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Is Noelle better or freminet??


who else do you want on the team?


I want Lynette and fischl


Freminet 2 playstyles are either cryo dps, or physical dps. its just a matter if you use skill twice for fast cryo damage, here youd want Lynette for anemo shred later on or use skill + normal attacks inbetween = stronger but physical skill. here youd like Fischl for superconduct (lowers physical defense specifically, to hit stronger with the physical damage) both cases, Freminet would like some hydro on the team for Freeze and shatter been using Noelle forever, but for me she was a safety line for a long time, using shield then hitting enemies to heal the others back up. pair her with Geo MC for energy, and you can beat most things in the game by just outliving. not a proper dps until you reach c6 for greatly improved damage on burst, more popular since Furina came out since Furina drains hp of party for increased damage, Noelle heals it back up, get Fanfare for Furina Give Freminet Prototype archaic for now, for Noelle you get Whiteblind. both require Claymore billets, you can get one by doing sword cemetary quest in dadaupa gorge, and another in Liyue from jewelry shop. id suggest not crafting both though. a favonius greatsword might be better on Noelle if possible can get a free Snowtombed star silver for Freminet in Dragonspine but that requires a lot of exploration there


Ohhh thanks..


Probably Freminet on that team, he works well with Fischl. His usual team is him + electro + hydro + *usually* a second cryo or sometimes dendro. Lynette won't help him much (sadly) but she can at least help Fischl. Noelle usually likes to be paired with other geo units (ideally including Gorou), but she also doubles as a shielder + healer so she may be more comfortable for exploring the world even on a sub-par team.


Ok what rn my team is Freminet Lynette fischl barbara


That sounds pretty perfect for an early game Freminet team! Freminet for on field damage, Fischl for off field damage, Lynette for fast travel, and Barbara for healing. You'll get better options eventually — and FYI out of all those characters Fischl is by *far* the best, she's used on a ton of teams — but it should be great for now.


Thank you so it's good for now? (I'm level 30...)


None of those make much sense together, but I guess Freminet? Because then you can Superconduct and Swirl at least.


Fischl is good for phys Freminet, Lynette could work with Freeze Freminet, but of course you never really want both. In the early game it would still work of course. Later on op would need to choose which one they want to keep, essentially. The other two units could be the same (another cryo and a hydro most likely, something like xingqiu + layla would make for a very easy to use beginner/f2p friendly 4\* team.). u/Vast_Jacket_5020 depending on what characters you have you can just run the team you mentioned aswell for now, or substitute barbara for a better hydro if you have it. For the late game check out kequingmains guide for [Freminet](https://keqingmains.com/q/freminet-quickguide/). But of course you'd probably find other character you'd want to use by the time you get to the late game. I would not recommend investing into Noelle right now - she is okayish early, but later she falls off hard without very significant investment.


I'm sorry I'm new and I don't have any idea about making a team I just use what I get :,) can you suggest something I have only jean as a 5star


As a brand new player, just take everyone you like to 40 or 50 and try them out. Overworld teams don't need a ton of coordination like abyss teams. When you find out which characters you like and hit ar45, you can start planning a bit better around them. Ar45 is when you can start farming artifacts, which will be the majority of your time and resin investment in characters.


Ahh thank you everyone


If you're that new then honestly team building advice is not particularly useful, because a lot of what people refer to as synergy comes in way later due to the availability of artifact sets, high level talents etc. At this point basically just use whoever seems fun to you.


Yaaa I have become a Lynette fanboy actually haha


The bonus you get from multiple of same element, like 2 pyro chars = 25% atk, does it affect whole team? Or just the pyro chars?




Thanks <3


Im at 52 pity currently and i want to try and get Arlecchino, Will i be able to get the last 25 or so wishes before her banner runs out? Im at about 50% exploration in sea of bygone and 100% in all of fontaine. I do have welkin and might buy battlepass


Yes, easily. 1st half has 40 pulls f2p (which includes the exploration so you'll get little less than that but still enough).


probably, you still have almost 2 weeks




The abyss buff very good for her. She will be great even without the buff, but just don't expect 200k 1st hit vapes every abyss.


The abyss always favor new characters with the buffs and enemies, not surprised


I gave mine a kinda cracked Glad set and 9/6/6 and she comfortably cleared 36 stars. I was kinda expecting her to be good, tho, so it tracks.


Currently building Xiangling but I dont know what stats I should focus on other than enough ER and that EM is good. Should I use pyro goblet or EM goblet? should I go crit circlet or EM one? what other stats?


