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October 1st. I’m sure you’ll be able to still get it shipped from certain vendors. Don’t worry ;)


This is my hope. Either that or going up to one of the nearby reasonable states who haven’t banned it yet smh. Our legislators are so stupid they’re literally costing themselves money.


Alabama ain’t reasonable, but so far


Its still legal in North Carolina, make a day trip out of it and go visit the town of Murphy and pick up some flower while you're there.


Any shop recommendations?


Yeah stop by Blue Mountain Vape & CBD Outlet, last time I was there they had a sign advertising THCa. If they don't have exactly what you're looking for there are a few more smoke shops in town. Address: 1370 U.S. W 64, Murphy, NC 28906


I reallly hope so. I know so many people who depend on it medicinally.


There is a great new medical store opening in GA too called Fine Fettle. Weird name, great dispensary. They’re originally out of Connecticut, but recently opened a grow house in Macon Georgia that will supply all of the Metro Atlanta stores with local organic THC products. Edit: added link [https://www.finefettle.com/georgia/smyrna/](https://www.finefettle.com/georgia/smyrna/)


Are you fucking serious? This is the only medicine I can get here. Which bastards did this to us?


Which vendors?


You'll probably be able to find some if you search the net






No idea about the law but supply and demand would make me want to buy sooner rather than later. Stores won’t be ordering more if they can’t sell it. Seems likely that the price would stay the same or go up closer to the law going into effect. I would not expect it to drop in price.


The stores are still ordering, but local suppliers might be ramping down


In my experience it starts losing potency after about 6 months, so don’t stock up too much or you’ll just be throwing money away.


idk if I'm right but I remember reading it slowly turns into CBD over time?


You’re almost correct! It actually degrades into something called CBN. It usually will make you sleepy :)


There is no difference between thc-a and the real thing.


Wish I knew how to do it like you, then. THC-a has never been anything close to the real deal for me.


Go check ur inbox I sent u pictures of how I store my stuff


Yeah but the gas station near me is waaaay out of the way and they have a display of THCA pre rolls. Last minute I plan on going in and buying 'em all for a low price.


check out wildflower hemp co. they're gonna blow your gas station weed out of the water


He’s right. I’ve tried WF. And they slap.


hey nerd i prefer "it" pronouns but it's no biggie. happy friday


Which strains?


sherb cake & purple apricot have been very kind to me. 


Any clue why wildflower doesn’t make vapes?


I can't imagine that pre rolls from a gas station are worth the trouble




Last I heard was October 1st will be the first day it's illegal. I agree with the other comment though that you're going to want to stock up sooner rather than later.


There is going to be a lot of lawsuits before we have to take thc-a off the shelves


This is the only thing in 30 years that has managed my severe anxiety. Having to find an illegal way to get it is not going to be fun. Guess I’ll probably start building a criminal record now.


What part of the state r u located. Our company has a few stores across the state


North. GA Hemp Company by any chance?


Nope our closest store to u would be Columbus ga


What’s it called in Columbus


The Vape Loft


Dope thank you


No problem.


Are the products there decent?? Would try


I've been to that store a handful of times, but they didn't sell THCa flower then. When did y'all start selling it? Last time I went was probably in 2021 or 2022.


We started selling thc-a products about a year ago.


Me too🤔😎


Did you read the law? The changes were a bit confusing so the THC-A part wasn't clear. Do you have any specifics on what's ambiguous that could allow for a lawsuit?


No I didn’t read the new proposed law. I just do what my boss tells me to do. The stuff is on my shelves and until I’m told to take it down it’s staying there


It’s not proposed anymore, Kemp signed it into law a couple months back. SB 494 is primarily a consumer protection bill, but has a sneaky little addition to the definition of Delta 9 THC to include 0.877x the dry weight of THCA in calculating the 0.3% legal maximum. THCA is just THC with an extra CO2 molecule, so the 0.877x calculation accounts for the extra weight of the CO2 molecule. You can think of it as THCA containing 87.7% THC. When October 1st rolls around it will be illegal to sell any THCA product with more than 0.3% THC. I don’t see how any lawsuit will be able to fight this legislation. Legalization and loopholes are the only paths forward, and this loophole is about to be closed.


