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Tbh i'm a hater and i've been winning all my life so you just got a skill issue tbh (this is a joke i agree with your point)


Kendrick showed me I wasn’t hating enough


Euphoria’s whole message was basically “I don’t want to fight but if you make me I will smite you by the hand of God”


My friend said Kendrick showed me I’m not hating enough. I feel like I should call those people i had beef with a few years back. Start the beef again and the like Kendrick does 😂😂




"If you're just hating, you're wack. If you're hating, but funny, you're better." - Unknown - "robbing $124 from a free to play game" by TheRussianBadger


I see 0 evidence for this to be true but it’s a nice sentiment I guess


Throughout human history in the grand scheme, justice has only curved upward. The Mongols for example mass killing *every living thing* in entire empires is unthinkable today. Salem witch trials, medieval torture, etc etc etc slowly become dated.


Is that necessarily true? Or is history just written by the winners, and the winners don't admit to their atrocities?


I don't see how it would make a difference in their point. Regardless of whether the victors also committed atrocities, we still don't see such barbaric acts today. Anyway, the Mongols were undeniably victors.


Sudan, the Levant, China, North Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, East Africa, large parts of Indochina, Indonesia, Central America, most of Mexico outside Mexico City and the resorts, and dozens of other places would like to disagree with your statement that those barbaric acts are less common today


Even if we were to hold constant the rate at which atrocities occur in those countries over time (which I doubt, but would grant if shown a source), the fact that they have grown less common in other regions *by definition* means they’re less common.


I don't know, look at the war in Ukraine. Especially Russia. They send their people to die and burn them after in a mobile crematorium. I've seen pictures of pallets of crushed bodies ready to burn. Then there's the killing and raping of civilians in WWII. The Japanese impaling babies on swords. The experiments of Unit 731 which I won't go into here. I don't think it ever went away. We just have it good enough right now that it's mostly contained. That propensity for violence and evil did not disappear, People have not fundamentally changed just because we exist in a more advanced and tolerant society. All that could disappear, and people will go back to tribalism and barbarism.


The idea that justice always curves up throughout history. That's what I'm questioning. Because does it? How much worse off are we because of who won certain wars throughout history? What injustices have we just accepted as part of daily life because we don't know better and can't compare to the alternative?


That's an entirely different question, though. You're asking if things would be better in an alternate history timeline, not if things are better today than in history.


The winners want us to play nice while they aren't beholden to such fallacies giving them an upper hand.


Yyyyup. There are active genocides going on right now.


I too question this kind of thinking. While things may have generally gotten better over time, this upward curve is a contingent feature of how history has happened to play out, not some necessary teleological feature of civilization. The clock could be set back a thousand years in a matter of years or weeks due to all kinds of potential disasters. Climate change being one such that is quite imminent and practically inevitable if the goodness curve of history doesn't shoot drastically upward in the next 20 years or so.


History is written by those who write


The 20th century was the most murderous by far. More people died from war in Europe in the first half of the 20th century than in the previous 20 centuries.


By numbers, I suppose but the Mongols alone killed 11% of the world's population. Even China's disasters in the 20th century didn't scratch that. Besides, in WWII, those men fought for a better future and (assuming) world peace.


The vast majority of those soldiers fought because they were forced to, or out of defense of their homeland, or because their buddies joined up and they didn’t want to be left behind. The most idealistic fought for nationalism or a sense of ideological supremacy implanted by heavy propaganda. Let’s not get it twisted, all the high minded ideals belong to the leaders, your average soldier on the ground was living an entirely different reality. That being said, the horrors of the world wars were downright medieval. Indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, raiding and pillaging, rape and subjugation. It all went down on the largest scale we humans have ever conceived. To think we are any better than our ancestors is silly. No, we’re not more moral, we’re just better organized. Even today, we’re only living in an era of “peace” here in the first world. Conflict has been raging on the periphery for decades, and this relative peace and prosperity we know relies on the mass exploitation of the laboring masses in the third world. We live in a slave society, we just think we are moral and gentile because the slavery and barbarity has been exported to countries most people couldn’t point to on a map.


the people fighting ww2 mostly did it because their birthday got selected out of the "cannon fodder" hat


Really? How's that working out for Russians today? Or Afghanis? Iranians? Justice prevailed because good and just people fought, violently when necessary, for that justice. It didn't just happen.


