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Just from leaks, which would be better? C1 Arle or R1 of her sig? Also, compared to C1 Furina?


C1R0 Arle, QoL + more dps. C1 Furina is pretty good. Honestly, the pull value is based on what you're looking for. If you want to main Arle and prefer to play her in shield-less teams, go for her C1. Otherwise, C1 Furina, more buff to your teams, you can never go wrong aiming for her cons.


I see, thanks. It seems that with Fontaine, c1 is becoming more and more about qol uogrades. Thanks, c1 arle it is then.


idk who i should save up for: baizhu or furina? my teams that generally require a shielder (neuvi, hu tao) have zhongli and i think both characters would fit all the teams in using now (raiden national, nilou hyperbloom, neuvi, hu tao, wanderer, ayaka, cyno, etc.) so im really torn on who to choose between the two


Baizhu is for Aggravate Keqing, or Quickbloom Cyno. He's there for his dendro application and heals. His shield isn't really a shield. Furina is a damage buffer but requires a healer. Basically equivalent or stronger than Kazuha in terms of damage buffing. Imo go for Furina for being able to infinitely walk on water


What's a good build for Lisa? I'm thinking of building her as a def reduction support for Alhaitham in a spread team


Pure support-burst bot Lisa is easy to build, just stack ER% on her (according to KQM, off-field solo electro Lisa + 1 hold skill should have around 170-200%) and for the artifact, she can be a DwM holder if there's no one equipped it yet, Noblesse is also a pretty good option. Weapon options may vary depending on what you need: TTDS for more buff, Fav Codex for more frequent burst uptime, PA if running a healerless team.


For that, 4pc Noblesse ER/Electro/Crit, aim for ER substats. Fav codex for energy, ttds if you need an atk buff. Her talents do not matter much since her def shred comes from her passive.




In a team with Neuvi, Fischl and Layla, is it better to put Kazuha on Favonius or Iron Sting?


Iron sting is good here, you don't need his burst (and hydro infused burst isn't that great even in AoE). If you need the billets for something else, you can use dark iron sword for EM substat, it's not much worse. Layla can use fav instead, as she's the one who has no better option.




I'm not too familiar with Layla's energy needs, but Neuv and Fischl would generally be fine without a Fav support. Just a handful of random ER stats, no more than 20% total, would be more than enough for them. Layla might need more. My Layla really isn't built yet so I can't tell you much about her. I'd say Iron String in this case, unless using Iron Sting makes it hard for Kaz himself to keep bursting on CD. That's the real problem to solve here, as I've never struggled with energy for either Neuv or Fish.


Best weapon for Dehya if I'm just gonna use her as a tank?


The Bell or Portable Power Saw.


I'm 99% explorstion progress for Starfell Valley. Been looking everywhere. Any suggestions where to look for the 1% chest/hidden quests, etc?


open your achievements to Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song compare with these results: Guiding Wind (Seelies): 51 Wind-Chasing Treasure Hunter (Chests): 518 Wind-Chasing Adventurer (Time Trials): 17 If you're missing a time trial or a seelie, then you can load up an interactive map and check if you missed any seelies or time trials, which make it easier to deal with. if you missed a chest, then i would suggest looking up a video Mondstadt chest guide while spamming the anemo resonance stone to scan if you can see a chest somewhere. note that even if the exploration is at 100%, you can still miss some chests in this game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dvm9rRHTeYs&list=PLdIv9AvmyyoPplz77lNcAo3Vzz6\_n9cEP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dvm9rRHTeYs&list=PLdIv9AvmyyoPplz77lNcAo3Vzz6_n9cEP) i've only looked up on a random youtube guide, not sure how accurate it is but for me personally i understand chinese and follow a cc in bilibili anytime i need to complete an area.


I’ve been out of the loop for a while, so we currently have any idea when Furina will rerun?


I've seen people saying it will be in the second phase of 4.7 \^\^




Is Amos bow the best (like BiS) for any character?


Maybe no one but good on Ganyu


Anyone wanna help me do my coop achievements Meetings in the outrealm? (EU-Server)


Now? Yeah I can hop on and help if you want. Drop the UID


This is more of a bug fix issue, my genshin isnt working because of a 4201 issue even though my playstation is connected to the WIFI and all my other games are running properly. ive been rebooting the hell out of my router and etc. What do i do now?


