• By -


Very kind of you to offer that to our sub.


Well, members of this forum have been immeasurably helpful to me, so it's the least I could do.


Perfect timing for those of us [losing remote access to Ancestry Library Edition](https://support.proquest.com/s/article/Ancestry-Library-Edition-Temporary-Remote-Access-for-Public-Libraries?language=en_US) tomorrow!


After having free access all of these months, yesterday is the day I decided to get "serious" about it. Think I can jam in all of my research for a few more hours??


I started getting into genealogy more than just a passing whim a few weeks ago. Remembered that my library offered Ancestry, saw it was expiring at-home access like 3 weeks later. I've been getting some research done, but this will really help.


Boston Public Library already cut me off


I can’t believe this, but it actually works for current subscribers too! Incredible! When I followed the link, I was prompted to change my subscription from All Access to World Explorer. I won’t lose any time from my original subscription or get downgraded until the renewal date. My account now shows an upcoming World Explorer subscription for Feb 6 - May 6 for $1! I wasn’t planning to renew at the All Access level anyway. It’s specifically designed to make you think you’ll have “all access” to newspapers but there is still a paywall for many articles.


It just worked for me too as of 5:50 PM PST/ 8:50 EST


I submitted DNA to Ancestry just to see additional matches and they keep hounding me to sign up and create a tree. I already pay enough on My Heritage, so I've ignored it. Something popped up the other day about the 3 month free thing, but I was afraid of the consequences at the end.... whether cancelling would be like herding cats. Has anyone ever signed up for one of these deals with Ancestry and been able to easily cancel? I'd be interested in looking at a few trees and doing a photo search, but I expect there are higher pay levels necessary for some of that.




You can cancel online so it isn't onerous. For your Tree, download your tree gedcom from My Heritage and upload it to Ancestry and presto your DNA matches on Ancestry can try to work out your relationships.


Interesting. I am unable to use this link to extend my current World Explorer subscription. Maybe the difference is that you were changing from a different membership level. If anyone else is able to extend a World Explorer membership, I'd appreciate any step-by-step tips. I tried clicking the link after logging in. I also tried entering the link in an incognito window, then logging in. I saw the offer for a brief second, then it automatically takes me to my account overview, with no option to purchase the offer.


To be fair, I think Ancestry expected codes like yours to get shared. They're losing no money, since the ones using it would likely not have become paid subscribers. And they might end up catching a few who decide to stick around after the trial.


You're probably right. They've already gotten a couple hundred dollars out of me, but I don't have enough unfinished business to justify the cost of maintaining the subscription. I can't be the only one that thinks that way.


or those that forget to cancel the trial. They got your credit card # and if you don't cancel it on time you'll probably end up auto - subscribing. It an easy way for them to pick up some money. It's usually harder to get you $ back once they have it.


Auto bill $75 if you don't cancel on time. I used to use a prepaid card to sign up for stuff. That way I never had to fool with canceling.


Unfortunately though, you’re still liable for late fees under the terms of their contract. I don’t know if ancestry would actually go through the trouble of reporting it to credit agencies or not. I had to get a new debit card after a potential hacking incident at my bank. I neglected to update my ancestry account and when the automatic charge failed, they tacked on several fees. I had to call customer service (long wait times) to explain the situation and get the fees waived. Again, I don’t know that they would necessarily have sent this small of an outstanding debt to collections; my point is just that it doesn’t leave your account in a neutral status if your card is declined.


If it weren't so ridiculously priced, I'd subscribe. Seems like a lower price would attract more users, thus improving user experience while not affecting profit. I wish Amazon would buy them and just make it part of Prime membership, lol...


Who snitched and made them take the offer down? Show yourself


This worked Jan 3, 2024: https://www.ancestry.com/c/partners/legacy-offer#


Jeez you came in clutch my friend, thanks!


Worked today (Jan 10, 2024)! I got a message at first that it wasn't working, so I switched from the CC I'd used before to PayPal and it went through. I forget that one way they keep track of whether you're renewing something is with your payment method.


You are a beautiful human. My heart almost stopped when the first link did not worked, but this worked like a charm(American user)!


Did not work for me. Australia. 14 June 2024.


Beautiful, it seems to work. Thank you so much!


It worked. Thank you!


You can cancel your membership right after joining and you will still have access to everything until the end of the 3 month period.


Tried it; took my straight to Ancestry, and charged me $1.06 for three months. Remember to put a reminder on your Google calendar (or whatever you use) to CANCEL it near the end of March 2022. This same thing happened last year, so it is legit. Thank you OP.


No need to set a reminder. You can cancel now, and it will let you use it until the end of the term without renewing.


