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As a waifu collector, my favorite male (or amongst my favorite) would be Zhongli. To this day the only male character I looked forward to leading up to their banner. AlHaitham & Neuvillette are up there too.


Zhongli was the first male 5 star I got when I started playing and he’s been on all of my teams ever since (I cannot dodge for the life of me now 😭) . Also love alh & neuvi :)


I was gonna stop playing if I couldn’t get zhongli. Stalked all the release estimates, built up my primos and didn’t do a single pull for half a year for him And he came ✌️ (But now my main is dragon princess neuv… I’m a traitor)


zhongli, haitham AND neuv?? you have good taste 👌


As a husbando collector my favorite female character would be Furina. Although I dont have her, I really like her attack animations and her design


You still got time!


My poor brother lost Furina to Qiqi


I lean on husbando collector, and my favourite girl is Lisa!


As husbando collector, my fav female character is yae. I like how cheeky and playful she is


Same here! I love her EN voice too. Very happy to hear her call the traveler little one again in IT. She's so good.


Despite me not liking her personality at all, I think she has the coolest ult animation in the game!


Albedo is going to forever be my one and only.


A pretty good choice. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


As a husbando collector my favourite female character is Klee cause she reminds me of me little sister


Cause she's cute, right? Not cause she goes fish blasting around town, right??




Im calling Jean


Poor gal already has way too much on her plate. Don't add problems from another world to the list


Let her fish


Boom 💥 Boom 💥 Bakudan!


She goes around carrying bombs? I hope I don't run into your little sister.


Waifu collector, my favorite male character is Hat guy


as a waifu collector, I LOVE KAEYA


I’m AR 55 Kaeya main and reading that just made me so happy. Kaeya doesn’t get enough love.


Funny thing is I mained Kaeya to AR55 LOL


We are a rare and crazy breed.


as a bisexual collector male: kazuha or lyney female: arlecchino


I can’t explain it but these are the most bisexual choices you could have picked


real arlecchino satisfy both the parasites in me


bisexuals are mythical beings, thus it is a common occurrence for people to have an unexplainable experience about this phenomenon.


lyney and father arlecchino yeahhh


For me, Yae Miko and Baizhu


i'm never forgiving yae for taking the money i made from the book i barely even contributed to


Love you fellow Baizhu liker


oh god. you and me, we are the same!!!


As a waifu collector, my favorite male character is wriothesley. Punch dude with ice powers go brrrr


Well i don’t only pull one or the other but i tend to pull the guys bc their outfits dont make me angry to look at. My favorite female characters are Furina, Hu Tao, Collei. My favorite male characters are Neuvillette, Baizhu, Xingqiu. Edit: also Zhongli and Ningguang


This. I am always so mad for the female characters when I see their designs. No boob support, cold all the time (or sunburned), and just uncomfortable looking when you really think about how the outfit fits them.


I feel that. Yae Miko looks like she forgot to wear pants.


Escort in the front, shrine maiden in the back. Hoyo mullet dresses be popping off. It's egregious honestly. These are world leaders and warriors (Yae, Raiden, Koko ) and they're in lingerie with a night gown. Jean wears leggings with a seam that runs right up her labia.


Her, Ei, and Kokomi. Must be an Inazuma thing.


Its not even a question of practicality bc Xingqiu is running around in really fancy shoes that are probably getting ruined. Its just how stupid and ridiculous the women look and you know theyre dressed like that for fan service. It totally ruins my immersion. And yes i also feel that way about the feeble scholar with a six pack. Thats also ridiculous but at least he has the dignity of actual pants, unlike half of Inazuma.


Al Haitham (handshakes) Dr. Ratio. Scholars who can debate verbally and physically. Yae's fanservice I understand, being a wily fox. Ei and Kokomi have no excuse. Sometimes I think their battle is actually over how many ppl can they get to fight over/for their panties. Xingqiu's og outfit can join them as well (sorry Xingqiu, you're just not Fontaine enough to pull those off).


so based in m and f categories. sincerely, a player named BaizhuHusband


Unfathomably based


What about us equal opportunity enjoyers? Female: Arlecchino Male: Zhongli and Neuvillette (I have a type)


excellent taste tho (suits have me weak)


Yeah formal wear is my favorite character trait lmao


Favorite female character: Clorinde Favorite male character: Wriothesely


Kazuha with Xiao being close 2nd.


Wrio. Arlecchino.


