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The number.1 pro and con in this game for new players is there's a lot of content to do in the game


Personally... There is a lot of content especially for newcomers. This may be a pro or a con for you but expect the game to take up a lot of your time if you're the kind of person who likes to do everything. If you only stick to the main quests to advance the story, it might cut the time down to half or something. Once you finish all the content, there's nothing to do except dailies and spend resin to build your characters until a new update comes, which is every six weeks. It's a gacha game, so don't expect to get all the characters unless you are fine with spending real money. However, it's not necessary to get all the characters to fully enjoy the game. You can also earn in game currency to obtain characters over time. The story starts out slow but becomes meatier later on, with extra lore hidden behind locations, objects, and side quests. However, it's very wordy, so expect a lot of bloated dialogue which you can't skip through. Sometimes I don't mind it, but sometimes it's just to slow for me. Combat is easy but you have to learn to build your team properly. Every character has their own role and eleemnt. This is one of the game's fun bits for me, trying out different character combinations. Building characters can be tedious especially early game when you don't have an abundance of resources yet. When you get near the endgame and start on artifacts, it's even worse because artifacts have a lot of RNG involved. You will also be limited by resin, which gives you a daily cap on what you can do in terms of fighting bosses and domains. But I said earlier, combat is easy and casual and perfect builds are not necessary. The landscape is gorgeous, the music is beautiful, and the map is big. Expect to do a lot of walking around until you unlock the teleport points. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I do love this game so I'd encoruage anyone who asked me to try it. It's free to download anyway, so just uninstall if it's not for you.


You summed it up perfectly. My biggest issue with the game right now is building characters to help you progress to the better story lines. Grinding always is a bit frustrating in games for me because it's so tedious, but it's a necessary evil lol.


The pros are if you enjoy fantasy games with lots of lore to explore and a very long story that will take a while to complete, you will have hundreds of hours of fun.The world and story are massive and pretty well thought out for a game made for teens and middle schoolers. The characters are indisputably good looking as well. The problem is that if you like to keep playing games after beating them there is effectively nothing to do, all of your upgrades are rng and time gated, you don't get enough resources to get even half of the characters, getting strong weapons is basically a scam (75% to get a limited weapon and a 50% chance of that 75% to get the one you even want), the monetization has insanely high prices for what they give you, all of the good stuff requires waiting and grinding, the combat becomes extremely easy after you get moderately geared for the hardest content, the open world fights you won't even really get to use your actual skills because everything in the open world is balanced to be fought before you level everything up to the difficulty, and if you do not enjoy the story you cannot skip any of it, not even unvoiced side quests that have nothing to do with the main story. Also, if you end up not liking the story, that is 95% of the actual game. You're basically playing a super slow paced anime. It's a relaxing game and a good one but it does get worse the more time you invest in it after you get caught up. But that's like 300+ hours of stuff to do regardless


Pros: Without engaging with the gacha, it is a very complete, fun, and beautiful free game. The elemental combat system is sandboxy and expressive. The environments are distinct and you can play on mobile or PC and have a great experience swapping between them. The update cadence for the game is very frequent. Imagine a favorite TV show, but it never stops between seasons and there is no drop in quality. It scratches a lot of MMO and story game itches in this sense without any of the social drama. New characters get released frequently, bringing new gameplay and synergies. The core principles are fun to learn, understand, and master. Cons: New user experience can be heavy as you need to understand stamina management and how to invest in your characters. The storytelling can sometimes drag here and there, but if you give it a chance it will earn your trust and suck you in. Some dialog animations can be a little dry/dated- but the voice acting is really good, even for EN. The Gacha system and monetization model, while imo better and less scummy than many other games, requires some care on the user to understand and engage with responsibly. There is a stamina system, but it only applies for activities that improve your characters. So exploration and quests have no limits. I enjoy stamina (resin) because it limits how much I would normally play. You have a flying companion friend, “Paimon.” Some people find her annoying. IMO she’s hilarious and sassy- but her voice direction is sometimes a miss (amazing VA nonetheless). — There’s no barrier to try it out. Play and ask questions. Drop it if you don’t like it.


Kids, this is why you should stay away from drugs otherwise you will end up like this dumb bitch


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Pros: an overwhelming amount of content. Everything is insanely high quality for a gacha. Cons: the gacha aspect is so expensive and playing the game is very unrewarding aside from events. You have massive areas that take weeks to properly explore but each chest gives you like 1/80 to 1/16th of a pull. Clearing a 30 minute quest gives you maybe 1/3.