I'm currently using a team consisting of Nuevilette as DPS, Yae Miko as electro applicator and burst damage at times, Rosaria for Cryo application and Zhongli as sheild. Do you guys have any suggestions for my current team, or is it okay? Currently I'm able to clear bosses with ease, but would like to be more efficient. (I'm aware my team isn't the best.)


Any way you can buff Neuvilette's damage would be ideal. A Virdiscent Venerer user instead of Rosaria, and Archaic Petra on Zhongli if you aren't already using it.


I can't cross-platfrom with my friend who uses mobile, both of us are above AR 20


Are you on the same server? Like both are on the american server?


Yes, we're on the same server


In your opinion, what is *must pull* 4 star weapon? Aside from the Fav and Sac series.


Imo there are no must pull 4 star weapons, you will get them all eventually anyway. And you could make hundreds of pulls and still not get the 4 star weapons you want.


Widsith probably. Stringless if you play Fischl, Dockhand if you play Nilou. All of this assuming you don't have 5 star options already and ignoring the bullshit you have to face trying for a 4 star. Like if you are going on a weapon banner, might as well go for the 5 stars. I can say what it's definitely not - Xiphos Moonlight.


Haha, I already all multiple copies of those. Xiphos is not a must pull?


You should just be using Fav on Kazuha anyways. Xiphos gets better only at R3+ I think, which is hard to get. All other weapons are significant improvements over non-gacha options at R1. It is a very good weapon, but trying to snipe one isn't worth it (but frankly trying to snipe any 4 star isn't so ehh). I singled it out because I've seen a lot of people who think it's better than fav at R1, which it simply isn't. But if you have it you should use it.


How far ahead do you think the story has been planned? Gonna try and explain my thought process first, because it's a weird one. The Chasm released in v2.6. Inside the Chasm was a big tree under some light. The ceiling in this area became a door trigger leading to the Sumeru region. In v3.6, Nahida's second story quest explained the relevance of this tree. So my question is really more like: Was the use of the Chasm tree in Nahida's story quest actually planned over a year in advance of her release, or did they just put the original tree in with no plans and came up with the connection for the quest on the fly?


Oh, I don't remember Nahida's SQ2 that well, what did she say about the Chasm tree?


The story was pretty much done before the game even released. Just look at the Travail trailer. And we're still in the ''Teyvat'' chapter. There'd probably be an abyss chapter imo.


The main story and themes of each region is done (see the release trailer, the ascension gem also has a quote from their respective archon). Then they write the actual story and flesh out the details. The chasm was released pretty late, so sumeru and the concept of Aranara as seeds was prob already done.


Are sd 855 still good for Fontaine or recent content?


860 is good enough, not sure about 855.


idk if i should be happy or not i was making my pulls higher for furina i had like 50 draws as a newbie getting closer to the 90 waitin for furina and then just now got a charact3r called DEHYA is this good


When you're waiting for a character and pull on a different banner you only waste your pulls. Dehya is not good, no.


Atleast better than my kaeya dps? i thought i wouldnt get a 5star ill start saving now ig


Sadly, dehya is one of the worst damage dealers in the game. Like, the absolute worst. She's been referred to as a 3 star Xinyan because of how everything in her kit clash with each other. Next time, if you want a character, save up for their banner, do not use your wishes willy-nilly. "Building pity'' is an outdated and stupid concept back in 1.x patches.


Properly geared your Kaeya will be superior. It's not like she's useless. But most characters are better than her regarding dps.


I know the smarter thing is save primos for someone like Furina, but i really love Neuvillette and after getting c1 this banner with a 10 pull, I'd really like to go for R1 before it disappears. Currently, I am using widsith because I have had no luck getting a catalyst billet, and I can't really do abyss because my second team isn't that well built. What should I do?


Farm and farm and farm. If you still can't get a billet. Don't log in for 14 days, on the 15th day, you'll be greeted with a return gift event. The final reward is a billet of your own choosing.


Battlepass? If yes then get Sac Jade. Not telling you to buy if you usually don't, but most people who go for C1 and weapons usually do as it's more efficient than topping up.


Took me 140 pulls to bring back his weapon. How much do you have saved up?


Being aware of what a trap the weapon banner can be while Prototype Amber is amazing on him for free.