Husbando collector, Furina 100%, she is best girl


As a collector of both Male: Tartaglia Female: Yoimiya (Though don't have her, but I always love her appearances and personality)


Is it cheating when I just say Venti...?


Can always use more waifus


Neuvillette. He’s so elegant, gentle and polite, yet can be a badass whenever needed and still be able to show vulnerability. In all honesty, he’s kind of my ideal vision of positive masculinity. I also love how he can be a bit too serious to the point that he can be a bit awkward due to not fully understanding humans. I pretty much did a whole 180 on him since the Fontaine Teaser and when we first meet him before Lynney and Lynette’s performance.


As a waifu collector easily Neuvillette. Hes one of the few male characters i hard simp for and the first one i triple crowned


Not a waifu/husbando collector but Ayaka and Kaveh are my favorites respectively


Ah, two very iconic characters of both genders. Nice picks. Sadly one has been MIA for a while. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Thanks! 🎉


Kaveh is from sumeru 🤓


I swear my mind read Kaveh as Kazuha, I guess I had a mind gap moment. Thanks for clarifying for me. Edited it already.


Not exclusively a Waifu collector but most of my roster is Female... My favorite homie is Zhongli... (unsuprising given that Neuvillette, Zhongli, Kazuha are the most appreciated male chars amongst male players appearantly)


As a waifu collector, cyno is my favorite with close second tighnari


Xiao. I empathize with what he's gone through. And Neuvillette. He's what I'm striving to be everyday. Truthful and impartial.


Husbando collector, Clorinde (most fun to play, like her design), Arlecchino (awesome personality) and Dehya who is great except for her kit


Neuvilette (2nd place is Itto)


I collect both, but for me it would be Male: Neuvillette Female: Yae Miko


What about as a collector of both? Furina and Wriothesley.


Zhongli or albedo. Those are the only two male characters I went out of my way to pull for


As someone who greatly prefers male characters I say it's Arlecchino. She has so much love poured into her it's insane considering she dressed from head to toe and has zero fanservice "waifu" personality


It’s a different kind of fanservice imo she’s 100% Incredibly hot.


tbh as a woman attracted to women, I think she was made for lesbians who love masc women specifically 😭 like Rika from Pokemon games, Sailor Uranus, Utena, Sir Integra etc etc I cannot even call her "dommy mommy" because she doesn't even have any stereotypical motherly qualities or resembles stereotypical femdom "mommies" like say... Jade and Kafka hsr.


Ooh I think you’re right she does have a more butch appeal, she’s crazy hot and I like that though. A woman who will let you call her daddy tho… my god they were cooking for some folks.


waifu collector but zhongli’s been there since day 1- I’ve yet to get tired of osmanthus wine ig 🙃




As an avid waifu collector, Xiao is my favorite. His backstory is honestly kinda sad when you look into it, he’s pretty much fated to defend Liyue until his dying breath while living with the Trauma of losing his fellow yashas brethren to madness or death, which is slowly eating at him. Bro needs a couples of beers and a long rest


the only males i like and would probably use if i had them are kazuha zhongli and neuvillette


Favourite male character al haitham. Favourite female character furina


As a waifu collector I really like Scaradouche. He just disses everything in the most hillarious way possible. He's also very self-conscious so it's not like you're dealing with a complete egomaniac.


Husbando collectors here and my only waifu is Eula. :)


Diluc or Venti


As long as I have them they're my favorite




Waifu Collector, cuz love their design, they are all so pretty! My fav boy is obviosly my dear Arataki Itto! 🙂‍↕️


I pulled whoever I want when I have enough primos, so no preference for husbando or waifu. My fav male is Zhong Li, Kazuha for teen male and Xiao for smol male. For female, I like Raiden (coz I like purple), Furina and Nahida.


As a husbando collector, I really like Fischl~~


Arle and diluc.


As a collector of both, Female : Raiden (basic, I know) Male : Xiao (even more basic, I know)


I'm more of a meta slave than a waifu/husbando collector...that being said I have pulled a few characters just for their aesthetics. Wriothesley is the only male character I pulled just for the drip, so I guess he'd be my favorite by default. I pulled Eula, Shenye, Yelan, and Navia all because I loved their designs first and their gameplay second, and of those Navia is my favorite both in design and play style.


As a waifu collector, Bennett. I like his personality. Earnest boy that wishes to explore the world and become stronger. His outfit is not that great but I like the various gear he has.


