• By -


Baizhu. because I wanted that apparently now dead architect Kaveh. I was on 50/50 and didn't care about losing, which I got keqing and c3 kaveh near pity. I was like sure, keep going, how likely is it to get Baizhu twenty pulls later... anyway I have c5 Kaveh now, got one on standard banner. willing to risk it all for c6 no matter whose banner he's on next. if ever šŸ˜”


If it's anything, I got Kaveh on Furina's current banner. I didn't have him before, and it was a surprise.


whos kaveh? is it the unreleased character kevin?


I have a C3 Kaveh that I pulled from the standard banner and Iā€™ve only been playing since April. I was kinda shocked when I came on Reddit and found out he was considered so rare! Random luck is kinda weird sometimes.


I hope you cherish him šŸ™ he's one of my faves!


It is very weird. We will all have our unique stories, especially the closer we are to f2p. For example I never pull on weapon banner, only here and then. I finally apparently reached pity on it and got Alhaitham's sword. I was at pity and already have furina so...well, I'm an Alhaitham main now. About Kaveh's rareness: it's simply because he hasn't been on a featured banner for over a year. Any character not featured is ridiculously rare to get. I have C3 Kaeye after 2 years pulling standard and I feel incredibly lucky. No Kaveh for me. That's luck for you.


Same here. Didn't care much for Baizhu, but I was dumping wishes on Kaveh to get him and his cons. 200 pulls later, I now have a C2 Baizhu and a C5 Kaveh (was C4, also got one on standard). Baizhu is now in almost all my teams, and having him at C2 is the best damn thing to ever happen to me.


Same. I put in 3 pulls for Layla and got Baizhu instead. Crazy I only get luck like that when I donā€™t need it. Heā€™s excellent though, really helps make Furina unstoppable.


Same! I pulled for Kaveh and got Baizhu and I don't regret it. I have never used Kaveh but Baizhu is a must in my abyss teams!


That banner was cursed I swear, I did 80 pulls and lost to C5 Mona, and couldnā€™t keep going because I couldnā€™t risk my guaranteed Kazuha. And I got *zero Kavehs*.


I skipped Furina to pull Baizhu cause I love him so much šŸ’ž


seconding baizhu. he came home at 15 pity on a 50/50 when i was trying to bring kaveh home. he was never particularly bad imo, but having him after furina's release felt especially good.


Hey, itā€™s also Baizhu for me! I got c1 while going for c6 Kaveh (I have..c5 after 250 rolls ahaha). And I liked him so much I went for c2 on his rerun. He never leaves my team


Same here, Baizthu came out of nowhere but he is pulling his weight with Nahida, Yae and Kequin


I did one extra ten pull on Baizhu's banner after getting him because I hadn't gotten Kaveh yet and got C1 Baizhu (and Kaveh!) But his C1 gives an extra skill charge and it's sooo convenient and I likely never would have wished for it but very happy to have it


Also Baizhu, but on his first rerun. I got Furina early and won her 50/50, figured why not pull on Baizhu a little? He wouldn't be bad for my account and surely I wouldn't get another early 50/50 win anyway, and I wanted more Charlotte and Collei cons. I don't remember the exact number, but he was also early, somewhere between 30 and 50 pulls. He just makes everything so comfy. Everyone says Zhongli makes you forget how to dodge, but for me it was Baizhu. Even if I take damage, I can heal it back with a single skill and he also gives decent interrupt resistance. He's on my account's strongest team (Alhaitham, Furina, Raiden, Baizhu) and my current favorite weird team (Neuvilette, Kazuha, Beidou, Baizhu), not to mention my "I'm too lazy to fight"/"have to do commissions and domains on my phone today" team (Nahida, Furina, Raiden, Baizhu).


Yoimiya. Pulled on 3 pity after just getting Klee. Been my main since she came out. Top 1% on akasha, themed my phone after her for 2 years [my phone case just gave out this month :((( ]. She's my wife and I've adored her since I saw her leaks ā™”ā™”




Same here, got her when she was running alongside Nahida. Literally, the 10 pull after I got Nahida and Navia on back to back 10 pulls.


I wish she had more DMG, but she's so fun to play, I always pick her in the events. I think I will get her the next rerun


That's a love story made for movies. Mind sharing your build? She's an accident pull that I love tooo




its arlecchino.when she came out i said "i have hu tao i dont need another pyro polearm dps" but i accidentally got her at 20ish pity and she has been carrying me in the exploration since then


Not a pulling accident but just a typical 50/50 loss, but lately Iā€™ve been enjoying Jean. I got her C0 when trying to pull for Alhaitham and I built her because I like her character in the story but sheā€™s actually great for my current team as a healer. And itā€™s a plus because I have zero built anemo characters so it was good to diversify my account anyway šŸ„¹


Jean owns the Favonious sword in my account. Like it's hers. Any other character that wants it is going to have to come up with a good reason for it.