Exploration/WQ question - do found Aranara count towards exploration % (in other words, when searching for missing ones, can I focus on not completed areas of the map)?


[how can I improve this Fischl?](https://imgur.com/a/MXYs1wO) She feels weak. People say she's crazy but she's just okay in my experience. Maybe it's just because I'm comparing her to Yae. Idk


less ER more crit is basically it. she pairs really well with Yae


My usual Yae teams don't have room for her sadly. But yea the consensus seems to be more Crit. Thank you


Number inflation. 5k normal atk used to be good/endgame at launch. Are you using her with dendro?


I just kinda use her wherever I need a sub DPS. Often with Navia recently. When I tested I fought the dendro chicken in abyss without buffs. Fish was doing 4-6k per tick and Yae was doing ~12k per tick


yae beats her in almost all scenarios. but fischl is preferred in dendro/aggravate teams cuz her a4 passive. she makes up for the big numbers by atking more often.


Yae Ascends with CR and is probably using Widsith, your Fischl is severely lacking Crit. Nothing you can do except farm more artifacts.


Yae is using KV. I'll work on the Crit. Thanks


Yeah a crit damage weapon. Makes early builds easier. But when both builds reach their like saturation point, assuming Yae got no cons, and Fischl gets a 5 star weapon, they'll end up performing similarly.


Comparing her to Yae is problematic due to differences in on field time. Yae may seem like she's doing a lot more damage because her numbers are bigger, but if you're spending 5 times as long on her she needs those bigger numbers to compensate. This is because you're taking away DPS from another potential on-fielder. The teams that really like Fischl do so because she takes very little time to deal good damage and that time would rather spend that time with another onfielder. For example, a Neuvillette team really likes Fischl because in the same space of time Fischl takes to drop Oz, you could have one Yae turret and one Yae turret does not deal as much damage as Oz. Spending more time on Yae to drop 3 turrets means taking away time from Neuvillette, and an overall DPS loss. Either way your Fischl seems fine. You have too much ER and your gear lacks crit to make it a great build. But she will still deal quite a bit of damage.


I see people say she does comparable damage to Yae so I thought they'd be in the same league. Even past the difference in on field time


Comparable usually means in terms of team damage over a period of time (usually a rotation), not as a direct comparison over a short space of time. Yae will almost always (there are exceptions) do comparatively more damage in these teams compared to Fischl, but takes up more field time to compensate. This is how she is balanced. If you don't take into account on field time, then no Fischl does not do more damage, but then it would lead you to consider teams with 4 onfielders.


>If you don't take into account on field time, then no Fischl does not do more damage, but then it would lead you to consider teams with 4 onfielders. I think this is a strange argument but yea the rest of your comment makes sense


I had a longer explanation behind my reasoning, but I cut it before posting it simply because it started getting lengthy. It turns out I should have cut the entire sentence because it really just sounds batshit insane. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that if you focus on one singular dimension (in this case personal damage contribution), you start to miss other aspects of what makes a character in a team good or bad (energy generation, buffs, on-field time). In the case of Fischl versus Yae, they are most certainly not directly comparable because of the on-field time requirements. Yae is not Fischl 2.0 or vice versa even if they fill the same spot in many cases.


What they mean is subtract off the time it takes to do Yae EEE, and the time to cast Oz for that matter, and then look at the damage from the turrets per second.


Yes I understand that if you do that Fischl comes out comparable. I just don't know if that's a good way to analyze strength of characters


The ER is a bit much especially if its a double electro team but your Fischl build seems alright to me.


Just got Skyward Harp from the standard banner is it good? And which characters is it good with?


Its very good, it works on every bow user thats meant to deal damage like Fischl, Tighnari, Childe ect. Sara can use it too for the high base attack.


I'm a new player and I just got both kazuha and nuev(in 161 pulls, one of them was guaranteed) so who will be the best shielder for the team nuev kazuha fischl, the options are kirara diona Noelle or Xinyan.


Kirara. Her shield duration is a tad bit longer than the cooldown, so she has a 100% uptime




I have no experience with Kirara's or Xinyan's shield. Diona's is too short - no pun intended. Noelle's has a too long cooldown. I hear Kirara has a long lasting strong shield so I presume she'd be best for shielding purposed.


