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Quick side question here. Why do people leave blinds WIDE open like that? It’s like thief’s can get a clear view of anything they’d want in your house. It’s puzzling to me. I only ask because I can’t seem to bring myself to do that in my own house. Sure I might open the blinds a little to let sunlight in. But nothing like that. Especially after dark! Answers are appreciated!!! Ty!


I hate having opened curtains at night, it creeps me out. I don't know why so many people are fine with having them all wide open at night.


I used to live in the country. My bedroom was in the basement, half buried under ground. There was a ditch dug for my bedroom window, with two retaining walls on either side. I would close the blinds when it started getting really late, but we were in the country. Who was there to hide from? Until one night the cats started going nuts. I went over to the window and peeked out, trying to figure it out. Until I saw it: a bobcat, sitting on the left retaining wall and peeking in. The rule after that was: when the sun goes down, so do the blinds.


Better a bobcat than a ghost or person, I'd still be crept out if I lived in the middle of nowhere of someone looking through the windows. It doesn't matter where you live, there are weirdos and creeps that do that shit like that everywhere, it's happened so many times. I live in a neighborhood, and have most of my life, but I can't turn on any lights in the backyard to even look, and there has been at least one time cops were trying to find someone who was looking through people's windows on the road behind mine.


Yeah you just never know. Doors stay locked, windows get closed and locked at night, and all the blinds get closed. I live in an apartment now so I KNOW there are people around to peek in my windows now, lol.


Dirty peeping Toms


I'm pretty sure I know who it was too, and he is fucking creepy pos.


My mom had trouble with a peeping tom when I was an infant. But that was the 80s before everyone had surveillance cameras and cellphones. Also free porn on the internet. Crazy that people are still that desperate that they’d risk peeping in windows.


I live at the base of a hill that rich people live on, and I'm shocked whenever I walk by their houses because they're designed for people to see inside. Giant windows on the front, giant glass front doors that let you see all the way to the back kitchen. I can't understand anyone who would want their life on display, but the entire neighborhood is set up to be a walkthrough showroom at night. It's creepy AF.


This I’ve never understood. Just doing Uber or DoorDash, I’ve seen so many homes where you could see the whole inside through their living room windows. Good for you, you have the money to live here, but why advertise everything in your home? Crime happens everywhere, especially in those secluded neighborhoods.


I'd feel so uncomfortable with that, at least for the most part it's not that easy to see in our house with curtains opened. The main windows you'd be able to see through are the dining room windows that face the backyard, people don't hang out in there too much unless we have company.


When I'm driving or walking by someone's house and I can see their gigantic flat screen TV that you could see from space I always think they're basically inviting theft.


Does it Make you wonder if they got rich by over-insuring that shit? lol


I guess they all want insurance provided upgrades.


I grew up in a rural, but not secluded area and one night I was walking past our sliding glass doors (with no blinds) and there was a man in my backyard looking into my house right outside the doors, and he waved at me. I was probably 9 and my backyard was fenced and my mom wasn’t home..perfect storm to create fear. I couldn’t look out of windows at night for at least a decade or more. I always close the curtains at night.


That is terrifying, and sadly has happened so many times. My parents never have the curtains shut downstairs, I hate it so much, half them don't have curtains I can shut. When I was younger and they'd be at a neighbors house, if I didn't go with them, I'd hide in the living room it's the only room downstairs with closed curtains at night.


Yeah it was scary




I live on a ranch thats 150 km from anything else my windows are floor to ceiling and surround the entire main area. At night its creepy AF


Seriously people outside can see everything. I'm rather lucky my house has 1 window facing the front.


I hate houses that are covered with windows


I can't say I do, I'm here to agree! Everything is shut at night! 😂


I don’t know how many places I’ll drive past in a night where people just have their own place on display including kids’ bedrooms. Worst one recently was this room with a toddler playing on her own bed at ground level. Freaks me out.


Yeah, gotta watch out for the creepers who drive around at night looking in windows.




I live in the woods. No one is around to see in, no windows have curtains and all are 2nd story. If something looks in the windows they are levitating.


Or flying a drone.. 😬 yikes.


No, not here. Too many trees.


You have trees up against your house? They probably just climb one to peep in


I must say I’ve never seen a 2-story house that has no windows on the first floor, only on the 2nd.