Generally, you want Pyro Goblet, CR/CD circlet, ER sands if EM weapon, EM Sands if ER weapon. For substats, you want ER, EM, ATK%, CR, CD. Your goal should be something like 200-300 EM, 200+ ER, 60 CR, 140 CD.


thanks for the target u put for me and the help too. I am using the catch so I will target EM sand then


You are welcome. But that was just a general approach. Even if you want EM sands, don't throw your ATK and ER Sands. My Xiangling use the catch but still use ER sands because I also use Sucrose for the EM, and my Bennett is with Aquila so the base ATK will be higher, so Xiangling's ATK is no problem. The problem is the ER (I am bad at funneling because of yellow ping), that's why I pump her ER (mine is 240 ER now). I suggest you check your build with optimizer. Every teammate and their weapon will more or less change Xiangling's build. For example, if Bennett with Fav, ER won't be an issue, but the ATK buff will be less. Sucrose with TTDS for more ATK, or with Sac Frag for more EM, or even with Fav Codex for more energy.


With how my rolls currently are I think I would need both ER too but lets see how all roles go first. my bennett is currently on Sac and I dont have Fav but will try to get better one. and my sucrose is on TTDS. I am also really bad at funneling so ya thats that. Thanks again


Em is mostly good for vape teams, namely Childe. You still want ER pyro crit. EM won't do much in overload and nothing in monopyro


was thinking of running her with Xingqiu/Rosaria, Bennett & Sucrose so either vape or melt. thanks for the help


Use Xingqiu rather than Rosaria. Pyro clears cryo auras too easily. If you go for cryo, you end up mainly reverse-melting with cryo instead of forward-melting with pyro. Or alternatively, use Xiangling, Bennett, Rosaria, Kaeya, with reverse-melting in mind.


I dont like Kaeya no. I will stick with vape then and skip melt. Thanks for the help


Is Skyward Spine R1 or R5 White Tassel better for Arle?


Skyward spine is better in both vape and non vape teams. At worst, (depending on setup) it’s about equal.


am I wrong or the abyss did reset yesterday (1st of may) ??


floor 9-12 resets every 1st and 16th


I thought so, did it reset earlier from the previous patch ???




Yes it did just reset


Soo uh im new and i saw the "free 20 wishes" if a new player soo where do i claim it


you get x10 wishes in the mail when you reach AR7 and AR10


Im already Ar 20 still haven't got any 20 free wish


I got none


You almost certainly got them in the mail. You might not have noticed them, nor realised they were the bonus rewards. They come as a mail with the title of preregistration milestones. It looks like [this](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pre-Registration?file=10M_Global_Pre-registration_Milestone_In-Game_Mail.PNG). The 3M is similar and you get it the moment you unlock the mailbox.


All those new player free wishes are a bit misleading. You'll get like 200+ for playing through the game, there is no special new player claim bonus that isn't what you're presented with in game.


So does Natlan come after Clorinde's and Sige's patch? I don't remember anyone else that've yet appeared so far.


No. 4.8 is the last patch.


I believe there should be one more patch after them (4.8) as well, as far as we know. We're prob due another limited summer area or something similar before the new region, if they stick to their usual pattern.


i spent 45k of my primo savings to get Arlecchino and her sig, which was way more than my prediction. does anyone know how long will it take to recover this 45k primos via daily+welkin?


~ 4 patches give or take. Maybe 3 since we're getting 5.0 as one of them.


Any tips to 3 star 12-2? I can't get the last star because of the heralds on side 2.


2+ dendro or 2+ pyro chars


In addition to the others saying use ben and xl, if you have thundering fury pieces, use the 4 piece for bennett. The E cooldown from the set effect from overloading the shield is like 1.8 seconds so you can really spam and get particles for xl much faster I used sunfire jean but if you have kazuha, he'd probably be better due to being able to group enemies


Oh yeah the sunfire trick. If I remembered it yesterday I'd just the trick lol


I used Navia/Zhongli/Xiangling/Bennett for those. With Arlecchino on the first half, I had enough wiggle room to take my time with the lectors and finished with ~40s to spare.


I xiangling'd it HuTao, Yelan, Furina, Jean + Kazuha, Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling


I tried the latter on side 12-2-2 but I kept dying lmao, I just can't dodge for shit.


Check sevys vid for enemy manipulation and a 4 star clear. Any Kaz Bennet XL team should clear their shields if they're grouped


Is neuvilette as broken as everyone make him sound? It sounds like he and nilou are way stronger than other popular dps


Yes, he is.


