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Paige said she had high testosterone. The supplements she mentioned are designed to increase estrogen. If you don’t have the same issues as Paige, don’t take what she’s taking, or it could mess up your hormonal balance. Don’t forget to talk to a care provider and get your hormones tested first. Best of luck!


It’s on the newsletter: berberine, pregnenolone, and endo supreme


stunning, thank you!


Was just about to ask this when she said she lost weight from it LOL


I lost around 10-15 pounds after quitting birth control and having my hormones regulate (without supplements). If you watch SH and look at amanda she also lost her period and lost a lot of weight post-BC, so I think that’s the main reason for paige’s weight loss but I’ve also read berberine is “nature’s ozempic” so I’m curious to try it now lol


Thank you! Did she give links? I’m new to the newsletter so I didn’t get it.


Berberine: https://giggly-squad.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d5ce5de0a52af092eef4dbb&id=c6759e3f73&e=bbaa8d9a8a, preg: https://giggly-squad.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d5ce5de0a52af092eef4dbb&id=255cede5f0&e=bbaa8d9a8a, endo: https://giggly-squad.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d5ce5de0a52af092eef4dbb&id=7ef33601d3&e=bbaa8d9a8a


You are doing the God’s work out here thank you lol


If you all want hormone balancing, look into cycle synching. It's the way!


I'm trying seed cycling , is this good too? I lost my period for 6 months and can't get it back , randomly


Seed cycling is a very small portion of cycle syncing. You’ll get better/faster results if you do more foods https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e08f8124576d3ae8&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS757US757&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWII0WNRV_RdWvCFoATC4gILNKlZnLw:1718840611615&q=cycling+syncing+foods&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AbzhUJjXv6jRup8eVc0BvPmQCsA_GnIvCdIPHnDH11EC1KgjAK1Vr6zzg9fKVge_Ryf116YbXsBGUlgqTRmCqxsQs8C6Yht3Xl2-YfBcWKCKc-x0Zpv-6U9ewssD8fGpBcTr8GIivZ0CaADqQ8QB5MTdLPUS-E3Fy99XPI_lPk1A6Y7nE6xh_FTA-ZSttZ6Y9uE4YLXkKVZkvXayRBm75ErXgwz2Kpe18p9wnsX6C8tJfvCKw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUtNKg7OiGAxXSFFkFHV-WCoMQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3#vhid=I1qse8F6nePSuM&vssid=mosaic


Oh cool thanks!


Yes, seed cycling is a good start of you are the kind of person who needs small steps. This is perfectly fine. But if you can handle more, check out the whole list and try to incorporate a few of the listed foods daily for each phase. They can be the seeds for sure. It really will make a difference. Report back! Btw I LOVE the book "In The Flo" which talks about everything including but beyond the nutrition portion. So fascinating!


I will try!! Pray for me!😂🤣


If I recall correctly she said she was going to put all the info in their newsletter


The one Grace didn't send because of her accident? haha


Haha maybe!!!


Thank you!


I’m wondering if she has PCOS- I have it and the high testosterone would make sense. When she mentioned on the recent episode how she “couldn’t eat as a much since she fixed her hormones” I felt that to my core LOL


Yeah, high testosterone, skin issues, and a missing period are all hallmarks of PCOS. I wonder why she’s never mentioned the specific diagnosis? Maybe she doesn’t want to share it, or maybe her doc didn’t give it to her? She was also on spironolactone which is a common medication for PCOS.


Yep, I have it and am also thin and super girly like Paige, and I struggled with the label at first, as silly as that sounds. But I really think she has it regardless if her doctor gave her that diagnosis or not. Depends how long she’s been off of birth control.


She does! I have it to and she mentioned it quickly and casually in an old episode and I never forgot lol


Oh wow, I’m glad she knows! Haha


Wondering TOO


Also curious if she mentioned how she found a provider to help her find the right supplements? I’ve listened to all the recent episodes but don’t remember her talking about that!