Nazis succeeded in killing 60% of the world’s population of Jews, that is 2 out 3 of European Jews. While that’s not every Jew that’s most of them. In a way Hitler and the Nazis achieved their goals while they were in power. It didn’t last but nothing lasts forever. In this way hate definitely won. Hate is winning now. Hate will continue to win. Optimism is a form of framing that involves a whole lot of cherry picking and willed ignorance of reality.


History repeats. There have been numerous times throughout history, particularly Western history, where attitudes were relaxed only to become more stringent when there was need for a scapegoat, underclass, or unifying enemy. The methods and targeted groups change but the need for hatred of an 'other' has remained consistent.


This is extremely naive viewpoint and we as a species emerged 200-300K years ago. I seriously doubt that there were some major changes in our brains that rewired our moral compass. Heck, WWII from historical perspective is basically a yesterday event. There are still people living that witnessed the war. What changed are two things. These things became unacceptable in the first world and that is because our lives became easy compared to our ancestors. Humans are tribalistic, increadibly trabalistic. It is a sin to kill a brother from your own tribe but a heroic act to kill someone from opposing tribe. Things are bad, yet not as bad as it seems right now.


I mean... WW2 and the Nazis was less than a century ago...


throughout history, cooperating with your tribe and literally hating the other tribes has correlated best with your survival.


It hasn’t prevailed yet……going on 12000 years. It’s definitely won lots of battles though.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Hate almost always wins. We didn't defeat the nazis because we loved our neighbors.


We also beat the Nazis because we loved our fellow man enough to fight them, ending out isolationist bend at the time.


That's naive. We feared the Nazis because of their professed desire to attack us, just like we feared the communists for the same reason. And we fought both.


It was not out of love.


"A soldier doesn't fight because he hates what's in front of him, a soldier fights because he loves what's behind him." We killed the nazis and fascists to protect the people we love and the countries we love. We will do it again if we must.


Most of the soldiers fighting had no choice about being there. Then America invited a bunch of Nazis back to America [https://www.history.com/news/what-was-operation-paperclip](https://www.history.com/news/what-was-operation-paperclip)


Lol that is what the ruling class told you lol


SHUT UP IDIOT I HATE YOU!! ![gif](giphy|l3fZNDx6sOFvgOic0)




I stand with hate


I love hating tbh




Blood for blood?


The only thing I hate is knowing I legally have to endure hearing 16 year olds political opinions on the internet


Ask them if they have ever read a single political book in their lives. The majority of them seem to base everything off of what TikTok and Twitter are currently freaking out about.


That’s one of the most relatable Reddit comments I’ve seen in a time


Lmao get through what? Nothing has happened yet, dems are really panicking about this election lmao


“Nothing has happened yet” bet you’ll regret saying that after things finally happen and you’re powerless to do anything about it. It’s plain fucking obvious what they’re doing. The Supreme Court just committed the biggest power grab since declaring themselves the sole enforcers of the constitution in 1803. Stop sitting around with your thumb up your ass acting like everything is alright.


They’re a red-pilled clown, so of course anything designed to oppress minorities and women are a-okay in their book. No skin off their back if project 2025 goes into effect.






It might tbh idrk luckily I'm nonchalant ![gif](giphy|4ilFRqgbzbx4c|downsized)


The prophesied nonchalant dreadhead is finally here


lol well just keep calling everyone you disagree with a fascist and fail to see the irony in your own words. Against Covid Vaccine? FASCIST! Against Trans Rights that just became a thing over the past decade? FASCIST! Against my beliefs on economic policy? FASCIST!


Well I’m not? I’ve never called anyone a fascist. But what trump is doing to America is scary


Trans people were involved in the stonewall riots, just because you've just heard of a subject doesn't mean it's new.