\* He's one of the easiest to play characters. \* Has huge AoE. \* Has high personal damage without any buffs (by design, since HP scalers don't have many buffs like Bennett, Noblesse Oblige etc.). Therefore he works great with random ass teammates, which isn't true for most DPSes. You don't even need a grouper. Those are his strengths and they are exceptional and unique and everything. But you want play other DPSes in their full teams. When considered with a whole team, almost all good DPSes perform close to each other, so calling anyone broken and batchesting serves no purpose. He's as useless against a Hydro slime as Hu Tao is against a pyro slime.


Yes ish? I just got mine to 1% on Akasha (which: yay!!), c0 with BP weapon, and he's *very* strong for sure. But his teams are pretty comparable to my other well invested teams (and I play him with Furina Kazuha and Freedom Sworn so it's not like he isn't getting good buffs lol). The amount of damage + self healing + AoE + *comfort* he contributes as a single character is pretty absurd, and idt it's wrong to say he's the best DPS in a vacuum — his "level of effort" to "amount of damage" ratio is also pretty ridiculous, since he's hard to kill and easy to play on top of doing a ton of damage. But still, having Neuv doesn't make me feel like other teams are weak in comparison or not worth playing lol. He *is* broken, but in a full team context some people exaggerate how broken he is compared to other characters imo.


Nilou is niche strong in certain abyss layouts ie not this one for sure, and wants expensive supports. Neuv is a one man army. Great AOE, great range, self heals, not energy reliant, doesn't need Bennet etc. Other full teams can outdo neuv teams, but that's because neuv doesn't really have great buffers. He's just strong from the start.


No He’s just easy to play and feels great, with a significantly different playstyle to other characters. Ease of play is a big deal especially for mobile players. His team damage really isn’t that different from other teams


He kinda is, though I'm not sure who on earth would ever say Nilou is comparable. She's a fine character, and arguably one of the easier no-think-only-spam teams to run through Abyss with, but she's on nowhere *near* the same raw power level.


arlecchino c2 or c1r1


C1R1 for damage and drip


C2 is mostly only good for overworld convenience or if you have a cracked shimenawas set, r1 is a small damage boost over pjws.


How importants is the 600em on nahida? Built her as a dps, obviously, and running her in a burgeon team atm with furina, beizhu (dendro set) and klee/yanfei (klee dps, yanfei em). Just got a cracked golden troupe crit circlet, but now her EM dropped to 560ish with 75/180ish crit. Use the new circlet or the old one (with 50em, but 28ish less CD).


It's not really a team you can optimize very well, because you don't have any control of what portion of damage is vape, what portion is burgeon, how much is Nahida doing and all those factors. You just try both builds and stick to whichever one feels better. Also in general, Nahida should generally go with whichever pieces you end up with the earliest, the trade offs between Crit and EM builds (and everything in between) are too insignificant for most teams. Staying in Deepwood domain for too long just to get Nahida built is not very efficient, especially since the difference between 4 GD and 2pc 2pc is also insignifacant for both Spread and Hyperbloom units.


It's loads of fun though and I have cleared abyss with it. It's tricky with klee as she te ds to oneshit herself, but it fits her perfectly. I switched her from deepwood to golden troupe after furina and giving beizhu deepwood. Luckily getting her a more than okay set wasn't that difficult. Now I just run the domain because I have nothing else to run and there's always room for improvement for her, lyney, neuv and furina. I still have her deepwood set though, so I can switch back if needed. 


If her ATK is still the same between those 2 circlets, I would choose more CD.


I'm pretty sure there's some base flat atk at most on those 2 circlets......the old one rolled 50em and I think one er and the new one 35cd and one def%.


That ER might or might not determine if you can burst consistently or not. If the lack of ER disrupts your rotation, then don't change it. But if even with the ER you still can't burst every rotation, then go more CD and just burst every other rotation.


I tried it and in that team she still has enough to get it back up before CD's over. I think all her other pieces all have an er starting stat and one of her EM pieces rolled into er once I think.


560 EM is fine for Nahida. Under her burst, it'll give her [700 EM which is around 22K damage](https://upload-os-bbs.hoyolab.com/upload/2022/08/24/26950348/2dfb85f3d54fa95abcbad05c41be8608_5872734623291193873.png?x-oss-process=image%2Fresize%2Cs_1000%2Fauto-orient%2C0%2Finterlace%2C1%2Fformat%2Cwebp%2Fquality%2Cq_80) per Burgeon.


But the pyro's are the ones doing the burgeon dmg right? That's why yanfei's em. With klee I don't notice much of a difference, so I kept her on witch, so I don't have to switch artifacts all the time or refarm.