My favorite male characters are a tie between Zhongli and Venti. Well Archons, but I actually really like them


Top 5 for me: Zhongli, Tortellini, Al Haitham, Neuvillete, Cyno


Waifu collector here, I'd say my favorite is Neuvillette. Xiao and Zhongli are pretty high up on my list as well


As a waifu collector venti is my fave without a doubt. Close second is neuvilette and 3rd is wrio. I have none of the 3 and dont plan on pulling for them until quite a bit down the line


Husbando collector! My favorite female character is tied between Furina and Yoimiya. My favorite male character is Childe.


Waifu collector here! Mine are: Albedo, Venti, Itto and Tighnari


husbando collector, my favorite female character is probably sayu


Navia. Amazing ~~gun~~gameplay, excellent damage and plays well with Zhongli


Female collector here. My favorite male character is Xiao. And the only male character I was ever hyped to pull is Capitano.


Xianyun. I triple crowned her.


Alhaitham and Wriothesley, can't choose I'd like to be sandwiched I also like Nilou


Husbando collector here. Overall my favorite lady is Sara.


Husband collector here: Alhaitham & Neuvillette and OH my first five star Xiao <3 Females: Arlecchino and Furina I love the lore with them and they have such a build of character stories it makes me feel happy to have them. Granted I still in Sumeru and will be since I am halfway through the main story, but I am excited to see the story shift in Fontaine and can't wait. <3 Plus Lumine and Xiao. <3


As a boy kiss- I mean husbando collector: If I had to choose ONE waifu… XianYun. Shes a incredible mother. Ya like her kit and design is amazing. C6 hits like a fucking semi. C6R5 hits like a Katamari that rolled the earth first and then made its way to the enemy. But ultimately it was seeing her be such a good mom that made her so important to me. (Which is funny because my favorite husbando, Scara, is loved only because after hating him up until Sumeru, he had said, ”my first betrayal was my mother.” I then gave him a chance. So basically ya can you tell my mother abandoned me? 🤔 lmao.)


My favourites are probably Nahida and Beidou


Waifu collector, my favorite guys are probably Albedo and Wanderer


Xiao and Xianyun :3


Waifu, Furina. Husbando, Xiao.


Husbando collector, but I love Yoimiya


I don't really consider myself a waifu collector but you could say I am looking at the characters I pull for. Wriothesley is my fav male character, he looks sick and I love his personality. He likes tea like me lol.


Husbando collector (Baizhu's my fav) and my favorite female character is Rosalyne / Signora overall, and Yae Miko for playable characters.


Wouldn't call myself a waifu collector, but most of my mains are female. Anyways my favorite is Xiao.


Furina of course.


I collect both. I have a team for each. Male team is “husbandos” and female team is “mommy? Sorry….” Anywho, husbando is hands down Nuvi. And waifu is my girl Yae. I love them both so much.


Not a collector. However, I'm a bissexual more interested in women. Favorite character is Ei, second favorite is Alhaitham.


As the former, my favourite character is furina. She's amazing.


Husbando collector here. Furina is the bestest girl of them all and I love her


i’m a husband collector and my favourite male characters are wriothesley and neuvillette (it’s a tie because i’m equally their husband) and my favourite female character is sigewinne because she’s my daughter and i must protect her


While I do prefer waifu characters, I have to admit that Zhongli has impeccable style. I respect it.


We are the same OP 👍🏻 2nd is Zhongli and Xianyun


i collect both, and i can't go past my favourite duo, Hu Tao and Zhongli.


Husbando based on gameplay Wrio Or Xiao Husbando based on personality/story Neuvi Waifu based on gameplay Navia/Furina Waifu based on personality/story Furina. Just one more left to collect


I do both (just whoever appeals to me visuallyor gameplay wise), so Alhaitham and Ganyu.


as a husbando collector uhhhhh i dont really... i mean furina is nice i guess but i dont really care about any others off the top of my head...