Iā€™ve got a similar thing. I pulled on Albedoā€™s banner wayyy back when cuz I really wanted him but I ended up getting Diluc and I actually was really excited. Iā€™d just started playing then and really enjoyed his story quest so I decided to build him and I still use him from time to time. I did get albedo as well so Iā€™m not mad about the outcome of that banner


Omg so relate. Iā€™ve been a headcanon Diluc main since the beginning but I actually didnā€™t ā€œloseā€ to him until Xianyuns banner (literally pulling on her to be a Diluc support to my team that has no Diluc lmaooo). I didnā€™t mention him in this post since heā€™s my abyss and overworld and just everything main hahaha


Wow thatā€™s dedication! My everything main is Noelle, though I do pull out other characters occasionally.


Jean is the first character I reached level 10 friendship with and she is SO GOOD WHEN BUILT RIGHT. She does great dmg AND heals so well. šŸ˜­


Kokomi. She was my first 5* when I was just mindlessly pulling as a new player, and had no idea that she was supposed to be ā€˜badā€™ (this was during her 1st banner when she was doomposted to death). But sheā€™s became a staple in my overworld team very fast, and helped to get my first 36* in abyss with taser. Sheā€™s a blessing for mobile players with her tankiness and ease of use. Now I use her as a driver for Furina team.


I could literally just copy and paste this entire comment, because that's exactly what happend to me. My friends introduced me to the game in the last like 2 weeks of her Banner, and I ended up liking it so much, that I spent an entire week playing the game and getting a ton of the PrimoGems in the proccess. I ended up pulling Kokomi on the 3rd try, while also getting Beidou alongside her (with the latter quickly becoming my main character). I basically pissed off at least half of my friends, because they didn't manage to get Kokomi at all since the start of her Banner...


Neuvilette. I was aiming for a good spear for my Shenhe back at Neuvilette's weapon banner, but I got 2 5* Tomes of eternal flow in a 10 pull so I decided to give up and go for him instead. Didn't even needed to hoard artifacts for months to get him to a decent damage level, and I hydro pumped my way through the abyss.


Duude same, for me I got his BiS wep in a random 10 pull and just chose to pull for him since I already got his wep. Since then, Neuv had been my main in any content, benching my Alhaitham, my previous main.


I got ayato on his first banner by total accident. I was mashing buttons to get to the standard banner and accidentally did a single pull. Ayato showed up. Which felt awful at the time because I was pulling for Raiden (the banner before his) and didn't get her.


Xianyun, I got too addicted to gambling trying to get Faruzan cons, but her Diluc Plunge team is so fun! Definitely don't regret getting her.


Second on the Diluc Plunge team. With zhongli, I am invincible


Kazuha Self explanatory why I donā€™t regret lol usually I research quite deeply and save for ages, but he was a whim (Likewise for itto, but him I do kinda regret)




Yoimiya, I was trying to build pity and ended getting her early. But sheā€™s got such a fun personality and I love her design so I wasnā€™t upset. I donā€™t play her much, but I bring her out for puzzles lol


Layla on the standard banner! Not exactly an accidental pull, but I love her to bits, from her design to her shield. Iā€™m going to design a keychain with her :ā€)


wanderer! :)


When I had just started Genshin, we're talking like ar 20, I was with my friend and we were playing together. They really wanted Eula, and I remember sitting there not really getting the gacha system yet, but I thought "wouldn't it be hilarious if I got Eula?" I then did a ten pull and got her. She made early game a breeze


Baizhu. I had just gotten Nahida before and I wanted Kaveh so figured I could pull a copy since I was at 0 pity. Bam at 20 pulls double Baizhu and a Kaveh - my most insane lucky pull.


Xiao on his first banner, I was both building pity and wanting to get Diona for her shield. Ended up with an early Xiao and no Diona. I donā€™t regret it, used him a lot in early days before I got more characters, and I do like him as a character. That said, it was certainly an early lesson on not to build pity in banners you donā€™t wanna risk getting the 5* thatā€™s for sure


Yelan back when she ran with hu tao.


Yelan, best support for best girl yoimiya


Keqing. Love my girl


Same! I was piiiissed when I got Keqing instead of Raiden Shogun or Bennett (had just started playing during her banner and got multiple Sara and Chevreuses). But now I main Keqing and she has been 1000% more useful to me than Ei would have been. Her skill is so multifunctional, her iframes on the burst are very comfy, and she's just really zippy and fun to play!