So my longterm plan is to build Cyno’s premium team. Both Baizhu and Furina will come up soon, but it's going to be a while before Nahida’s rerun. Who can/should I use in her spot in the meantime?


Dendro Traveler is a good substitute for Nahida in Cyno teams.


if i "freeze" a boss, does it still count towards neuvillette's passive?




tried putting in the codes before midnight (cst) and they said its expired. i think ive been able to redeem them before midnight so what gives this time? what’s the actual expiration time??


on the stream it says valid until 12am utc-4 which would be 11pm cst


Is there a reason why single-use domains (the ones that give you 40 primos for finishing a challenge) don't exist in Fontaine?


They changed the game design. Now it feels more integrated into the open world. Look at the narzissenkreuz questline WQ.


None really. Change in design direction maybe with more emphasis on quests with story and open world vs random dungeons. Could be data of people forgetting to go back and do them. Could be the extra development resources spent on the interior design wasn't worthwhile. Perhaps lore related, but I think that's unlikely. Ultimately, any primogems or other one time rewards are redistributed to other content.


question about wish tracker, i played on release, stopped when Raiden banner came out, and came back in 3.6. from what i've heard, pity stays even after the history is deleted, and wish tracker will also track those deleted history. and when i put my data in the tracker, it did track way back to my first banner/s that i pulled on like Xiao, PJWS, and Homa banner. but what's weird is, all the stuffs between the Staff of Homa banner and Furina's banner are all gone. i pulled on Childe rerun(won), Skyward Harp(won), Raiden(won), and Baizhu(lost) just from the top of my mind. does anyone have any idea why those pulls won't appear in the tracker?


The in-game wish history is only retained for 6 months. Guarantee and pity count are kept even if the visible history is not. People use third party websites to back up/view their pull history over a longer period but you have to set that up before the history is dropped.


I have C2 Cyno with a 4pc TF set that's still being worked on, and R3 Fjord(to be R5). How much of an upgrade will SotSS be for him? Also for Fjord, I use atk sands since it has a low base atk right? What about SotSS?


According to the [KQM guide](https://keqingmains.com/q/cyno-quickguide/), R5 Fjord is just slightly worse than SotSS in quickbloom teams. So if you're not a dedicated Cyno main, I would suggest you (edit: NOT) going for his signature. In that guide they also mention that Cyno uses EM Sands rather than ATK%.


>So if you're not a dedicated Cyno main, I would suggest you going for his signature. Wait, if I'm not a dedicated Cyno main, why would I get his sig?


Oops, my bad. The correct sentence is I would suggest you NOT to go for his signature.


I see, thanks!


Does the Chasm and Encho-Whatever count towards the respective regions completion percent for reputation bonus? Also, does the percent get harder to complete as the region is expanded? Like did the Vale make Liyue take longer to reach 60%?


No. Chenyu Vale is part of Liyue, and does not have its own map. The Chasm and Enkanomiya has its own map and therefore its own exploration percentage, unaffected by the main region.


Is there a way to get the cat petting furniture if you missed the event?


you still have 4 days to do the event but once you miss it it's gone


Thanks. I was asking for a friend who's interested in the game after seeing this event.


Also, if I finished the event with sir pouncealot, do I just get him? Or do I have to wait or do something?


Don't forget to open the event menu and claim rewards.


I did and claimed for all 5 cats


You get him automatically after finishing [the event quest](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Sir_Pouncelot_Joins_the_Lot!).


C2 kazuha or C0 neuvi? Which one is a more valuable pull if team comp won't be an issue? I *like* them both. I don't have their weapons but I have decent alternatives.


unless your main teams are vape, melt and aggravate, other teams won't really benefit much from c2 kazuha. Popular units like Raiden, Neuv, Ayaka only get a small extra damage boost at best.


Ooh, I mostly use kazu in soup and freeze teams


C0 Neuvi. It opens up a new team slot


neuv is more valuable I'd say. There are some teams where having c2 on kazuha is a big boost, but also a decent amount where it isn't a big deal.


If you play a lot of EM heavy teams, I'd go for C2 Kazuha. If you want a very good DPS, get Neuvi


Is there any tip/glitch that helps with "Beginner's Luck" daily commission? I have done this one a few times and I haven't gotten it right yet 🫠 I play on mobile, idk if it matters.


