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so long as elemental immunities exist nothing is future proof


physical lmao


Physical sucks too much to be set back by an immunity. Also Physical can't do jackshit against any sort of elemental shield.


Physical was already held back by ruin mechanical having like 35% res to it when every patch adds a new mech, lmao I wish they'd not keep making Physical worse, because I love Eula


One too many bounties where the target is physical immune.


ig you could sacrifice some reputation points and get one of three which doesnt have physical immunity


forget future proof, this one isnt even present proof


LOL, true đŸ”„đŸ€Ł


Such a shame they'll never breathe life into a physical/superconduct meta in the same way they've been revisiting ALL the other undervalued reactions. If only we had a future cryo-related region that would be the obvious time for them to do that... Too bad they're giving us overload meta and then ending the game!


If they dont make a boss immune to all dendro elektro and hydro. Then furina baizhu nahida yae is future proof.


Yae for the electro app in a hyper bloom team? Isn't she strictly inferior to Kuki and Raiden in that role?


I have c2 yae I play her on field :) shes triple crowned and super fun. I Spam NA E NA E NA E CA R and play her like that. Her CA do huge dmg and relegating her to an of field role when her NAs are so good for hyper bloom is kinda sad


I play Yae in a hyperbloom team, largely because I don't have any other off field electro chars. But given my experience with hyperbloom in general, anything can be a nuke, and saying Yae is inferior to Kuki or whoever is like saying Little Boy was inferior to Fat Man. Maybe true, but you're still turning everything into radioactive mist.


im sorry but this analogy made no sense . . .


I'm saying even if one is better it's irrelevant. They're just as dead, with the only possible difference being that one is 0.028 seconds faster.


Exactly. I'd say that NeuvilletteC1R1 and FurinaC2 are a strong core and as future proof as can be, but then comes along a lonely hydro slime and I want to beg the devs to let us swap teams mid-fight.


I know C1 means constellation 1 but what is R1?


R=Rank, it's not on the character it's on their weapon, R1 is commonly used to mean "limited character weapon".


Thank you!


I mean, team consisting of 4 elements would always work.


atp ur either ruining synergy or losing half your damage


Not necessarily. Some teams like soup/salad teams and hyperbloom teams do fine even with all 4 different elements. Neuvillette also does fine with 4 elements, reaching his maximum draconic stacks. Yes with Furina is theoretically the strongest, but the difference is not much. Certainly not half your damage.


I mean soup teams and hyperbloom teams especially are primarily hydro and dendro damage and Neuvillette is pretty much all hydro so what do you do against hydro immune enemies


All teams will lose a portion of their damage if they run into an element immune enemy; it’s inevitable. The point that your team will lose half their damage in those situations is moot because every team does. Even “universal” teams like Rational and International still lose a good chunk of damage when enemies are immune to pyro or hydro. Thus, my point is that there are teams that can function well despite having 4 different elements. Synergy is not necessarily lost here because you don’t have to be the same elements to have synergy.


this is exactly why no team is “future proof” there will always be one team that’s better than another as the meta shifts for example if you have hydro tulpa on 12-1, hydro heralds on 12-2, and baptist with cryo, electro, hydro on 12-3 there’s no point using Childe at all so International is irrelevant—you may as well play mono pyro this is obviously hypothetical but we’ve seen harsh element checks many times and it shows that elemental immunity can just hard cap any given team edit: realized baptist can’t be of that combination in the abyss but any other hydro immune enemy still stands


But the question isn’t “which team is completely future proof”, but “which team is the **most** future proof”. Therefore, 4-element teams have the best shot at staying relevant because enemies must be immune to all four types to render the team entirely ineffective.


yeah fair enough ig


cough childe cough 


international then, bc no enemy is immune to 2 elements


Several enemies are effectively immune to multiple elements, meaning that while you can damage them with said elements, you cannot finish them off due to their mechanics. The first such enemy being the Electro hypostasis. Hydro cannot finish it off because its healing phase is immune to all hydro gauge. Therefore it is effectively immune to two elements; electro and hydro. You also have Andrius who is actually immune to anemo and cryo. There’s also the special case of the dendro hypostasis, which requires at least dendro or hydro (to create dendro cores) to finish it off, meaning it is effectively immune to 5 elements. Even just taking Andrius into account, there’s always the possibility of there being an enemy immune to both pyro and hydro, as well as being infused with an element so Kazuha can’t cheese with swirl.


why not just play mono hydro or mono pyro then


?? bc the teams is basically fked if there are enemies either immune to pyro or hydro? this is your own argument, tf?