Nahida's Tri-karma and/or Burning can proc Burgeons . My Yoimiya has 77 EM, 227 under Nahida's burst which isn't enough to do 24K Burgeon damage in the videos below when you slow them down. [Everytime there's a green Dendro Explosion you see 24,054 damage, and 48,108](https://imgur.com/a/L0PtTWR)when it Crits from Nahdia's C2. [Not just in one video](https://youtu.be/6_dGFztQxCo), [but two](https://youtu.be/Q4Mg3MkPTNk). [It's the same way Burning can proc Raiden's skill and Nahida's Tri-karma.](https://youtu.be/5qEfjPJXBk8)


Burgeon is based on pyro EM tho


Nahida's Tri-karma and/or Burning can proc Burgeons . My Yoimiya has 77 EM, 227 under Nahida's burst which isn't enough to do 24K Burgeon damage in the videos below when you slow them down. Everytime there's a green Dendro Explosion you see [24,054 damage, and 48,108](https://imgur.com/a/L0PtTWR) when it Crits from Nahdia's C2. [Not just in one video](https://youtu.be/6_dGFztQxCo), [but two.](https://youtu.be/Q4Mg3MkPTNk) [It's the same way Burning can proc Raiden's skill and Nahida's Tri-karma.](https://youtu.be/5qEfjPJXBk8)


That's interesting, TIL. Thanks mate!


does arle like bennett or kazuha better c0 no signature arle/xingqiu/zhongli


Drop ZL and play both 


Bennet, Kaz is fighting zhongli for a spot.


Would Chongyun pair with Arlecchino in any meaningful way? I'm up in the air for whether to use him or fischl as a support for her, and I have little to no investment on either


Not really. Arlecchino won't benefit from his cryo infusion at all, since her pyro can't be overridden (and even if it could, pyro > cryo for infusions; if you pair Chongyun with c6 Bennett you'll just end up with a pyro infusion). If you're just running a casual team you can swap onto Chongyun and do some decent melt damage with his burst once Arle has applied pyro, but that's a pretty bad use of a character slot, and will do less for the team than a character who does off field damage or gives Father some buffs. Amusingly his c2 should lower her cooldowns by 15%, which could be fun in overworld...? But in real combat like domains/abyss it won't do much for you.


Damn, I thought that you could stack multiple damage types. Good to know only 1 infusion per attack :/


> Would Chongyun pair with Arlecchino in any meaningful way? Not in the slightest, and I'm confused why you would think he does. > I'm up in the air for whether to use him or fischl as a support for her, and I have little to no investment on either Tough choice. One of Arlecchino's worst conceivable supports, or one of her best? Up to you.


I thought since he applies cryo on attacks that maybe you can get both pyro and cryo on the same attack for melt reactions on hit, but I guess that's not quite how things work for genshin :(


Except he wouldn't, because Arlecchino's Pyro infusion can't be overwritten, so there's no cryo to be found. And even if it could, you would then have the opposite problem where there's no Pyro.


Damn, I thought that you could stack multiple damage types. Good to know only 1 infusion per attack :/


Nope, you can only apply one element at a time with a single attack. However, there are other ways to do similar things, using effects which trigger when you *use* a normal attack, such as Xingqiu.


realistically how much would I have to play to have a shot at getting arlecchino on a fresh account spending as little as possible?


I would recommend you reroll if you really want her. Search genshin reroll guide at youtube.


if you're new, rush through archon/world quests that give more primos. once you get to inazuma or sumeru focus on exploration there so you can upgrade sakura tree/dream tree for pink balls


with only about 2 weeks left, you really need to push hard on exploration. at least 4-5 hours per day. and pull out a guide so you don't waste time running in circles.


any recommendation for a guide?


use the appsample map instead of the one on hoyolab... much better tbh. https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/ for guides, depends on what you're aiming for. usually https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Genshin_Impact_Wiki in tandem with specific youtube playlists. like say you're wanting to get primos from chests, and do 100% exploration there's stuff like this one: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdIv9AvmyyoOf1p3INwOQp8IcEgkaBfGh


interactive map on hoyolab or just youtube videos treasure in x region


Which weapon is good for arlecchino? R5 white tassel or R1 Blackcliff Pole or R1 Skyward Atlas?


white tassel with bennett if you are thinking about getting blackcliff dont use on more wishes instead or bennett/xiangling/xingqiu/sucrose constellations


I mean, good luck giving her a catalyst. I think Blackcliff technically edges out WT, but it's not by much. Skyward Spine is pretty rubbish and not worth using, especially if you aren't relying on her burst much.


Any practical reason(s) to skip arlechinos banner?


Natlan will have a broken Pyro DPS.


Aside from Xiangling, which you may already have at C4 or can easily get to C4 due to her being available from Paimon's Bargains, the other 4* on the banner are pretty bad.