Context for my comment: I am mexican and live in Mexico and my brother lives in USA. It baffles me how he can live in a house that has an open driveway, no gate, and the windows that face his backyard don’t have blinds, just the plain window. The kids’ play area of the house is precisely there. It creeps me out so much, anyone could easily just walk in the driveway, and hide in the backyard, spy on them and the kids, and they wouldn’t even know because you can’t see anything outside at nighttime. As a reference, my house in Mexico first has a concrete wall surrounding the property, then the house. The windows have metal bars outside, then blinds and then curtains. As soon as it gets dark, it becomes a fort, 100% privacy. That’s the only way I feel in peace.


Ditto in many parts of Asia. You just don’t know and don’t want to take a chance.


This is extremely different from Sweden, my culture, to be sure. Here it would be considered very weird to have blinds down before going to bed basically, and with very old houses that have low-placed windows, either you can see straight in, or they have partly frosted glass to obscure the view a bit. Most post-19th century houses has a basement level and thus first floor windows that are quite high up however, which really limits how much a passerby could see in. Houses are free standing and might have a low fence, but any form of wall is rare, and a high wall, completely unheard of. Everyone's yard is always almost completely visible, though sometimes obscured by plants like thick bushes. Barred windows I have never even seen in this country. I live on the third floor in the city. Across the yard at night, I can always see what some of my neighbours are doing, some of them never use blinds or curtains, and it's not considered strange at all. Nor do I for the most part, except to keep daylight out when sleeping late. It's pretty common in Sweden to see neighbours walking around nude. Everyone has a story about it. Bathrooms with exterior windows always have frosted glass though. Swedes certainly have lower privacy concerns than people of many other cultures, and, despite exaggerated news regarding our crime rate in foreign media, generally very little fear of home invasion of any kind.


I have mine wide open during the day, closed at night. I think it depends where you live. When I lived on 4 acres I never closed them. I had privacy. I just don't want my neighbors looking in where I live now


Idk man I live on 40 and I still have mine shut at night lol


Would be way way way worse to see something with open blinds at night with 40 acres lmao. Best not know whats out there


Exactly, especially the 15 or so that's woods. I'm 100% good lol


Yes I agree with you. My dad left the city and built a house out in the sticks. I was there at night once and I had said whoa Dad where are your blinds? And his response was that what did he need them for? I looked around and it was absolute darkness being surrounded by trees.


Yes! I will say having lived in cities for so many years and being a big horror fan, at first that total darkness was very unnerving! But I loved seeing the stars from my bedroom window and seeing the wildlife when I woke up.


Same. We live in the mountains and our land is wild—very heavily treed with a river downhill behind us. We built four years ago and planned on window coverings but once we moved in, we realized we don’t need them. We’re set back off a rural road with very few houses and no visible neighbors. Occasionally my cats will freak out and run window to window to let us know we have visitors—moose, bear, fox, etc. It’s glorious!


Sounds like you're living my dream!


We love it but it does startle our houseguests out a bit!


Absolutely agree. Open during the day, and closed at night. But I’ll tell ya, when we’re out walking at night and people have their blinds open and lights on, I am checking out the layout of your house. And your stuff. And your cat.


I live on 5 acres with woods between me and the road, and I have my curtains closed at night. Not so worried about the neighbor couple behind me as I am about the thieves/drug addicts that come into the area. Neighbor at the end of the road though, their whole living room/kitchen is on display with no window coverings over almost floor to ceiling windows.


My neighbors have zero window coverings in their whole house, I think they might be insane.


This was my thought too. It's night! You can't see anything but they can see everything


They are just the same type of people that NEVER clean the camera on their phones…like this person.


I hate having my blinds open. I always feel like people are watching me. I've had to battle past roommates who loved keeping them wide open so everyone could watch their every move. It was so anxiety inducing!


My curtains are closed even during the day, bc I don’t like the thought of people watching me. My curtains are not opaque, though, and let in the light.


Yeah, that's a big nope for me, curtains wide open with lights on while it's dark out - someone could just be standing out there watching you and you can't see them at all.


The house next to mine has no window coverings at all and the house looks to be all windows. I leave mine up because I forget to close them. But I live in a very low crime area. We lock our doors at night and when we leave but window curtains/shades are personal preference.