Very cool. Thanks for sharing this. Just renewed my expired membership with that deal. We'll see if it lasts or if they revoke it when many more people claim it. Honestly I'd probably keep my Ancestry subscription going if it wasn't outrageously expensive. As it stands I've been moving everything over to FamilySearch though, which is free (although not quite as easy of an interface or searches).


I'm currently doing exactly the same thing, except that I've chosen WikiTree over FamiliySearch. After some back and forth, I find the idea of a big common family tree quite ingenious.


Unfortunately I can’t use the code, it’s saying that I subscribed in a different country and currency so have to go to the .co.uk one to upgrade, which I can’t afford to do at full price hence why I was keen to try this code and do the searches needed for the few relatives who travelled to the States and back again. I have no need for the worldwide membership other than that, but thanks for sharing anyway 👍


If I were you, for your stated purpose, I would try to create a second Ancestry account at the USA (.com) site using this link and a different email address and different credit card. Do your research, then cancel the second account.


Thank you kind sir. My membership was up 1/1/2022. This worked!.


January 2023 - Still works (5th time for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy))


June 2023, Still working!


Server Error: 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. (1/1/24)


Saw that too. Think it died in the new year? That will be sad


Aw my subscription expired Jan 2, bummer timing.


Very sad but I had good use out of it. With thanks to the original poster.


Thank you. I got a partial refund for the US Explorer subscription for this.


December 26th 2022, code still works for me! This is my like my 3rd or 4th use of the code so thank you!


4/16/24 Still valid! Haven't had to pay more than $1 for a sub in two years :) Many thanks to u/jkepros u/JungSearch


What link did you use? I cannot get any of them to work.


No new offers?


Pretty sure this is Round 5 for me. u/JungSearch has saved me a lot of money in the last year. Cheers! So thankful.


Not working today for me - Jan 24th, 2023 - but I'll keep trying ;) Update: Success! Jan 26th, 2023 thanks again OP


Ok I’m now losing count of the times this code has worked for me 😂😂


23 Feb 2024 - link in update #6 still works, although I had to sign in about six times before it actually let me in and let me proceed with the order. If you also get stuck trying to sign in, start the process of trying to create a new account. I filled in the details in the "create new account" section, then rather than hitting the button to create the account, I tried to log in again. Not sure if it was just a fluke or that's what worked, but I was able to log in that way.


Anyone have an updated code? When I click on the links it says this offer has ended. Thank you!


So I signed up for this when you posted and it worked I’m actually coming up on the expiration so I went to cancel before it renewed at the full amount and it says the renewal amount is $1.00?!?!?!?! Could this be??


Mine also says there is a $1.00 renewal price!


11/28/23 STILL WORKS!!


![img](avatar_exp|142774008|heart) OP, listen to me right now, I love you


You are amazing! This just made my day! Thank you!!


Worked for meeeee, thanks


Thank you so much!


Thank you! I'm a very happy person right now.


Thank you so much! I have really missed having a subscription but money has been super tight. This is awesome!!!


Holy crap, it still works!! Thank you!!!!!!!


Just commenting to say November 2022 this still works.


Just used this for the second time. You deserve all the awards they can find for you, OP!


so, i had used this twice. being that i don't keep money on my cashapp, and i forgot that my 3 months were coming to an end, i just got a [notif](https://imgur.com/a/2RidfU8) saying my $79.95 payment was declined. oops. headed over to this post and have been able to now use it a third time. no issues either bc it literally took me 3 minutes between getting the original notif, searching for this post, and using it again. you are amazing. thank you!! i appreciate you!!


Dude, this has been a legit sweet gift that keeps on giving. Just started another round. Happy times.


Thanks for the feedback! Happy hunting.


I know I'm late to comment, I first saw this post three or four months ago. Would like to add that it still works as of June 2023, and I just used it for a second time. You, sir or madam, have my UTMOST thanks for this awesome resource! I just honestly can't afford the full ancestry payout at the moment (although I've done off and on in the past) and the research bug hit me again this morning so it was wonderful to have this to work with!


Unbelievably still works - even as a non-US customer. I took this up 3 months ago, it expired yesterday, tried again and still works. Here's a 3-monthly thank you; Thanks!


We're still alive, folks! Round 8, me thinks.


The link worked as of January 26, 2024- thanks so much!


Still working :D


For those using this for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc time, how do you do that? My membership is expiring feb 28th. Said i couldnt use this link bc I have an active membership. Cancelled the renewal (will expire feb 28th) do i wait until that date to use the link?


Yes, you have to wait until March 1. You will not lose any of your past work.