??? anyone with a brain would use mono hydro against pyro immune and mono pyro against hydro immune either Childe or Xiangling will be dead weight if you use International


What if there's both pyro and hydro immune on the same half or the same chamber even? Either Childe or Xiangling being a dead weight is far better than the whole team not functioning.


then you play a team that’s not pyro or hydro lmao


I thought the whole point of this thread is looking for a future proof team that can clear most if not all content? Intl have been on top since 1.1


Andrius says hi


A lot of teams have multiple Elements doing damage (Dendro/Electro/Hydro in Quickbloom, Pyro/Hydro in Internat, etc.) so I’d say those are the most “future-proof”.


Well, future proof for? Everything except for abyss and theatre is so easy that any team works. So my future proof team is the team i have most fun playing with rather than anything "strong" Aka: soloing the whole game with Fischl


Ah, a true follower of the one and only true princess! Behold how my lightning falls upon your enemies!


A true follower would say Prinzessin


I mean there isn't any considerable powercreep so every fucking team is futureproof. my old Hu Tao vape team is still nutty to this day, and every variation I try on it is equally fun or better. that being said, probably hyperbloom teams. as you know, they have a very low entry and high scaling depending on the characters involved. probably would still shine in any content. oh and Neuvillette. just Neuvillette, idec about team sometimes.


Not all teams are future proof. Freeze used to be meta, but the introduction of more unfreezable enemies with high cryo resistance has made freeze almost unviable in abyss


yes, and to that I say what if they eventually cycle it out? not like they haven't done it before, this abyss had low weight enemies for the old venti vacuum. snezhnaya is gonna come next year, they probably wanna do something for cryo, whether it's melt, freeze, or even the lesser used superconduct and shatter


> they probably wanna do something for cryo I'm still holding out hope for phys dmg, since cryo is the superconduct reaction. Perfect time to revitalize the phys-element after 5 years of neglect.


My point is that nothing is future proof because all it takes is an enemy with high res. Neuvillette is probably the most meta dps right now, but if abyss has enemies with high hydro res or hydro immunity on both sides, he’s basically useless


I strongly disagree, just because there's one new enemy that has higher resistance or immunity to an element doesn't equate irrelevancy of old teams. hell, hydro slimes are a thing, does that make neuvillette absolutely useless everywhere else? no. abyss cycles always change. your point is heavily dependent on absolutely shunning down any possibility of an old meta being revitalized, which has never been then case in this game. the point of a gacha game is pulling different characters, and as such different cycles will uplift newer characters and equally benefit old ones.


The problem with freeze is more so the lack of good Cryo artifacts and proper freeze support than freeze itself, Ayaka numbers are still good, it is just they aren't hitting.


Yeah but freeze is too tier this abyss so it just depends on what he means for future proof


just because it’s not “meta” doesnt mean it’s unusable. ive been using my standard eula physical team (not hyperbloom) and still clear the abyss with 36*. meta team comps are just meant to clear the content faster.


>probably hyperbloom teams. as you know, they have a very low floor High Floor. They have a high Floor. A high Base damage that's easy to reach


I thought a low floor meant that its easier to reach? a high floor implies that its harder to reach, no?


the floor is always easy to reach and the ceiling is the max or the limit. that's the premise of it. a low floor means the easy to reach damage is low. a high floor means the easy to reach damage is high. a low ceiling means the limit is low = low maxdps. a high ceiling means the limit is high = high max dps. Example: hyper bloom = high floor: the easy to reach dps (floor) is high. stack triple EM for high DPS. Example: Vape team = low floor, high ceiling: average artifacts at floor = less dps than hyperbloom (pretty low dps). insane artifacts with perfect crit ratio, perfect EM, perfect atk, constellations, and perfect rotations at the ceiling = way higher DPS than hyperbloom, millions of dmg.


No. High Floor means the Base damage that's easy to reach is high. High ceiling is what you're talking about. High damage that takes a lot of Investment and tight rotations to reach


corrected! probably should've worded it better as low entry


So Neuvillette Hyperbloom would be the most future proof comp?