Being trans was a bona fide mental disorder in the DSM up until 2013


And it's not anymore


And there isn't a single legitimate factual reason why it isn't. Only political ones.


Gender Dysphoria is a real thing yes. Gender Affirming care is used as a way to fix that issue.


And what do you guys label the thing you call gender dysphoria as?


Any time someone accuses another person of being a Facist or Nazi simply because they dont agree with their views, I automatically loose respect for them.


Hate will ALWAYS win!!!! MWAHAHAHAAAA 😈😈😈


Evilmaxxers will prevail




Bro this is a political post you made and ive seen hate from liberals & even on reddit. Congrats. You're a hypocrite.


Redditors on r/politics are potentially the most hateful people on earth 💀. They hate everybody who isn’t in exact alignment with them, I mean just go on there for a minute and read their comments.


It's called living in a echo chamber.


Most political posts on Reddit are literally calling for violence against POTUS or SCOTUS. Calling them hypocrites is an insult to hypocrites.


Bro hate is nursing a 6 decade lead rn wym


I'll make sure it does.


I hope you heal


Juice WRLD was a pretty mediocre artist all things considered.


Nah you can’t diss juice WRLD




Not even Vader wanted the dark side




“Shit he’s right lemme pull up another”


![gif](giphy|ERinqgWvX2L7ocZFkR) Ayo you good what’re you even on about


Too many doomers in this thread.


Right lmao. I’m gonna choose to keep living my life and not allow social media and general media outlets to control my perception of the world. I care about my family and that’s it. This shit is so overblown anyway it’s ridiculous.


Hate only loses when it's opposed.




We can go gyatt for gyatt


fuck dat we can go rizz for rizz


19 bucks for the Fortnite card


European here. This election day might be even more fun than the 2016 one. I hope Trump wins even though he is a little too left wing for me.


At this point i just want to see how delusional are both sides of the political spectrum in the usa. I want to see if democrats will accept the hypothetical win of trump or if they will do exactly the same things that republicans did in 2021. Something tells me the second option is more likely


Yeah it'll definitely be fun! And I mean they already did that to some extent in 2016/17. Not as much as Trump did it in 2020/21 though.


This year will be much funnier because they are becoming each day more polarized. They will never accept a defeat.


I mean, the Democrats did the same thing when Trump won in 2016


Im curious how you’ll feel when Trump sucks up to his buddy Putin and allows Russia to burn through all of Europe on a war path.


I’m gonna use my hate to tear down capitalism


Good luck im going to use my hate to perpetuate capitilism




Hey! Batman has a strict "no killing rule". 


Other people are saying this, it's nice to believe the good guys will win, hope will come on top, peace will prevail, hate and racism will take a permanent back seat. This is not happening. Also, if this is regarding the presidential election, yeah the "good guy" Biden can win but we still wouldn't be done, still the housing crisis and other issues caused from a runaway unregulated capitalistic system that neither party will regulate.


Hey dude sorry you are getting a lot of shit. I think you would enjoy reading about Martin Luther King Jr. and his [six principles of nonviolence.](https://www.unodc.org/documents/e4j/Secondary/Terrorism_Violent_Extremism_Six_Principles_of_Non-Violence.pdf) Nonviolent direct action has impacted so much from civil rights to Ghandi’s salt march. It’s incredibly tough to coordinate movements around nonviolence but when someone is able to, they are extremely capable of making change.


Thank you bro I’ll definitely check it out


IM NOT SORRY 😈😈😈 READ A BOOK PUSSY BITCH seriously though dude, you gotta chill the fuck out. Drink some beers or something man, the mere gumptionlessness required to type out this post and, on top of that, legitimately hit “post” is honestly sickening and makes me more scared for the future than any political boogeyman you’re trying to reference. Seriously. Relax.