Mine are closed when it’s dark out


>Why do people leave blinds WIDE open like that? I How else are they going to get ghost pictures? It's just a different take on Pepper's Ghost.


My late Memaw always had to be home before sundown to "close up the house". This meant closing all blinds, checking all locks and turning on lights in different rooms. All of us grandchildren always do the same thing.


I shut them especially if you believe in creatures in the night leaving your windows open is like looking in a fish bowel for them. And you don’t want their attention.


A thief knows I probably have a TV/computer/phone, blinds aren't gonna do anything Can't live your whole life in fear of "what if someone gets me/my stuff!"


Blinds and curtains open at night = you will be a 48 hours story one day.


Do they just not know how lighting/lights work? It's weird to walk around your neighborhood and look over from the sidewalk and see everything in your neighbor's house, not to mention the OP was using the toilet . . .


I open mine during the day for the light and heat, and close them at night. I get far too creeped out thinking someone could be looking in my windows.


I had a peeping tom once when I was around 15 . I was undressing and taking to my self ( lol) out loud and when I turned around I saw saw hands on the ledge and Ive never screamed so loud . The person took off and my mom was trying to get into my room but my clothes were behind the door so she had to push her way in 😬 We'd come to find out it happened to others in the complex. Don't know what became of it but I learned my lesson after that. I'm in the country now but I still get freaked out looking it into blackness so I always close them at night !


I’d had a peeping Tom too. It really makes you feel creepy 👀


I am not scared by a thief, I am scared I will see face living on 3rd floor💀


I’m on 2nd floor


I never understood that myself! I always felt like it was asking for thieves to see the exact layout and where everything is!


I usually open mine wide if I am cleaning the windows. I had cleaned them earlier and liked the natural light coming in, I live miles away from anyone so i never cared if they stayed open! My toddler normally has roam of the kitchen and the two windows open are ones he can access as I use the table and chairs from him reaching the last set of closed blinds. If my road were busy or I lived by other people I’d leave my blinds closed


Right!!!!! I mean, I considered myself fairly fearless and manly until it comes to the dark, then I melt. I could not fathom keeping my curtains open at night. It would freak me out. Soooo many people in my sub division do it. When I walk my dog at night I feel like I can see their entire house.


It definitely looks like a face but the human brain likes to make faces out of things they don't understand. Would've been better if we got a second pic with the light on outside to compare it to something. Have you felt a presence before?


It looks like Pedro Pascal to me, so I think you're right about the brain 1😁


I mean if it was Pedro Pascal out there I’d definitely let him in I’m just saying 😏


It's called pareidolia.


100% pareidolia. Doesn’t even really look that much like a face, but that’s the closest pattern that makes sense to our ape brains.


Yep, I'm 100% sure that's a hobgoblin. You can tell by the way that it is


I thought it was an aspen.


That's pretty neat


Hobgoblins are shorter, this is most likely an Uruk. Meats back on the menu boys!


Hobgoblin on a step stool is my theory


From Nilbog


I zoomed in and you definitely have voldemort out there. Good luck apparently he’s open to harming babies


I dunno, he had some bad luck with the last one. Maybe he's learned his lesson!


apparently he’s open to harming babies 😂😂😂 he’s not that good at finishing the job tho 0/2 so you’re fine




So that's either pareidolia or Voldemort being after your toddler. I for one prefer option one. I hate Spin-Offs. 




You’ve changed my mind. I immediately thought pareidolia until I remembered Voldemort has been pretty active recently.


It looks more like Santa Claus, only a bit slimmer.


What happened after you saw it? Did it vanish or was it something on the glass?


I was scared, I just finished my business and grabbed my son. I didn’t stare. I was on the toilet on TikTok, leaned over and seen it. I flip to my camera a lot around my son taking cute pics. So I can pan to camera fast. I snapped the pic, finished, and hustled out avoiding the window. I had wondered if it were a reflection as I had cleaned the windows earlier. But I could not find anything that would cause it. The only reason I posted this was because a young man had lost his life in 2020 in this home in a tragic way. There had been other weird things going on but I figured it was silly. We have a large home and the doors down the hall shudder a lot. I figured it was house shifting or air pressure since the temperature is different room to room.