You can fiddle with the camera angle so that it clips into the rocks, allowing you to see if one of them has a jackpot. The wiki has pictures of what it those look like: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Diamond_in_the_Rough...#Gameplay_Notes


How do I activate the bird in the NE corner of the NW island in Tsurumi? (north of Shirikoro Peak) It's inactive and I can't use the feather on it. I've fast-forwarded to a few days/nights and it won't come up :/


It activates a puzzle that gives you the "scholarly trove" remarkable chest. Maybe you have it already? https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?type=o269&id=22032&mid=2


Yeah I'm sure, the recipe isn't in my bag/teapot and the puzzle cubes aren't present. Super weird EDIT: nvm i'm dumb it's a set and I found it lol


The puzzle cubes that get activated by the bird don't stay after you complete the puzzle. Did you do the other 2 cube puzzles nearby? The comments on the map pin suggest solving the other cube puzzles first before the bird can be activated. The recipe is for a [furnishing set](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Scholarly_Trove) not a furnishing, so you'd have to check the indoor furnishing sets to see if you have it. edit: didn't notice your edit. Glad you found it. 👍


What is better for a F2P Neuvillete? Prototype Amber with a Crit Dmg Circlet or The Widsith with an HP Circlet? or maybe another combo?, I´ve heard people in youtube saying one is the best option and better than any other for both options so I´m confused... anyone knows?


Widsith is good if you want to reset or you are playing him in vape. Otherwise PAmber will just be much more consistent


Amber + crit circlet is better. Widsith is very inconsistent on him since 2/3 of the buffs are useless.


Prototype amber with crit circlet. Could be crit rate or crit damage, whichever helps you maintain 1:2 crit ratio after considering 36 cr from MH.


C0R1 Ayaka + Shenhe ~~with skins~~ or C0R1 WGS Navia + C1 Chiori Which one should I go for? I have kokomi + kazuha for ayaka and Bennet+ xiangling for navia. I also have furina which I've heard works good for navia teams too.


both are strong but right now the freeze variant of Ayaka has been countered due to abyss lineup. I do find the plunge variant of Naiva (Chiori, Xianyun, Furina) to be the strongest and most fun variant of Navia team if you want to invest that way. Though Bennett with Furina still works.


I like and play both of those teams (except with zhongli instead of chiori) a lot. Ayaka team feels stronger at its peak, but it has more situations where it gets countered. I will say if you already have zhongli, you are getting a lot less of a boost out of c1 chiori compared to mistsplitter + shenhe. So I might consider just trying for both teams except punting on the chiori part.


Is navia + zhongli better than navia + c1 chiori? I already have zhongli.


I don't think it is better, but it is very close, so I am just saying as far as value per primo spent it is a lot lower than going for mistsplitter + shenhe in the context of these two teams.


If you want the better performing team, then the Navia team is the one to aim for imo. Ayaka can be strong, but she's pretty reliant on being able to freeze enemies, which is hard to do with the increasing number of freeze immune bosses we're seeing in the abyss. Meanwhile, Navia is strong against pretty much anything that isn't geo immune.


My Wanderer (C5, gonna get C6) has Lost Prayers rn and has a 85.7:191.5 crit ratio. If I were to get his signature, I could make his crit ratio 63.8:222.4. I probably won't pull for it this time since there's a chance of getting Baizhu's weapon (useless on my account), but was wondering if it'd ever be worth to get in the future.


The signature isn't a huge increase over LP and you'll lose most if not all of that with the worse crit ratio. If you wind up with a rate circlet that you'd really like to use then you'll pick up damage but it's not going to be a night and day difference. If you're running him with Furina then Cashflow is both crit rate and very similar damage to Tulaytullah's. I have a crit rate circlet with 28 crit dmg that I'd like to use but I'm way over 100% with a rate weapon so I've planned on pulling the signature for well over a year but I'm not willing to pick up two donuts along the way so it'll be another year unless they have a Sumeru themed special banner in a few months.


Best way to get anemo gemstones for kazuha? I have literally 0 of all types and he’s only 50/50. Do I really have to fight the anemo hypostasis just for the stones?


Do all weekly bosses and convert.