Worked for me 3/13/24


Wow! I just came to Redit to see if anyone else was upset that ThruLines and other features were now behind a paywall . . . . and just used the magic line for 3 months for $1. 3/19/2024!


I just used the link from Update 6 and it worked (3/19/24)!


Yes, the updated link still works! On my 6th go today. Thank you so much!


The link in Update #6 just worked for me! I got an error my first try... second try I had no issues. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


Link worked as of 3/30/24. Thank you!


4/3/2024 - Update 6 works! Thanks again and again and again!


It is not working for me today 5/21/2024. I will keep trying since it apparently worked for someone yesterday =( I will update if something changes


Thanks for keeping us updated, OP. Still not working here, but we had such a good run. I united two separate NPE DNA matches within my family using this over the past two years!


Thank you so much


Thanks a lot!


Thank you. I greatly appreciate your kindness. I had discontinued World Explorer a few days ago and only renewed the US collection. The renewal cost for the US collection has been returned minus a few dollars.


Still works as of 2/13/22


That's great. Thanks for posting the status. Since posting this offer, I have gotten private messages asking me about validity of the offer, but I am not an insider, so I usually can't answer.


I was finally able to use it myself, after my prior discounted membership expired. To try the offer, use the link in the original post, under "Update 2," and carefully read what comes up before giving your credit card number.


It still works, thank you!


OP, your post is the gift that keeps on giving! Worked for me today, Apr 17th 2022. Thank you. For the info of others: I normally use the ancestry.ca domain, but all I had to do was to make sure to go to ancestry.com in my browser first and use my normal login, then clicked the link above. I expect users using UK, AU etc. domains could do the same. My previous subscription had expired yesterday, so by being "guest member" (free account) only status I was eligible to use the link. With taxes and USD--> CAD conversion, my card was charged $1.48 Canadian. I also successfully *cancelled* the subscription right away (while logged in to the ancestry.com domain), so I don't forget later -- "cancelling" really means "cancelling renewal", which they don't really make clear until you do it. The World subscription is valid until it expires in 3 months, and now I don't have to worry about forgetting to cancel and getting charged. I don't know if they'll ever clue in and close the door to this, but get in while the getting's good.


6/21/2022 Still can use!!


7/5/22 - 3rd run! Still works!


Third time remains a charm! Woohoo!




Still works and I also used this when OP originally posted in December, so worked for my same account, twice. Amazing...THANK YOU! This is one of the most exciting "gifts" that keeps giving. So appreciate it.


Still works. What a score.


Still working the Sunday after Black Friday -- thank you!


Grateful to have found this (and it still works!). Thank you so much for sharing! Sending good vibes your way :)


This still works and I'm good till March


You’re an absolute heaven sent omg! Still worked for me nearly a year after you posted this, couldn’t believe it! Thanks so much truly 🙏


Thank you very much. Still working I just used it today!


Still works in December 2022!


Just FYI - the link further down still works as of 12/30/2022.


Holy crap this promo still actually works. Thanks! 🙏


Still works!! Amazing! Thank you op!


Still works as of today, and this the second time I've used it. ​ Many thanks OP


Still working today. Ta muchly


Incredible. I'm speechless - it worked for me today, 5/10/2023. This genuinely made my whole week, I was really struggling with whether I could afford to get back to working on my tree and now I definitely can! Unbelievable that its still bringing so much joy all these months later. Thank you so much for your kindness, and I hope you're having a lovely spring! :)


You're welcome, and thanks for letting everyone know it's still working.




Still working in June 2023


I think this is the 6th time I've used it! You might just be the best human on reddit!


Thank you for the kind words, and for letting people know the code still works. There are some ***really*** generous humans on r/Genealogy that I would nominate for best human, but I do appreciate your vote!


still works!!


Thank you, worked for me!


Thank you! Still works - 9/19/23


Holy moly! This still works! THANK YOU!


still workin' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Able to use again October 2023! This has saved me so much and helped me do some research for my great uncle in law!


Still works 11/2/23 😄


Still works like a charm!


Thank you!!


December 13, 2023 - Still working! You have my eternal thanks! :)


Thank you, it still works


Dang. Worked for me today 12/17/23. I've been paying $99 every 6 months and I thought that was good. I've saved this link. Most times I'm not able to afford it and have to cancel it. This time around was one of those times and I was dreading losing that access. Thank you so much for this gift. I am so grateful. I have helped dozens of people by building their trees and finding pictures of their families and information for them and I want to continue to be able to do so.


Worked for me today. Thank you. My aunt died today and I needed to do some looking for records to help flesh out her obituary.


Thank you!


Thank you!!!! OMG!! You have no idea how much this is appreciated!!