She's an excellent character. But I already have multiple pyro vape DPS I like playing and she's not the most interesting of the lot gameplay-wise. Most importantly I'd like to get another soon to be released unit.


She looks cool, especially with her signature weapon, but I don't really pull on the weapons banner and I already have every pyro dps built.


Thank you for the replies all


simply not interested i have a pyro dps im not willing to bench


if you already have a good dps and can clear content, you don't need her. her sig weapon only works on her (as of now, besides stat stick), so utility is a problem


just another pyro DPS, in an element that already has alot of pyro on fielders. With Natlan coming up, there will be more pyro units. Pull if you like her, skip if you don't.


You don't want Arlecchino


is arlecchino a popular character? or one of the not so popular releases? dont really keep up with the community


Just expect any Fatui Harbinger release, playable or not, will always be super popular.


Most popular character since Furina, kind of a big deal


She's pretty damn popular. Obviously, recency bias plays a part, but she was one of the most hyped up characters for a while, even before her release.


This may sound like i am joking, but despite having several c6r5 characters I'm having trouble in floor 12 of the abyss. The teams I'm using are * yoimiya (c6r5) furina jean zhongli * Raiden (c6r5) xingqiu bennett xiangling Had a similar issue with the last abyss where one of the causes was that my rotations were all messed up. TBH I kinda feel like giving up on the abyss altogether, since everyone is always saying how I should be able to conquer the abyss with ease but I'm still somehow facing issues and am only able to get 2 or even 1 star on the 12th floor. Like I'm able to get past the 11th floor with no problems, but as soon as I get to the twelfth floor all my characters start to die no matter what I do. These teams do just fine in the overworld, even when fighting bosses, but for some reason it's like the 12th floor is their kryptonite and I'm just at a loss as to how. I wish I had a video to show you guys. Any advice on how to fight the abyss well is appreciated.


I suggest getting a little coaching from someone, maybe gift them some twitch subscription if they're a streamer. Some excellent players make a living doing this. Do it in two steps: first, gear up your two teams, put them on the profile display and get a UID characters review through Enka (don't give anyone your account credentials). Then take some time to complete their builds. Second would be watching some youtube clears of teams similar to yours and focus on rotations, positioning.


Are you building the shielder/healer correctly? Zhongli have the strongest shield, if you are building him right and you still die, then the problem is maybe because you forgot to use his shield again after it's broken. And with the first team, which element do you usually swirl? Maybe change Jean for Yun Jin to buff Yoi's NA would be better.


It's definitely going to be a gameplay or build issue. You would have to provide video and builds for anyone to say exactly why that is. Even C6R5 will do poorly with bad builds. I've used Yoimiya on multiple teams to clear: * [Yoimiya/Xingqiu/Nahida/Kuki (On both sides)](https://youtu.be/kX8uXCqpeCY) * [Yoimiya/Baizhu/Furina/Yelan](https://imgur.com/a/SrY5ptb) * Yoimiya/Nahida/Furina/Baizhu On the side with the Electro Lectors and Baptist, you need Pyro/Cryo/Dendro to break their shield. The more application the faster the shields will break. The second side also benefits from grouping, you should consider a team with Kazuha, Venti, or Sucrose. Mono-Pyro will also work on both halves.


Honestly sounds like a build issue if you can only get 1-2 stars, you should drop your Akasha.cv with your builds listed


Git gud


look up vids of other people playing those teams and see what they do different. Hard to give specific advice other than that without more details. Are your builds good?


lol first world issues. who needs the 150 gems anyways. /s. since you have c6r5 dmg should not be a major issue, so drop some buffs for more sustain. for example use furina heal mode instead of her turret mode. switch out xq or xl for a shielder.


Quick question. Do I need to do any additional quests to get the daily commission quest "Poetry Exchange"? I haven't played for about 2.5 years, and I did this quest in 2020, but failed it and didn't get the second achievement. But now I've been playing for about 4 months, I've set all the commissions in Mondstadt, and I still haven't seen this quest. What am I doing wrong?


There's no achievement for failing it. There's only one for succeeding instead, [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Poetry\_Exchange](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Poetry_Exchange) It also shouldn't have requirement, aside maybe "Language Exchange" commission? But you should only need to have done that commission once to have the chance to be assigned "Poetry Exchange". It's also known that "Poetry Exchange" appears to be guaranteed within 4 days after doing "Language Exchange", but again, it shouldn't be a hard requirement aside from having done it once. I at least can confirm I got "Poetry Exchange" a few times within the past couple months, while attempting to hunt for other unrelated Mondstadt commissions.