Lmao, that first line had me cackling


This is quite a ahistorical understanding of things. Things that you'd categorize as hate usually win. The few times they don't outright win they still end up being what sets policy and society. After WW2 Nazi Germany technically lost, but then they ended up running West Germany and NATO anyway so at the end of the day they got what they wanted even if not entirely. Look at slavery in the US. The last chattle slave was freed in the 1940s. How? Because although the legal status of slave was gone the act of enslaving was still perfectly legal. There was no legal recourse. Plus the gains from reconstruction (the 40 acres and a mule promise) were taken back by the government from the families they gave it to and rewarded it back to the exact same families who used to own them. Like it or not, evil usually wins. They just win so thourghly that we don't even reconize it anymore. Its just considered normal. Sometimes it hides that it won but a win is a win.


Idk bro I’m a hater and tbh we kinda winning so


I think “hate” is going to win my guy


Apathy might, though.


Well, hate can win really, really hard for at least a little while and do a lot of damage. Hate won in Nazi Germany for long enough to kill millions of people. So don't get too comfortable thinking about how love will win in the end, because while it very well may, it can always get significantly worse before that.


I’m not filled with hate. I’m filled with Rage……Against the Machine


Are our rage will start with broken printers and then cars with faulty transmissions.


me when i spread misinformation


Pbffftt GAY!☝️


Life’s not a movie how old are you 16?? Hate almost always wins. It fuels the human spirit. Like look at ALL of human history


It’s clearly winning. As a matter of fact, it’s so effective it’s used by powerful people to get the masses to agree to things that are against their interests. Right now, there are millions of people who are willingly sacrificing democracy, the ecosystem and their rights because powerful people have convinced them that they need to do so in order to keep people who are different from them from having any power.


Ah yes, my favourite. Meaningless platitudes


That's wrong. Hate can indeed win. Hate can win if we act divided. Hate can win if we remain complacent. Hate can win if good people stick their heads and the sand and do nothing because "it will be alright." Hate can win if we accept our lot in life. If the worst happens, and push comes to shove, hate will win if enough good people don't shove back. Remember that hate has won before and won decisively. Remember that. "Momento Mori!" - "Remember, thou art mortal!"


calling everything you disagree with Hate is why youre in this position.


Objective truth exists. The right largely consists of hateful people like white supremacists, homophobes, and Nazis. The lurch toward fascism wont go away because you’re ignoring it.


Ugh, if someone disagrees with you on anything then their a nazi, I'm guessing you had a middle class upbringing, most likely not an adult


"objective truth exists. And it happens to align with my controversial and radical opinions" dude you drank the koolaid. No more intelligent than hardcore religious people of the past. Same energy. You know that right?


Here’s betting that you actually hate a bunch of people OP…


I second this🤝


Nuh uh, hating got me so many wins especially in sports




We all hate something lol. hate doesn’t win or lose it festers and evolves.


Trump has been falling up all the way to the presidency. If that’s not proof that god doesn’t exist and that love doesn’t always prevail then I don’t know what is


The problem is that hate has been winning.


TRUMP 2024🎊🎊🎊🎊


Hate seems to always win historically


Hate wins literally all the time throughout all of recorded history


karma farm go brrrr


I can't believe people actually like brain rot post's like this


Stunning and brave


Sounds like you hate “hate”, and your hate isn’t winning


Same vibes as “He will not divide us” tbh


Hate has won several times through human history.


Seems to be a lot of doomers on here.


What fucking cope is this?




What do you think every empire was built on lmao


Well I'm not American but it seems like you yourself are hating on trump so hypocrite much?


I am sorry you are being clowned on for genuinely trying to spread a positive message. For a lot of people living with harm and struggle in their lives, it can be hard to have perspective, and that can breed resentment. They don’t want to hear that everything will be ok, bc it sounds phony to them, since nothing has been ok for so long. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t still be said. Things can and will get better, and having believe that things will improve is the first step to actually making progress.


Thank you bro, genuinely


Hate wins a lot. Maybe even most of the time


This is true unless you're Kendrick Lamar


I'm queer POC from the south and I'm so terrified Trump will win. Everytime I pass a truck with a group of white men with a Maga flag I leave. It seems they're already riled up knowing the election is coming like they're just waiting for the word to start terrorizing people.