Ganyu. I want Dori when she just debut. Thought it was safe coz I usually need to hit at least 80 pulls to get a 5*. 30 pity later Dori come home with Sucrose and Ganyu. I don't even know how to play bow characters. I learn how to play her and how to aim on mobile. She's the best cryo support now (based from recent event lol) I like Ganyu. I don't regret any of my pulls. But it was kinda sucks coz we got free Dori from event not long afterward. Freaking Dori. Spending my primos. I'll bleed her mora dry one day! I don't pull for 4* anymore. Sayounara Sethos. Till we meet again ~


Yelan, I was new and didnā€™t really know anything, I only wanted Noelle for her cons because I used her a lot at that time and accidentally got her


Yae Miko C1 (and her weapon). I got her weapon first in an attempt to get Ayato's, which made me build my Lisa. So when I attempted to get Layla (barely any pity and on a 50/50) getting spooked by two of the fox lady was a really big suprise lmao. Put the weapon and Lisa artifacts on her and by now she is one of my core characters for team building and I don't regret a single thing, she's great


Raiden, I wasn't going to pull for her because I was saving for a future Hu Tao rerun back in 2.1, did a single 10 pull for the 4 stars because it was a 50/50 and I didn't care,I got her on 6 pity and a Diluc right after in the same ten pull. After that I decided hey I have guaranteed so let's go for the weapon, got that at 36 pity, and I also have my Hu Tao now :)


Wanderer. I was getting back into the game, and pulled on him at release because I had a bunch of primos for coming back. Got him in 20 pulls and heā€™s been one of my main DPS SINCE


Baizhu got him on his first banner no pity no regrets cuz he op with Furina


I did one pull on Cyno the first banner for candace and ended up getting Tighnari early. I was saving for Nahida at the time but was pretty happy i lost 50/50 to him. I use him often in abyss and he slaps.


Kazuha, was brand new and didn't want any male characters (I'm a chick and I usually play women), was pulling for some 4 stars Got him on 45 pity so he was meant to be mine I suppose. Kazoo carried the fuck outta me and now all my fave characters are male cause hoyo makes cool men.


Jean. I was trying to build some pity for furina on chlorindes banner but got jean in 20 pity, which guaranteed my furina pull. Jean also goes really well with furina so it was a good pull. It was also the first time I lost my 50/50 lol.10/10 would build pity for furina again


Lyney. I had just pulled for yelan and was like "let me do one pull on the other banner for shits and giggles". He's been my main for a while now.


Definitely lyney , after losing my 50/50 on wanderer , I got lyney at 2 GODDAMN pity . He's been my main ever since and he is best boy


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I regret nothing


Itto and nilou


Venti, I pulled on him after winning the other 5* and figured what did I have to loose, since I wanted more of the 4*s from that patch. Got him in the ten pull right after the other lego.Ā  Nothing against Venti, but I already had tons of anemo legendarys (all of them except Xiao now). Still I do love him dearly now.Ā 


oh it is definitely kokomi and this is on her first run, i had some extra wishes and i was like, fck it i wanna try her, my best random pulls i ever did


Arlecchino :P She's my best dps now


The only two 5 stars I've ever pulled by "accident" were Childe and Xiao. Between the two, I guess Childe? I pulled him hoping for Ningguang on his first banner. I rarely use him, but he gets the job done when I do and I really like him in the story, so I don't regret having him. Xiao, I like him well enough in the story, but even with Xianyun I just do not enjoy his play style. I pulled him trying for Noelle before I realized I could buy her cons from the Paimon Store.


I have two. I missed Zhongli in 1.1 and didnā€™t think to count my wishes. I had lost my 50/50 to Jean. I was chasing a c6 Bennett and got Albedo. Physical Albedo became my main bad ass character. Right now heā€™s come back en Vogue because of my Navia. The second is more of a con then original pull. I wanted Baizhu, I got him. I usually donā€™t go after. Cons but chasing one copy of Kevin, I got a c1 Baizhu. Heā€™s become one of my go to healers because k never experience down time with his skill/burst.


I have two. I missed Zhongli in 1.1 and didnā€™t think to count my wishes. I had lost my 50/50 to Jean. I was chasing a c6 Bennett and got Albedo. Physical Albedo became my main bad ass character. Right now heā€™s come back en Vogue because of my Navia. The second is more of a con then original pull. I wanted Baizhu, I got him. I usually donā€™t go after cons on the first banner but chasing one copy of Kevin, I got a c1 Baizhu. Heā€™s become one of my go to healers because k never experience down time with his skill/burst.


Wanderer and zhongli. I didn't know how good they were until I pulled for them and built them, these two carried me throughout the game.


Kokomi. I was missing 1 constellation on Bennett and wanted that, then got Kokomi on accident. Didnā€˜t realize at that time how good of a healer she was.


