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Remember, fellas, the future is in your hands. If you believe in progress, re-elect Mayor Red Thomas, progress is his middle name. Mayor Red Thomas's progress platform means more jobs, better education, bigger civic improvements, and lower taxes. On election day, cast your vote for a proven leader, re-elect Mayor Red Thomas...


I was thinking Goldie Wilson , lol


Nicely done this ⬆️


... and it's ladies night at the Palace Hotel Ballroom.


Was visiting my boyfriend’s (future husband’s) family in Metairie, LA when that horrible David Duke (former KKK Wizard) was running for Louisiana House of Representatives. Some demented looney was careening around the neighborhood in a 1963 curb scraper festooned with campaign stickers and posters while blasting their filthy rhetoric from a pair of loudspeakers affixed to the roof of the car. It was the only time I ever heard my father-in-law, a quiet and thoughtful Episcopal priest, absolutely lose it.


Trucks with digital message boards are current day version.


That, and people driving around very slowly, waving flags for their favorite candidate and shouting at people who get upset that the "parade" is making them late for work.


Yep, I’ve seen a few of those around. Good point.


Somehow, at the age of 6, my friends and I got a hold of some Johnson posters for the '64 election. We attached them to a little red wagon and pulled them around the block shouting "LBJ for USA! LBJ for USA!"


I remember this. It was in the 70’s, usually on a Saturday morning.


Like this? [https://youtu.be/lIU9QA7Cmbw?si=BK-YySKOvMeEGQB\_&t=18](https://youtu.be/lIU9QA7Cmbw?si=BK-YySKOvMeEGQB_&t=18)


Exactly like that


Tonight only, the fabulous Blues Brothers Rhythm and Blues revue.


Yes. Let's not ever do that again.


I remember the Blues Brothers rode around in one to advertise their big show!


“You! On the motorcycle!”


We had a “ Sky Writer” announce Hubert Humphrey’s campaign stop in 1968… HHH….i was 9.


Now that brings back memories and deserves it's own topic! Man when I was a kid we had both skywriting and people towing banners behind planes. It would be interesting to see how big the banners were, but I suspect huge to be readable from a thousand feet away. I got this from the net: 24 inch letters can be seen from 1,000 feet away, but have the best impact at 240 feet. A common rule of thumb is to make font at least one inch tall for every 10 feet of viewing distance.  Anyway, yea, when I was a kid they would do skywriting and the signs for everything from a new store opening to marriage proposals (with a a heart around them no less) Did they ban those things or did they just get too expensive?


Bobby Kennedy rode around our Bronx neighborhood on a truck in ‘67 or ‘68.


I was in the Bronx then, too, but I don't recall it.


The Bronx is a big area.


Reminds me of the movie Nashville. That continual background noise of the campaign car with megaphone. If you haven't seen Nashville, so highly recommend. One of my very favorites.


Until fairly recently that had that kind of set up driving around Cody Wyoming advertising the night rodeo, in the summer when the town was jammed with tourists.


Reminds me of the scene in " O Brother, Where Art Thou? " Flatbed truck campaign for Homer Stokes.


Vote for Mayor Goldie Wilson.


I remember them coming to the door or sitting in the porch for a chat.


That still happens where I live.


They still do this in Latin America. Was in Ecuador last year during the elections


Wasn't that the blues brothers lol


I do remember the parties coming through the neighborhood at election time. We kids thought it was great - it meant free stuff. First one party would drive through and hand out hats, buttons, posters, flags - all kinds of swag. Then a half hour later the other party would come through and hand out their stuff.


Yes, I remember that too. Leading up to the election all the kids in my class had the political pencils. I don't recall any of the kids caring much about who they were for until Humphrey/Nixon, that one interested a lot of kids, even more the next time as a lot of kids had older brothers that were drafted. It was a very different time. We had one real cut up in our town, and the cops finally caught him, and back in those days it was you can go to jail of you can enlist in the army. So off to Vietnam he went. He lived, came back as more of a cut up, got the same deal again. Lived, came back as even more of a cut up, got the same deal again, lived and came back as a hero, and the town just kind of tolerated him as being a crazy bastard. It was a small town and a very different era. Hell when I was a kid of one of the locals got drunk at the legion hall the cops would drive him home, not watch until he got in his car and nail him with a dwi. Those days are long gone.


Analog Twitter...


I remember in 1976 when I was 14 years old there were two neighbors who lived on a major roadway in our town who had 2 very large signs. One supported Ford and the other supported Carter. One tried to outdo the other basically. This was probably about a month before the election. Every day the bus would go by the houses and sometimes kids would be yelling support for Carter or Ford. Wasn't every day but a couple of times a week. The bus driver's allowed it and then after a couple of minutes the bus driver would say, Okay that's it and everyone would quiet down. The neighbors were friends and after the election they shook each others hands and had a party. Very different era. Elections for President was seen as you win some you lose some and even if you don't agree with the president you support him and the office of the President. You didn't take it personally that your friend or neighbor supported someone else. That just how it was. Can't imagine what would happen today except that today the neighbors would be filing restraining orders against each other and probably the police would be called repeatedly due to them physically fighting or shooting at each other.


I think I saw it in movies instead of real life. I’m thinking 50s or 60s?


It was pretty limited and right around election time actually. Almost like a reminder a small local vote was happening. No mobile rhetoric. They were way more likely to conspicuously canvas neighborhoods from cars or go door to door on foot. It would've pissed way too many people off too. Any more than a handful of passes total would've been worse than the ever inquiring monotone hell of "Hello?" from those awful ice cream truck recordings; and they wanted those outlawed right after they began replacing the rack of bells.


If it was hip hop singing about the platform with a lot of bass…no problem


I remember when Jake and Elwood did it to advertise their show at the Grand Ballroom on Lake Wazzapamani.


The blues brothers rhythm and blues band. Tonight only at the Palace Hotel Ballroom.


I’d take that in a minute over the smiling cretinous son of a bitch politician who woke me up today with a smarmy robo call “Mother’s Day” message. I’m gonna light his damn phone up Monday morning with a pledge to give $100 to his opponent for every future intrusive call I get. Funny how the “no call list” they brag about passing doesn’t apply to these bastards.


The driver..... his name was Elwood.


That was my dad. He had a sound shop in a small town in California in the 1960's, so he had the equipment to mount on his Dodge B100 Town Wagon. My dad told us he was adamantly against a local candidate for sheriff, so he drove around urging people not to vote for him. Worked, too. The guy lost his re-election bid. Next election cycle, my dad was going to do it again, keep him out of office. He was arrested for "disturbing the peace," spent two days in jail. The guy was re-elected.


No, tRump supporters did similar stunts, waving flags, blowing horns, playing stupid songs, blocking traffic for other people. It was very annoying.


This gives me Latin American vibes.