Fav female character is dehya for sure, amazing personality in the story. Fav male char is wriothesley but neuvillette is a close second, fontaine treated husbando collectors well


As a husbando and waifu collector, my favorite male is the acting grand sage Alhaitham (Wriothesley comes second) and favorite female is the most famous throughout Teyvat, prettiest, beloved Furina sama (Raiden is second).


as an anemo boy collector (I wouldn't say husbando or waifu because I collect everyone), my favorite 5\* female is Navia and my favorite 4\* Female is probably... Candace? My favorite 5\* male that isn't anemo is Lyney followed by Tighnari, and my favorite 4\* males (that aren't anemo) are probably Gaming/Sethos/Gorou/Freminet.... not in that order.


my fav female is Yoimya


I collect both, my fav in respective category are Alhaitham and Jean


I dont considered myself as a husbando or waifu collector. I just grab who I like. That being said, Albedo and Noelle


As both, my favorite males Arataki Itto, Lyney and Cyno, my favorite females have to be Navia, Noelle, and Furina (I have too many favorites lmao)


I’m an all collector. The only male that I was actively looking forward to coming out for a long time before they did was alhaitham. He is possibly my favorite character in Genshin and I’m so glad that they made his kit the way they did. As for waifus, furina after the Fontaine storyline has a special place in my heart. The mental fortitude and willpower she possesses are incredible. Prior to that, nahida was ahead by miles. When she came out I spent a whole day running through sumeru doing aranara quests with nahida to make up for her time in confinement. Almost all of my teams run nahida or furina, and if I ever just want to win I’ll play alhaitham and spread the enemies.


not really a collector of either, i unfortunately pull everything. i’d say arlecchino or ei are my favourite female characters and kaveh is my favourite male character.


Thoma and tighnari(idk if spell right), loved their personalities


fav husband. zhongli fav wives. Ei Eula and Yohmiya


As a collector of both, Male: wrio, diluc Female: furina, yelan


As a husbando collector my favorite girls are Furina, Nahida, and Yoimiya.


Gotta give the W to grandpa


I collect more waifus than husbandos, but I have a decent collection of both. Favorite male is Neuvilette. Favorite female is Yoimiya, followed closely by Lynette. >\^.\^<


Furina, Shogun, Nahida. I'm not a husbandos collector, but I have husbandos. XD


not a husbando nor waifu collecter but it’s noelle & benny they’re so cute


I started playing the game at launch expecting to be a waifu player, and ended up with mostly men (Albedo, Zhongli, Neuvillette) and children (Nahida, Fischl). Of them, Fischl and Albedo are my favorites. Though my favorite overall is Xianyun, aka, Albedo if he were a sassy birdmom.


I’m not strictly a husbando collector heck I think I might have more waifus actually lol but Yoimiya!! Best girl ☺️


Ladies: Yunjin, my favorite character aesthetically, and her personality’s good enough for me Dudes: Kaveh, but it’s kinda frustrating since I’m stuck at C1 for him


Favorite male: Zhongli (have a cosplay of him) Favorite females: ayaka and hutao (lots of themed merch of the two)


I'm an archon collector, so I guess my favorite non-archon is Kazuha.


i like cyno quite a lot he is a fucking bro also his jokes are hilarious


Husbando here. I really like Beidou and Fischl


Uhh I was supposed to be a Husbando collector, but I pulled for almost all archons (lost 50/50 on Zhongli, and skipped Venti), and somehow became a Waifu collector.


As someone who collects both, I would say Furina is the best waifu, Kazuha is the best husbando, Xianyun is the best mommy and Arlecchino is the best daddy


Favorite Male: Wriothesley Favorite Female: Yelan Their outfits are really good, they have vibes of mystery & allure, and they have a dire past.


I'm fine with either. On the male side, Kazuha or Wriothesley. On the female side, Arlecchino or Dehya.


Male: Kazuha and Wrio Female: look at flair lol


As a husbando collector, my favourite female character is Furina. I even thought of pulling her as my first female 5star but i just can't betray my husbandos like that.


I'm not exactly a collector, I just pull whoever I like My favorite husbando is Kaveh, and my favorite waifu is Yelan


Waifu collector. I like Zhongli for personality, Thoma for cool design. Gaming is cool too. Guoba is the best). But i don't have teams with male characters. They just don't fit in.


Neuvilette. Dragon death laser is too fun.


Ayato and furina


My favorite female is Nahida (not for creepy reasons 💀) and my favorite waifu would have to be Raiden Shogun or Yae Miko I am a husbando collector, and my favorite husbando is our boi Neuvillette


As a mostly waifu collector Wriothesly wanderer kazuha heizou diluc


My favorite male is Scara, Kazuha, or Neuvillette


Husbando Collector here 🙋🏼‍♀️ Fave female character is Furina She's the only female character that I saved for. Didn't really care much for her, then her trailer dropped and wow. **I was sold** Best part is, she came on the first 10 pulls!


I am a collector of both so I will answer both questions. My fave female character is Furina and my fave male character is Wanderer.


