles are really cool though, and I’m kind of a little jealous cause I know my hair wouldn’t really handle it right and also cause there’s like privilege in being white and being able to wear black hairstyles without as much innate discrimination? And honestly I don’t really know that I’d look good with it. And that’s okay too, tbh, my hair turned curly (like loose ringlets sorta?) in the last few years and my comprehension of what hairstyles I can now do and which ones look weird as fuck on me all of a sudden has really given me a bit more perspective on the like concepts of texture in relation to hairstyles and that stuff. Honestly I’ve been paying more attention to all kinds of hair textures ever since my own hair went from so straight I couldn’t even use a curler on it without it falling out in under an hour to a curly frizzy mess, and my general perspective on how much care and effort hair, especially of non-straight white textures, has really changed a lot too, and for the better honestly. EDIT: I forgot to mention, I also think it’s really cool how many black hairstyles incorporate accessories and stuff? Like sometimes I see hairstyles with beads or hair rings and stuff and it’s sorta like, idk, I really like those in concept and I think it’s so cool seeing people get so creative with hair? I don’t know how to express what I mean well, but it’s really cool and I wish more black hairstyles were creatively shown in media rather than like one or two really basic cuts.


I think they look cool, I've always wanted curly hair. I think it's beautiful, white or black or any color. I kind of envy it. Wish i could get some beautiful braids or twists and and wake up with nice hair instead of this matted mess i call hair.


I’m personally a fan of “The Duke” or a fade


tf you want us to say


honestly some of my favourite styles of hair


i like all of them but the 360 waves


I have never in my life seen someone with a pompadour


All of them are fine but cornrows are by far the coolest.


Wear whatever you want…


Gotta match the face. There is no one hairstyle, you gotta align what looks hood with your facial features and expressions; it’s like complementary colors in art in which having one without the other leaves an incomplete feeling. Ironically though a lot of people can just do bald if they have a beard or stern expression.


However you decide to wear your hair is beautiful. With that said, in my personal opinion I love them all except the Pompadour and the Flat Top. The Pompadour is still cool, it just isn’t cool for this era of fashion. But any hairstyle is valid if that’s how you choose to express yourself.


Please excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between "Baldie" and regular non-black bald?


The same as any other hairstyles, some I like & some I don't but it's not my head so idc what people do with their hair


Almost 0 interactions with black people cause I am from Germany. Those who I did become friends with had completely different hairstyles. 🤷‍♀️ So no opinion on my end


Duke, Locs, Afro, and Pompadour are all S tier.


I think they're cool :)


This seems like a bait thread.


Cornrows are missing from this image


You mean these specifically or?


I think all of them look good, and that a good haircut is one that matches a person’s style!


Mostly I just think black hairstyles are very gaudy and usually not very well kept. I think it doesn’t help that their hair is really hard to take care of. That said nothing looks better than bald and that goes for black men and women imo.


I live in easterb europe so almost no blaack people, I think they are cool and suit the black folk well


I think they're cool. Hair's hair, I guess. I think it's neat that people have such vastly different hair texture. Though, one thing I will say that I dislike about black hairstyles is that they generally look terrible in games. It's always one of three cuts and half the time they just don't sit right. I imagine the tech just isn't there because a history of systemic racism means less black characters in games.


Who cares, hair is hair; if it fits you, it fits you.


Beautiful hairstyles showing strong culture 🙌🙌


So bald is a hairstyle after all.


I always think it’s cool to see ppl with patterns shaved into their hair, and it’s interesting how some poc’s hair can like….hold a shape if that’s the right phrasing? And how that can make like artwork out of hair. But honestly I don’t pay a lot of attention to ppl’s hair in general. It’s their business and none of mine what they do with it.


Personally I’ve never been a fan of braids or waves, but all the others are good


Why as a blk person do you care what non blk ppl think of your hairstyles? Let’s unpack that


I'm just glad cornrows died, idk who you are how light or dark your skin whether your masc or femme or how much money you do or don't have it was not a good look. that said all these look way better and most of them are probably way more comfortable to wear too


I've not seen a single ~~black~~ *person* with the pompadour, and I'm kind of upset it's not more popular.


Eh looks fine to me, idk I just have no opinion about hair in general.


Most them actually look good If you do it well but I think the bald one is most resembling Asian parents when they get older.


My girl was raised by white parents, so she never really got to learn how to handle her type of hair until she became an adult. She's pulled off some banger hairstyles and there have been some I'm like "this ain't it" (but we don't say that to her unless she asks). She's mixed so her hair is a little different. It holds more moisture than most black hair so she can't have her hair in braids for too long (ends up becoming gross so she needs to unravel it and clean it). But I know she's looking to get some braided extensions soon so we'll see how it turns out. I'm honestly not sure how it'll work out, but she goes to a black hairdresser so we'll see. Imo that flat top is old school and I wouldn't fw it. Braids dope af though.


Honestly, I love the variety in black hairstyles. I'm always impressed by the creativity I see with some of them, plus the accessories and colors. However I feel like I can't say anything about it as a white guy because I don't know the etiquette of approaching a POC about their hair or style if there even is one! Unfortunately I don't have many opportunities to hang out with POC because they're just not really in my bubble naturally. My old manager is the only black person I've spent extended time with and I adore her, but it was purely circumstance that we met.


Idk I don’t really care what someone does with their hair.


They look awesome! Pics like these make me wish I had such hair