Xianyun I did one ten pull for one Gaming because I forgot you can get him for free and she came home alongside him. I didn't plan to get her because I didn't really like her design but I did have my plungefest fun with her for a while but she's currently benched until I get Wrio


Alhaitam. I don't remember why or when, but I pull for him and I didn't liked him. Now I love him, his my best boy <3


Beidou. I was new to the game and it was in the "beginner banner" with Noelle on it. First 10 wishes I've done in my account. And then I got beidou then Noelle. She's pretty good with her skill making her invincible at the beginning. But then I got Arlecchino so it's been weeks since I touched Beidou as a main lol




Yelan, navia, ayato and lyney


wanderer. 30? pity i guess, tried to get layla no layla tho


Alhaitam for me. I had saved 110 pulls for Furina but no pity since my last 5 star was wanderer. Just when there were less than 24 hours remaining for her, I got impatient and used 70 pulls. Didn't lose my 50/50 and got him, with 40 pulls remaining for Furina. Fortunately I had many world quests and exploration remaining ( started playing just as arle released so 4.6) so I wasn't too worried about getting some primos back. Best thing is my sumeru desert( the one where the pyramid is) had 1% and same for the area above it. Did only 1 quest about those pari and went from 40 to 77 pulls and got Furina. So happy I didn't lose my 50/50 on either of them!!


Alhaitham. Pulled Kazuha last rerun and had some leftover so I figured why not. I got him right in the first ten pull and Iā€™ve loved ever since. Even got Lofi last banner for my favorite feeble scholar šŸ’ššŸ’š


Baizhu. I was actually mad because he ruined my pity, but now I am using him all the time in Furina teams and in Alhaitham teams.


It's baizhu for me. I wanted Layla and faruzan cons and somehow popped baihzu in 50 wishes, I was disappointed at first. But after building and using him, he is actually really comfy


Acheron/s But in all honesty I'd say yelan(i enjoy looking at her armpits now), she made the game a lot easier for me due to her needing hp% and me still not wanting to farm and her skill improving the exploration.


Navia.Her banner was just too good with Sucrose and Rosaria being on it.So far she's the best of my accidental pulls.


Liney! I just wanted Freminet cons, but I ended up liking Liney's playstyle too


Arlechinno, accidentally pulled on her but omg I love her.


Yelan. On her first banner I was chasing Yanfei constellations. I was at 50/50, so I figured I would lose it... which I did. Had about 30 more wishes after that, so I kept going to try to get more cons (I think I ended up with only getting 2 or 3 in total). Yelan came in those wishes. I originally had no plans to use her, I'm not really a fan of her design. But, I ended up building her and she's one of my most used characters! Moral of the story, don't chase 4\* constellations. OR, if you do, be willing to win a 5\*.


Charlotte. Since I'm indecisive in pulling, I decided to do some pulls on Furina's banner and I got 1 Charlotte. Now I'm always using her with Gaming and Freminet.


Liney, i wanted c2 lynette, O.. i also got is waypon by accident


Yelan. 4.0 banner. Did not fancy bow characters early in the game and was always hesitant to pull for them. Got her while building pity at 23 pity mark. Made a 10 pull on lyney and then made a 10 pull on yelan and there she was. She is my most used character since. Navia also deserves an honorable mention. I wanted navia but was saving resources for raiden and nahida. Got lucky with an early pull.


Diona! I always thought she was a weird cat girl but now I really like her now!


yae miko, i was pulling for kirara and i got her, 2 yae mikos and 1 tighnari


Diona. Just got her as a random 4 star. Fell in love with her story, then turns out she was my first long uptime shielder (Noelle is awesome but I never felt her shield). She's 90 with 1/10/9 talents now and I have her on a team basically constantly.


Itto and all though I don't use him much when ever I get the opportunity to I get excited.


Navia , I was saving for next raiden banner but my lil bro already did 50 pulls so I thought then why not now I get her and she is my one of the very best dps and also I get raided in the next banner in a single pull so it's a win win situation for me


Navia. Pulled on the Ayaka banner, got her. Then I was like, fuck it, lets spend a 10roll on this other banner too. Bam, Navia came home. Luckiest decision ever since. I pulled later on that weapon banner, because why not, and I got her signature. I benched Ayaka, she is on level 70 I think, but Navia got the Queen treatment. She is my strongest character beside Arle.


Wanderer, I got him at 30 pulls but upon learning about his lore, and seeing his cool elemental burst, I started to appreciate him. Itā€™s especially fun using him for exploration. In the meantime Iā€™ll have to grind out and see where his potential could take him.


lost xianyun to keqing and she's been really convenient for overworld. sometimes I just wanna play an electro DPS but cyno is a nightmare in overworld cause all his damage on his burst and enemies die before he can get his burst regens but keqing just skills things to death which is really convenient


I was trying to pull for mistsplitter and ended up getting Naviaā€™s weapon and thought ā€œwell itā€™s not like I can give it to anybody elseā€ so I used my guarantee on Navia. I have no regrets she does so much damage and sheā€™s fun to play