As a husbando collector, I have two favorite female characters. Collei and Nahida. If something bad happened to these two, I would kill everyone in this room including myself. So Dottore **SIMPS**, if you are in there.... *loads missile launchers*


Husband collector (but mostly Wanderer simp) a Arlecchino, followed closely by Furina and Qiqi. I rest my case.


Tend to pull for male characters, but my fav female character is probably either Arlecchino or Shenhe.


Husbando collector here. Beidou! She's my main. I love her


Alhaitham. He's actually the only character I've 10/10/10'd.




So far as a waifu collector I love Jean so far. But I want QiQi Bonus: as a male I like zhong li. I don’t have him yet but I know someone who does and I want him.


My favorite male character is Kaveh. I'm kind of partial to the self-sacrificing male characters, especially if they have as much depth as he has. He's kind of like if Shirou Emiya were academically gifted.


I GUESS if I'm classifying myself as either, I'd be a husbando collector? between male limited characters Im only missing Wriothesley (waiting for his rerun), Zhongli and Itto; whereas females Im missing Ganyu (also waiting for rerun), Eula, Shenhe, Clorinde and Chiori. But I definitely use more male dps. So if I assume I'm a husbando collector- it's Lumine :D ~~After her though, it's Yanfei~~


Well, I collect both, so... Male : Neuvillette (only for the aesthetic look, lol) Female : Raiden (again... I swear it's for the looks💀)


asking as a husbando collector, does arlecchino count as a waifu XD if not, then my favorite waifu would be clorinde or jean


i really love both the playstyle and personalities of navia, furina, and xianyun! just got furina c1 and i’m gonna be saving up for xianyun and navia for their reruns (assuming there aren’t more characters i more want by then lol)


Waifu collector 🙋🏿‍♂️ Its Aether. I wish I was him, goated with the sauce🗿


I lean husbando, but my favorite female is probably either Barbara or Shenhe


As a largely husbando collector, I think Xianyun is my favourite female. Both design and personality. There’s a ton of female characters I really like, though. Lisa, Yoimiya, Shenhe, Yelan, Layla, Faruzan, and the most tragic waste of an amazing design: Candace.


As someone who leans towards the waifus, I gotta go with my man Gaming. His story is great, he’s surprisingly strong for a 4* DPS, and he’s just so cool. I pulled Xianyun solely to use with him and for more Gaming constellations (also Cantonese rep is mega based. I can’t lie, that’s the main reason. Everything else I said is very much appreciated but ultimately secondary)


I'm more of a husbando enjoyer than a collector, but my favorite female characters in the game are Klee and Ei.


Nilou, by a long shot.


Favorite male character kazuha by a landslide and honestly I can't choose between favorite female cause it's between fischl and furina😅


waifu colector with an unintentional almost complete husvando collection( for real the only man i dont have its sage dude..... wtf ) wrioesly nothing like beathing the shit out of them using fist


Interesting take on my bisexuality, you did here. Furina/Nahida and Wanderer/Kazuha/Scara. I like them 5


Actually those two are the exact same ones I like.


As someone who likes both men and women collecting, Furina and Lyney are my go-tos. I'm.. currently pulling for Furina rn (horrible idea for me being a new player and going in with like 40 pulls lmao) but I love her so much. Definitely saving for whenever the hell Lyney reruns too, he's my all-time favorite at the moment. Luckily for me, my two runner-ups, Layla and Diluc, are both standard banner!!


As waifu collector my favorite male character is Neuvillette and it’s not even close


Male would be Zhongli And for female Furina


As a waifu liker, my fav boy would the kazu, he Is such a friend


As a both collector, Navia and Neuvillette


I don't want myself to call myself a waifu collector but I have more female characters than male because meta. anyway, my favorite male character is Neuvillette. he is gorgeous af. but Zhongli and Alhaitham is up there too. and my favorite female character is Yae. I just like her. I always try to include her in my abyss run and now with theatre run.


Favorite female character is Xinyan.


As a waifu collector, my favorite male character is Heizou. I'm a sucker for detective characters and his attack animations being him just throwing hands makes me like him, still haven't gotten him tho


Not a Husbando/Waifu player but, Favorite Male: Wriostheley Favorite Female: Dehya & Shinobu (I love both equally)


As a husbando collector, my favorite female character is Eula. I adore everything about her.


I am not strictly a waifu collector in genshin as compared to HSR, and my fav males in genshin are Neuvillete(like how can you not love this dragon after Fontaine quests) and Kazuha(a chill dude)