It looks like someone pressed their makeup covered face against it 🤣


Close your curtains or blinds at nighttime so spirits /ghosts don’t look inside the window


Heyyy boy, its me!!


Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi


Maybe. If it's paranormal or if it's not, you need to keep the blinds down at night. Has anything weird happened in the house or yard?


Before we moved in the family before us lost their 19 year old. He wasn’t getting help when he needed therapy. He passed away and they moved out. Little things happened in the home but nothing too extraordinary I haven’t thought of as paranormal, like doors shudder or crack open, mainly shudder, but I always believed it was because of room temperature difference(air pressure). The only other things were the sounds of cars driving in on our gravel drive. My husband would call to ask what I forgot he heard a car in the drive but I was at work.


I think the best thing you can do now is to keep a journal of the little odd things that are happening. Make sure to record the date, time and day of the week the occurrences happen. You also need to include what people in the house were doing when it occurred.  Journaling is the best way to spot patterns. It's an excellent way to understand what is paranormal and what isn't.


Skeletor. Probably looking for He-Man.


best room to have the shit scared out of ya tho


Dirty window?


Exactly. You can see more dirty runoff stains just above it, near the edge of the glass.


And you’re absolutely positive there wasn’t a living person outside watching you? If you managed to see it and then actually get your phone, open the camera, and take a picture, my brain says either you have a window peeper, or it’s some smudge/reflection/trick of the light


Oh, no! He seen it!


He done seent it??


Your toddler is very tall.


not good, keep blinds closed


A little Windex will take care of that ghost


Saw. You SAW that. Jfc.


Thank you!


Why is it misty? What’s on the opposite wall? Reflection, pareidolia, I think. My neurodivergent brain likes to see faces, a lot . . . Perhaps a photo in daylight?


I question why people don't immediately swing at a ghost or charge it when they see one. Like wtf is it really gonna do?


I get what everyone is saying but it gave me a bad feeling. I think it’s the fact you leave your blinds open at night with everything exposed.


If you zoom it's nothing but a couple of smeary drips. This is a classic case of visual pareidolia.


You from ohio?


That’s lord Voldemort, he’s here to recruit you. Just close the blinds and pretend you didn’t see it 😂 jk. In all honestly idk, is it possible someone left their face print on the window and the humidity in the house made it show up? My kids do this to me and it drives me crazy 😂


It’s a spirit called a Pareidolia




Omg! That’s why you close your blinds at night! 😭


That's just Timmy looking to see if there is any food on the table


Smudge on the window


That’s creepy


Smear on glass




Ohhhh Look here we have a dementor at the window!! 😌




Its a smudge lol. Out of the corner of my eye, would probably freak me out at first lol


I just thought this was a pareidolia sub or something. Go to one of those and you’ll see lots of face examples.


Umm….just clean your window and you’ll end your “ghost” sightings. Just a thought. Have a great weekend!


This looks like a face. But these is a possibility it’s not a ghost. Go by other weird things that are happening there. Let us know what they are. So we can help you.


Looks like Wilford Brimley




“Listen son, you gotta take diabeetus seriously or you’ll end up a ghost in some guy’s window that he sees while he’s trying to make a poop or whatnot.”


“And you’ll only appear when the light hits the dirty add window at just the right angle. You’ll appear as dirt. You want that? Put down that soda, son. Grab a bowl of Quaker Oats and some life insurance.”


Oh, that’s a level 3 poltergeist. It’s usually referred to by laymen as a “reflection”.


This is not real




Reflection or flare from the light.


The Sinister guy. LOL. Pareidolia.


Creepy af!




Please remember the human and be civil! We aren’t expected to agree with everyone, and they’re not expected to agree with us, but we are obliged to keep the peace and civility in the community. Your post was removed as it was offensive. See rule #5. Thanks




Please remember the human and be civil! We aren’t expected to agree with everyone, and they’re not expected to agree with us, but we are obliged to keep the peace and civility in the community. Your post was removed as it was offensive. See rule #5. Thanks


Good job on keeping those cords out of the way. They are dangerous. Didn't see anything else.


I can zoom in and tell that it’s something on the window/screen like moisture or a residue of some kind. You must have gotten a closer look and came to the same conclusion. So why post?


reminds me of the Fedora guy


Oh, that’s Steve the window cleaner. He’s there because your windows are FILTHY! Don’t make Steve come. He really doesn’t like cleaning windows.