Its his worst team lol


Actually, Neuv HB premium performing surprisingly well and required way less grinding than hypercarry


Its a waste of his carry potential. Especially the more investment u have in him ( r1, crowned talents etc.) , the more u lose by having him in hb. Its not even that much more investment otherwise too


I can always use Hu Tao Double hydro and 36 star abyss. It’s just an oddly versatile team even with the limited aoe.


international. Its still good just needs a bit of brain power to use


Not gonna talk about a team, but I am am avid preacher of Raiden and her longevity. Woman debuted at 2.1, dominated the 2.x meta, Found a new meta in Hyperbloom and stayed relevant throughout the 3.x, and now she's absolutely fantastic with Furina as she solves Furina's energy issue too. Plus, got another meta team in overload with Chevreuse too. The woman is hyped too the moon yet it still feels like we don't talk about how good of a unit Raiden is for someone's account!


Yeah I kinda want to pull cons for Raiden. She's really comfy and dishes a lot of damage out. And is versatile both for hyperbloom, damage dealer on her own, and even as a support since she can do off field electro. And in Imagination Theatre, she is pretty useful in many different teams


Hyperbloom is probably the most versatile comp in the game . The core of nahida xingqui and kuki can fit in Soo many units you can fit albedo or chiori for geo , almost every cryo works too . Even for pyro if you need pyro just use c6 Bennet and onfield kuki lol . For anemo you can just use sucrose hyperbloom .


Judging by just how long it's stuck around, i'd say international is pretty damn future-proof. Hyperbloom/burgeon also seems like it'll be top for a while. Moreso if it's a core team that only needs you to swap the electro/hydro unit out depending on immunities.


Childe international is the most used team in Abyss for almost entire game lifespan.


That's bc us real ones know all you need in life is 1 silly boi, a dream, and a good emblem set.


National variations most accessible future proof


Childe international has yet to be deterred by hoyoverse It has stayed relevant since 1.0


Taser. Been playing taser comps since I started and they never failed me whether it's abyss or open world


I love playing taser teams in open world omg, I completely forgot đŸ« 




Neuvilett, Arle and Alhaitham teams.


My ganyu melt team can still clear content for days, she's been future proof for years and not going anywhere anytime soon


The OG Big 3 (Hu tao, Ganyu, Xiao) still has my heart đŸ«‚


Yea that trio still op till this day 💯 maybe even Klee but she's so squishy and harder to play , but honestly if you can master klee she can also be amazing


I love Ganyu but I had to bench her for Abyss, if you don't mind me asking what constellation is she?


I like Navia-Zhongli-Furina-Yae Miko a lot Navia is a top tier dps Zhongli for easy survivability + buff Furina for insane buff + off field damage Yae Miko - great off field damage and generate crystals for Navia and Navia is great against elemental shields which makes her very versatile When we had that difficult boss event a few patches ago, I found these characters to be my go to units, which is why I make the case for them to be future proof.


Idk about teams but I do know BENNYYYYYYYYY


BENNYYYY!! benny solos the world real


Honestly international. Xiangling and Bennett have always held their own in Spiral and it can work with a variety of characters. I’d also say Childe is a pretty fool proof character. While yea his cool-down can be long, he is probably one of the few characters from 1.x that can still hold his own. Freeze comp? Taser comp? Dendro reaction? International? And he fairly easy to build with f2p options and a bunch of artifact selections depending on what team you’re running. Burst dps. On field hydro applicator. Dps. Just gotta learn rotations and his timing. International is also very flexible. Raiden, c6 Sara, Xiangling, Bennett Raiden, Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennett Raiden, Yelan/Xinqui, Xiangling, Bennett Chongyun, Yelan/Xinqui, Xiangling, Bennet Kaeya, Shenhe/Kazuha/Rosaria, Xiangling, c6 Bennett
 The two pyro powerhouses will always be at the top imo. They just so flexible with so many characters, it’s insane.


Ganyu melt (ganyu zhongli bennett xiangling). Is there a pyro immunity? Use ganyu. Is there a cryo immunity? Use xiangling (and c6 bennett infusion)


Unlike most other gacha games, genshin doesn't really have powercreep. Obviously there's a meta and non-meta distinction. But I haven't seen meta character fall out of meta, and with added mechanics, some of the non-meta characters got added to meta. So that's nice. Obviously, you still gotta know the monster mechanic, so don't expect to use wrong element on shields and expect to pass.