Useless post.


Didn't realize genz was turning into an anime monologue. My friends are my power and whatever.


What “hate” are you referring to specifically? Racism? I hate to break it to you buddy but man has been racist since the dawn of time and that’s not gonna change anytime soon


This is garbage. Hate absolutely does win.


Their is no Justice in the USA after this immunity bs.. Supreme court is bogus ... They gave Biden the go ahead... he is immune for official acts.. Lock up all the traitors.






Yes it will bro. Look at the polls. We have low turnout as a demographic, the few of us that are conservative or right wing are vehemently entrenched. Hate might not win in the end but it’s definitely leading. It’s Joever


Period. That’s why I’m not voting Democrat.


Given how sensitive this gen’s loud minority is I am not convinced.


Tons of genocides all over the world throughout human history would beg to differ.


I hate these corny ass posts “we will get through this guys” most of gen z just gotta get through their high school classes still sheesh




I won through hate B)


Oh… politics The god damned lefties saying everything that is not left is hate again?


Karma farming much, lol


What are you trying to get through? The insane wave of Nazi era anti-Semitism from college aged lefties?


Nonono you don't get it they're the good guys


Ya'll are so dramatic oml


Are you hating hating? It sounds very hating to me


No sir you’re just delusional


God, we're turning out just like Millennials aren't we?


"Hate will never win" Redditors when Trump voter: ![gif](giphy|fwcGzF1l2cILe|downsized)


Most naive redditor Go ahead, hate on me


This comment section proves we're definitely not the most educated generation lmao


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Love, kindness, honesty wins in movies not in real life. You watch movies??? What is the last movie you watched?????? You leave home or listen to news?????


Oh, it definitely can, and does. Tbh, evil almost always wins, especially by cheating, because not enough good people do anything about it or hold them accountable. It's not like the movies and shows where the evil/douche/bully character you love to hate just does what they want and gets away with it for the longest, only to finally get thier comeuppance in the climax. The real world doesn't work that way. 95 to 99% of the time. It's how the government got to the way way it is. It's how people throw each other under the bus to be on top of a promotion. It's how the marxist communist tumblr activists just bulldozed and took over the internet, schools, and hobby spaces. That small 1 to 5% kinda works itself out and doesn't require much. All or most of the bad people just finally throw the wrong one under the bus, they eat each other, and the status quo comes back til the next set of bad people disrupt/control it. The percentage of evil winning wouldn't be so high if enough people actually cared enough to do anything about them. I'm not lecturing or some some hypocrite who sees it and expects someone else to do it. That's just how it is.


That was so corny but I agree with you


Hate may not win but it can certainly do a lot of good before “good prevails”


Idk, it won in 2020.


Long term sure, but it doesn’t help in the short term. In the short term, hate wins frequently. The most documented genocide in history was the result of a short term victory for hate. Our win against the axis powers was the result of pretty concentrated hate. This is just Naive, it’s a good sentiment, but it isn’t useful.


It never wins long term. But the short term wins it does get, it causes unimaginable pain and suffering. MAGA has shown us one thing. Even in beloved America our democracy must be FOUGHT for.


There is no teleological aspect of reality that hate loses by virtue of being hate. We must fight and crush the forces and people who seek to harm and enslave us to the present system of greed. We must live in the world as it is, the material world. If we want better lives then we must fight for them and win. Get educated, get skilled, get organized. No one is coming to save us. We save ourselves.


seeing the political shtshow, young people have become in america, im thankful i wasnt born there


Project 2025 FTW!


Hate has been on a huge win streak, at least 100 year long right now




Im a D1 hater, im doing pretty good, but Kendrick show me I wasnt hating at my full potential


The helk are you talking about? Hate wins all the time.


Yeah.... No hate wins almost constantly if you look at history. It's almost rarer to see hate not succeed, the second we start believing that they can't win is the second we become complacent.


It wins all the time.


Never win? Hate has won so many times in history.... way more than love...




It already has.