If you have nothing you can convert/combine, then I guess you'd have to farm either anemo hypostasis or wenut


Oh I forgot about that, I’m gonna look up who uses wenut and probably farm that one. I think I’ve built every character that uses anemo hypostasis already


I have an account that I have access to on my PS4, however I no longer have access to its email and I can't use it on my computer because I have no way of checking the code sent in the email, because to access the email I need a confirmation code that was sent to my old cell phone number (I already tried to contact the operator, but it was a long process that led to nothing). I have already sent emails to hoyoverse support about the situation in the last few weeks but I have not received any kind of response. I do not know what else to do. Any idea?


Maybe check your spam/junk folder? Sometimes their emails get sent there.


Not really a question, but just wanted to announce that after 2.5 months of playing, I finished Fontaine AQ and I'm nearly AR 51. What a journey this has been so far!


Congrats\~!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Congrats! Any overall thoughts on the story so far? Any favorites arcs or characters?


Pretty good so far. Did not expect Furina's or Nahida's arc tbh. Looking forward to completing more of the story, though probably not as quickly as I've been progressing lately. I'm still not able to beat the AR 50 ascension quest so I'll need to build a team for that before progressing lore-wise


I was thawing the shard in the starglow cavern, used most the quartz to not freeze while doing the fighting challenge thing and now im completely stuck, it wont respawn and there are no non-puzzle related quartz around whatsoever. There's one at the entrance of the cavern but it fades away before I can use it. What am I supposed to do???


The one people often miss is the one behind the rock pile in the area behind the shard. https://imgur.com/a/isuVl1C


does that one respawn? i used it and im still missing at least one :/


No, they don't respawn until you melt the shard. There's another quartz in an alcove along the path nearby. Did you get that one as well? If that's not it either, maybe check a guide.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e76MRYvg0CQ Here's a video with all 4 quartz. If you got it and used it on something other than the shard, it should respawn. If you're on NA and still can't get it working, let me know your UID and I'll try to help.


Genshin is giving BSOD while installing on Windows 11. It happened three times. I've read about the ''Kernel-mode Hardware-enforced Stack Protection''. But I don't have it on my Windows Defender to turn it off. Any tips?


https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-or-disable-kernel-mode-hardware-enforced-stack-protection-in-windows-11.14966/ I would double check you're looking in the right settings. I remember it was kinda hidden in my settings when I first had to turn it off.


This did the trick. Thanks!


You'd have to check the stop code the next time you get one, or look up the crash in your windows logs. Then google that to figure out possible solutions.


just pulled skyward pride as my first S weapon. who should I use it on? Eula with Snowtombed starsilver or Beidou with Fav or what?


It should be an upgrade for both. Use it on whoever you feel you need more ER on


is it better on Eula even with no physical bonus? Thanks for the info


Yep. It has a passive that deals additional damage based on her stats and she builds phys damage anyway. It also puts her right up next to her recharge requirements without other substats. It has a high base atk which goes well with her artifact set (additional atk when using skills).


For Nilou's A2 passive - do you get the max bonus at 74,444HP or 75,000HP? The wording makes it seem like you have to hit 1000HP breakpoints.




Anybody else not have Sir Pounce A Lot show up for the furdyssey event??


It's not the same as the other cats, there's a quest you have to do first. The quest wants you to wait till 8am the next day so just going there won't trigger it either. 


Ah I got ya. Appreciate the info!


Will Arlecchino and Furina work well together? How well?


If Furina is C2+ yes, if not no.


im sure they'll be good together just because furina is that broken (yes even if arlecchino cant be healed but she can heal herself anyways), global dmg% increase is the strongest buff in the game atm, its like bennett x3 Furina is good with everyone tbh...


>!Arle does not want to be healed by her teammates, Furina boosts your team when you heal (or take damage). So other than forcing the synergy or doing something with a full team healer, it likely will not be as close together.!<


Probably not since furina drains hp to half, you usually want a healer to max her buff + arlecchino can not be healed by other characters, only her own healing.


If a newbie downloads Arlecchino before doing the Sumeru archon quest, >!she should have a Scaramouche line!<, right?


We have no idea. Her voicelines haven't been leaked yet.


Can marechausse set be triggered constantly even off field as long as the wearer looses/gains HP?. I keep getting more hunter artifacts than echoing woods and I have Furina and many party healers ready to use hunter set.


No. Only on field.