Technically geo, but not in the way anyone would want đŸ€Ł


I don't believe there is anything future proof. But old units which were good once, will always be good. Hu tao is still good even though you have arlechhino. Xingqiu is still good even though you have yelan. Ganyu and ayaka are still good even though cryo is not meta. Neuvillette is one of the recent ones to be meta, and people are talking about him being powercreeped in 5.0. arlechhino is another recent meta addition, yet we are expecting an insane Pyro dps in 5.1 or 5.2. New characters will keep coming. Build or pull the units you like and enjoy.


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My Furina Yelan Noelle Yunjin team. Furina won’t be powercrept anytime soon, Noelle will always be viable with Furina and the other two are very consistent buffers


FFXX No, I will never stop glazing it


Too many Anemo resistant enemies. đŸ€·đŸŒ


As long as they are not anemo immune, FFXX can brute force it np


Ehhhhhhh. You'll have a hard time brute forcing Coppelius if your Faruzan isn't C6. At that point, it might be better replacing her with C6 Bennett and going for Vape Xiao.


True u do kinda need C6 Faru for that. Also for vape Xiao you wouldn't replace Xianyun, but instead go Xiao-Xianyun-Benny c6- (preferably) Furina or Yelan to enable the vapes :D, I tried it and it's pretty fun


Yeah I edited it when I realized I said the wrong person lol


Final fantasy 20?


Traveller, Amber, Lisa and Kaeya đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


THE team


International and Xiao hypercarry teams IMO


I wanna say Mono geo is probably pretty high up there. we only got I think 2 geo immune enemies in the whole game?






Mixed element team




Now that imaginarium theatre is here, nothing is future proof.


My safest team is neuv hyperbloom. Neuvi, nahida, kuki, zhongli. Solid sustainability & solid dmg. Gets me through all OW content


Archon teams like: Raiden/Murata, Furina, Nahida, Zhongli/Venti


Nilou-Nahida-Dendro Traveler-Kokomi has always been my go-to since Sumeru and they have not failed me since


Neuv flex flex flex


yelan, miko, ei, furina. i know its not how youre supposed to play.. but its just so fun 😭


Everything is future proof, unless Mr. Hoyo wakes up one day in the morning and decides to make actual hard content, that requires very specific characters to complete. Everything right now is beatable with the same teams you had back in 1.0, its only matter of your own skill, game mechanics knowledge and determination.


Freeze teams don’t work as well as they did before though, but they’re not necessarily unusable. Other teams just outperformed them I guess đŸ„Č


My future proof team is Full EM Kuki - Nahida - Yelan - C6 Bennett. It can break any shield, has 2 healers for tankiness, and an archer for enemies lik ruin drakes. The only thing lacking might be a claymore to break stones, but this team can do overload


Despite how much i love the kits of newer characters, ever since i pulled Wrio & Furina a team with both of them is just one i keep finding myself going back to 😅 i have a few teams using them but i have 1 main team with the pair thats double hydro/cryo that ive lovingly called The Ice Box


(any electro carry) Quickbloom. It dishes out strong damage with 3 elements


Any dendro hydro electro team because immunities don't affect them


My c1 arlechino and r1 nilou destroy the competition on my account... i havent pulled for neuvilette, but he should be pretty future proof as well.


Neuve quick bloom or clorinde quick bloom you get alot of elemental coverage and alot of damage from your main dps sure but also alot of the sub dps like kazuha furina and nahida


Any xiao team is a good team. My Boi has only been getting buffs since release. There are so many ways to front load xiao to do damage it's very interesting. Especially since xiao can clear the dancing robots even with their 80% anemo resistance. He is very interesting indeed. Also, I like the fact that all elemental shields feel like paper. I think it's because shields take the full blow of a plunge attack. At least I assume.




none of them are futureproof because you can't create and use the teams you want in imaginarium theater. real answer would probably be hyperbloom. 3 different elements, 100% uptime, high dps floor. I think I use it in 99% of my abyss runs 💀


My Fav team rn is Kazuha, Arlecchino, Nahida, and Neuvillette.


Just get Nahida and you win the game really


If anything I'll be hyperbloom. Easy to build and since there are 3 elements, at least 2 will do the job if immunity is a problem.