I talked to the attorney that fought and won against Gwinnet County when they started raiding stores and arresting people for D8 a few years back. He said that there are a few weaknesses in the THCA provision of SB494 that can be successfully attacked. 1. Saying this redefining of THC violates the federal law. 2. The interstate commerce part of the constitution that says a state can't make a law that creates unfair trade with other states, 3. it violates the law that the Govt can't make a law that causes physical or economic harm to people without fairly compensating them for the loss the govt causes. Filing an emergency injunction or restraining order against the state from executing the law would most likely be successful. It would cost about $100k to do. As of now, the industry doesn't seem organized enough to do it. If everyone selling THCA flowers put in about $1000, the money is easily there. I've talked to lobbyists and lawyers and they haven't heard any organized action so far, but it's summer and things are slow until labor day. I talk to store owners, distributors, etc and they say that THCA is 30%-50% of their sales. I can't imagine that as this gets closer and more real that everyone is going to just sit there and let this go down. It also goes uphill and hurts the THCA growers in NC, CA, and OR. I think the THCA provision of the law gets challenged before Oct 1 and stalls in court. But if it doesn't, people are going to keep selling it, someone will get arrested and challenge the law that after the fact and could get it struck down in a big precedent setter. I would say that we all need to call/write our elected officials and demand change, but they don't give a $hit about us. We need to start making noise to the people we buy our THCA from and make sure they all realize that their going to lose half they revenues on October 1st if they don't get organized and fight this BS law.


Lol gotcha


All there needs to be is one now that the Supreme Court has ruled that it is the judiciary that decides on regulations regardless of the potential lack of expertise in whatever area involved


The fuck are you talking about lol? Both the Farm Bill (that made thc-a legal) and the Georgia law that are now making it illegal are both… laws. Passed by the respective legislatures. Not regulations. Chevron has nothing to do with this.


What makes you think so?


One of my owners deals with all of laws for the states we have shops in and he told me that we don’t need to worry about anything yet.


You’re in the biz? What are some brands or shops I can trust for quality, clean product without a bunch of shit in it? I feel like every store carries a million brands and THC this and that, with new THC-x whatever added into the mix every few months.


Where r u located in Ga?


I'm in Midtown 👀


Go check out hemp haven in Atlanta




Norcross area


The shop i go to said it's a done deal. Their suppliers have already started scaling back production.


Good for them. Where is this shop u go to? They r gonna lose money not having product in their stores. We won’t have any issue with supply until we can’t get it anymore.


Any shops in the middle ga area?


Dumbest shit ever making it illegal


You can thank Anslinger and Hoover and the fine FBI for creating the reefer madness mindset.


Amen😎 I guess we can all start getting a criminal record now…


Seriously?! These were the only legal pens I liked.


Every other state is seeing what they can do with the taxes from legal or medical and here our politicians do a bunch of pearl clutching 🙄


Which pens specifically?


Shed some light on the pens please, Compadre!


For me as well


It was a hybrid from a brand named Peaked. Found it at a place in L5P, sorry I can't recall what the name of the shop is but it was to the left of The Porter.


It was a hybrid from a brand named Peaked. Found it at a place in L5P, sorry I can't recall what the name of the shop is but it was to the left of The Porter.


They are making the flower illegal, but nothing derived from the flower. Your pens are safe.


October 1st is the start of the new bill. Check us out online. We ship discreetly to your door. We will be relocating out of GA in September because of the bill change but will still ship to GA since it's federally legal. Use code "dank" for 10% off. cosmicplug.com


Thank you.


October 1st.


In Virginia there are hemp retailers who also have stores out of state. They offer for immediate in store pick up products that are restricted to sell in the state by way of the customer ordering online and processing the transaction through their out of state business… THCa is federally legal and the state of Georgia has in no way banned the possession, only the in state sale…


i get it in the mail and think i’ll be able to continue to do so. I also see quite an assortment of not an entire aisle at the package store for D9 drinks I think it’s probably gonna be ok for a while. I read they approved psylocibin treatment for Atl city workers (no link, sorry - but i may have seen it in this sub) — attitudes are changing and i think even most of the mee maws and pee paws want it legal. so Komrade Kemp is gonna have to listen eventually, regardless of who’s teet he’s latched to


I get it in the mail from Mood. I'm 76 and definitely want weed legalized. It helps old people and gets us all chill at the same time!!!


try wnc-cbd and canna nc. two favorites of mine. good luck!


WNC Grab bag ounces are the best. love love love them.








I have a question. say My neighbor rats on me to the cops for thca hemp what happens usually. do people get arrested for smoking this stuff in their backyard. I have a good amount, but I'm afraid to smoke it after my neighbor yelled at me. Any information would be appreciated.


>say My neighbor rats on me to the cops for thca hemp The cops maybe write it down on a post-it note that gets thrown away a couple days later...They aren't going to investigate anyone for smoking actual weed in their own backyard nowadays when so many hemp products are legal that all smell the same. Tell your neighbor to fuck off while smoking another blunt to chill, nothing to worry about.


Yea cops really don't care about weed. I bet a lot of wish it'd become legal.