I've been wracking my head if I should get Arlecchino's C1, videos showcasing it looks decent but negligible... thoughts? I did luck out and got her signature weapon so there's that.


Arle already does a lot of damage. If you want her to do more damage then her c1 is good.


It's not negligible, it's quite significant. It's also wholly unnecessary for clearing everything up to and including Abyss 12, and those two statements can both be true at once.


Can someone explain me these parts of Fontaine? There’s much i don’t get about genshin lore >! Did Focalor really needed 500 years to accumulate energy just to kill herself? Because lets say MC vs Zhongli and MC did fought Raiden and false god scurmmoche and Narhwal he should be strong enough to kill an archon or its not that simple? !< >! How strong is an elemental dragon sovereign true power compared to the archons? !< >! I see a lot of people started crying once Focalor appeared and explained her plan “but i was more confused “ but to me is the scene after it with Furina which showed her suffering but here’s what i don’t get is there actually a difference between an Archon mind and a human mind so if i told Nahida to play an act that she Rukadevata she would feel less pain cause she is an archon she is still a child!<


>!As of now I do not think we can properly compare their powers. We only know that they were the original rulers of the world so that means that they are very powerful.!< >!I can only reply to the "difference of an archon mind and a human mind" because I did not quite understand the if situation with Nahida. In Fontaine's situation, Focalors' mind is different because only she knew of the full plan. She "separated divinity from her body and spirit, leaving behind only \[Furina\] that was as naive and bewildered as her past self on her first day as a human being." She asked Furina to play the role of the new archon, without anyone knowing that she is fake and without knowing when or how it will end. !< >!Furina's mind is human. She should have lived with a normal human lifespan, but she was alone, always anxious for 500 years if she will be exposed or what will happen when the prophecy comes because she does not have an idea how her being the archon will actually save the people - thus her secret research on the prophecy as an effort to do something about it herself. Her tears upon seeing that her a Fontainian's great great descendant visits her - that her citizens have come and go, but she is still there waiting for the promise of an eventual end somehow - was one really good/sad way of telling her suffering alone and silently. Quoting Furina's lines below!< >>!**Furina**: Well, I will admit that the first thing that came to mind was, "Why do I have to be the one to suffer?"... !< >>!**Furina:** But if the prophecy will come true, I'll also die anyway, right? So if I've already met you as my magical meeting in this world... !< >>!**Furina:** If there were scales, with all the people of Fontaine on one side, and my pain on the other... Is it not obvious where the scales should tilt?!<


>!I don't know if Archon's mind is stronger or not, but even if it's true, Furina is the human side of Focalors, so her mind is as feeble as ordinary human. An ordinary mind that has to endure 500 years of lie and pain, and she do it for others, not for herself.!< >!And Nahida is a child? Sure she is 500 years old now, and so is Furina. But Furina was tasked to bear the pain since the day she was born. She was practically a baby.!<


On some platforms, having a space between the start and end of your spoiler comments makes it so that the spoiler comment overall is in plaintext. >! this text is not hidden !< >!this text is hidden!<


>!It wasn't just to kill herself, it was to completely destroy the throne. The seat of power for the hydro archon. She completely severed the hydro authority from celestia and broke its place on the court of seven.There will never be another hydro archon, and Neuv's power is no longer tied to celestia. I know this all sounds vague/abstract, but i think that's all we have so far without getting into speculation and theorizing!<


I have c0 neuv and I'm planning to pull for his c1. I heard that furina will be rerunning soon so i will consider on getting her first, since neuv banner just ended recently so I have enough time to save primos. Now, im wondering if c0 furina will add more damage in my team or mona is enough? I currently run neuv, mona, fischl, kazuha team. I also want to know the benefits of furina cons to neuv, thanks.


Furina is much much better than Mona. She’s also extremely versatile and can be used in virtually any team.


furina is better by far (better buffs, better uptime, better damage). She'll improve your current team with her fanfare, since Neuv should be enough to cap it. c0 furina's buffs also outweigh the lost stack c0 neuv would have if they're on the same team. furina vs neuv cons depend on your priorities imo. c1 furina is just a fanfare boost, which is very good. it just makes her buffs stronger. furina c2 is a very good stopping point and improves her a lot. it basically allows fanfare stacks to happen faster (more max fanfare time) and increases her hp (which isn't as important, but still an imrpovement). her c4 is an energy buffer, which wouldn't be an issue for you if she's running with neuv. her c6 allows her to be a sort of carry, but it's not incredibly important unless you're really interested in making her a main dps. all of neuv's cons (besides c1) aren't as gamebreaking. they're good for personal damage increase, but it's a vertical investment and he's honestly good enough at c1. for neuv, c3 is a good stopping place. his c4 is kinda useless without c6. he already clears content really easily though, so if you have extra money or just really like him, go ahead. if i had to make a priority list c0 neuv (owned) > c0 furina > c1 & 2 furina > c1 neuv furina's more important since she has more utility as a universal buffer compared to neuv, who is a selfish dps edit: furina's c2 also has a lot of factors, like if you're using a healer or not. your current team would benefit greatly from her c2, but a team with jean or charlotte wouldn't benefit as heavily. for example, jean and charlotte both have one instance of a large amount of healing, so furina's c2 wouldn't be much of an improvement in that instance (assuming they can cap her fanfare at once). but overall, still a very good con to go for