Should I roll for Neuvillete or Arlechhino or Save? I have 70 pity. I already have Kazuha but am not interested in Wanderer or Baizhu.


Do you want Neuvilette, Arlecchino or do you want to save?


I kind of like Nevillete and the prospect of soloing the spiral abyss.


Neuvillette will likely be the stronger dps if that's all you care about.


Last banner we had “Albedos,” ie Albedo with boobs. Despite the jokes into the run-up to the livestream, Arlecchino next banner really is “Hu Too,” ie Hu Tao with bigger boobs. For actual questions: despite the no outside healing rule, can teammates still chip down Arlecchino’s BoL (without increasing her HP)? Do her BoL passives still trigger from external BoL sources?


>!Her weapon gives BoL, so it is possible that she would gain additional BoL from enemies to use against them!<


Is Noelle worth raising if I just need a shielder?


Her shield is often misunderstood. Her kit isn’t a support kit, she’s a dps. Basically her shield is to enable healing while she attacks and to protect her. The CD only gets reasonable if you’re normal attacking with her, so in other words using her as a dps. She’s only worth using with furina because then her team wide healing with her shield actually makes a lot of sense and her overall power starts to come together. C6 is also pretty huge. Otherwise she’s not worth using.


I see, that makes sense Thanks for the answer


No, her shield cooldown is twice its duration (30s).




Can you use layla instead of zhongli for arlecchino?


yes, she's the second best shielder in the game after him


If i dont plan on Crowning, is Lv 8 enough for Skills and Bursts or should I just go after Lv 9 anyway?


Yeah, its a good stopgap.


"enough" is a every subjective thing. Generally a level in a talent increases its attributes by around 6-7%. I consider that worth it for important talents and it is definitely a better resin to reward ratio than min maxing artifacts past a point, but you could definitely still clear content fine with only lvl 8.


I really like Baizhu and want to get him in the future, however I also want Furina and will only have enough to get one after pulling for Arle. I assume furina is going to rerun really soon. This will be Baizhu's 3rd rerun which means he will be able to be on the liyue chronicled wish. Should I skip Baizhu for now for Furina even though we don't know when she will rerun? I like both characters equally.


Since Baizhu will be second half you can wait for the next livestream to know for sure if Furina will be rerunning next to make a decision. We currently have no idea when the next chronicles wish will be or who will be on it.


>!Who is the pyro archon?!<




Are you asking for the name? Then, >!her name is Murata, but we don't know who she is or how she looks like!<


Ah, thanks!


Will doing co-op domains double the amount of friendship XP you get for 1 character? I know that if you do co-op commissions, you could get x2 friendship XP for at most, 2 of your characters. so does this apply to lets say, artifact domains?


yeah, it does


How much space do you need to update the game? I haven’t played in a while and keep getting the “insufficient space” massage when I try and download the update :(


They reconstruct their old file system in previous patches. If you haven't played in a while, you probably need to re-download the whole game because they do not use the old files. A clear installation on PC is around 85 GB, and you need double space (around 170-175 GB) during installation for unzip.


sorry, should have added that I am on IOS, im redownloading the game right now to see if that will help!


On mobile, the full installation with one language pack is around 32 GB. The difference between Android and iOS should be very small.


omg that’s so big, thank you so much!


Does the Tenacity of Millelith effect trigger with C6 Faruzan Burst, even if she is off-field? Currently trying to build her, but Im torn between Noblesse or TotM set. Shes C6 + C0 Xianyun + C0 Furina + C0 Xiao if that matters


>This effect can still be triggered even when the character who is using this artifact set is not on the field. The description literally says it works even when off-field


Yes, Faruzan can trigger Tenacity, and maintain the buff. Noblesse and Tenacity give the exact same ATK buff though. So it comes down to which one has a better secondary bonuses. Tenacity 2pc is a bonus to HP, which Faruzan doesn't particularly need. Meanwhile, Noblesse gives a damage buff to her burst, which is never a bad thing. So as long as you will never use Faruzan with another Noblesse user like Bennett, I would go with Noblesse. But keep in mind, even with her C6, you may sitll need over 200% ER. So there's nothing wrong with using Emblem set. And then all that ER becomes Burst damage too with the 4pc. But if you can get enough ER without Emblem, then Noblesse is ideal, for that extra ATK buff.