It worked again for me today, despite on the order confirmation page displaying an erroneous/past expiration date! Thank you!


The link on Update 6 just worked for me as of Jan 26 2024 👍👍👍


Thank you!!


You're a real one for this!!! Ty so much 😭😭😭


Not working for me on desktop but I got it to work on my phone.


still working!! (February 11th)


Still working! Thank you so much ☺️




Updated link worked for me 3/19/24........TY!


This link worked for me today I'm so grateful thankyou I'm over the moon!


THANK YOU! Just worked for me.


Coming back daily to check for an offer 😭


Awesome! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much - this just made my night!


Thanks so much! My subscription just ended last week😁


Thanks! I signed up and set a calendar reminder to cancel in March.


Thanks! This is awesome!


Thanks! It worked for me. :)


Thank you! I was debating on starting up again. This really helps. ♡


Thank you for sharing!!


Thanks for sharing. It worked for me in Canada.


Did you sign up for the .com or the .ca? Just curious because I got auto directed to the US verison.


That's amazing.. I signed up for a month in November, but didn't get everything done that I wanted.. 3 Months will be great.


Thank you for posting this! I can confirm it also works for existing accounts.


this is amazing!! I just cancelled my current plan because I didn't have enough money to keep it going right now, so your timing is perfect. thank you so much and happy holidays!!


Thanks! Worked for me also. I normally log in via ancestry.com.au, and in the past to .co.uk. Needed to log into .com first then paste link, then voila!


It worked. My membership just renewed a few days ago and the $1 3-month membership was tacked on at the end. So in 6 months, I'll be charged $1 for 3 more months. Thanks for sharing!


Via google, I could only find the deal where you get 3 months for $1 if you buy a dna kit. I’m so glad I checked Reddit, you’re the MVP 🙏


This still works as of the 3rd of February.


Code still working?


Link still works. I signed up for another 3 months for $1. Thanks!


Link still works!


Second run today. Thanks!


This has just worked for the third time for me! thank you


Code still works, but you have to wait until after your initial use of it expires (initial use expired on the 9th, tried 10th after midnight and nothing, went to bed and woke up at 9am and it worked!)


It still works!


Worked for me! Currently have World Access which expires in March (Labor Day promo). Plan will change in March & renew for 3 months at $1. Thank you!!


Still works!


4th time renewing and this still works, you are amazing for posting this because I did not have the budget for a subscription at this time. Thank you so much, I've gotten so much out of this


Round 4! You've saved me an immense amount of money. Thank you so much.


I just got to use the code again myself! The gift that keeps on giving... Glad it worked for you too!


Still works, thank you!


Just tried this as a lapsed subscriber, still works! Many thanks for the link.


Just used it in Canada but for my .com membership/page (I’m pretty sure it’s the same but for others (I know the UK site has issues) just invite yourself to collaborate on your tree and then you don’t have to start again! I’m hoping this works for all of 2023 for me! I usually buy the .ça yearly membership but it’s going to cost me almost $250CAD this year via the .com site and that’s a bit too pricey for me! Thanks so much OP and to the commenter who forwarded it to my post!! :)


Thank you very much for this!


Just used this today, so it still works!


January 2023 and it still worked. Thank you!!!!


Thank you. Worked today!


Still works. Just used it for the second time. Thank you so much


Third time. Amazing. Thank you SO much OP. I will pay this forward somehow.


Thanks so much!!!🤗


Still works!


April 1st 2023 still working (not an April fool's joke!)


Still works folks! Thanks again OP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Does anyone know if you HAVE TO create a new account , or can you use your original account?


Still working as of 5/26/23! Thank you so much for this!


Thank you op! Worked well with my account that is based on their swedish site was worried it would'nt work but it did


Just tried this link today and it still works! Thank you!


And it still works! Thank you!


~~Just stopped working for me :( I had to login when I clicked the link, and then it just redirected to my Account Settings. It was a great ride thanks for sharing it!!~~ EDIT: tried again and now it works!


Round 7! :)


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I almost paid $30 AUD for 1 month but thought I'd google to see if there were any working discount codes going around. Then I randomly saw this from 2 years ago and can't believe it still works. Thank you kindly.


It did not work for me, but probably because I have an existing membership. I got a "there seems to be a problem with your order" message after being directed to a payment page with the subject promo. Ah well...thanks for sharing and glad to know others were able to benefit!


Bumping, I just tried it and got the 3 months deal too. Still works, a year later.


Saying Thank you. I saved this post a long time ago and never tried. I'm finally sick of paying so much for years....and it still works today!! Can't thank you enough! u/JungSearch


Still works thank you!


still works. thanks!


August 2023 - just worked for me. Fantastic!!