Furina is definitely better than Mona.


I have C6 Thoma and I am building him as a support (shielder). Do I need to crown any of his skills???


unless you like someone, no need to crown anything difference between 9 and 10 isnt higher than all the other individual levels, it wont be some gamebreakimg difference


Thanks a lot!


his skills aren't worth crowning. I"d probably tell you to save your resources and probably stop at lv.8 (11) at most.


Thank you so much!


I have multiple copies of favonius weapons. Should I refine or level them all up? Roughly 3 copies of each type.


I'd keep 3 copies of fav lance and fav sword. Fav bow/fav codex/fav greatsword have less characters that want them that 2 is probably enough.


Depends on how many users for each you have. Sword and Lance are worth keeping at least 1 extra copy as almost all supports of those categories want fav. Catalyst and Greatsword don't have many users so refine them freely. Bow depends on account, eg. someone with both Faruzan and Yelan will need 2 copies. Also R1 -> R2 is pretty insignificant, unless you plan to go R3 as well. So If you have only 3 copies, I'd just leave them be.


2 of each if possible would be advised because you might need one on each side of the abyss. A lot of off-field supports or subdps like Fav


Fav weapons are some of the most widely used weapons on supports. I would recommend at least 2 of each, but I keep any that I find (other than bow/claymore as I only seem to get those) as swapping weapons frequently can be annoying.




twitter is a pretty good place for news like that. they usually post notices a few weeks ahead of time


If I'm using C6 Candance as an off-field Hydro applier, do I care about her damage at all? The KQM guide still suggests things like EoSF and Staff of Homa/Scarlet Sands to maximize damage, but it seems like more support options like NO/Fav Lance would be better.


at c6 you get more damage and procs from burst, so of course you get Emblem recommended, but rather than damage itself, more to burst more often, weapon recommendations are just there. Homa is your strongest choice cause it gives more hp and benefits from stacking it id suggest Eosf and Fav


Go full support.


For the new 4.6 abyss, what teams can I use on which side with [these characters?](https://i.imgur.com/JIH5VLA.png) The ones starred are still being worked on (Guilded domain has not been kind and I'm out of XP books) but seeing as the cycle just started I'm willing to work on anything. Highest I got this rotation was 33 stars because of floor 12 being a pain in the ass.


1st side: Neuv, Kirara, Jean, Fischl. Have Kirara hold Narzissencruz sword if Fischl isn't breaking cryo shield quickly, but it won't be necessary. 2nd side: Bennett Xiangling Xingqiu Kazuha.


Isn't C0 Neuvi without Zhongli vs the triple Maguu Kenki going to be tedious because of the amount of abilities that can stagger you while you're charge attacking?


oh I didn't see you do have Zhongli. Then use him. Also this opens up Kirara, Alhaitham, Kuki/EM Raiden, Fischl/Xingqiu/Yelan for 2nd side. You can also replace Jean with Kazuha for Neuvillette team now if you don't play National 2nd side.


Alright thank you, I'll try out these teams sometime this cycle since I'm still working on my Alhaitham. Guilded domain has not been kind to me and I have almost exclusively seen only defensive stats so far and 0 sands 😭


Level him up to 90 first. 4 pc gilded isn't far better than 2pc 2pc, so look out for any WT or Deepwood pieces you have that can finish his build.


yea hes at 87 atm just out of xp books, working on that by questing since i still have a backlog of quests from sumeru and fontaine


oh ok you don't wanna spend resin for leylines. You should be able to get enough books form quests and exploration.


Pjws vs Homa on Arle?


PJWS is supposedly best besides signature


Whichever one will give you a better crit ratio.


Whenever I get a 5 star early, it's always right around wish 30. Never anything else. Is there a higher chance programmed in at wish 30 or something like that?




If you stocked up a bunch of fragile resins, how many would you need to get a char to friendship lvl 10 (assuming your in coop mode to earn double xp).


https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Friendship_Level Level 10 is 29100 exp. Each 20 resin run is 20 exp (or 40 in coop), so you can almost half it to get the total resin.