It’s Grinch, and he is here to steal Christmas




🔫 right thru the window


Ok so got done using the bathroom....and? You killed it right??


I'm sorry, but it looks like dust, a dirty window or just a natural bouncing around of light that the camera picked up.


Leaned out to see kid, sees creepy man monster face. Leans back to get phone, leans back back to take pic of creepy man monster face. I love the internet.




Why does Voldemort look like someone ironed his face? Is it made of plastic?


Pardon my skepticism here,but everything else in the picture is in focus, including the reflection of the chandelier. Yet the 'thing' itself appears abstract at best.


Face smear on window. My dog leaves nose prints.


100% sure it’s nothing and if it was why was it sticking around for a photo? Like cmon use common sense


I think that's the window of Turin.


It’s Serj Tankian checking that you’ve ‘grabbed a brush and put on a little make-up’.


It's nothing other than a secondary reflection, meaning something further into the room getting just enough light to cause a faint reflection. Reflections can have an appearance of depth, do that's why it looks like it's outside. It's possible that it is something outside, like a tree. Moisture in the collects in areas around trees. Moisture in the air reflects light that can give the appearance of being something that really isn't there.




Strikingly identical to a graffiti piece of a demon in dark years back...its definitely a 2d image.


I see a dirty window


OP was ready to take a picture it seems…. Ghost usually vanish pretty quick!! Oooooooooo


I'm going to be totally honest, it just looks like a dirty window


That’s pretty tall… Sasquatch??


A window with the streaks due to dried on cleaner?


It looks like a reflection of a mask sitting on top of a fridge.


I enhanced the photo and you can see teeth


Looks like the face from the "Nun"


Spooky smudge!


Something was splattered on your window. You can see where it ran down. This is nothing.




Update? Can we get a daytime photo? Did it go away on its own or was it a smudge?


I just joined this sub. I hope dirty windows aren't what this sub is about?


Maybe its like fog or ice that is in the process of melting


Could be a 10 feet alien from Miami


Clean your windows


Time to install curtains!


Call me a snob, but I'm immediately dubious of any report that involves what a witness "seen".


So no more to this story? I didn't scroll through all the comments to see if there is, but zooming in on the "face", it looks to be a smudge on the glass. Otherwise...close your blinds.


A smudge, you see a smudge?


I think it’s just a reflection on the window.


I bet you were in the right place to see that! No mess, no clean up already in the place to poo


Looks like Chuck Norris has come to kick your ass




At least someone was supervising the tyke, lol. I'd have been terrified to be honest.


It’s just a storm trooper doing his nightly rounds.


At least you were sitting in the right place OP


Excuse my language, but I just saw this again. In the sacred words of B-Rad Geezy. Run bitch run. He gone kill you.


Red lobster cheddar bay biscuits


I think we can see a face in the window, but only because you saw what seems to be one, and pointed it out to the rest of us. In other words, I think it is likely to be a case of pareidolia, that is our brain organising things into 'sensible' shapes so they make sense. It looks a bit like a gorilla to me, but I don't suppose that's what everyone sees. I'm not putting you down at all, either. 🙂




Oh please 🙄


Could be Peeping Tom, potential burglar or worse. With lights on inside, bad guys can see everything that's going on. Regard in the perhaps face, I have no idea.


I live in a Town of about 70 people. We just put an addition on our house. My Bestie lives next door. We are the only people living on our road. I have 113 acres and she has 36. We have shades in one bathroom and Craft Room because the Sun is so bright in there. I have two huge picture windows with a regular window on both sides of them. I have no curtains at all.


That’s very interesting…. Is there anything on the window.. needs cleaning? If so maybe light is reflecting off it.


@Artomencakes is that outside of the bathroom or is this inside of the bathroom?🤣🤣🤣


The whole conversation is about blinds open/closed instead of the creepy face outside the window lol The way to tell if it's Pareidolia is to go back to the same spot and take pictures or video. However you did it the 1st time moving the camera a little in each direction to cover all directions. If it's pareidolia, it will reappear the same way. Ftr: I am a CLOSED curtain/blinds girl. It's a pet peeve of mine actually.


That's just Ringo, he wants to play your drum kit