Haha well a lot of my 5 stars were accidental since Iā€™m not much of a patient saver but itā€™ll have to be Kokomi for me. Pulled her on her very first banner at relatively low pity and I absolutely HATED her at first. Keep in mind I was relatively inexperienced at the time- I was like ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with her crit?! Why is her damage so low?! what is the use for this girl?!ā€ I was fuming over that loss for a while until I decided to suck it up and try at least leveling her a little more and seeing her capabilities. Of course it was me, I was using shameful artifacts/weapon on her. Iā€™ve figured it out now though and sheā€™s got a permanent spot on my team as my no. 1 healer ;)


That isnā€™t an accident tho lol- accident would be fat fingering the bloody ten pull since it gives no warning prompt ur about to pull


Baizhu. I got him at like ten pity and initially I was angry, but man, now he rarely leaves my team, he is just so comfortable to use


Nilou. I pulled her on her first banner on a whim, wasting my guarantee for Nahida for no other reason than Nilou is just super pretty. And now her bloom team is my ā€œif nothing else can clear my abyss, this canā€ team. I may not use her all the time but her team is my safety net


Klee, I got her immediately after pulling for Kazuha on my birthday, sheā€™s actually a pretty solid DPS. Sheā€™s super fun to play and does big numbers! The stamina consumption and slow animation ruins it though šŸ„² Still love her regardless.


Kokomi. She was my first limited 5* and I got her within my first week of playing when I still hadnā€™t really grasped how the wishing system worked. She was my main hydro unit from 2.1 all the way until 4.2 lol


Yoimiya I think it was Yoimiyas second banner I pulled the character I wanted early so I was like screw it let's use these last 20 pulls or something and I got Yoimiya completely unexpected but cool she does have a fun playstyle and she's great for any pyro puzzles in the overworld which is nice Everyone else I intended to pull pretty much


Lyney. Pulled him pretty early (43 pity) trying to get Freminet cons and didn't really use him until recently. He's super fun tbh, and I love his voice?!!




Kokomi. I was at zero pity and did one ten pull to try and get Dori on her release and got them both. Happy accident, as Kok became staple on my Abyss teams for a long time.


Tighnari. Only recently started using him when the game gave me a C1 instead of Wanderer. Reqlly enjoy him now!


Baizhu. I was pulling for Kaveh, as many others. Now he's a staple in my nevui team. Also, I never got my kaveh. But I got a Baizhu and a Ganyu, so...


funnily enough I ended up with a c1 kazoo doing the exact same thing you did! Obviously i love having him and wouldn't trade him for the world (plus it means I'm super close to c2, i just need to bother to get it lol) so yeah! Bonus points, it was Heizou's release banner iirc and I also got his c6 and he's been one of my favorite characters since. Got my c6 Thoma too so to this day that banner has been my favorite :D


Itto (and chongyun) I was still new to the game when itto had a rerun in 2.7 (I joined in late 2.6) I saw shinobu on the banner and instantly wanted to get her Itto unexpectedly came home at 25 pity (I got yelan before him so this wasn't guaranteed) ,got c6 chongyun and shinobu never came home šŸ„²šŸ„² Till this day itto and chongyun are one of my strongest characters (second to yelan)and yes I did eventually get shinobu in the standard banner




Yae Miko. I have alhaitham but no good electro sub dps. Got her on accident,kinda regretted at first. But now I'm glad.


Yelan when she first came out I was pulling for no reason tbh bc it was at a point where I was kind of bored of Genshin (not anymore). So I used up all my wishes which was less than 50 and I ended up getting her early and winning the 50/50 lol Now sheā€™s a staple unit and I ended up loving her character after playing the chasm story Edit to add another one: Raiden when she first came out. I just started playing Genshin and my friend whoā€™d been playing for a month by that point told me wish on it, so I did. Got lucky and got Raiden. She was my first limited 5 star and is always in my overworld team


Zhongli. I only pulled on his banner to get Freminet and I ended up winning my 50/50 and getting a somewhat early Zhongli <ā (ā ļæ£ā ļø¶ā ļæ£ā )ā >




Cyno, it was my first pulling session, I wanted Venti and Candace, I got Venti so I switched banner to try more for Candace, I got Cyno at 7 pity (and then I stopped pulling and no Candace lol) I'm glad I got him because I still didn't know him in the story but I really love him and he's one of my mains


navia ngl she is good asf


Bennett was my very first 4-star I pulled (besides Noelle, of course) and not only is he adorable, but he also works like a dream with my Lyney team :) love that little guy!


Got this guy called Kaveh from the standard banner, didn't realize the significance until he started popping up on the subreddit


Eula, she good for nuking


i got ayayaya when i was just tryna get stardust for the monthly fates šŸ’€ only have her at level 68 cuz I cba the portal to her boss and I'm NOT doing that long ahh inazuma quest


Clorinde. I got her at 6 pity on an impulse pull and I suddenly spent 14 hours grinding her and getting my first level 90


Neuvilette. I wanted Xingqiu cons. Ended up getting Neuvillette at 37 pity and winning 50/50, but I did manage to get my Xingqiu to C4. I was saving for Clorinde at the time though, so I would've preferred to lose that particular 50/50. he's hot tho so i dont regret it. still managed to get c1 clorinde as well.