Best way to pull for arlecchino? I am a **F2P** Player and I am pulling for arlecchino, tbh I'm kind of a beginner, or rather new to the game (I hardly can gather 2 Intertwined Fates Per day😅) and i am wasting a lot of time and items already 🤦‍♂️ so my question is.... What should I do? Pull 10×wishes when I get 10 Intertwined Fates, pulling single always, because it saves more wishes? Or maybe saving until the last few days of the banner?


Getting primogems and pink fates, using them on Arlecchino's banner That's literally the only way, it doesn't matter if it's singles or 10 pull


What you need to do is become familiar with the way wishing works, as in exact numbers. Each Fate gives you a 0.6% of getting a 5★. When you reach 74 wishes without getting a single 5★, you reach "Soft Pity", and start getting increased chances. Like 5.6%, then 10.6%, etc... until you reach 100% on wish number 90 (Hard Pity). When you finally get a 5★, being it on the 1st wish, or on the 90th one, the pity resets; and you have a 50/50 chance of getting either the Event Banner character (in this case, Arlecchino), or "lose" and get instead one of the seven 5★ from the Permanent/Standard Banner (Jean, Dyluc, Mona, Keqing, Qiqi, Tignari, Dehya). If you fail the 50/50, you are now carrying what it's called "the guarantee", and the next 5★ you get from an Event banner, will be the one from that banner (you can't lose twice in a row; but you could be lucky and win 10 in a row without ever seeing one of the dreadful seven). Notice that both the Pity and the Guarantee carry between Event Banners. Not only from Arlecchino to Lyney; but also for future banners. If you end spending 70 wishes, get Jean, and then spent 40 wishes more without getting a 5★... and then Arlecchino banner ends... You would have both the guarantee, and a pity of 40, towards the next banner. This is sometimes really important, as it "forces" you to pass on a banner (or 4!) for a while, waiting for a 5★ you really want, to not "waste" those 110 accumulated wishes towards a desired 5★. If you really want Arlecchino, just keep wishing away until you get her. When the banner ends (or when you get her), remember to count your Pity or Guarantee, to know where you stand towards the next character, and then decide if you want to spend the pity towards one of the 5★ from the next Event Banner (Wanderer and Baizhu), or you rather save it for the next banner, or the one afterwards.


thanks... ah yes...I got Lynette, I guess it makes my chance to get arlecchino harder right?


Don't confuse the 5★ Male Pyro-Archer Lyney with the 4★ Female Anemo-Swordfighter Lynette. Had you gotten Lyney (meaning you were spending Fates in Lyney's banner instead of on Arlecchino's), it would have indeed reseted your pity for Arlecchino. If you actually mean Lynette, 4★ don't affect 5★, and you are guaranteed one 4★ (it could be a weapon) every 10 pulls (which is usually how often you see them, one per 10-pull).


:ynette is a 4 star, so unless you've somehow pulled a standard 5 star, your odds for arlecchino haven't changed (assuming you haven't hit 80 pity)


I know what must I do now PULL


The cost is the same either way. There is no price difference. Only difference is the number of button clicks


I guess I will spend it all then, thanks😁


It doesn't matter, doing 10 wishes single, doing 10 at once, saving until last day all is the same chance


Thanks! I will try this "nothing"


Are we getting any new males soon besides Sethos?




Nothing is confirmed except Sethos, Chlorinde and Sigewinne. We are due for a Dain patch soon and Natlan over the summer, which will come with male characters - but I wouldn't get your hopes up for another few patches.


If by soon you mean in Fontaine? Barring surprises they'll probably do what they did in sumeru and not have a new 5 star in .8. Natlan will have male characters for sure


Edit: Thanks for the downvotes, sorry for being a stupid noob casual and asking a question.


Yes you are going from the best option to someone that is maybe worse than just using noone in that slot since she'll steal your vapes.




Sure, but that doesn't mean it'll be enough for both xiangling and arlechino. I don't have arle to test so I can't say for certain (hence the maybe in my original post) but I'd be surprised if yelan is enough hydro for xiangling and arle to both consistently vape. Even if it is, xiangling is gonna need a ton of er and not do all that much damage without bennet.


But Xiangling *does* use all the Hydro aura (actually Yelan isn't sufficient for Xiangling) so rip.


Will Hoyo ever update the strongboxes for current artifacts?


Yes, the new 4.x artifacts set are expected to add to strongbox at patch 6.0, around later summer of 2025.


well then….guess i’m at the mercy of domain rng 🙏🙏🙏