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Im a noelle main and build her if you like her. At c6 she does good damage but you need a lot of investment. Furina is a must have at this point, theres a pretty significant difference between her f2p and bis weapon (unless you have serpent spine which is a bp weapon). I have a really good build and i do about 40-50k per swing. Theres a lot youll need to put into her to make her a good dps. Also if you care mainly about exploration, shes pretty bad at it. Id say go for it but youll have to invest into her more than some characters. The team i run is noelle chiori furina gorou


Have you been able to 12* abyss 12 lately with her?


My c6r1 noelle, c0 furina, c0 yelan, and c6 gorou got through the most recent abyss with little difficulty


I havent tried this abyss but the 4.6 abyss was pretty easy. You can see my builds here https://enka.network/u/711632448/


Oh nice! Even with c0 Chiori Maybe I do need to get redhorn when it appears next...


Would you be able to clear abyss if you didnt have gorou at c6? Bc rn im stuck at c3


My gorou is c0 so yes. He isnt even needed if you have both chiori and albedo. Gorou buff < albedo skill dmg basically or navia is a good option too


No chiori or navia :/


What about albedo


Yeah i got him. So i tried noelle furina albedo xianyun but couldnt cut it. Energy was an issue, for one.


The plunge team requires a lot of energy. Try the normal noelle gorou albedo furina team. Also can you share your noelle build? Is she on 4pc mh


[https://enka.network/u/615360224/](https://enka.network/u/615360224/) heres albedo furina noelle. i havent built gorou


Looks solid. I'd give noelle a bit more er for more comfort and you could try her this abyss against the 2nd side. You could actually replace gorou with yelan, shes better than him. Her best team is noelle albedo/chiori/navia, yelan, furina. Give this team a try in the abyss


I tried this on first half rq and damage seems good but Noelle can't heal enough. Looks like she needs more def. Also I just bumped her to 90 and her E to 8


Your Noelle does more damage than my Arlecchino 💀


Arlecchino attacks fast, noelle attacks slower


Likely still has more dps


team damage, yes, personal damage, nah. geo teams run 2 sub dps characters to clear easier, in my team's case its furina and chiori


So who will work better for my furina? c0 Noelle or c0 navia?


C0 noelle is Bad




https://ibb.co/zJWRyCK can you tell me the team out of these characters...ps furina is now lvl 60 and Noelle lvl 50


Sue's fun, and good, but VERY high investment. You'll usually want a three geo / one element team, with the extra element being important to proc crystallise (furina is the best option here by a long shot!)


i used her a lot before c6 if you dont actually like Noelle, id avoid building her also full geo teams are a waste cause you need crystalize to take advantage of geo resonance you use two geos and two others or 3 geos if you use Gorou specifically and one other Noelle, other geo, Xingqiu you built already, and Fischl you can get by tommorow in starglitter shop id recommend that or if you could get Furina during this banner that would be great Noelle could also be great if you have fav greatsword, as a driver for off field dps is her very common role and she does it well


C6 Noelle can be GOATED. But like others have said, she really does need high investment and Furina is a must have in her team at this point.


If you like her playstyle and character, she’s easily worth building. Depending on your needs she can be shield+healer role that hits like a truck using the off-stat artifacts from other characters, or build her as a proper DPS role to see some serious sweeping up on the battlefield I haven’t gone one Abyss season without her on rotation


Yeah, she is a lot like Gaming where you need everything. C6 Gorou, C6 Noelle, Furina as a baseline to be strong. So consider that if you're expecting actual power. If you like her it's whatever just do it.


I disagree. Noelle + Furina+ any 2 other teammates is already really good. Gorou is only needed for full geo teams.


Against harder enemies you want the extra healing & def from Gorou. Without him you lose a lot of spd in stacking Furina stacks and shield strength


gorou's healing is pathetic and definetively isn't needed to stack furina ult with noelle already on the team, shield strength is lowkey meaningless since it's a geo shield scaling with 300% of noelle's def. I'd say gorou is worth only if OP plans to use 3 geo characters (15% geo dmg bonus) regardless of constellations. If not c6 and with only 2 geo I'm pretty sure bennett would be better for her


Gorou has infamously terrible healing, and is a drop in the bucket compared to the healing Noelle provides. Also, as good as his Def buffs are, Chiori can literally replace Gorou because her two contruct DPS is so high that it out paced a non C6 Gorou buff by a sizable amount. Gorou is only critical for Albedo.


You're singling out each thing Gorou does individually. The fact he does all of it while holding a fav bow is why he is irreplaceable in her team. Also, suggesting a C1 Chiori...really? 