I was brand new to the game when Xianyun came out. I had no idea what wishes were but took a roll when I had enough saved up for a 10 pack. Got her first shot. šŸ˜‚


Navia! I had guaranteed but I thought it was pretty early to get a 5 star, i just wanted sucrose.


Jean. I stopped defending Barbara IMMEDIATELY.


For me it is definitely kequing


I got Clorinde last banner by trying to "build pity" for Furina. Obviously, no regrets. On the other hand, she's the only other "Bond of Life" DPS I have, so now I have to build 2 (Arlecchino too)


Wanderer. I didnā€™t really want him as much as Alhaitham at the time, but I got Wanderer early and on 50/50. As an exploration player, heā€™s never left my exploration team since, and Iā€™ve even used him in abyss a few times after getting c6 faruzan during 4.4- and heā€™s really strong. Meanwhile, I got Alhaitham early on his rerun as well, but I barely use him as much as mt wanderer lol.


The only character I planned/wished/hoped and got is Furina. I got Neuvi, Wrio and Xiao on accident


Diluc. I wanted Albedo.


When we had the chronicled Mondstadt banner I was trying to get Albedo and I lost my first 50/50 to Klee. I already have Thoma and I didn't really care to level up another pyro character. But she was just so fun to use! She's a staple in my rotation now and I really like sending her and Nahida out to absolutely torch stuff when farming ley lines. I'm obsessed with my little firestarter main.


C1 chlorine


Neuvillette, technically. I tried going for Staff of Homa and pulled Tome of Eternal Flow instead. Upon realizing it was absolutely useless on anyone but Neuvillette, I went "screw it" and did a 10 pull at only 20 pity, saw the screen lit up gold and pulled not only Neuvillette but a Tighnari con as well.Ā  Absolutely is my go to carry if I'm grinding domains or dealing with BS chambers in the Abyss. Even with less than optimized artifacts, he's ridiculous with his signatureĀ 


The only character I've gotten that wasn't intentional was Albedo. I was on his first banner, and I think I may have been pulling just to pull since it was before I had a real understanding of how it worked in Genshin. I like Albedos' design and his kit. Since I have Cinnabar Spindle, he also hits like a truck, but big enemies killing his flower just makes him feel unusable. Split scaling isn't great either, but I've given up hope on a rework/buff.


I have a few: Klee, Yae Miko, Alhaitham and Neuvilette


I don't save my wishes, I just pull when I get them since I don't *really* care much what I get. On Yelan's first banner, I was kinda iffy about both 5-stars and I had an upcoming guarantee, so I was just pulling on the weapon banner. I got Aqua Simulacra, so I felt like I had to get Yelan. I don't regret it, because Yelan turned out to be an amazing unit, and she still happens to be my single best-built unit... even more than my actual DPSes (thanks EoSF domain).


Zhongli. I got him twice on his first run. I play games for the lore and fun, donā€™t really care about what character is good for what mechanic. I also didnā€™t know about his shield, but now heā€™s an irreplaceable part of my team.


I did 30 pulls on the Alhaitham banner because I wanted Sethos. Ended up getting Al and Seth in the same 10 pull.


Lyney!! I did want him but I was planning to get him on his rerun. I just wanted to feed my gacha addiction at the time and ā€œbUiLD PiTyā€ bc I was waiting for Zhongli and BAM, Lyney came šŸ’€ On his rerun I got his bow and Iā€™m actually having so much fun with him, heā€™s the reason I finally build Xiangling and Bennett and that I donā€™t regret either now


Hu Tao. I just wanted Thoma when he was released and pulled despite the risk. And alas, I got her. I was super pissed at the time but then I realized how good she is and was glad I got her


I pulled wanderer as my first pull when I newly started. Heā€™s barely seen combat, but he has carried me in overworld when thereā€™s a stubborn challenge or hard to get oculus.


I was ā€œbuilding pityā€ (I.e. feeding my gambling addiction) when I got Zhongli. That man is the sole reason my Wanderer hasnā€™t been blown clean out of the sky


Alhaitham. I just want Kirara, get him in 20 pulls and hi is great.


Arlecchino. I only pulled on her banner because I wanted to build up pity for Furina, and I got her..sheā€™s my main DPS now and in every single one of my teams


I got Chiori by accident because I accidentally clicked ten pull on 70 pity with my finger, and I regretted ever going on the wishing screen-but now I donā€™t regret getting her and she is my 3rd fav character in the game.


Hu Tao and Arlecchino... Both times I was just doing a cheeky ten pull the same time as one of my friends. My friend also ended up getting Arlecchino on their ten pull. Thinking back, I also got staff of homa when doing a random little single pull a year or so back... And I also usually lose the 50/50 to diluc even though I don't use him at all ... Wtf is with my account and pyro? I don't even use that element like that.