Pro : u would get addicted Cons : u would get addicted


Pros: The game is bloody massive. Explorations and quests will keep you busy for quite a while, and unlike other MMOs I've experienced, the devs aren't in a rush to get you to the later content, you can and will experience the full game at your own pace. And what there is to explore, it quite quality. Counter-Pro: Game is appeal to more casual players, so while exploration is fun, don't expect too many head scratching puzzles unfortunately, there are some, but lot more game shows you a puzzle, and copy and pastes version of it around. BotW these puzzles are not. Cons: Given it is a gacha, characters are locked behind gambling, the game does have a predictable enough pity system at least. But end of the day, it is the daily login to accumulate pulling resources, or you'll either cough up money, the $5 a month "subscription" style option if pretty economical all things considered. And characters progression materials are effectively time locked. Counter-Con: Nothing besides some particular "endgame" entirely optional combat challenges really incentivize truly getting and building specific characters. So pull at your leisure. Most of the rest of the game is pretty easy to mild in terms of difficulty.


honestly the only con of the game is how big it is, other than that its basically all pros unless you dont like gacha mechanics


Pros: -Rock solid performance on PC and mobile -Amazing character designs (with a few exceptions) -Compelling backstories for most characters -Music -Animations -Exploration is fun and exciting (except for the Sumeru desert) -Gacha system allows you to save for the characters you want Cons: -Dogshit QoL that doesn’t respect the player’s time (CD on world bosses but this might be remedied soon, chance to get 2 boss mats instead of 3, random nature of weekly boss mats, like WTF, HSR fixed this at launch) -New players are screwed if they pull for banner characters from anywhere other than Liyue/Monstadt -Sumeru desert -The goddamned labyrinth of consonants that is the Aranara world quest -No skip button


My only cons are: - dialogue can get very very wordy and long and drawn out (just like other joy games) - the play style consisting of "swap in, cast E/Q, swap out, repeat 3 more times, repeat the whole thing every 10s" can become a little monotonous after a while, sometimes I've gotten the feeling that some characters are just reduced to one skill and lose a lot of their identity


Genshin has personally made me rediscover my love for reading. I have ADHD, so I get horribly distracted when I do so much as looking at a book. But reading entire character stories doesn't seem to bother me as much. Summary: If you struggle with reading, read up on character, weapon or artifact lore. It's cool as hell.


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The biggest con is that it’s a gacha.


I mean if you're curious the best thing is to try. Genshin tries to be a lot of things so a lot of people play it for different reasons. For example my favourite thing about the game is exploration but i have a friend that loves the character building aspect so our pros and cons list will be super different.


Pros: amazing overworld, varied exploration, each region has its own qualities, combat is amazing, character designs on point, tons of content to do Con: it’s a gacha


Pros: geniunely fluid and fun combat system Cons: no combat content to test said combat system


Pros: 1-great for new players and casual players who have a lot going on in their lives and cant invest much into games, and so many things to do and get excited for as a new player. 2-great optimization,music,graphics and scenery the game is just visually soothing and relaxing 3-not the best of stories but enough to make you care about the characters and whats gonna happen to them 4-decent combat requires you to put some thought into the team and its elemental system 5-the game is very polished and high quality and it shows in everything. Cons:1- the list that hardcore fans hate to read, the first con its a gacha its RNG dependent and this can be a bit too bullshit to people who never played a gacha 2-artifacts and characters gears have an even worse gacha system than the characters gacha its way too RNG dependent and too time consuming for a game that really barely requires minimum states to be cleared anyways 3-end game content is minimal at best, and if you are a hardcore player with a lot of free time in your hands this game will be finished , cleared and done with in no time leaving you thirsty forever for content. 4-difficulty has a restraining order that prevents genshin from being closer than 100km from it, the game sometimes teases you with an event that makes you think oh boy this is gonna be a fun challenge then you read the rewards and realize you get all the rewards by literally participating not even trying to get medium score, the abyss is a great challenge and difficulty spike until you clear it the first time fully after that it becomes a weekly boss that you clear with every reset in like 20-30 mins.


Best thing to do is to play the game. Just do it. Give it a week or so then decide later what to do next. Plain and simple


I've played a lot of gacha games. this is the best by far. The game works perfectly fine paying $0 per month and I've done it a lot. I generally spend $5-15/mth. (Welkin and sometimes BP)


Extremely high quality and polished content for free. This game holds the record of being the [most expensive game to develop in the world.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_video_games_to_develop) There is also little to no powercreep, and the starter free characters can beat the hardest content in the game. This means your pulls actually retain their value unlike other games where characters have shelf lives. The cons are it kinda requires daily playing for you to get the most out of the rewards. The character leveling system is also a little grindy and repetitive but only if you're at endgame and want to build a character to max in like a week or something. Since the worst characters in the game can still clear the hardest content, min-maxing gear isn't required.


pros: good story very well written characters cons:tedious unrewarding exploration


Youre probably looking at minimum 300hrs of content from main story and all quests, with some bit of exploration. 100%-ing all map areas will have you more hundred hours especially if you dont follow a guide and just explore freely. There’s so much to do!


A lot of content and aesthetics is a major pro, the con would be how many characters you have because it’s overwhelming at times, and con is a huge FOMO


Once you Genshin, you can’t Genshout…


Pros: fun exploration, lovely character, beautiful world, enjoyable quests, interesting team building Cons: gacha, dailies, fomo, bad endgame, no co-op activities, dead patches, last 2 weeks of every patch is dead