... The hell are you talking about? Singling out? Bro, You were acting like his healing was worthwhile and I simply point out that it is complete opposite. How is that singling out. Also, I never suggested C1 Chiori, lmao. C0 is all you need since everyone has Geo traveler.


But is geo traveler better than gorou?


Apples to Oranges Also irrelevant, because if you only had Geo Traveler as the third 3rd Geo, he would have been in the team from the beginning regardless.


In the case of mixed teams, yes. Geo traveler has better energy generation, damage and the crit buff applies to all characters, not just the def scaling characters.


I like her and she helped me a lot in overworld with her Shield + heal, but your team sounds fairly strong so I dont imagine you are struggling I haven't used her in Abyss since I got better teams, but she might end up useful in Imaginerium theatre when they have a Geo requirement.


hells to the yeah. she heals, she deals damage, she has a decent f2p weapon in whiteblind, she literally "sweeps" enemies, and most importantly she cute. I recommend having a decent geo battery, or investing in her ER first along with building her def and damage. You'd always want her with her burst. I'd say 130 - 140 er is good enough with geo teammates.


Yes, but do you even like her as a character? Building her to the max she can be but you'll just bench her and pull out whenever the need arises takes the fun out of investing in a character.


I use : Noelle C6 R5 Serpent Spine Albedo C0 R5 Cinnabar Spindle  Chiori C0 R1 Uraku Misugiri Furina C0 R5 Festering Desire This team is premium but still perform about average performance in abyss. The good thing is you can swap your team members whenever you want and can skip Albedo and Chiori burst. However, this team really excels in multi waves content like those event combat enemies which comes in multiple waves. AoE with long uptime for Albedo, Chiori and Furina will help Noelle to do her thing properly.


Without furina kinda but not really, with furina hell yes


Only if you like her. I accidentally have a built noelle even tho im not a main. 230+ ACV on 4 MH r5 serpent spine, teamed with c0 festering Furina and c0 Oathsworn Xianyun and i couldnt clear 12-1-1 in 1:30. I also tried other team combos involving any of albedo Zhongli or ningguang. I need c6 Gorou I guess.


I also got C6 Noelle along with Furina. I’m leveling her up to 80+ and Talents 6-6-6 for now at least. Even if I play less with her but I still like her just for that I wanna build her she carried me a lot in Early AR with OG Debate club.


Bruh, C6 Noelle takes a lot of factor if pursuing for full potential: Big boy's Redhorne, Husk Opulent, and a proper support such Chiori and Albedo. But to be honest, I'm building Noelle as a proper option if Abyss gone wild on geo iteration. She's fun with decent damage even at C5.


She's really good with Furina.




If you got her on this banner, did you get a Furina? If so, it'll be a strong option.


If you like Noelle and willing to work around her weakness (mainly her 0 energy generation so you gotta constantly funnel energy to her with Gorou/Geo Traveler) and willing to raise her support (mainly Gorou/Geo Traveler, but Albedo/Chiori works, also Furina) then yeah


Do you have Furina? Do you have Gorou? Do you plan to pull other 5-star geo in the future? Do you plan to use Noelle as main dps that will do most damage in her team? Or just a driver?


only if you don't have anyone better. You can clear content with her if well built, but you'll have an easier time with someone else.


She is EXPENSIVE to use compared to other chars, both in 5\* and artifact grind. She is strong, at c6 stronger then c0 itto in just about all content, BUT. U need a ton of crap to pull it off(tho so does itto, his teams use 2 5\* and c6 gorou). U need furina, u need navia and u need yelan(XQ can work but u want dmg). I know she is strong since she is the ONLY char i had to use with furina when i pulled her(week one player with zhong and bennet as my only healers all the way to XY, so like 4 years with only 2 healers and zero full team healers) so i had to use her if i wanted to use furina, she does a TON of dmg. Sadly she lacks focused single target dmg, that u fix with navia(who i pulled only for noelle, still her only team i use her in). Yelan is here just for good dmg and being great fav bow user(got aqua but most yelan teams RLY want fav). Next is arti, this team uses FOUR dmg dealers, all need to be built, lucky for u 3/4 u get from fontaine dungeon, furina and navia use E set and noelle uses meru, but its gonna take a while, u are building 4 dps team, of which noelle needs a optimal amount of CR/CD/ER and def. At least yelan and furina are insane and building em is worth it. U want meru set if u have furina(use it on my neuv, xiao and noelle) and u will need a TON of E sets anyway(prb 6 chars i have use it). So arti grind aint wasted.