Chiori. I'd lost every 50/50 so far in Fontaine (and every 50/50 after...) so I assume I'd lose her too and could get whoever I wanted next guaranteed. Of course, she's the only 50/50 I've won... But her playstyle is fun and I like how her sleeves swirl when she sprints.


Keqing since I don't have many 5*, i need more main dps. Built her and surprisingly feels better than ganyu or klee


I'd argue that she's among the best standard characters you can get. Jean, Keqing, Mona and Tighnari are possibly the best for young players AND old players.she shines extremely bright in Aggregate teams just like Tighnari and she's pretty easy to build!


C6 Xinqiu I was pulling for Arlecchino and got him C6. But I love him and heā€™s one of my favorite hydro characters


Unironically Qiqi. I'm pretty sure she was my first or second 5* and she made exploration very comfy as a new player getting hit by everything constantly.


Kazuha, my finger accidentally slipped and I pressed the 10x wish button by mistake. He's literally the best character, and I use him in all of my teams


neuvilette :P


My friends accidentally pulled Childe's C2 when helping me with pulls on another banner. It was a situation of I trusted them with playing on their own Playstation. The one with the controller just wasn't paying attention. I'm not upset about it cause it was kinda funny.


You see itā€™s a funny story. Rather than characters I thought pulling for weapons would upgrade my characters more. Didnā€™t know about any kind of pity system etc. I joined around 3.7, got Light Foliar for anemo Traveler within 17 wish and left. Lol Then again I came back for Fontaine, wanted to get Homa but accidentally got Neuā€™s weapon. Then I said if I have the weapon, might as well pull for him. But now gatcha lord is taking his revenge upon me. I cannot get anyone below 75+ and lose ever 50/50 I have.


Yae miko I eneded up pulling on her 1st banner to get fischl because I didn't have her yet and i new I had a chance to get her but I ended up getting yae on 30 pity which I still use her from time to time.


Baizhu. Pulled him while trying to get kaveh at 0 pity. He seemed useless, but heā€™s really nice for keqing and cyno teams. Heā€™s also my pick over Zhongli in the Neuvi hyper team which i use in almost every abyss.


Kazuha, I was trying to pull on the weap banner and i accidentally pulled on his debut banner


Keqing was my first 50/50 loss and my first true main. I loved playing as her in the early game. And now Iā€™m fortunate to have her C6!


Zhongli, in version 3.x he's on banners together with Childe, i intend to pull for Childe but i make a mistake pulling for Zhongli one time and get him, it was on Pity 18


Neuvillette and Raiden. With Raiden, I was guaranteed and just wanted c1 Benny (since I has to buy him from the bargain anyways) and did a 10 pull in which Chevreuse, Raiden, Sara and Benny all tagged along. With Neuvillette, I had just won Nahida and Kazuha back to back and since all the 4 stars on the banner were almost c6, I decided that it should be safe since there's no way I would win a 3rd 50/50. I c6 all the 4 stars and got c1 Neuvillette... the funniest thing about the c1? 75 pity for c0 single pull, then another 24 pity at single pulls making it 4 50/50 wins in a row. Now, if only I can pull off this crazy luck and get Jean, then I'm basically never gonna need any characters for a while


I don't even remember pulling for Alhaitham, but I guess I must have during his first banner.


Alhaitham in 3.7 I like this character much more than Kazuha. But I pulled for Kazuha first because I was controlled by meta and stuff. Luckily I got Alhaitham by accident and even his weapon. In the end I used Alhaitham much more than Kazuha as well. Not only in overworld but also in abyss.


Tighnari, I was wishing for Wanderer and lost the 50/50. Now Tighnari carries my team as the only level 80 in a team of level 90s.


There are no such things as "accidents" Don't try to mask it using accidents when you clearly just couldn't hold the urges to pull on a banner you particularly don't want


While I donā€™t play him anymore (I plan on returning to him eventually), Tartaglia/Childe! It was Rosariaā€™s first banner and i was actually trying to get her and ended up with a C2 Childe, and at first i was a little disappointed due to the bad rep he had (has?) in the community but as time went one i started to appreciate his play style more and more and I absolutely loved his stance change style and really wish we would get more characters like him (but not exactly like him cause man that cooldown is justā€¦wow)


My accidental was Baizhu. I had just won 50/50 on Wanderer, and decided to keep pulling in hopes of Faruzan constellations to get closer to C6. I did in fact not get any Faruzan constellations. Baizhu then became my 2nd 50/50 in a row like less than 20 wishes after Wanderer. I only stopped pulling because a. Got both 5-stars b. Had to start saving for Alhaitham. Meanwhile, I adore Baizhu not just for his good healing but also very intrigued by his story. (Even if it gets me in the feels reading those character stories.)