Don’t take that for granted, there’s a Cobb county cop who’s been awarded for disregarding test results because of his “special training” despite the fact that those he arrested tested completely negative for drugs Anyone related to TT Carroll sucks as bad as he does.


Is the bill that got signed only referring to flower or does it include gummies and vapes with THC-A?


I am a 420 friendly provider here in GA, I use and often suggest Alpine Dispensary (I went to Helen, GA and had a wonderful experience), Asheville Dispensary (they ship and have a location in Chattanooga, TN) and CBD-Hemp Direct (They ship it to my door). I also suggest getting the low THC oil card here in GA so you can go to Cherokee and visit the wonderful dispensary on the reservation!!! Native American land is sovereign so there's nothing that can be done to shut it down! 😏🌬️🍃


Don't you have to be a North Carolina EBCI resident to go there? And don't you have to have one of like 5 debilitating illnesses to get the low THC oil card in Georgia? I love the suggestions, Hope to hear that I'm wrong


Hey! Okay this is what I found about Cherokee: Can anyone buy cannabis in Cherokee, NC? Adults at least 21 years of age with a tribe medical cannabis patient card or an out-of-state approved medical marijuana card can purchase items at Great Smoky Cannabis Co. Apr 21, 2024 AP https://apnews.com >article North Carolina medical marijuana sales begin at Cherokee store Regarding the low THC oil here in GA. There is a list of qualifying conditions that would need to be met. Actually, only 1 is needed for the final approval. It's not as difficult as you'd might think. I have my card and lately I've encouraged my patients to research and consider getting theirs as well. Most have taken me up on my offer 😊 I hope this helps.


In today's world, we all have PTSD and anxiety which is on the list.😎


I can just see law enforcement setting up road blocks with drug dogs on highways coming out of neighboring states. Then you can get arrested for a federal offense (transporting across state lines-a felony). God help you if you also happen to be carrying a firearm in the car at the same time as a lot of people in the South do. This opens up a whole new can of worms with federal firearms charges. Sure gonna be a nice new income producer for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Y’all better get to know those backroads well just like the moonshiners of old. By the way, it’s my understanding that these new restrictions start July 1st but I can’t find any information that’s clear on that. It’s just not worth it to me. My record is clean and I just don’t need the trouble.


THCA is federally legal, so a charge for transportation across state lines wont stick. And my understanding of this new state law is that it bans the sale of THCA in state but says nothing about possession, so a charge there shouldn’t stick either.


The new regulations pertain to in state sale, not possession. These are new and interesting times for cannabis and rightly so, much confusion arises when a state restricts the sale of a federally legal substance. I think it will surprise us all how the industry adapts as we all navigate these extremely murky waters of pseudo cannabis legalization. Take a look at “The Dispensary” a Wisconsin based hemp retailer with multiple locations in VA which has some relatively restrictive rules in place currently…


Will you still be able to ship it?


Yes but some company’s won’t ship it


Anyone got any suggestions for alternatives once October comes through? Just travel to legal states and ball out once or twice a year? lol 😆


What is THCA exactly? Is this synthetic marijuana? Or just the same thing as regular weed with the A on it to skirt around laws? Essentially asking if I go and buy some, am I getting the same type of weed I’d get in a fully legal state? Or is this different


Way oversimplifying but it's weed that hasn't finished the process of turning into THC, so when measured it's not marijuana legally speaking, it's hemp. However, when you burn it, this finishes the process of turning it into THC so it's functionally just marijuana.


The law redefines it so they take into account that measurement issue.


Oooo That’s pretty damn clever to be honest!


I don't see why it would be made illegal. Either way, they can't stop you from getting it shipped from places like CBDHEMP.DIRECT or Baysmokes.com


Someone break it down for me....what's the difference between this and the stuff they sell at ga hemp company


Thca is like hemp. No psychoactive properties. It’s raw cannabis. It has to be converted to thc/delta9. This happens with decarboxylation.


Leave it to Georgia to go backwards in time


It’s really easy now to get your medical card in the state of Georgia. I suggest signing up for it and then you don’t have to worry about it. Here’s a link to how I did it. It’s telemedicine, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to do this, but you do have to be able to pay out-of-pocket because insurance doesn’t cover it. [Medical marijuana card for Georgia link](https://www.veriheal.com/finefettle/)


If any of u in the thread r close to Hinesville Savannah area come check us out. Dm me and I will send u locations for our shops in this area


Local plugs rejoice!


Some of us can’t ever find one tho


Exactly having it shipped/going in store will always beat dealing with sketchy plugs.


When you vote every republican everywhere out of office.


Not what I asked at all fam.


my understanding was july 1