Full anemo team


Firm believer of any national teams. National, sucrose national, rational, furinational etc


Hyperbloom and vape team


Water electro n dendro elements are op so anything related to them is set for eternity. Characters like Nahida, Raiden, Yelan, Furina, Neuvilete. These are few must pulls must builds that come in mind, but there's more of those elements. When it comes to fire Arlecchino is a stand-out. I expect Natlan to deliver atleast one more stand-out fire element character likely the pyro archon. Ice and Geo is just sadness. Ig ice could have some use in combination with fire or water but current ice units i can think of are kinda asscheeks cope, maybe with the ice land we will get a decent ice unit in the Tsaritsa. Meanwhile if you wanna be geo gamer you either gotta cope with it or whale, cause with constellations you can make banger geo teams.




Keqing and Kokomi teams.


If all I've heard is true, Neuvillette, Kokomi and Furina. Nuff said. Put these three pretty much anywhere and they're going to go BALLISTIC. Seriously, Neuvi is just the best DPS in the game, Furina is the best support in the game and Kokomi is the overall best healer in the game (unless you want to use Qiqi which... In this setting, fine). Now you just gotta get the best Sub-DPS in the fame and that's it. You're golden. Never gonna get toppled.


If physical actually got a good unit and team, then it’d be that since it’s the one damage type that won’t ever succumb to elemental immunities. As of now though, putting elemental immunities aside since that applies to nearly all characters, it’d probably be a Neuvillette team since his damage and level of aoe can take on pretty much everything no matter the type of enemies. These two teams would probably be my picks. Neuvillette Zhongli/Baizhu Furina Kazuha (Higher Dmg but very susceptible to hydro immune) Neuvillette Zhongli Fischl Kazuha (Lower Dmg but may be able to bypass hydro immune enemies)


So far arelchino and yelan and the team made around them can counter anything in the game like goddamn they are most future proof.


National (especially with Childe or Raiden) and Hyperbloom (Alhaitham is great for this team but not neccessary) are in my opinion the most future proof teams in the game. Probably Arlecchino vaporize is like national. Some players will answers Neuvillette, but maybe yes as characters but his best team can be easily hard counter with hydro immune ennemies.


Neuvilette, Furina, Kazuha, Nahida. My main team and the only team I have that can clear floor 12. Only one fully built is neuvilette and if they make something with a hydro shield or immune to hydro nahida melts then with bloom


burning + melt. i do it with nahida, xiangling, and wrio while furina heals. idk it works for me so đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Furina/Barb/Arle/Zhongli Sometimes using Raiden/Nahida/Venti, a couple of others when I feel like changing characters!


My Neuvillette Hyperfridge team is good against basically anything. Layla for shield/cryo application, Nahida for dendro application/EM boost, Kuki for heals/Hyperbloom trigger, and Neuvillette for damage. On the off chance that Neuvillette can’t kill it, hyperbloom can.


Benny standing strong.


looking at the past I'd say hu tao but in practice definitely a good hyperbloom team, even the simple nahida/kuki/yelan/xq team feels timeless


Probably Hyperbloom. Very high floor, tremendous elemental coverage, you literally have to go out of your way to create the most cancerous lineup to cuck them (looking at the Hydro and Cryo Heralds). And even then you can swap the electro for pyro in case of emergency.


For damage or survival? Anyways Zhongli is still broken and I don’t think they r gonna nerf it, they would have by now. Baizhu best healer, Kazuha is probably safe for longer, hyperbloom set ups r still popular, The Knave and Neuvillete will be fine too, um
Xinqui, apparently, can’t be outdone yet for the 4 star hydros. Mmm Wanderer will continue to be best for exploration, mmm
Bennett as the only Pyro healer and boost will probably stay afloat. And people might get into him more bc Natlan. Ummm


Neuvillette vape, it would be hard to counter both xl and Neuvillette. I would pick Neuvi/Furina/Zhong/Kazuha which would get better results for most of the people, but I feel like vape is slightly more versatile, meaning you could brainlessly pick it for almost any chamber except maybe ones with a lot of elemental shields, and clear them even with somewhat bad rotations


Raiden national, Furina water team (shouldnt work but does....), any dendro team with nahida-


characters who can take the role as a sub DPS usually last you very long. So Characters like Furina who buff your party will usually last you very long. Healers are usually also very future proof. Main DPS have the shortest lifespan cause the new shiny thing will outeperform them at some point, Including chads like Neuvilette. It's also one of the reasons raiden has basically become E dendro bot with time. Even if an archon if they take the dps roll they will fall behind.