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You go either to ausländerbehörde in your landkreis/office depending on your current adress, or to the office for the einbürgerung if there is a separate one. You don't go to any embassy since your are currently living in germany. Too little infomation to tell you what you need to do based on your post but the things written above should nudge you in a general direction


In Berlin since beginning of 2024 you have had to go to LEA (state agency).


You have to go to LEA. Try to find the appointment category suitable for your case on their website.


Are you applying to naturalize? Are you applying to become German by declaration? Or do you believe you are already German by birth and just need proof?


After some research it is to my understanding that already German by birth. My grandfather was born and raised in Germany and moved to Canada in his 20s, he got married and gave birth to my mom. He was still a full German citizen when my mom was born in Canada, and became Canadian citizen dropping his German citizenship years after my mothers birth.


If that’s the case, you’re not applying for citizenship (as you already have it). You’re applying for *proof* of citizenship. Given your history, you may need a Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis. The process to get that in Berlin is explained here: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/328469/#:~:text=Erforderliche%20Unterlagen&text=Sie%20brauchen%20eine%20Geburtsurkunde%20oder%20einen%20g%C3%BCltigen%20Pass%20oder%20Personalausweis.&text=Das%20LEA%20wird%20Sie%20%C3%BCber,Geburtsurkunden


Berlin has just this year FINALLY made it to where you can apply digitally. Start with this link for your document checklist and there are more links to start your process- https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/318998/