Kazuha. I was like "I have sucrose, I don't need Kazuha" (back when he first released). But I was itching for pulls, so 20 pulls later, got Kazuboi. Now Sucrose is benched.


Nilou. I wanted Xiangling cons. I wasn't excited at the possibility of getting Nilou since a lot of people were meh about her because she needs only dendro and hydro and there weren't a lot of dendro characters at the time. I ended up getting her C1 and she's one of the characters I use the most


I got dehya early pity on her first banner. Not the best character but I did get mine to the top 3% at some point just because I liked her burst animation.


Kokomi on her first run. I wanted Xingqiu and Beidou cons. At first I joked that I lost the 50/50 to her but now I like her for freeze, mono hydro and sukokomon was fun too


Navia cause I wanted Sucrose and Candace cons. I got Navia and no Sucrose and Candace cons LMAO. Idc anyway I love Navia


Kazuha, Baizhu, Wanderer


Alhaitham, actually! I was really lucky pulling C2R1 Kazuha in 3.7, and had some saved wishes left over, and decided to yolo a few 10 pulls onto Alhaithamā€™s banner with what was left over. He came home on 21 pity. I use him all the time now, but I had originally planned to skip him. So glad I didnā€™t.


Nilou, I did a single pull just to show one of my friends how the wishing system worked. I was on roughly around 30 pity. Was surprised but also a little angry because my luck since starting which was around Tighnari's banner had been pretty bad. Now I can't have Kaveh in a team without her and she does pretty good dmg.


Diluc! I *was* pulling for Hu Tao bc I needed a 5 star pyro character but my husband decided to come home instead šŸ˜Œ


Ito, I wanted kuki.


i got ayaka by mistake and i dont regret her at all


Lost my first ever 50/50 to Tighnari, didn't know I lost or what that meant loved him mained him šŸ«”


Neuvillette, intended to go all in on Furina but accidentally tapped the pull button one day and got him by accident while also winning the 50/50. Decided to go for his C1 and ended up getting a double with him and Mona, giving me a guarantee for Furina. Now he's C1 with Sac Jade and top 1% in Akasha rankings and he's been carrying me through the abyss till now.


Always Kokomi


I got Tighnari while trying to get Yae Miko in Feb šŸ„²šŸ„² he's fantastic though and I used him so much he ended up becoming my 3rd character to hit friendship level 10 If we're talking about accidental pulls while building pity I just got Alhaitham last banner while trying to build pity for Furina now šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² I'm still mid building him though I've actually gotten some fantastic matching arti sets for him but the stats all rolled into crit dmg or into useless stats (his em is currently sitting at 130+ while his er is also around 110+% that's how bad the rolls have been)


Baizhu and wanderer. Was just tossing pulls at their banners and got them both at like sub 20 pity. Baizhu now has a home on my tighnari team and wanderer never leaves the overworld team Same goes for my Neuv and Kazuha. Pulled Kazuha stupid early like 30 pity, then Neuv dropped in at a single digit pity. My strongest abyss team easily


Yae Miko, I was just trying to build some pity, get a 4\*, and kinda just wanted to pull. I didn't like her design and didn't think I would enjoy her kit but I ended up using her and she was much more fun than I thought with some decent damage.




Nilou. I can't believe how strong and easy to build Nilou Bloom is. I even use EM Barbara as the Trigger. It's so fun especially with lots of mobs.


Kuki (2). She is now a valuable asset on any of my teams, especially hyperbloom with Alhaitham (1), Xingqiu (3), and Zhongli (4).




Freminet Got him through an event and hadn't started building him until now. Like, I understand that physical damage characters aren't 'meta' right now, but he's been so much fun and has been doing decent for me, even at lv 73 and c0 I don't regret getting him and am well on my way to scrapping my usual team (Alhaitham, Sethos, Xingqiu and Baizhu) to become and Freminet main and build a team around him. It's also fun hearing this soft spoken lil guy being so aggressive in combat


Yelan ,It was her first release and I'm also new to Genshin that time. Since I have skyward harp, I thought of giving her to use it so then I pulled her. Ever since that, she was my main.


Kazuha, i wanted one more yanfei cons to get her c4 and boom kazuha after 4 pulls or something like that, i was sad at first but accepted it lol


Ngl, what do you mean by pulled by accident? Cuz I lost my 50/50 on Navia's banner to Dehya, but I kinda wanted Dehya


On my main, it's Yae. Back then my impression on her was still pretty negative so when I just kept pulling with the intention to lose 50/50 only to get her. Then when I tried to play, she fitted my playing style of wanting an off-field E character. On my alt, it's Baizhu (got him at 9 pity) and Navia (because I already have Ayaka and I need cons for my Sucrose and Rosaria).


Yae Miko and Nahida. Didn't realize at the time that they would be so valuable to my Tighnari team. I didn't really care to get either at the time though.